For those of you with both Xbox 360 AND PS3.

Most of my friends have a 360, so I go with that most of the time.

Even if that was not the case, anything that's not a fighting game, I would choose to get on the 360.

Why? Simple. The 360 controller is much better than the Dualshock 3 IMO. I don't like the triggers on the Dualshock 3, the overall ergonomics of it, and the implementation of the chat board (not that this point matter as much). The 360 controller also uses AA batteries which is easier to recharge and replace in a pinch than the dual shock 3. 15 minute AA recharger FTW!

With the updated dashboard and hdd game installs I can game quietly on the 360 as well.

In the end, I'd choose the 360 for friends and the controller.
my xbox is green with orange highlights.

i paid something like 50$ more for my green 360 (halo version). it looks much better than the elite/white versions imo. plus the controller is green. not that i really care for halo at all, in fact i hate the damn game. all of em. i just wanted green, plus it came with the upgraded falcon heatsink thing.

didnt want to deal with rrod nonsense. its also got little hues of orange around it. real nice lookin box. it sits right below my ps3, utilizing my ps3 as another heatsink.

it looks exactly like this: xbox\ps3. except the ps3 is directly above the 360. its awesome.

ps3 for exclusives and dvd's. 360 for multiplatform, PC for FPS, except gears of war. too many XBL buddies to get gow for pc.

i wish ps3 had more games as awesome as MGS4 :(

my xbox is green. it has orange too.

its awesome.
I go with the Xbox 360 for multiplatform games because:

1. Xbox Live
2. Achievements
3. Larger fan base of my friends have a 360
4. Better port version of the two consoles

The only time I will buy a PS3 game is if it is an exclusive game for the PS3. I mostly use the PS3 for blu-ray movies though.