(G92)8800GT First review!

good valid points but i think the examples provided can be used against you .since it kinda sounds like you might feel bitter since you paid so much for stuff that is replaced with better stuff.
I've yet to see a single 8800gtx owner complain. If they are, they're probably recent buyers. Those of us who've enjoyed them for nearly a year have nothing to complain about.

What I am hearing are quite a few people who probably wish they had 8800gtxes and assuage that feeling by by inventing reasons why 8800gtx owners should be upset. . . and then asserting that 8800gtx owners are upset despite there being very indication that (long-term) 8800gtx owners give a crap.

Anyone who bought the 8800gtx (or two) a year ago was expecting their video cards to become obsolete. Indeed, I personally expected it to happen much sooner than it apparently will.

Those crowing while inventing ex nihilo this myth of teeming masses of angry 8800gtx owners are kidding themselves. And I can only assume that they do so because they harbor resentment towards those who chose to spend more on their video cards.
The only thing that I think is better about the 8800GT over my 8800GTX is the 1 slot form factor.. I think it might make a good candidate for people who want to experiment with 3-way SLI because of it's pricetag and smaller physical size.. but I am in no way feeling burned that a cheaper and slightly more power efficient card has come out which rivals the performance of the card(s) I have had for almost a year now.. lol.
Wait.. people still use IE?? ;-)

Someone has to test Anti-Virus software. ;)

I've yet to see a single 8800gtx owner complain. If they are, they're probably recent buyers. Those of us who've enjoyed them for nearly a year have nothing to complain about.

Anyone who bought the 8800gtx (or two) a year ago was expecting their video cards to become obsolete. Indeed, I personally expected it to happen much sooner than it apparently will.

Yep, I have been putting together PC's since 486 days and only two cards come to mind as having an unprecedented jump in performance and lasting a year as the top graphics card.

The ATI 9700pro.
These cards are essentially legends within the industry. I only stopped using my 9700pro this year when it died. This kind of jump was something I thought would be a one time event.

The NV 8800GTX.
In a field this mature, it was a surprise to see the 8800GTX jump so far ahead, if anything it exceeded the 9700pro in it's longevity.

No one who bought an 8800GTX has anything to complain about. If they bought it recently they should have some idea that it would soon be replaced, though at a year on, that replacement is still not in sight.
I dont know why some many assfucks are trolling 8800GTX owners, they enjoyed there cards for QUITE A long time, best performance, and its going to stay top notch performance for quite a while. You payed $500, you got $500's worth.
Page 4 shows the GPU temp at 86C, which seems a tad hot, maybe waiting for a manufactures designed cooler card might be the way to go.

This review looks pretty dam good to me.

Makes me wonder a bit why Nvidia are rushing these to market, to bury ATI or do they know something about the RV670. I know ATI/AMD have been sucking lately but that doesn't mean its going to continue.
I've yet to see a single 8800gtx owner complain. If they are, they're probably recent buyers. Those of us who've enjoyed them for nearly a year have nothing to complain about.

What I am hearing are quite a few people who probably wish they had 8800gtxes and assuage that feeling by by inventing reasons why 8800gtx owners should be upset. . . and then asserting that 8800gtx owners are upset despite there being very indication that (long-term) 8800gtx owners give a crap.

Anyone who bought the 8800gtx (or two) a year ago was expecting their video cards to become obsolete. Indeed, I personally expected it to happen much sooner than it apparently will.

Those crowing while inventing ex nihilo this myth of teeming masses of angry 8800gtx owners are kidding themselves. And I can only assume that they do so because they harbor resentment towards those who chose to spend more on their video cards.

"I think that all right-thinking people in this country are sick and tired of being told that ordinary decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I'm certainly not. And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am."
— Monty Python

Page 4 shows the GPU temp at 86C, which seems a tad hot, maybe waiting for a manufactures designed cooler card might be the way to go.

This review looks pretty dam good to me.

Makes me wonder a bit why Nvidia are rushing these to market, to bury ATI or do they know something about the RV670. I know ATI/AMD have been sucking lately but that doesn't mean its going to continue.

this and the other 65nm core cards are front runners for the flagship 65nm cores they're likely now getting decent yields of... start with more simple cores and work towards the flagship.. I think they're shoving these out the door so they can focus on the big mamma coming Q1 2008. (or whenever it's due) :)
I'm not about to jump on the bandwagon on how high and mighty this card is. I need to see reviews(yes, that's plural) and benchmarks from more than one site.
Page 4 shows the GPU temp at 86C, which seems a tad hot, maybe waiting for a manufactures designed cooler card might be the way to go.

