Games you play that you never get "sick" of?

Soldier of Fortune 2 if I can find a good (populated) server... The simplest, and probably the best implementation of multiplier game-play, where your skill dictates your score, not some shitty hit detection algorithm (BF3 bullshit anybody???)
SimCity 2000
SimCity 4
Civ 2
Forza Motorsport
GTA Vice City
Battlefield 1942

I know, at least a decade behind the times.
Fallout 3 and new vegas
Twisted metal 1 and 2
Jet moto 1 and 2
Road rash all of them
cod zombies
Ive put so many hours into these game and beat them countless times
Mario Kart 64
Megaman Legends
Warcraft 3- Custom Maps
Kindom Hearts 1 & 2