free tree

that's not as bad as this thing on fedex where they ship you like 50 fedex boxes for free, for ppl who plan to do a lot of shipping. send them a few orders, and they end up with a few hundred cardboard boxes at their door.
Got my free tree yesterday and planted it today.
Umm... I'll take pics if you guys really want em.
As soon as it quits raining i'll get a few.

There ya go. :D
the root ball is bagged, whole thing is in a plastic tube and THAT comes in a cardboard shipping tube.
Wee, I have a spruce on the way for me :D

I love trees [ Not in a psychotic vegan hippy sort of way ] Thanks for the heads up!
i got an oak. nice, sturdy, long living tree.

Wanna know why oak kicks spurces ass? you ever seen a treehouse in a spruce?

i rest my case. :-D
I ordered an oak. I am going to try to grow it inside. Somthing about an oak growing inside makes me feel naughty. :D

I am still waiting for mine. It had been a while, is this offer still live? I was thinking about ordering another one but I dont want them to cancle the first order.
urbsnspices said:
I ordered an oak. I am going to try to grow it inside. Somthing about an oak growing inside makes me feel naughty. :D

I am still waiting for mine. It had been a while, is this offer still live? I was thinking about ordering another one but I dont want them to cancle the first order.

If you have plant lights, theres no reason you can't grow it inside.. atleast for as long as it can fit throug hteh door and you canc arry it :p
FYI your tree comes with an order form.... send in a $10 donation and they send you 10 more trees and a rose bush.
My wife and I are set for christmas trees for a while. :D
I was pricing out tree cuttings like this and 10 bucks is a good deal for 10 baby trees.
BakedON said:
FYI your tree comes with an order form.... send in a $10 donation and they send you 10 more trees and a rose bush.
My wife and I are set for christmas trees for a while. :D

really? sweetness.
I ordered two oaks as well. These trees will grow in a pot for a long time, they will grow only as big as the room they have to grow in. I don't think the roots will break through the pot, I've never seen it happen, but hey anything can happen. :D
garro1 said:
Still no tree for me. :(

Same here. They must know Minnesota is repulsive so they didn't bother sending it; so as not to subject a baby spruce to such a horrible, horrible, horrible place.
pyroman said:
ya i know what u mean i had to plant mine in a pot tell i have some where to plant it

Yes, Don't plant it in a garden. Let it grow in a pot for a while. It will die in the garden very fast, too small to survive.

I got mine today!

Now I have to go to Menard's or HomeDepot to get a nice pot for it to live in, til it can take care of its self. :)
got my tree over the her planted in a nice big pot. now to enjoy the growth over the years lol
Got my spruce a couple days 50 to 75 feet, where am I going to put this thing?? :eek: