Game With Your Spouse Or S/O?

my fiancee does kinda like watching me play dead space, shes really into horror movies and zombi movies (but not stuff like Saw)
My girlfriend want's to "learn" how to game... but that's as far as it has gone.

But my good friend from college (who is a girl) games with her boyfriend a lot. She even calls me for help with certain games. She called me the other day for help with mario galaxy.

I also used to game with a girl in WoW...

So... girls do game ;)
my fiancee does kinda like watching me play dead space, shes really into horror movies and zombi movies (but not stuff like Saw)

Haha my gf likes to watch me play horror games, but she does not dare play them by herself.. she only likes watching! :D
My fiancee has no interest in gaming but that's fine by me. Mainly because she doesn't mind my gaming, though I am smart and time it to coincide with her watching Dancing with the Stars, etc. I knew many couples that played EQ together, which I was little jealous of. ;) I'm happy though, I get plenty of gaming in yet and she loves watching football with me! Go Pack!
One perceived benefit of a girlfriend/wife that doesn't game is the ability to play what you want.

IE: i'd be a little peeved if I had to play L4D wih the S/O when I really wanted to play Madden.

for the horror game guy... what happens if you want to play Dead Space and your S/O isn't around? If you play without her, you'll probably have to end up replaying the parts you beat when she's around.

So, it's not all good. Still... I'm just a little envious.
I have a very nice PC set up with a big beautiful 30inch LCD and a rig that currently scores over 21K on 3dmark06. The most graphically intense game my wife likes to play is Solitaire. Go figure. Lord knows I've tried but if you didn't grow up playing video games you somehow become mentally retarded at them as an adult.

My last ditch effort was a couple months ago when I bought Wall-E for PC for her. (She really like the movie and so I figured, "What the hell, worth a shot.") After about 5 mintues of being utterly confounded by the most rudimentary of controls and after sending Wall-E off a cliff about 30 times in a row, she gave up in disgust and said, "I just can't stand killing Wall-E over and over." She's never touched the game since.

BTW anyone want to buy Wall-E for PC? :p
I have a very nice PC set up with a big beautiful 30inch LCD and a rig that currently scores over 21K on 3dmark06. The most graphically intense game my wife likes to play is Solitaire. Go figure. Lord knows I've tried but if you didn't grow up playing video games you somehow become mentally retarded at them as an adult.

My last ditch effort was a couple months ago when I bought Wall-E for PC for her. (She really like the movie and so I figured, "What the hell, worth a shot.") After about 5 mintues of being utterly confounded by the most rudimentary of controls and after sending Wall-E off a cliff about 30 times in a row, she gave up in disgust and said, "I just can't stand killing Wall-E over and over." She's never touched the game since.

BTW anyone want to buy Wall-E for PC? :p

I never buy games based off Disney movies
My girlfriend used to play Sims 2 pretty often. I've forced her to watch some of my FPS/RTS games before and she humors me but doesn't really care beyond the fact that I enjoy them.

The best solution so far was to get a Wii. We play Wii Sports, Mario Kart, and Guitar Hero together every now and then.

Can't really complain.
Three words: World of Warcraft. My SO and I play almost all the time. I've tried to get him to play other games but other than Lego Star Wars, a little Mario Party and Wii Sports, it's been a bust. I almost got him into NWN 2 but at the time it was too buggy and frame rates were crap even on a 7950 GX2.

He does play Spore and The Sims 2 a lot though.
Three words: World of Warcraft. My SO and I play almost all the time. I've tried to get him to play other games but other than Lego Star Wars, a little Mario Party and Wii Sports, it's been a bust. I almost got him into NWN 2 but at the time it was too buggy and frame rates were crap even on a 7950 GX2.

He does play Spore and The Sims 2 a lot though.

mindfuck. :p
Recently my girlfriend of three years asked to game with me and I fell in love with her all over again. I'm starting her slow with Gears of War 2 and I'll let you guys know how it goes. Lol.
My girl really likes to play Bomberman on Xbox 360 and claims to be the best at it. She's also a huge World of Warcraft fan. Too bad I hate it...
When I had the old xbox, I used to play fighting games with my wife, DOA and such. Racing games as well.
She is not into FPS or RPGs, so I'm a lone when it comes to computer games.
Hope when we get a PS3 this xmas, we can start playing again although with a new baby, I don't see that happening unless he is a sleep :)

Game on dudes
My wife will play the wii with the kids and I. She likes the Wii sports and also tiger woods golf the most. She'll also do guitar hero and loved the rock band thing at a friends house. We'll probably end up getting that for Christmas so the whole family can be terrible together. There's a couple of other titles she will play but she mostly sticks to word puzzle games on her laptop.
I got my wife to try out TF2 on the PC. Now she is better than and I never get to play :( Lol.
She plays LBP with me also and we have fun with that. (Im better at that one!)
Wife hates the Xbox and PC, but last year all she wanted for Christmas was a Wii. She wasn't much of a gamer before but she's definitely starting to come to the dark side now.
Just wanted to chime in here.

My Fiancee is a total gamer. Right now we primarily play wow together. She's got 2 lvl 70s and is working on a 3rd.

I was perfectly happy with gaming on the PC but she wanted more games and went out and purchased a Wii and 360 lol.

Having a gaming spouse is nice when it comes to upgrades. She's been complaining about the speed of the PC she uses which is a major bonus for me. She'll end up getting the components from my PC thus allowing me to upgrade! hahaha so sweet.

I only wish I could get her into FPS games. It might be something we'll work on over the winter.
The fiancee and I play games quite a bit together. We are both late 20's with no plans on kids in the near future.

Our first joint purchase was actually our PS3. She likes a lot of the RPG games as well as a bunch of performers on the DS. She hadn't really played much in the was of FPS before so she is just getting started in that genre.

She likes to play fighting games as well, but I won't play against her, just don't see that ending well for me.

About the only games she doesn't care for are racing games, but I only like a few and rarely play them anyway.

Anything we can play together though is a big hit. Little Big Planet and Lego Star Wars have been getting a bit of play time lately.
The fiancee and I play games quite a bit together. We are both late 20's with no plans on kids in the near future.

Our first joint purchase was actually our PS3. She likes a lot of the RPG games as well as a bunch of performers on the DS. She hadn't really played much in the was of FPS before so she is just getting started in that genre.

She likes to play fighting games as well, but I won't play against her, just don't see that ending well for me.

About the only games she doesn't care for are racing games, but I only like a few and rarely play them anyway.

Anything we can play together though is a big hit. Little Big Planet and Lego Star Wars have been getting a bit of play time lately.

I bought my PS3 myself but I was able to justify it to her by mentioning it can ply blu-ray movies as well as upscale DVDs.
I was on the fence trying to pick which I wanted(PS3 or 360) or if I wanted to spend the money, so she used the lets buy it together thing to push me into doing it.
I was on the fence trying to pick which I wanted(PS3 or 360) or if I wanted to spend the money, so she used the lets buy it together thing to push me into doing it.

Awesome. Both are great consoles. Im considering picking up an xbox 360 sometime next year, if i can get a good price on one with an HDMI plug.
Dam, you people have to tell me how do you find girls so interested in games, over here they don't care for games at all =/