Forza 2 Demo out tonight!

WOw is fun driving wise, physics are what is expected, but like other poster said, not much diff than the GT:HD demo. But I have to agree that the graphics are a MAJOR letdown.

At least this will tide me over till DIRT, then DIRT till gt5.
I'm downloading it now, but it's only at like 15%. Plus I have work to do, so I don't think I'll get to play it until a little later today.
Okay I played it for awhile this morning and the physics are realistic but the graphics are a BIG letdown, It looks like Forza 1.2. I know eye candy isn't everything but were talkin next gen here, and the candy should come with the physics. This is inexcusable this game has taken its sweet ass time to come out and it seems they just worked on the physics and touched up the graphics from the original.:(
Okay I played it for awhile this morning and the physics are realistic but the graphics are a BIG letdown, It looks like Forza 1.2. I know eye candy isn't everything but were talkin next gen here, and the candy should come with the physics. This is inexcusable this game has taken its sweet ass time to come out and it seems they just worked on the physics and touched up the graphics from the original.:(
Forza 1.2 graphics are good enough for me as long as the physics, AI and damage modeling are tweaked....dl'ing now.
I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed that the AI will only try for a pass when you make a serious mistake? So far to me, that seems like the only time when I have to worry about being passed. The AI crash avoidance is really good. It does have a line and follows it exactly, unless other cars are nearby I've found. For example, attempting an inside pass by taking an inside line too fast will work out as long as you don't lose control. Passing like that is something I haven't seen the AI try to do yet.

Otherwise, graphics are solid, certainly not mind blowing though and the gameplay is incredible as you would expect. I was and am still buying it, so the demo is only a taste of whats to come.

Graphics: B+. Not very inspiring after seeing what games like GoW can do on the 360.
Presentation: A-. I know it's not a full-featured game, but the wealth of options for even the replays are awesome.
Gameplay: A. The physics and damage are handled very nicely. I decided to go ass-crazy in a race (like I could in the GT series) and proceeded to get my ass handed to me. Not to mention that my car looked like a bag of dicks by the end of the race.
Overall: A-. Great demo, I just wish the graphics were better. I don't like seeing jaggies on anything, even if they are just little jaggies on the roofline when you look closely.
Gameplay > graphics. Much as I would have liked this to have more AA (and maybe slightly sharper textures - the lamps on the cars look awful), the question in my mind is whether the gameplay is going to be great. And so far, it seems pretty slick.
Give me a break on the argument of game play over graphics. Forza 1 already had great gameplay. Plenty of Xbox 360 games have amazing graphics and great game play.

When a game is developed the guys that work on the graphics engine of the game have very little to do with the guys who design the other aspects of the game. T

he game doesn't look next-gen at all. It's forza which is good but it should have looked better. It doesn't really have a next gen feel to it at all.
It's forza which is good but it should have looked better. It doesn't really have a next gen feel to it at all.
There's a simple answer to that... don't buy it. :D

I'll be happily sat playing it at my bro's house (I don't have a 360) not caring that it doesn't have a "next gen feel" but having a shitload of fun anyway. Serious question to the graphics ho's... does it really affect your enjoyment of a game that much?
I think in a racing game gameplay needs to come first before graphics but when you see jaggies on vehicles with the power of consoles we have today it totally takes away from the whole realistic experience that their trying to get across.
I think in a racing game gameplay needs to come first before graphics but when you see jaggies on vehicles with the power of consoles we have today it totally takes away from the whole realistic experience that their trying to get across.

Zero slowdown and great physics and gameplay. I'm happy with that. I do wish the graphics were a little better, but I'm not going to sweat it.
I used to play Red Planet at Virtual World when the graphics were 3D but with no texture maps. That game had great physics and awesome gameplay.

With more cars and supposedly even better physics, I'm on board.
Zero slowdown and great physics and gameplay. I'm happy with that. I do wish the graphics were a little better, but I'm not going to sweat it.

I'm not really a racing game fan (except Excite Truck, which is crack on a disk), but friends who are tell me that the 60FPS locked framerate and physics are, bar none, the single most important aspect of a game like Forza. Me, I could care less about driving simulations, I'm all about the fun, but this game is clearly not made for me, nor for graphics whores.
E36 M3
...and I don't think the car physics are THAT much better than GT's hopefully the demo pales in comparison to the full game.

