FiringSquad CS: S Benches

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^eMpTy^ said:
hahahaha...that's the most retarded thing I've ever're about as informed as a brick in a paper bag...

Hey isn't it against the rules to insult other members here?
^eMpTy^ said:
hahahaha...that's the most retarded thing I've ever're about as informed as a brick in a paper bag...'re similie doesn't make much sense. He's about as In Form'd as a Lard Ass at a pie eating contest works better. :D

Still you gotta admit, he did manage to keep us entertained for a full 2 seconds before pity for his mother set in.
MFZ said:
Hey isn't it against the rules to insult other members here?

Yeah it is, unfortunately members like [RIP]Zeus, and ^eMpTy^ are the most flamboyant fanb0y's. Zeus speaks like a 13 year old so its more understandable but still annoying. ^eMpTy^ is definitely the Vagrant Zero of the NV4X Gen trolls for sure.

Back to the original comment, yeah I love Ati's AA. Its amazing to me that Ati's 2x AA still looks as good as Nvidia's stock 4x AA to me, while Nvidia's 8x AA may look better then Ati's 6x AA, the preformance hit makes it useless and moot in any new game I find.
The Batman said:'re similie doesn't make much sense. He's about as In Form'd as a Lard Ass at a pie eating contest works better. :D

Still you gotta admit, he did manage to keep us entertained for a full 2 seconds before pity for his mother set in.

You're not much better than how you depict him with comments like that.
KayossZero said:
Yeah it is, unfortunately members like [RIP]Zeus, and ^eMpTy^ are the most flamboyant fanb0y's. Zeus speaks like a 13 year old so its more understandable but still annoying. ^eMpTy^ is definitely the Vagrant Zero of the NV4X Gen trolls for sure.

Back to the original comment, yeah I love Ati's AA. Its amazing to me that Ati's 2x AA still looks as good as Nvidia's stock 4x AA to me, while Nvidia's 8x AA may look better then Ati's 6x AA, the preformance hit makes it useless and moot in any new game I find.

He's not Vagrant Zero. I am Sherlock. Jesus you'd think people would have noticed by now. My cutting sarcam can't be bought off ebay after all.

Also, you have to be mentally/visually/both deficent to believe that ATI's 2x looks as good as Nvidia's 4x. Last time I ran a blind poll comparing 2 4xAA images from the XTPE and Ultra, the Ultra won by a landside. And before you go about claiming biasism, I didn't label the pictures so no one knew until after the poll ended. I can link you to the poll if you find that the search function is beyond your capabilites. Should that be the case do the world a favor and make sure you don't donate your brain to science.

gordon151 said:
You're not much better than how you depict him with comments like that.

I was simply pointing out that emtpy's similie didn't make a lick of sense. If you inferred from that that I was insulting someone...well that just means you were thinking it first. ;)
The Batman said:
He's not Vagrant Zero. I am Sherlock. Jesus you'd think people would have noticed by now. My cutting sarcam can't be bought off ebay after all.

Now go change your username, you reflect poorly on my old handle.

Also, you have to be mentally/visually/both deficent to believe that ATI's 2x looks as good as Nvidia's 4x. Last time I ran a blind poll comparing 2 4xAA images from the XTPE and Ultra, the Ultra won by a landside. And before you go about claiming biasism, I didn't label the pictures so no one knew until after the poll ended. I can link you to the poll if you find that the search function is beyond your capabilites.

OMFG Duck Gordon! fluffly bunnies and kittens just started shooting out of my ass. Run damnit, run for your very lives before they cute you to death.

Of course hes not Vagrant Zero, if he we're he'd probably of gotten banned by now, but you're a smart guy right Batman? You love to make witty comments so whats you're comment now? What I'm saying is his attitude towards others that are disagreeing with him remind me of Vagrant, and so do a lot of yours lately.
KayossZero said:
Of course hes not Vagrant Zero, if he we're he'd probably of gotten banned by now, but you're a smart guy right Batman? You love to make witty comments so whats you're comment now? What I'm saying is his attitude towards others that are disagreeing with him remind me of Vagrant, and so do a lot of yours lately.


GASP! I remind you of Vagrant Zero. No, you don't say!


You're not a big fan of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle are you?
burningrave101 said:
If you've talked to someone that thinks 6xAA is nearly as good as 8xS then they havn't been testing it with games that were truly aliased lol. 6xAA is better for compatibility in todays games yes, but its definitely not as good as 8xS.

I've found 8xS to be perfectly playable on quite a few D3D and OpenGL titles. Especially ones that are more CPU intensive.

Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind is a D3D game and is relatively new as it was released in 2002 and it still has some of the best graphics for an RPG out there. I have no problem running 8xS in it because its more of a CPU intensive game.

And i dont think you know anything at all about SM 3.0. Want to know why? Because you've only seen it implemented into ONE game and the patch that did that was pulled lol. The way it was used in the 1.2 patch for Far Cry was also done in a manner that could of easily been done with SM 2.0b. It didn't take advantage of the speed and precision SM 3.0 can have over SM 2.0. Take the time to go look up the specs between SM 3.0 and SM 2.0b.

BTW, alot of people like the digital vibrance feature in the ForceWare drivers so the simple fact that you dont doesn't mean its a worthless feature lol.

The pattarn of 8X aa is pretty retarded, so there may be times it doesn't look as good for polygon edges, I think the main reason for it is for texture aliasing.
pain killer.. I do believe ati is doing better in that game ;)
You realized you just linked to tomshardware right?
Just making sure..
digitalvibrance is still crap. I used it, and people who've compared the geforce 6800 with the X800pro and they prefer the X800pro for 2D, while admittidly it varies from vender to vender
Moloch said:
The pattarn of 8X aa is pretty retarded, so there may be times it doesn't look as good for polygon edges, I think the main reason for it is for texture aliasing.
pain killer.. I do believe ati is doing better in that game ;)
You realized you just linked to tomshardware right?
Just making sure..
digitalvibrance is still crap. I used it, and people who've compared the geforce 6800 with the X800pro and they prefer the X800pro for 2D, while admittidly it varies from vender to vender

:( I like 8xSSAA.
Place tell me you were writing some sort of review and didn't make people sit thru a blind poll for your personal kicks and giggles... 'Cuz otherwise you have too much time and/or influence! ;)
pahncrd said:
:( I like 8xSSAA.

There's always going to be a fish that just won't swin with the school, but that's ok, that's what vicious grizzly bears are for. :eek:
The Batman said:
There's always going to be a fish that just won't swin with the school, but that's ok, that's what vicious grizzly bears are for. :eek:
Fish in schools are conformists, I tend to be a non conformist :)
The Batman said:
Satan's a non-conformist too. It's what got him his current gig. ;)
I'm not into christian religions.. bunch of sheep.
Satan's cool though \m/
Moloch said:
I'm not into christian religions.. bunch of sheep.
Satan's cool though \m/

While I'm an Atheist myself let's keep politics and religion out of this. Nothing good ever comes from those two.
The Batman said:
While I'm an Atheist myself let's keep politics and religion out of this. Nothing good ever comes from those two.
I'm agnostic..
Though i want to join the ati religion :D
If you guys keep up the off-topic discussion you'll get this thread locked. Although that may be for the best. :(

EDIT CIWS - This thread has way run it's course and gone off topic, plus I see some users bucking for a Ban because they cannot seem to understand the rule about no flaming..........
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