Galaxy Note 3 to pack Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processor

Looks impressive. I think my next phone will be a Note. GS3 contract is up in Sep '14, so whatever model is out at that time, I'm probably going to get one. Large screen, plenty of power, great battery life...perfect for work use.
This sounds like a crazy rumor, but I suppose could be true ?

Galaxy Note 3 to ship with four different models

According to the Korean site ETNews, Samsung is planning to launch four different versions of the Galaxy Note 3.

Supposedly, the top of the line Note 3 will be a limited edition model built from high quality materials, and will feature a 13 megapixel camera and one of Samsung’s unbreakable AMOLED displays. The second model will be the same but with a regular AMOLED display, the third variant will opt of an LCD screen over AMOLED, with the final version dropping the 13 megapixel camera in favor of a 8 megapixel version, and it too will feature an LCD display.
won't matter we will all be getting only 1 choice on the US carriers.
won't matter we will all be getting only 1 choice on the US carriers.

I'm not so sure about that. Samsung has released multiple editions of the same phone in the US in the past.
I'm not so sure about that. Samsung has released multiple editions of the same phone in the US in the past.

Ya but in most cases on a single carrier you only have one choice. For instance some people I think on ATT can select the S4 or the S4 active but not on sprint.
Ya but in most cases on a single carrier you only have one choice. For instance some people I think on ATT can select the S4 or the S4 active but not on sprint.

True and valid point.
I am almost positive Verizon, who I am with, will not get ANY of those devices.

I would say Verizon seems likely to get the HTC at least. They'll likely be a good month or six behind the other carriers on getting it but they'll eventually get them.
looks exactly like my note 2 except for the additional (camera?) button on the right side.

I'm pretty sure the Note 3 will follow the same path that the S4 did from the S3. A larger screen, but in a thinner frame with smaller bezel and overall phone size no larger, and not radically different design style than the previous model.

I think the Note 3 will have the obvious larger screen, but the phone itself will be no bigger than the Note 2, and will also be thinner, lighter, and look like a big S4.
I dont want no Octa core, just please give the US SnapDragon 800. Its a few notches better.

Also what is better in your opinion,

Super AMOLED or LCD (LCD if so what form is best)?
I dont want no Octa core, just please give the US SnapDragon 800. Its a few notches better.

Also what is better in your opinion,

Super AMOLED or LCD (LCD if so what form is best)?

Yeah, I think I'd rather have the 800 or even the 600 over the Octa, if just for easier development on for unofficial kernels/ROMs.

SAMOLED and LCD have their trade-offs. I wouldn't mind having either of them. I have to say that I've grown pretty fond of my Note 2's SAMOLED display though, esp when watching any movies on it since the contrast and dark levels are amazing. I kind of like the somewhat over-saturated colors of the display too; I'm not doing professional photo editing on my phone, so I don't care much for completely accurate colors and like the brighter, more vivid colors that the screen shows off everywhere. I know some people have experience permanent burn-in on their Galaxy phones too, but I never saw that on my Gnex or my Note 2 so far and I use Bedside to use my phone as a night clock, so the screen is on all night.

It's almost guaranteed that Samsung will put their own SAMOLED display in the Note 3 though.
I dont want no Octa core, just please give the US SnapDragon 800. Its a few notches better.

Also what is better in your opinion,

Super AMOLED or LCD (LCD if so what form is best)?

The Exynos 5, while being better then the S600 wasn't really that much better. Its expected that the S800 will trump it but use a bit more power in the process. Plus Qualcomm's ability to hand out documentation and release open source drivers for developers is an advantage over the Exynos.

The best screen will be SLCD2+, although I'm a fan of SAMOLED screens, just because I'm a color junky. A true IPS screen would be the very best but those screens are costly and I doubt we'll see them try to get back into phones.
Are phones not true IPS? What is the difference?

To me I really like the deep blacks and great contrast on OLED , and I tend to gravitate toward it because I feel OLED gets leaps and bounds better with every year where as IPS is pretty good but doesn't seem to get much better. SO it will be interesting to see if OLED can keep up the momentum and pass up all LCD tech.
Are phones not true IPS? What is the difference?

To me I really like the deep blacks and great contrast on OLED , and I tend to gravitate toward it because I feel OLED gets leaps and bounds better with every year where as IPS is pretty good but doesn't seem to get much better. SO it will be interesting to see if OLED can keep up the momentum and pass up all LCD tech.

From the way I understood it Apple for the longest time was the only user of a true (or pure) IPS display. The more I look it up it seems that LG has actually been using it since the butterfly (DNA) and onward which would make it why I like that display so much, hmm...

Maybe I'm rambling but most phones that use typical IPS displays (LCD) are really using something short.

edit: Ok nm, I guess LG has been using it since the optimus. My vote: LG IPS displays are the best.
For only a short period, they mainly use samsung/lg and they use their own specifications
Bgr, bleh.

