Game With Your Spouse Or S/O?


Oct 25, 2007
Since it was brought up in my house the other night, I was just curious if there were others here, perhaps older, but either way, who game with their spouse or significant other?

I'm 34, my wife is 30, and she also happens to be into the things I am, such as FPS (we'll both be playing L4D), HL2 etc., as well as games such as Diablo. We also (well, used to, for the time being) have played racing titles together on the Xbox & 360, though that's all I'd ever touch a console for anymore.

I've run into the occasional couple online who actually game together, and though it's fairly common, I don't often see it mentioned by anyone.

So... married, dating, straight, gay, bi (games do not discriminate! ;))... anyone else happen to game with their significant other?

If there are any out there looking to get together with other mature adults for games such as L4D or Diablo 3, when ever it's released, feel free to drop me a line.
There was a couple in my L2 clan that shared the same dwarf.

But I haven't personally met any girls who are into games that I would date.
I think one big issue is most college girls aren't going to spend money on a gaming machine.
All couples I've met that do this are your age or older.

As our generation gets older you will probably see more of it.
I'm very jealous. My wife does not game one single bit. She'll sit there and knit while I game, or do something else. She'll just complain every now and then about how gruesome some games are and how I shouldn't play them around my son.
I've attempted many times to get my girlfriend of four years to get into gaming, but it hasn't really seemed to work. The only thing I've gotten her into is some Wii games and occasionally she'll play some Wolfenstein.

We're both also 20 years old, so I don't know if that helps you any.
Rurik, have you tried getting your wife to play any Wii games. Women seem to love some of the corny games there are for the Wii.
I sometimes play games like LittleBigPlanet & PixelJunk Monsters with my girl...and she can barely play those... :p
Since it was brought up in my house the other night, I was just curious if there were others here, perhaps older, but either way, who game with their spouse or significant other?

I'm 34, my wife is 30, and she also happens to be into the things I am, such as FPS (we'll both be playing L4D), HL2 etc., as well as games such as Diablo. We also (well, used to, for the time being) have played racing titles together on the Xbox & 360, though that's all I'd ever touch a console for anymore.

I've run into the occasional couple online who actually game together, and though it's fairly common, I don't often see it mentioned by anyone.

So... married, dating, straight, gay, bi (games do not discriminate! ;))... anyone else happen to game with their significant other?

If there are any out there looking to get together with other mature adults for games such as L4D or Diablo 3, when ever it's released, feel free to drop me a line.
Ahh, every gamer's secret dream.

I can't say that I do. I don't know a lot of girls that are into games... I know of some older folks (by older I mean late 20s to mid-30s) who play RPGs, and a ton of "casual" girl gamers who will play Rock Band or Guitar Hero quite horribly at a friends house... but that's it. Plus there's the odd couple who own Nintendo DSs to play on the subway.
My husband and I game together too. We play LotRO with his sister, her husband, and (sometimes) their kids. There are a lot of couples in our guild. I don't feel like our situation is that unusual, at least not in LotRO.

We used to play WoW together, and that was completely different. I didn't hide the fact that I'm a girl from the people I played with, but I didn't advertise it either. I was a member of an 18+ guild. When we first got a Ventrilo server, I almost got gkicked because half the guild heard my voice and thought I was a pre-pubescent boy.

We absolutely will be playing D3 together if/when it ever comes out. Really looking forward to that one! Back in our college days, we stayed touch with each other through D2.
My wife plays WoW several hours of the week, however i do not. I usually end up just listening to her bitch about the strange juvenile (IMO) culture within the game. Major lulz @ some of the people in her guild(s).

I do play fps, racing and rts games, which she doesn't have any interest in.

We've made a "date" for Diablo III though, which we BOTH agree on.

Gaming wives = sympathetic ears to computer woes and spending :D
Can't play a coop game with the girl. To damn competitive.
Last game we played together was NFS Underground. She had a bad habit of running me into a wall. She cheats!

