For The [H]orde!!!!!!


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 7, 2004
Nice plug on the front page with the mad baby! Thanks Rich!

I love that picture. El Nacho uses it in CS:S and it gets me giggly every time I see it.

I wonder where that kid is now... or who it belongs to?
Thanks boys. As a side note, my father called me late Saturday afternoon cursing that he had to clean the ol' monitor off after that one. :D

Hopefully we bring a few more onto the team. :)
that pic is great

thanks for the plugs Rich you are doing a great job no matter how much email you get that says otherwise :)

Duster said:
that pic is great

thanks for the plugs Rich you are doing a great job no matter how much email you get that says otherwise :)

This weekend wasn't bad. I think I got maybe two or three emails calling me a horrible person. ;)

The opinion of my peers are what matter to me. Kyle, Steve and Chuck all seem to dig it, so I guess I'm doing something right. ;)
Rich Tate said:
This weekend wasn't bad. I think I got maybe two or three emails calling me a horrible person. ;)

The opinion of my peers are what matter to me. Kyle, Steve and Chuck all seem to dig it, so I guess I'm doing something right. ;)

Kyle... who cares what he thinks... its not like he owns the place


marty9876 said:
Either post emails, or pics of wife.


QFT!!!! :D

Absolutely wonderful pimpage though, awesome job Rich, now don't you have some console fanatacism to watch over?!? ;)

bigger version

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

machwireless said:
you have to clicky the button that says "keep same size"


Valid file types: jpg, gif, png, bmp, tif, swf
Images larger than 512 KB are automatically resized
DR_K13 said:

Valid file types: jpg, gif, png, bmp, tif, swf
Images larger than 512 KB are automatically resized
ur right. the button says keep original names.

well shit resize the thing to keep the same size but under 512KB