The game's physics start playing a much more crucial role, when you begin adjusting tire pressure, camber, suspension, etc. I haven't put much time into the demo (only two races), and it's not too bad. Graphically it's not mind blowing, and it'll be interesting to see how the next GT looks, but considering right now GTHD is a tech demo with your one car, while this demo has full racing with 7 other opponents, real comparisons should wait. Anyway, I didn't much care for the original Forza demo, and thought the final version was better, so there's always that. I'm still very much looking forward to the full game.

Here's two pics I took after completing the two races I was in. The second race I did I was purposely crashing the car, to see the damage:



minor fender bender :)
LOL, you should have seen what I did to the poor Saleen race car... I think I finished the race with no fenders and three wheels. :D
I <3 C6R. :D

Driving it with all aids off and the wheel is a blast, give it just a little too much gas coming out of a corner and you're toast. :p I just wish I could use my G25 to play.

The AI seems a little stupid sometimes, they will ignore and crash right into you many times. They also brake right in the middle of some turns. Don't they know slow in, fast out!? :p
I feel the same as what most people have said, the AI isn't awesome and the graphics are seriously disappointing. To me it feels like just like Forza 1 and the graphics are similar when played on xbox360. I have been spoiled by the in car view in PGR3 and GTR2 also, so not having a full in car view kinda sucks also. Pretty meh overall.
I really dislike the controls... Is there a way to customize the controls in the demo? I hope there's a way to change it in the retail version :eek: .

Anyway, it's an ok game, my dislike for the controls prompted me to turn this game into a destruction derby type game rather quickly lol.... :D ! Overall, I think it looks good, but I was a little disappointed, maybe because I've been waiting for this since forever. Hopefully, the retail version is 10x better than the demo or I am just not buying this game.
sounds like we need the wii faanboys to come tell us how graphics mean nothing, and gameplay is everything, and "omg shiny" is not something we should ever care about.
I really dislike the controls... Is there a way to customize the controls in the demo? I hope there's a way to change it in the retail version :eek: .

Anyway, it's an ok game, my dislike for the controls prompted me to turn this game into a destruction derby type game rather quickly lol.... :D ! Overall, I think it looks good, but I was a little disappointed, maybe because I've been waiting for this since forever. Hopefully, the retail version is 10x better than the demo or I am just not buying this game.

The controls will be fully customizable in the full retail version. One of the Turn 10 employees said as much on the official forum.
The AI seems a little stupid sometimes, they will ignore and crash right into you many times. They also brake right in the middle of some turns. Don't they know slow in, fast out!? :p

Remember that the demo is the Arcade version of the game. There's a good chance that the AI might respond differently in the Campaign mode.

I already know that there are some spiteful AI drivers in this game. One bastard made it his personal mission to screw me up every chance he got. I didn't catch his name though. The drivers in this game are supposed to have individual personalities.
Remember that the demo is the Arcade version of the game. There's a good chance that the AI might respond differently in the Campaign mode.

I already know that there are some spiteful AI drivers in this game. One bastard made it his personal mission to screw me up every chance he got. I didn't catch his name though. The drivers in this game are supposed to have individual personalities.

QFT, first person to mention that this is the arcade mode only, which will be an afterthought for most I'd imagine. (I rarely try to get all achievements on any game)
The controls will be fully customizable in the full retail version. One of the Turn 10 employees said as much on the official forum.

Thanks that's good to know. I truly hate having to pull on triggers for gas and brake. I'd rather push a button, it just feels more natural to me.
There's a simple answer to that... don't buy it. :D

I'll be happily sat playing it at my bro's house (I don't have a 360) not caring that it doesn't have a "next gen feel" but having a shitload of fun anyway. Serious question to the graphics ho's... does it really affect your enjoyment of a game that much?

The issue of the game having disappointing graphics has nothing to do with the issue of purchasing the game, so I don't understand why you even mention that. I play tons of emulated games on my xbox so I enjoy games of all generatoins. Regardless of all that this is a Xbox 360 game and it should look like one. I played the original forza and loved it. I was looking forward to the evolution of this game in all aspects. I was expecting the graphics to look next gen. Infact I thought they would be jaw dropping after seeing granturismo hd on the ps3. Better graphics add to the realism and submersion into the game. It might be shocking to you but you can have good graphics and good game play.
sounds like we need the wii faanboys to come tell us how graphics mean nothing, and gameplay is everything, and "omg shiny" is not something we should ever care about.

