Forum background gone white?

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Mine's white too (using Firefox), though when I first went to the site it was fine.
But once I went to a couple threads everything turned white.
I am unsure what the issue is. Working on a lot of boxes and not on otehrs. Our VBulletin guru will be up in a bit, he lives in the UK. He will have to fix it.
Try closing your browsers and reloading the page. Or maybe try refreshing a few times.
WHERE AM I?? what the heck? :D Tell the forum to put its clothes back on
still white for me in FF, flock and Opera 9.1

I'd like it if the Edit/Quote links were visible.
Yep, I closed FF2 (tried IE7 too) and reloaded a few times. Still Snow White!
Whoa! It's now gone to what seems to be a default vBulletin skin. Still white but with blue and everything works.
lol, was white earlier when i posted in this thread, then i just came back and it was back to normal, now i hit the last page on this thread and its white.

Tried FF as well and it was normal then turned white on me!

Just wierd.

EDIT: Now its the vB default theme, lol, i think one of you probably did that though :rolleyes:

EDIT EDIT: Now back to perfect normal for me :)

EDIT EDIT EDIT: Back to the white stuff, AHH IT HURTS THIS TIME A NIGHT :p
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