Now we play separately. She plays on the Xbox, I play on the pc.
My wife and I are both 30 and she occasionally plays cod4 with me. I even got her to join my clan :) she mainly pubs every now and then or plays with the clan while we're readying up for a scrim or until the match starts.
She likes to play the lego series games with me and my son. The only other game that she plays and put a lot of time into is Sims 2 and all the other expansions. I just got her to play L4D and she's enjoying it. Having a wife that plays also makes it easier to upgrade the pc with less little to no arguments. "But honey, I really need that GTX 280 so you can have a better experience with the Sims 3 when it comes out lol"
The wife plays mainly simpler games like slingo and such,or game show games like Wheel of Fortune and Jeapordy.She's just not into the games I am like GTA and COD.
Hit my wife up with some BF2 and she cried when she got killed and so she sticks to hearts.
my girl is amore of a xbox fan but she does enjoy the sims2 ALOT...
she builds house and some giant wardrobe lol.
she has so much d/l content that her games takes over 20 minutes to load on a pretty good system.

got her to play some adventure game as well, like the longest journey but her love is still mainly with the xbox...

but at least when I'm like, hmmm should I uppgrade X part she's like FUCK YEAH

Definitely great to hear about others who game together. It's not that it's "rare", though it's not always likely that couples actually game together, meaning the same titles/genres and if they do, they don't often make it known who they are in-game.

Definitely some responses here that made me laugh out loud, literally :D

Yeah, my wife used to always threaten me with "boost shunting your ass" in Burnout, lol... though she's a good shot (in real life too) and can handle the zombies well!

I understand the "money perspective" between gamers and their spouses who are not, but not from a personal perspective. We're not like that about money in the first place, so I feel sorry for those who have to hear the "griping", heh heh. People who aren't really into gaming, sometimes don't understand the passion of us hardcore gamers for the experience.

My wife just got a massive upgrade from my "old" system when I just recently upgraded my entire system about four months back, and she's quite the happy little gamer now.

We also have a "date" for Diablo 3, and the more she plays L4D (the demo) with me, the more I realize how enjoyable it's going to be. She wasn't originally into actually playing many FPS titles, because she lacked the "confidence" in doing so, but now... glad she's on my side, lol ;)

I'm mainly an "FPS man", though I do love some action/RPGs/MMOs etc. such as Diablo (huge fan since it's inception). Hell, I even played through the Guild Wars campaigns with her. Not too bad of a game, I must say. We had a lot of fun.

Was always heavy into BF since the beginning, but I tired of it after so many years, and she liked it, but wasn't huge on the series. Loved to watch me play titles such as BF, F.E.A.R., Max Payne etc. though. Just had to get her confidence up with the shooters.

Never tried LoTRO, but checked into it here and there. Was never too sure about it. Only game I ever paid a monthly fee for was way back in the day with UO.

Anyway, glad to see the great responses. Maybe we'll find someone to get together with for some gruesome zombie action, or D3 hack-slash-&-burn... or freeze or electrocute, you know... ;)
My wife plays games like Smash Bros, Tetris and Mario Party. She claims she gets motion sickness with FPS games. Fortunately she is pretty understanding about a hardware purchase since I don't mind when she buys whatever when she needs it However she does read my PC Gamer magazine and comments on the crappy gfx when she sees it.
My girlfriend owns a mac -_-

However she's really into sims so I went and bought sims2 for her and stuffs and put it on the laptop so when I'm gaming she plays that. She's tried playing fps but she can't get into them.. she doesn't like shooting people. =\

But I will eventually find something she likes to play besides the wii I'm hoping. Shes just as competitive as me which is bad because when she does bad at something she gets really frustrated and you can't really push them either or the s/o's will never want to play again =\

I did teach her how to snowboard though and got her a nice setup so she will be doing that with me for a long time =)
my girl doesn't touch video games. in fact she thinks i'm a giant geek for playing them.

