(G92)8800GT First review!

As for those wondering if the site is legit or advertising bait, granted I don't read Chinese or even have my browser set up to display it, but I didn't see anything on the 20-odd pages that even looked like an ad, unless it was the banner at the top that never changed, which could just be a site logo. Seems strange to post FUD for ad revenue when you don't have any ads.
um, he is giving YOU seconds? and you are taking it like a little bitch? grow some balls. there is always tomorrow.

Maybe with a little less caps lock I would of answered your question, but because of it, your going to need to read the first 9 pages of this topic first, and don't say you did, because you wouldn't be asking that if you did.

Edit. You PM'd me, you asshole, im not giving you information because you cant sit still long enough to read some forum posts, get some ritalin dumbass.

I'm sorry I have to go off-topic here. I must say HOW funny this is, I literally LOL-laughed my ass off in my chair. Though I usually disagree with LawGiver's butt, he's got some funny in him. No disrespect to the guy who wanted the answer but LawGiver's right and you created a post for your question like 30 min. earlier...the "funnies" are in bold tbh lol, again I'm sorry :( :D.
As for those wondering if the site is legit or advertising bait, granted I don't read Chinese or even have my browser set up to display it, but I didn't see anything on the 20-odd pages that even looked like an ad, unless it was the banner at the top that never changed, which could just be a site logo. Seems strange to post FUD for ad revenue when you don't have any ads.

Google Translator is your friend. :)
At the risk of getting flamed myself ... :)

Guys, get a room please ... and web-cam the results thanks

Theirs plenty of flame to go around, but please wait your turn.

I'm sorry I have to go off-topic here. I must say HOW funny this is, I literally LOL-laughed my ass off in my chair. Though I usually disagree with LawGiver's butt, he's got some funny in him. No disrespect to the guy who wanted the answer but LawGiver's right and you created a post for your question like 30 min. earlier...the "funnies" are in bold tbh lol, again I'm sorry :( :D.

What can I say, some people on the internet bring it out of me.
ouch..i hurt my eyes, i can't believe this.

i'm still waiting for GTS 320's prices to come down here, it's still US$293, and this GT 512 finally show up only to be priced at US$250.

computer stores are sucks here, even though the GT finally hits the market, they'll definitely wait until 320 and 640 GTS are all out of stock so they still can charge US$290+ for 320 GTS and US$400+ for 640.
only after that, they'll finally selling the GT:mad:.

that's always been the case here, still hope this time they'll have a change of heart.
nösferatu;1031572040 said:
ouch..i hurt my eyes, i can't believe this.

i'm still waiting for GTS 320's prices to come down here, it's still US$293, and this GT 512 finally show up only to be priced at US$250.

computer stores are sucks here, even though the GT finally hits the market, they'll definitely wait until 320 and 640 GTS are all out of stock so they still can charge US$290+ for 320 GTS and US$400+ for 640.
only after that, they'll finally selling the GT:mad:.

that's always been the case here, still hope this time they'll have a change of heart.

Where are you from?
i'm from indonesia, ethnically (is that a word?) chinese though.
nösferatu;1031572158 said:
i'm from indonesia, ethnically (is that a word?) chinese though.

Ethnically Chinese is the exact way to say that :D Odd how Indonesia, much closer to where these cards are produced (Taiwan) has the higher prices.

I'm also ethnically Chinese but Canadian where prices are 30% higher than US prices even though the Canadian dollar is worth more than the U.S. dollar! I'll probably have to buy this card online.
Ethnically Chinese is the exact way to say that :D Odd how Indonesia, much closer to where these cards are produced (Taiwan) has the higher prices.

I'm also ethnically Chinese but Canadian where prices are 30% higher than US prices even though the Canadian dollar is worth more than the U.S. dollar! I'll probably have to buy this card online.

I don't know, how far are you from the border of the (unless its Alaska), take some Canadian dollars, cash it in for like 1.08 US dollars (something like that) and have a computer parts shopping spree, less sales tax too I believe.
maybe this kind of performance that makes nv decided to remain silence all this time, it'll definitely hurts their sales of current 8800 series.

tbh, i'm still on an option between upgrading CPU, mobo and mem (i'm afraid PSU as well) OR grab one of the cheapest 8800 (more reason to buy new PSU).
i don't dare to hope that 8800GT arrives here with price tags around US$250, at least not at the first time it'll be on sales here.
one quick question

wouldn't u need one of those new X38 boards with PCI - 2.0 to run the 8800gt?

meaning people with the p35 boards will ahve to changed

or am i just completly wrong and it will work??
eerrr...do you mean 8800GT ?

regardless that, from what i know, PCI-e 2.0 will have backward compatibility, so that you could pair PCI-e 2.0 gfx card with MoBo supporting only PCI-e or vice versa.
that'll yet to be discovered, i don't think we have one that utilizing PCI-e 2.0 yet.

but i would suggest the difference in performance will be there, but while all advantage provided from PCI-e 2.0 will be fully utilized over time, the first card using PCI-e 2.0 are very unlikely bearing noticeable performance advantages when paired with PCI-e 2.0 MoBos versus old PCI-e MoBos.
i think the move from AGP 8x to PCI-e will be repeated, more or less.

about its backward compatibility, i hope it comes true so we shouldn't be worried
at least IMHO.

