Gaming NIC Card only $279.99

lmao, I can't wait till benchmarks come out. :D

The funny thing is that this is being marketed for ignorant kids with rich parents, but they'll have no room to put this card in as the slots would already be full with dual graphics cards, a soundcard, and possibly a physx card.
prtzlboy said:
my favorite so far:

from their faq:


funny thing about that is NO ONE that reads Hard is going to buy that thing lol
Erasmus354 said:
At least they got the naming convention right. See where Ageia messed up is they didn't make their product sound mean and cool enough. They didn't have near enough X's to make up for the lack of a name like Killer, or Ultimate Mega ExXxtreme! I mean sure PhysX is clever as it is pronounced just like Physics and does manage to work in one all important X. But come on, with a name like Killer how can this product not be awesome?! Especially when they have a cool looking metal "heatsink" in their coolguy 3d render of their ultimate network card. Consider this preordered!


Tytus said:
Hey everyone, I am the inventor of the Killer NIC.
This will be my only post in this thread, as I don't want to interrupt your flow.
I applaud your skepticism, and I thank you for the interest in our Killer Network Card. It has been my personal vision for many years.
I hope that some of your questions are answered in this FAQ I put together:

If there are still questions, I would love to try to answer them at our sponsored community site:
Thanks, Tytus

It has been your personal vision for many years to take people's money and give them a piece of crap that's no better than a $25 NIC on Newegg? I would buy this any day over your K...K...Killer product.

edit: Sorry, my keyboard to motherboard connection lagged. I meant "Killer" product. Do you have a product that will allow my keyboard and mouse to communicate faster? Perhaps they can be equipped with high grade silver coated oxygen-free copper for faster transmission? I believe this would eliminate "lag" significantly.
here's what he said on the board


Thanks for joining the ELN boards. And Thank you for your questions about Killer.

I'm not sure I can convince you to buy Killer just yet... And that is okay: it may not be for you.

Why? Killer was designed for people who would LOVE to have 17ms Ping versus 20ms...

Killer was designed for people who want MORE FPS, especially in heavy action scenes with lots of networking going on.

And FPS and Ping (Latency) are big contributers to Lag.

What I can say is that running programs while gaming is a sure way to Lag. One of the main features of Killer is FNA: which allows Linux applications (like linux versions of VOIP, etc.) to run on the Killer instead of on your CPU. In my experience, and a lot of other ELN members, this would have a dramatic improvement effect.

Hope this helps,

P.S. RE: the rendered image... real images will be posted soon!

Forgot to mention: there are tons of threads here at ELN, where we and other ELN members routinely recommend more memory, better graphics cards, etc....

often ahead of getting a Killer NIC...

So to a point: i agree with you. But for gamers who already have at least a Gig of RAM and a Decent Graphics card (see our system requirements)... then Killer is the next logical step.

We are always the first to say that a user needs to upgrade their other components first...when it is warranted.

so, good point there: a gamer with 512MB of ram, should probably upgrade RAM first, Killer second!

phoderpants said:
It has been your personal vision for many years to take people's money and give them a piece of crap that's no better than a $25 NIC on Newegg? I would buy this any day over your K...K...Killer product.

you bring up a good point
DID any one catch if this "Killer" NIC can even do gigabit?


check out the replys to that post on there forum LOL
what a joke 3ms i cant even think how fast that is id bet if you had some play game on server with 15ms ping and 25ms 99.9999% of ppl would never know what was what
it is being marketed to the kinds of elite gamers who want it to look great, perform even better, and frequent websites such as hardocp and tomshardware.

Dang. That'll probably be the world's toughest sell ever.
biggest thing that reduced my pings was moving from a 2wire homeportal (DSL) to a Netopia Caymen series Dsl Router. I went from 30ms avg on the 2wire to 15ms on the Netopia. Im sure if people invested in better home networking dsl/cable routers/modems they would see better pings :)

i used to use some of the old 3com 3xp business class network cards that had the onboard processor as well. it never really did anything to help my ping out either by offloading the load.
MOZZ said:
biggest thing that reduced my pings was moving from a 2wire homeportal (DSL) to a Netopia Caymen series Dsl Router. I went from 30ms avg on the 2wire to 15ms on the Netopia. Im sure if people invested in better home networking dsl/cable routers/modems they would see better pings :)

i used to use some of the old 3com 3xp business class network cards that had the onboard processor as well. it never really did anything to help my ping out either by offloading the load.