This review looks pretty dam good to me.

Makes me wonder a bit why Nvidia are rushing these to market, to bury ATI or do they know something about the RV670. I know ATI/AMD have been sucking lately but that doesn't mean its going to continue.

Who says NV is rushing it? Could have been their plan all along :)

But ATI sure does need some help in the DX10 sales, they are waaaay behind NV according to the steam survey.

NV DX10 Cards: 24,030
ATI DX10 Cards: 1,204

Over 18k were the 8800 series and most of ati's was 2900xt.
Makes me wonder a bit why Nvidia are rushing these to market

Simple...money. The market is becoming saturated with the current tech to the point of where people at certain price points are waiting for the next tech. Therefore if saturation occurs, nVidia has nothing of value to sell in volumes anymore. However, if you upgrade the tech across the price points...people have a reason to buy something new again and nVidia gets more money. It was one of the not so fun parts of capitalism....but it also drives innovation like mad :)

If you want a system where nothing happens of value where the cost only goes up for no more performance...you only have to look at the RIAA and MPAA. :p
I'm not about to jump on the bandwagon on how high and mighty this card is. I need to see reviews(yes, that's plural) and benchmarks from more than one site.

I believe this a honest review (be it accurate or not), I seriously doubt this review is a fake.

It appears likely to be fairly accurate judging by the scaling and the clocks/specs.

I am really looking forward to more reviews, but I will be pretty surprised if we do not see more of the same.

There had to be a first review and I believe this is it.

Shit, its better than my 8800gts... :(

You still have a great card, unless you purchased it very recently I wouldn't worry to much :)
Review link is down, site still works though, so it isn't being hammered down. Has Nvidia forced the review down due to NDA?
For the last 15 minutes

Not Found

The requested URL /2007-10-23/1193114539d6255.html was not found on this server.

Either they got hammered to death or asked to remove it. Hope a mirror pops up.
Talking about waiting for more detailed/reputable reviews, I also did notice that they used ForceWare 167.26 Beta drivers. Hopefully these drivers will become a reality soon because the numbers they have are a bit off overall imo, so it should be neat to see what becomes of this whole issue :). If this is all true then I can see Nvidia continuing this odd "revision" path for the rest of the 8800 line-up. I'll just wait and see if any other releases will happen in November. If the G96 exists then it would fit between the 8800GTS and 8600GTS, I would assume.

*When the time comes, I'll be glad to see some 8xAA results to test the bandwidth at the least : /. Everyone but the [H] are pansies and only test cards up to 4xAA regardless of the resolution or settings :rolleyes:.

One thing I don't like and that smells fishy to me are the two guys who are supposedly from this site, going around the large hardware/tech sites (including here) posting these benchmarks. So far they've posted this at all of the major sites most would think of and they did the same thing last week and before with their supposed info. Is this an innocent case of just getting site-hits if they really are first :eek:? Like I said, this is all interesting, but I'm still taking a healthy dose of salt just in case.
Yep , going to sell my x1950 pro off and pick up one of these with no question !!
Wow. This has to the only website in the world that renders properly in opera but not FF. :cool:
You sure you don't mean the 7900GTO or maybe the 7950GT? The 7900GS if I recall had the same/similar specs as the 7800GT, which was quite a ways behind the 7900GT and GTX.
Quite sure. The 7900 GTO was a limited run card, whereas I think the 8800 GT will be nVidia's top seller (or among the top) for a while. The 7950 GT was a good performer, but the price was comparatively steep and the X1K series had it beat in most areas. The 7900 GS, however, had enthusiast card performance at a price barely more than midrange. The 8800 GT looks to be similar, although we certainly shouldn't rule out the possibility of getting a rude surprise when they announce the price.
Woot! Got a new pre-order in at a good vendor, called to confirm I could place it thru and have them set, payment upon in-stock via phone :D. Two of them will rock in SLI ;)!
Rest easy, friend. The review is GoldenTiger approved, he even has a new pre-order to back it up, confirmed by phone, to go with the preorder for his other two cards.

Jeez dude, you were wrong about the info, let it go already. Seriously.

Don't know why I'm bothering to reply to you, but the other pre-order got cancelled as the distributor pulled it due to it being too early :p.