First 4870 review on the web

Some thing is broken when it comes to Lost Planet. There is no fps loss when going AA and according to them CF only raise it to 260 levels too. Probably some bug in the driver.

Overall the market for 260 at its current price is pretty much eliminated. Those who want the best will want 280 for NV (and even then the 4870 trade blows with it after hi res AA) while other who want per/$ will go 4870. Leaving 260 stranded in no man's land.
lost planet is nvidia game nothing suprises me they had to add call of juarez to this benchs to be fair
[NV MODE]Canned benchmarks mean nothing, just wait for the real world gameplay benchmarks!!![/NV MODE]
*run and hide*

Well, there is something to be said for that. That's one of the reasons I like Hard's reviews. I've found that often reading other sites that do a canned review thing, a given card emerges as the clear winner. However when I test it myself, it seems that another card feels faster (as in I can set higher settings and get good playable speeds).

Their reviews are based on this idea, and they seem to work. When they say "X card does better than Y card in real games," it seems to really be the case.

So it is true that we do want to wait for that sort of thing. Not saying they won't show the same sort of thing, just saying you don't know till you do the test.
[H]ard review is coming out tomorrow. I'll wait it out before I make my decision, but the 4870 looks really nice, plus it has the advantage of being able to fit a accelero s1rev2, which will make it so much better.
Well, real world or not it's safe at this point to assume that for $50 less 4870 CF is going to cream the 280.

Except LP of course.

The end of the article said they are going to have a follow up on CF but didn't say when. Hopefully [H] will have CF in their review.
I won't be suprised to see the HD4800 series to be competitive in real world benchmarks since it seems that the card will take less hit with AA and higher resolution.
Wow is all I can say...ill still wait for hardocp review of course, but that 4870X2 looks promising for a single slot video card :)
site took forever to load but rest assured I am getting one from
Very good performance out of the HD 4870, for the price. AA seems to be definitely fixed over R600 and its derivatives. Waiting for real-world gameplay numbers now.
Looks like ATi are fighting back which can only be a good thing for all of us. Bit concerned how hot this runs though. Nice card for the money.
if they fix microstutter in 4870x2... this would be a truly magical card, next gen for sure

gonna be an exciting few weeks :) hooray for competition, consumers win!
if they fix microstutter in 4870x2... this would be a truly magical card, next gen for sure

gonna be an exciting few weeks :) hooray for competition, consumers win!

From what i read, the GDDR5 is suppose to help/get rid of microstuttering
Hopefully we get an indepth look at the architecture as well in reviews out there. Looking at the expreview architecture review, there's a lot there that is talked
GDDR5's nearly double the frequency of GDDR3 so the overall effective bandwidth is the same

Seeing as to how the RV770 is based on the R600, one has to wonder how R600 failed so miserably...

Well, they started from R600, but the architecture is heavily modified and tweaked, with RV770 is getting close to the 1 billion transistor count. If you got a chance to read through the extremetech article on the architecture, you would see it was a lot more than what nvidia did with G92 (i.e., shrink the manufacturing process and add 1000 to the product number :D).
The 4850 GDDR5 is looking sweeter now. If we can get a third party OC app for it that is.
Why is the GTX 280 suffering such a huge performance penalty just from increasing the resolution? It cant be a bandwidth issue given the size of the bus?
Good question...

Architectural inefficiencies? I've heard there might be issues with it which is why it doesn't seem to scale as much in power despite being double in nearly everything over G80. As we all know, G92 has had issues with resolution and high AA settings compared to G80. If G200's are based on a scaling up of the G92, it might have the raw power to overcome higher settings than G92 but it might not be more efficient.

Strangely enough, the RV770 cards seem to be affected a lot less by resolution and AA despite having less RAM and less TMU's and so on. I guess that's why you can't compare architecture #'s at all
Why is the GTX 280 suffering such a huge performance penalty just from increasing the resolution? It cant be a bandwidth issue given the size of the bus?