Graphics mean nothing and gameplay is everything. You shouldn't care about the OMG SHINY. :p
Infact I thought they would be jaw dropping after seeing granturismo hd on the ps3.
I love the way people keep comparing the two. Though I think it was a smart move by Sony to do it.

GT:HD - Graphics Demo. 1 car, no ai, no damage, f'all physics.

But yes, I agree that it should have looked better. But I don't agree that it needed to look as good as GT:HD. If you want a pretty game on the 360, go look at the PGR4 vid that's floating around... but don't expect the level of vehicle customisation and racing that Forza offers.
You don't even have to compare it to any game to realize the graphics are subpar for a a game on next-gen hardware. I'm pretty certain that Gran Turismo will look alot better than this game but that's not really the point.

Graphics add a ot to a game, especially when it's supposed to be realistic and immersive. Graphics aren't the most important thing, everyone knows that. But don't insult people by suggesting them they don't matter and calling them graphics whores.

If forza 360 looked like granturismo 1 would it be awesome just cause it had great gameplay. Visuals should evolve especially considering the horsepower of the 360 and the fact this game looks doesnt' even compare to first gen 360 games.

Lastly the gameplay arguement is pretty pointless considering that I can almost guarantee the graphic guys have nothing to do with the guys that work on the gameplay. They are seperate teams and spend there time and focus on their specialty.
The demo isn't bad. The graphics on the C class cars aren't too great. Try to race one of those super GT cars, you begin to see more details on the car. Dashboard view??? Is a tough question. For some reason, the dashboard view puts me away from the feel of the road. It makes me feel somewhat dettached from the sense of speed and the changes on the road. Even with PGR3 I have to switch to the bumper view to race. I can judge the road and how far I am at the edge better. The physic is definately better than any console racing game out there. With PGR3 if you enter the turn too fast and hit the brake, you can always get the car to slow down enough to make a hard turn just as the car is near the wall. With Forza 2, you just go straight into the barrier. :D No more last minute hard braking and hard turn. The graphic details on the road surface is pretty good. They don't appear repeative. or some random patterns.
Graphics look fine to me?? Maybe my monitor is better? Who knows, anyway the physics, framerate, and sound are all excellent.. most important factors for a racing game, dont' care what anyone else says.
Graphics look fine to me?? Maybe my monitor is better? Who knows, anyway the physics, framerate, and sound are all excellent.. most important factors for a racing game, dont' care what anyone else says.
The graphics are fine...everyone was just expecting the second coming since GTHD looked so good and the 360 supposedly has slightly better graphics than the PS3...but that is for multi-platform ports. I fired up PGR3 for a comparison and it IS a "prettier" game than Forza 2, but the brighter colors aren't really realistic. The car models in PGR3 are good but Forza 2 is more realistic looking. As far as the racing environments...PGR3 wins hands down vs Forza's bland (but again, probably more realistic) trackside details. (complete with cardboard spectators:p )
Bleh, after playing more of this demo, im actually contemplating not getting it. Physics in reality arent that great after lots of messing around. Graphics are a real downer, and the glowing brake discs gotta go.

Also i know its arcade version, but wtf is up with getting a penalty on ur lap time when some other numb nut runs into you and its not even your fault.

I wish i had never played the demo now. I'm sure ill get over it and still have a grand time with the Full version. Just disappointed, was expecting too much apparently after Forza 1
I think some of you need to play the demo a bit then toss in Forza 1 and look at the differences.
I would kill each and every one of you for a Ford GT :D

This thread is making me nervous that GT5 isn't going to live up to my expectations.
This game needs Anti-Aliasing badly, can barely read "Mazda" on the RX-8 for example and I was playing a couple feet away from a 32" HDTV LCD ... I also found some graphic oddity. Also, the damage modelling seems to be the same as Forza 1.

BUT, since this is a demo I'm sure it's a much older build than the final product, so I'm waiting to see the final product for my final judgement. Probably getting the game anyway though.

By the way, why can't we put the cars in neutral ? :confused: