First Elder Scrolls Online Trailer has been Released

I've given up on MMOs that do not have realtime battles. TERA Online has corrupted me.

Sorry Bethesda I play TES because it is a non-MMO rpg. I've been playing MMOs since EQ back in '99. I've played TES since Daggerfall back in '96. I like having the options of both. Both have different experiences and I have a desire for both.

Mixing the two does not bring the best of both worlds. Instead the overall MMO product will get a mix of RPG elements that pale in comparison to what single player rpgs can do (no real way EVERYONE can change the world in an MMO) and the lack of real NPC behaviors:
-You can have day/night cycles
-You cannot have stores closing because no one can just hit 'T' and select to loiter for 10 game-hours in a few real seconds.

Please realize Bethesday that most MMOs fail and TES will more than likely be on the failing side.
Please realize Bethesda that most MMOs fail and TES will more than likely be on the failing side.

Now that I think about it. Half ass MMOs fail for the gamers, not the company.

They can knowingly make a shit MMO. The average gamer will pay the purchase price and maybe sub for 2-3 months hoping they fix the game. They may even retain some late comers or casuals.

That's a shit load of money for ONE crappy game.

Why should they give a fuck if the game is good or not. The name alone will generate a lot of sales to more than cover their costs.:mad:
I was going to creat a massive MMO-RPG out of TES but alas

I took an arrow to the knee...

Really, I'm the first one????
inorite Omegas

I'd just be worried about someone murdering all of the NPCs.
Didn't they try to make a FallOut MMO and it bomb really bad?

It got canned due to a legal nightmare between Zenimax and Bethesda vs. Interplay over the rights to various parts of the Fallout franchise.

Basically... Bethesda let Interplay start making a Fallout MMO under the condition that Interplay could actually secure 30 million or so for development. Bethesda wanted the rights back after they claimed Interplay never got the money to actually start work on the game and had just been sitting on it for 2 or 3 years. This is of course after Interplay had previously sold all of the rights regarding Fallout to Bethesda for a crapload of cash back in 2004(I think it was 2004).

It was only a few months ago that Bethesda(Zenimax) got the rights back, and I doubt that we'll ever see Interplay's Fallout MMO. It's probably a safe bet to just consider it dead.
It seems that if you have a successful RPG, the only logical conclusion is to cash in on its success and eventually destroy it by making an MMO. Hey atleast the money will be good for the first couple monthly subscription cycles.