Of it yes know I, but lesser good by some works when other, yellow cat (large). :D

Like I said, I don't even get the characters, just square blocks, so I doubt that would work. Anyway, my point was that I doubt this site is generating massive ad revenue, so I think that makes it more likely they are publishing legit numbers (even if not necessarily as rigroruos/accurate as [H]). Assuming you can see/read the actual pages, are there any ads? If so, how many?
I'm also ethnically Chinese but Canadian where prices are 30% higher than US prices even though the Canadian dollar is worth more than the U.S. dollar! I'll probably have to buy this card online.

Find a better Canadian retailer. I recently built a system. I checked my prices against newegg, I got my system at a price within 2% (not 30%) of the same at Newegg. Many components were cheaper at my local shop(Ottawa) than they were at Newegg.

The computer industry is very competitive and they are the quickest to adjust to currency fluctuations.

The newer products are more likely to be fairly priced as some older inventory might have been bought when the dollar was mismatched.

I fully expect to find the 8800GT for $250, same as in the US. If it was more I would not buy it until it was priced fairly.
Of it yes know I, but lesser good by some works when other, yellow cat (large). :D

Like I said, I don't even get the characters, just square blocks, so I doubt that would work. Anyway, my point was that I doubt this site is generating massive ad revenue, so I think that makes it more likely they are publishing legit numbers (even if not necessarily as rigroruos/accurate as [H]). Assuming you can see/read the actual pages, are there any ads? If so, how many?

No ads... just copy the URL into google translator and it'll translate the pages on the fly. It actually came out much better than you would think in translation, it's easy to tell what is being said by the reviewer. In any case, it's legit. I do see the chinese characters on my screen if I go to the site normally, but the translator will work even if you don't have the font set since it goes through google first, and then the English is sent back to you.

P.S. LOL at the first line :).
Don't tell people how to spend their money, they don't tell you how to spend yours.

As much of an idiot i think he is, he didnt tell anyone how to spend their money, and assuming current rumors are correct, who in the right mind would buy an Ultra for twice the price with 10% more performance? Dont really answer that question, because im sure theirs someone whos been living in a cave for the past 5 months and as soon as he surfaces, his sole intent will be to directly go and purchase an 8800 Ultra. Well maybe im not too sure about that, but never say never.
As much of an idiot i think he is, he didnt tell anyone how to spend their money, and assuming current rumors are correct, who in the right mind would buy an Ultra for twice the price with 10% more performance? Dont really answer that question, because im sure theirs someone whos been living in a cave for the past 5 months and as soon as he surfaces, his sole intent will be to directly go and purchase an 8800 Ultra. Well maybe im not too sure about that, but never say never.

Everyone has it out for the 8800ultra, first it cost too much, but when it dropped down to acceptable prices, it was just called an overclocked GTX (which it is) but theirs more behind it than that.

We don't know whats going to happen with the 8800ultra, its still faster, its still better, but now according to everyone its going to be a shitty, worthless card. The 8800ultra is still the only card (well GTX as well) that can still crank out 1920x1080+ w/o being effected by fill rate (since this 8800GT is going to be 256bit), so theirs still reasons to buy it.
You would think the Ultra prices would drop at least somewhat with this new release. At least I would think so :D
i'd like to say the same but my birthday is on the 28th... it's gonna be hard not buying myself one of these if they retail at ~250$CAD.

i'll have to rationalize to myself what use it would be having an 8800gts, 2 7600GT's and an 8800GT... and only one PCI-E motherboard. :p
i'd like to say the same but my birthday is on the 28th... it's gonna be hard not buying myself one of these if they retail at ~250$CAD.

i'll have to rationalize to myself what use it would be having an 8800gts, 2 7600GT's and an 8800GT... and only one PCI-E motherboard. :p

Wait because by Feb of next year this card would be $125...
Don't tell people how to spend their money, they don't tell you how to spend yours.

Wow... you can't handle someone's opinion I guess huh :rolleyes:, because that's all I presented it to be. Now though I will present it a more direct way: Only an idiot would buy a 10% faster card for over twice the price. There is no logical reason to do so, especially since you could just get two of the slightly-slower cards for less money and trounce the 10% faster single-card setup's performance.