most ppl use the crap thay get from there ISP
invest in a good router/gateway cable/DSL modem can make a HUGE diffrence in ping times
i use an all Linksys setup atm and im thinking about ditching the router for a linuxbox with some other niftty stuff running on it

but spending 150 bucks on good cat5, modem, and router can do alot more then this NIC will ever do

id rather spend that 300 on a REAL Cisco router then a NIC for one PC
This it the biggest rip off I have ever seen for a technology product.
Staples said:
This it the biggest rip off I have ever seen for a technology product.

idk ranks up there with the 100% markup newegg had on the their conroe chips, the e6400 and the e6300
Tytus said:
Hey everyone, I am the inventor of the Killer NIC.
This will be my only post in this thread, as I don't want to interrupt your flow.
I applaud your skepticism, and I thank you for the interest in our Killer Network Card. It has been my personal vision for many years.
I hope that some of your questions are answered in this FAQ I put together:

If there are still questions, I would love to try to answer them at our sponsored community site:
Thanks, Tytus

Looks like an automated message to me. A similar response was posted to Slashdot as well.
ExplodingTurnip said:
Looks like an automated message to me. A similar response was posted to Slashdot as well.

Someone had to sign up for the account though. It may have been copied and pasted, but a person posted it. I'll bet.
The following phrases from that elg forum post made by the "CEO" as his signature sudgests make me fairly sceptical about the acctual value of anything they are making:

"Dual Core ROCKS!"
"SHOCKED at the improvements that Killer can provide (depending on the game of course)"

Erm..wut (excuse me) what games sir?
I posted on their forums......I asked them directly what they did with the 4 MILLION dollars they received in venture capital for winning the first prize in the marketing competition they won.
So far it looks like they spent the cash on a web site, advertising a yet to be manufactured product, and some fancy pictures.
This looks alot like the Phantom Console.
"Killer Bank Account"
... looking at his info..

if he just graduated college, how is he one of the most influential network server guys @ intel?

and googling his name gives NOTHING about his past in intel. you would think with all those innovations he pioneered @ intel, there would at least be a white paper or something...

snake oil..
Why don't we all pony up a quater or something and get one of these bad boys to Brent to do an Exclusive Mega Network Showdown Review of this product. :D
pain.angel said:
The following phrases from that elg forum post made by the "CEO" as his signature sudgests make me fairly sceptical about the acctual value of anything they are making:

"Dual Core ROCKS!"
"SHOCKED at the improvements that Killer can provide (depending on the game of course)"

Erm..wut (excuse me) what games sir?

I was going to say the samething, they stuck out like sore thumbs, and why would a CEO talk like a 13 y/o pimpled faced gamer.
Blauman said:
I was going to say the samething, they stuck out like sore thumbs, and why would a CEO talk like a 13 y/o pimpled faced gamer.

Just because you're a CEO doesn't mean your some kind of uber professional, mature adult. I'm the CEO of my Ebay company and I'm an idiot. There ya go. Anyone can call themselves a CEO as long as they're in charge of whatever they're in charge of. :D
I posted on the eng lag forum. I specifically asked what the Killer guys did with their 4 million dollar prize money......they edited that right out of the post......if I won a prize for my idea I think I'd be real proud of it, not hide it.

You can go there and read my edited post, it's under my handle here.
This deal is stinking more and more.....
|CR|Constantine said:
Why don't we all pony up a quater or something and get one of these bad boys to Brent to do an Exclusive Mega Network Showdown Review of this product. :D

Count me in for a dollar......dont worry, they'll never sell one retail. It's 4 million dollar vaporware.
The picture of the card included on the website intro looks like one of those old netgear 10/100 cards with a giant K on it.

That K must have some lag powers that make it awesome - special even.
Blauman said:
Creative BS 101
haha, that made me laugh
but wouldnt it be "idiotic BS 101"?

I dont see anything creative, just pure marketing that makes a person with common sense go
If you want some creative BS go to their website.......unreal. You need boots its so deep.

I guess I have to remember their 4 million dollar prize was in marketing, not producing the actual product.

Smoke and mirrors.
magoo said:
If you want some creative BS go to their website.......unreal. You need boots its so deep.

I guess I have to remember their 4 million dollar prize was in marketing, not producing the actual product.

Smoke and mirrors.

what was your posts befor thay get edited over there lets see if we can back this guy in to a corrner
OOOOO man I really want this SOOOO bad but it’s not endorsed by fatal1ty. So I don’t know if its work the extra $250. Help me Tom Cruise use your witchcraft.
You would probably get the same effect from buying this card and a PPU as taking $250 bux and sticking it in an open PCI slot (for the NIC) and then taking another $250 and sticking it in another empty PCI slot (for the PPU).

Plus it would look a shitload better through the window in the side of your case...