If there are any out there looking to get together with other mature adults for games such as L4D or Diablo 3, when ever it's released, feel free to drop me a line.

soft swap or full?
I'm 39, wife is 36 we both game (together and on our own) both play wow, both play urban terror (all the people from work play UT together every Friday to blow off steam, and I do mean ALL, from the owner of the company on down) diablo 2, rise of nations, racing games etc.
Well, My girlfriend **hinted** that she might like to try the Wii, (Especially WiiFit) so now she's getting the console and the Wiifit board as an early x-mas gift. :)
I would like to try to get her to play games i like, but she's not into many of the games except for the simpler ones.
My wife and I game together all the time. We just recently beat fable 2 via couch coop. and we lan diablo2 on occasion. other games are on the list, but i don't feel like typing them out :p
Though i'm 24 and she's 22, so we both grew up on video games as kids, and i can't see us stopping anytime soon.

I'm living the nerd dream :)
Yeah I get my fiancee to play some 360 games with me. I got her to play some CS:S awhile back and she played it for a good week to 2 weeks.

She mainly plays racing games now, like Midnight club LA, and sometimes the new Crash bandicoot.

oh and forgot she also loves my dreamcast and saturn.. Virtual cop 2 on saturn and her Nes roms on the dreamcast, always hear her playing super mario 2.
She likes games that don't require fast reactions or complex sequences in real-time. Mainly RPGs and casual games. She can't really play many of the games I like, but I do enjoy many of the games that she does, so sometimes we can find a match in games like Boomblox, Elebits, Castle Crashers, that sort of thing. For the most part she just likes to sit with me as I play and eventually drift off to sleep to sound of me kicking ass:D

She doesn't really like me playing PC games though, since she can't sit next to me at a desktop. I tried easing her into FPS gaming with Portal and Elebits, but it's a lot to coordinate when you're not used to immersing yourself into that kind of perspective.
My wife plays games like Smash Bros, Tetris and Mario Party. She claims she gets motion sickness with FPS games.

My wife is the same way. Any kind of FPS gives her motion sickness. She fired up TF2 for a total of 5 minutes tonight.

My oldest daughter is almost 12 and is loving the gaming scene though.

I laugh when I see her dominating people in TF2.
My girlfriend plays a ton of Portal and the Orange Box with me but she also plays a lot of casual games just because her laptop sucks.
She likes games that don't require fast reactions or complex sequences in real-time. Mainly RPGs and casual games. She can't really play many of the games I like, but I do enjoy many of the games that she does, so sometimes we can find a match in games like Boomblox, Elebits, Castle Crashers, that sort of thing. For the most part she just likes to sit with me as I play and eventually drift off to sleep to sound of me kicking ass:D

She doesn't really like me playing PC games though, since she can't sit next to me at a desktop. I tried easing her into FPS gaming with Portal and Elebits, but it's a lot to coordinate when you're not used to immersing yourself into that kind of perspective.

Yeah, that's a big part of it for many... getting into that kind of perspective, as you put it, and trying to coordinate everything.

My wife is the opposite though, in terms of falling asleep. I cant count the number of hours she forced herself to sit next to me at my desk to watch me play Fallout 3 just recently. She doesn't ever want to miss anything, heh heh.

My wife is the same way. Any kind of FPS gives her motion sickness. She fired up TF2 for a total of 5 minutes tonight.

My oldest daughter is almost 12 and is loving the gaming scene though.

I laugh when I see her dominating people in TF2.

That's great :D to see when some of these younger kids come in and wipe the floor with even some of us experienced "old timers". There are so many young kids today that are seriously impressive with their reactions in the FPS genre, it's crazy.