I don't think that the GTX 280 is suffering from a huge performance penalty, it is just that the HD 4800 takes less hit with higher AA and higher resolution. Even the HD 3870 already took less hit with higher resolution compared to the G80 and G92 but its AA and overall performance are still really disappointing. AMD has fixed the AA issue with the HD 4800 series and we can see that the HD 4850 took less hit with AA than the G80 and G92 even when it only has 256bit memory bus.

The GTX 280 on the other hand doesn't improve much in term of AA when compared to the G80 since the AA performance is already good.
If [H]'s review validates these numbers, I'll be glad to welcome two of these bad boys into my system. I don't think I can wait another month or two for the 4870x2. Only 1 day away, the waiting sucks...
Nice review but I don't think I can trust an article titled " Jedi major counterattack " lol

That sounds like a very rough translation of "Return of The Jedi". That seems to be fairly accurate. :)

I was an early adopter of the Radeon 9700 Pro, and the way things are going a Radeon 4870 will be gracing my next rig.
That sounds like a very rough translation of "Return of The Jedi". That seems to be fairly accurate. :)

I was an early adopter of the Radeon 9700 Pro, and the way things are going a Radeon 4870 will be gracing my next rig.

I was actually laughing about that whole "Jedi" thing, mostly because it was so poorly worded. I haven't had a gaming graphics card since my X800XL, so the HD 4870 will be a breath of fresh FPS.
I thought we would have to wait for the 1G version to see numbers this good. If the 512 can beat the 260 which has 896M onboard then the 4870X1G version will do what???

Then the X2 version should beat the 280 with no problems.
so N will bring out the 280X2 at fanboy price of $1200 and then not allowing prices to be posted it might go down to $1000 by christmas

overall I hope that ATI can smack the N out of them LOL

hey I have an 8800GT but I am tried of the N pricing and 1fps increase on each "NEW" card and only $100 more. Stop the N F#$% jobs and buy ati for a change...maybe they will see the light after 2 yrs of the BS.
I'm afraid to get my hopes up but this seems very promising. Looking forward to more reviews. It's about time ATI :)
GDDR5's nearly double the frequency of GDDR3 so the overall effective bandwidth is the same

Seeing as to how the RV770 is based on the R600, one has to wonder how R600 failed so miserably...

hey now! I love my 2900 XT. hahaha. I think im the only person in the world that still has one. haha:D
Anyone see this in that article under the crysis numbers :D

"(legend R700 will be equipped with an unprecedented 2 G memory) "
The Force is strong here, Luke.

Can't wait for the [H] review.

I have two 3870s waiting to be replaced.......:D
So, with the crysis benches from yesterday + these, is it safe to say that ATI pulled a quick one, deviating from the slides claiming competition over a 9800 gtx, but instead is competing with the gtx260, and at times the gtx280?
Does anyone know if any ATI manufacturer (MSI, Gigabyte, Sapphire, etc) offers a step-up program like EVGA and BFG? I'm thinking of buying a 4870 now and stepping up to a R700 in 2-3 months.
:(Unfortunately, I think many who are eagerly awaiting 4870 (myself included) are going to be disappointed this week. Multiple sources are indicating the 512mb version will be the only sku available for a while, and in miniscule quantities at that. My guess is the 1024mb version probably won't appear until August (I've yet to see ANY of the 1024 cards listed or pic'ed yet). Sucks for us who play at 1900x1200+. All due to the low supply of GDDR5...

All indications point to what will effectively be a paper launch
What I really want is the 4870X2 :(

The thing that gets me is how tight lipped ATi/AMD is about the 4870 and above. It seems that they have a lot of cards up their sleves this round...
wow, I am a 280 GTX owner I certainly wasn't expecting that from the 4870. The price/performance on that thing is amazing. I will probably grab one for my second system. Competition (something that we've been sorely lacking the last 2 years) is great, the price at which you can get a high performance card is the best it's been in a while.
"Legend R700 will be equipped with an unprecedented 2 G memory."

Any basis behind this claim?
God I'd get the thing just to say I had a 2GB card. Seriously though the HD4870x2 is gonna rape and pillage upon nVidia this time around. I am getting at least 1 HD4870x2. Once I have my Nehalem system built I will buy another one. :)