Forum background gone white?

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was white for me. Just changed to default Vb skin, which isn't bad.

I miss the red and black, though...
Ya i get white backgrounds to. It also says vBulletin on the top instead of Hardforums. Can we change it?
I just got it too, using Safari on my Powerbook. Looks like it kicks in after you drill down a page or two in a thread...
as long as it stays in vBulletin mode until the proper fix ..I ...won't ....go ...blind

Was white about an hour ago for it's default vB.

As I'm typing this the normal [H] colors are up..... :confused:

Edit: Seems like everything is back to normal across the board.
Oh noes! It's BACK! Pure white... I almost can't take it anymore.

Update: I see that others are saying it's back to normal... but it's the default skin for me.
I like the ones that post its working :p

It works for me, then doesnt, then goes white, then goes default, then goes to default with funky buttons, then to white, then PERFECT, then white, etc. etc.

Makes surfing the forums interesting, you never know what your going to get :p
I am going to leave it at default for the night. I am sure John will know what I broke in the morning. Sorry to jack it up. :(
I can take default just no more stone white. That was getting annoying at least the default scheme has some color.
< sad panda
dont suppose you could enable some of VB's built in themes for the night? i really prefer a dark bg, light text. soo much better for the eyes.
as long as it stays in vBulletin mode until the proper fix ..I ...won't ....go ...blind


The background isn't what wil make you go blind...din't your mama ever tell you too much... well, I'm sure you know the rest ;)
This forum now looks like any other forum. Before, it really was [H]ard (on the eyes) with the black/red/yellow theme. Now it's more eye-friendly, but less distinctive than other vBulletin-serviced forums.
This forum now looks like any other forum. Before, it really was [H]ard (on the eyes) with the black/red/yellow theme. Now it's more eye-friendly, but less distinctive than other vBulletin-serviced forums.

technically, it is easier on your eyes to read light text on a dark bg, than to read dark text on a light bg.
I'm using FF and I'm now seeing a white and blue layout (I guess it's the "default" that everyone's talking about).
Much better then pure white, but the black is by far the best. I don't mind waiting, y'all have a great forum here at [H].
New forums colors are like being forced to watch arnold schwarzenegger give a speech on physics while teabagging martha stewart.
w00h00!!! FIXED !!! 7:41PM

You call this fixed? White and light blue....I hate it! :mad:
I'm assuming/hoping that this is just a generic form and will be taken back to the easier on the eyes black/red with white fonts.

Hurry up admins or no CES news for you! :mad:
I was all white for a while, then went to normal [H], then went to the white and blue... now I am at sort of a mix between the two. Main forum is white, but any subforum is [H] style, but if I post, all the post window stuff is white and blue. It cannot make up its mind!!!
New forums colors are like being forced to watch arnold schwarzenegger give a speech on physics while teabagging martha stewart.

Hey, he will always be Arrrrrrrhnoooold! He made some of the greatest action movies of all timie..... "I'LL BE BACK YOU PATHETIC LITTLE GIRLY MAN!!!!11" And I like that he was able to accomplish all that N wutnot and still find time to become the Governator.

Even so, I would still probably bleed from my ears if I had to hear him do a long lecture in a physics class. :D
hate this hate this hate this.

Looks EXACTLY like the Futuremark forums.
hate this hate this hate this.

Looks EXACTLY like the Futuremark forums.

I know. Some idiot in another thread said he liked the white and the sky blue. Its a good thing only a few responses later they closed the thread. Cause I woulda gone nuts on the flaming replies and probably had gotten myself in trouble. :(............:D
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