I wonder if she's one who's ever fragged me in TF2 ;)
My wife normally cheers me on during a scrim in cod2 and 4. I got her to play cod4 the other night with my buddies and she pulled a jumping no scope out of her ass from across the map. It was beautiful.
I try to include her in all the games I play but she usually likes to spectate instead. I remembered pulling all nighters with her on the PS2 playing resident evil series with the lights off. She would play until she gets to the boss levels and throws the controller to me when she gets overwhelmed lol. She liked to help solve little puzzles when we play resident evil or devil may cry and recently Portal.
I think she's starting to understand why I like to hop on after work to rape face to help blow off some steam from a shitty day at the job. She was playing L4D when I came in from working screaming and laughing to herself.
She seems to like most of the games that I play but unless we're playing together at the same time she'll get bored. The sims 2 is the only game that she would play for hours at a time. somebody told her a cheat to get an assload of money so now all she does is use the cheat instead of making her sims work and builds all kinds of amazing houses. Most of her game time is spent in the building section of the game.
I showed her the trailer for sims3 and she is all kinds of excited about it now.
My girl used to play CoD, CS:S, and Halo with me, but now she's one of those "video games are a waste of time" girls. :(

Only plays Rock Band with me now... so sad... :(
My husband and I game together too. We play LotRO with his sister, her husband, and (sometimes) their kids. There are a lot of couples in our guild. I don't feel like our situation is that unusual, at least not in LotRO.

We used to play WoW together, and that was completely different. I didn't hide the fact that I'm a girl from the people I played with, but I didn't advertise it either. I was a member of an 18+ guild. When we first got a Ventrilo server, I almost got gkicked because half the guild heard my voice and thought I was a pre-pubescent boy.

We absolutely will be playing D3 together if/when it ever comes out. Really looking forward to that one! Back in our college days, we stayed touch with each other through D2.

hah, i find alot of WoW players to be suprisingly mature not alot of them care if there is a girl, i was in a semi hardcore guild that cleared all TBC content and we had 4 girls in this guild and everyone just got along with each other.
She doesn't really like me playing PC games though, since she can't sit next to me at a desktop. I tried easing her into FPS gaming with Portal and Elebits, but it's a lot to coordinate when you're not used to immersing yourself into that kind of perspective.

Look at Samsung HDTVs - they are very friendly to PC inputs.
My wife hates gaming. The only game she ever showed interest in was Lego Indy as she thought it was cute!
My girlfriend and I both play World of Warcraft pretty hardcore. We're both 23, she isn't by any means a hardcore player but she is definitely above average on your average player there, we both have epic'd out 70's and we arena together in 2v2, as a Warlock/Mage combo making it to 1750 consistently I think it pretty good with your girlfriend ;) Plus playing side by side is really fun.

We also play a great deal of PS3 games that are co-op, she doesn't like the shooters too much, but games like Tennis, Spyro, Little Big Planet. It's all good and fun.
I wish my wife would get into gaming. After knowing each other for 5 years, I'm just now getting her to play board games and card games more. I have to let her win at least 2 out of every 5 games or she gets pissed and won't play for weeks. That's just part of her competitive nature I guess.

I have tried to get her interested in many different types of computer games, anywhere from the RPGs and FPSs to MMORPG and the turn based games. She just gets bored with them way too fast.

Before I married her, I considered holding out for a gamer girl, but the ones worth marrying are few and far between (no offense to those that are ...).
My fiance isn't a hardcore gamer. PC games she pretty much won't touch. She will let me upgrade my PC when I want though. :D

Now when it comes to my Nintendo Wii though...that's a whole different ball game.

The Super Mario Bros games on the VC and the Mario Karts she'll play those all day long with me. Wii Sports and my Wii Fit are also used quite often by her. :)
I play games with the wife, unfortunately she sucks and is incredibly frustrating to play with.
Rurik, have you tried getting your wife to play any Wii games. Women seem to love some of the corny games there are for the Wii.

18 months ago, I was prepared to buy a new console - either a 360 or a Wii. My wife convinced me to buy the Wii so that we can play together and play with friends. I got it, picked up a few games (Rayman, etc). She's put maybe 30 minutes into it total. I got an Xbox last December, and the Wii has sat for nearly a year untouched.

Every time I talk her into it, she declines because she is a very poor player, which is true. But, it'd still be fun to play.