Galaxy 5th Week of Christmas Give-Aways!

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Perfect Dark (N64)
Battlefield: Bad Company 2

Best games evar!

Close third is Halo 1 on the XBOX :p
Call of Duty

Originals are always better than sequels. There is absolutely no telling how many hours I spent on those two games.
DOOM - Old school LAN gaming after hours at work in the 90's
Half Life 2 - just because it is so awesome
Quake 3

The original Quake for the atmosphere & Q3 for the endless multiplayer action.
nice I need some more folding powah

1. Half Life 2
2. Deus Ex
Because I want a PhysX card. 460 1GB would be nice. but if I don't win it that's fine too. ^_^
Oh top shooters: Wolf 3D was the original wasn't it? That and Doom.
Jedi Knight 2, and Crysis.
I could use this because asus killed my gtx275.
One of these day's I'm actually going to win of these give-aways!

That being said:

1) Day of Defeat (pre-source)
2) Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
based on playing time, i have spent the most time playing counter strike and team fortress 2. i like the smoothness of the gameplay.
I started back in the day with Quake. Nothing make Quake more awesome than having a 3DFX card and playing glQuake!

Half Life 2 was pretty sweet as well, with Team Fortress 2.
Quake 2 & Half Life back when I didn't have as much of a life.
Favorite shooter of all time... Cybermage. It is an old one, but it got me hooked on PC gaming. And now mass effect.
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