Wonder why no one else reported this *rumor*

I will give them credit, they did state this would hurt only one of the varients of the SIII which seems to be a popular rumor.

Yeah, BGR does blow, not sure why I still even check that Apple owned site, from time to time anymore. They are rumor city there, most their sh!t is wrong.

But...if true there will be four different variants of the N3, ( not the SIII that's last year ) I could see one of the cheaper lower end versions having supply issues possibly.
Yeah, BGR does blow, not sure why I still even check that Apple owned site, from time to time anymore. They are rumor city there, most their sh!t is wrong.
What was that Android site with the worst rumors ever?!?

I don't believe BGR is more biased then, say CNET. But they are publishing a lot more Apple news, probably due to the fact that they get paid per click, and there are trolls all over the place there. And the ban-hammer isn't very big over there.
What is the best Android tech website ? I am open to ideas

I check out;
- Android Central
- Android Authority
- Android Police

Those three sites seem to cover all my smartphone news. Once in a while I surf MacRumors. The Verge I used to like when it was brand new, but now they seem all over the place on news of different genres, to me they sort of lost their [H]ardcore smartphone news. And I stopped reading Engagdet when Josh left.

Oh yeah, I forgot. Anandtech :) Always a classic old school PC hardware site, but now they are great with smartphone reviews too.
I always go to anand for the low down on hardware but they are hardly a good rumor mill. Their forums are pretty harsh on rumor links as well.

Engadget haha, yea when josh left that site took a huge dump.

Macrumors are still decent for rumors they seem to filter alot out and post some of the more concrete stuff.
Those three sites i find myself going to very often, i dont have one particular go to site. Although android police has been pretty sketchy.
I just stick with Droid Life mostly nowadays. But I also occasionally check Pocketnow and Phandroid.
To be honest, I come here and let Zorachus deliver all the rumors...
To be honest, I come here and let Zorachus deliver all the rumors...

LOL :D I'll do all the leg work, and post on the [H] if it's good smartphone news. Trust me, if its about a new upcoming high end phone, you'll see my thread.
LOL :D I'll do all the leg work, and post on the [H] if it's good smartphone news. Trust me, if its about a new upcoming high end phone, you'll see my thread.
Seriously, if you have a blog, twitter, facebook about mobile phones/gadget rumors, I'd follow it.
Seriously, if you have a blog, twitter, facebook about mobile phones/gadget rumors, I'd follow it.

Thanks, but I am just an amateur fan of tech gadgets, mainly smartphones and custom PC's, and space news or NASA stuff.

I am no professional reviewer or journalist by any means, but thanks. Just keep an eye on the [H] Mobile forum, if it's a hot new phone, I've got it covered here :)

Smartphones have overtaken my PC upgrades the last few years. Years ago I was all about a brand new custom PC every year, buying the best VideoCard and motherboard, etc... then as smartphones got cool, I started spending money on those upgrades instead, and only do a new PC now maybe every two years or so.
Smartphones have overtaken my PC upgrades the last few years. Years ago I was all about a brand new custom PC every year, buying the best VideoCard and motherboard, etc... then as smartphones got cool, I started spending money on those upgrades instead, and only do a new PC now maybe every two years or so.

Exactly same here. Now that I'm going to school and working full time and come home to a family of 4, I don't have time to play with PCs anymore. The only gaming and media consumption I get is from my phone when I can catch short breaks here and there. :(
Exactly same here. Now that I'm going to school and working full time and come home to a family of 4, I don't have time to play with PCs anymore. The only gaming and media consumption I get is from my phone when I can catch short breaks here and there. :(
How is going back to school? I'm considering it myself. I'm thinking I need Risk Management.
Exactly same here. Now that I'm going to school and working full time and come home to a family of 4, I don't have time to play with PCs anymore. The only gaming and media consumption I get is from my phone when I can catch short breaks here and there. :(

Starting school again in a few weeks, i feel ya there, the little time i get im usually playing on my phone.
How is going back to school? I'm considering it myself. I'm thinking I need Risk Management.

It's not bad depending on what classes you get. I dread English-type classes as they're the most time consuming with all their assignments and papers to write. But right now I'm in a Windows 7/Server 2008 configuration and intro to SQL and it's easy peasy. I'm in my 2nd year right now and enjoying it for the most part so far. I'm also enjoying getting an extra paycheck while going to the school too (using my 9/11 GI Bill from the military gives me housing allowance and book stipends while I'm in school). Which is needed now that I'm being furloughed 2 days every pay period until the end of the FY. Thanks, Obama. :(

Starting school again in a few weeks, i feel ya there, the little time i get im usually playing on my phone.

GL man! Most of it isn't that bad really. You'll be glad you did once you get in the groove of things and look back on it. ;)
I agree plus its time i moved on. I think having kids will make it easier this time, instead of partying all the time.