Firing the boys back up


May 30, 2001
Started folding again today. Right now I have a 3950x and 2080ti folding away and this next week I'll be bringing on another 14 cores with an i9-9940x.

I picked folding because I could choose covid research.

What projects are you guys running?
I'm running more than half of my rigs on WCG, Open Pandemics sub-project which also relates to covid research. Glad to have you on board!
Hey Doozer. I am currently chasing some points goal levels so i am crunching on Universe@home and Milkyway@home. I will be circling back soon to WCG / open pandemics soon here though. If you are looking for other covid research there is also Rosetta@home and Ibercivus@home. Folding@home is the only covid project that i am aware of that can be run on GPU, but the others i mentioned are all CPU.
Welcome back to more crunching. GPU on Stanford Folding COVID and CPUs on WCG Open Pandemics COVID, ATM :)
I’m currently running F@H on all my GPUs but one (a r250x that sometimes misses deadlines, but runs Milky Way great). I have almost all of my CPUs on Rosetta, excluding my raspberry pi 2s, where I couldn’t setup Rosetta due to lack of 64 bit.

If you’re having to shutdown PCs for the summer months due to heat, I can highly recommend using raspberry pi 4s. 4 watts will yield about 1100 average credit on Rosetta, and it you overclock them, you can push it to 1300 points for 5 watts. That’s 7800 average points for the same power of an idle, but not sleeping Ryzen 3700x.
Does the pi2 work on WCG Open Pandemics application?
Does the pi2 work on WCG Open Pandemics application?
The options for a pi2 are minimal. Asteroids@home and Einstein @home will both work on a pi2 of any version. A pi 2 B rev 1.2+ can do more projects (I’ve setup Rosetta) because you can flip it to 64 bit mode.

Open pandemic doesnt support ARM on Linux, so no Pi of any version at this time
I was wrong. There is 32 bit arm support for open pandemics with a minor edit to cc_config.xlm,42424

It wasn’t there when I checked in beta, I promise!
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Glad you confirmed. :)
I just double confirmed by setting up my pi2 rev 1.1 on WCG world pandemics (on raspbian), 2x pi 3s (xbian w/ kodi), and a pi3b+ with the 64bit flag set in the boot config. It’s working just fine on all 4 pis.

I’m now tempted to pickup 6x pi 4 2GB board to run open pandemics to go along with my Rosetta pi 4 4GBs.
Yeah ordered the full LABISTS Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 4GB starter kit with heatsinks, fan, etc. 👍
It's up and online, looks to draw between 4-5 watts according to the UPS while running Open Pandemics on 4 cores. Thanks for the info. :)


I can explain more, but I'm posting and running to pickup Pizza. using # to denote comments for what the commands do.

some power tweaking options (Disable unused features to save power):

#Disable Wifi
echo "dtoverlay=disable-wifi" | sudo tee -a /boot/config.txt

#Disable Bluetooth and bluetooth services - requires reboot
sudo systemctl disable hciuart
echo "dtoverlay=disable-bt" | sudo tee -a /boot/config.txt

#Reduce GPU allocated ram to 16mb - requires reboot
echo "gpu_mem=16" | sudo tee -a /boot/config.txt

#Disable HDMI:
sudo tvservice --off

Turn off Power LED:
echo 0 | sudo tee /sys/class/leds/led1/brightness

#install utility to control usb power
sudo apt-get install uhubctl

#Turn off usb
sudo uhubctl -l 2 -a 0

#Over / under volt
Allowed values 6 to -6
each +/- adds / subtracts .0250V

#Overclock 525 mhz (total 2025mhz):

#undervolt at stock freq (most of my pis will work at -2, but all of them work at -1)

#If using Raspbian, add user to video group, or use pi user:
#Show Temp:
vcgencmd measure_temp

#show clockspeed
vcgencmd measure_clock arm

#show voltage:
vcgencmd measure_volts core

#Track max temp over time from command line:
while true; do date; vcgencmd measure_temp; vcgencmd measure_clock arm; temp=`/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp | awk -F "=" '{print $2}' | awk -F "'" '{print int ( $1 )}'`; if [[ $temp -gt $maxtemp ]]; then maxtemp=$temp; fi; echo "Max temp: $maxtemp"; echo; sleep 30; done
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I try to run anything related to Huntingtons but Folding is pretty much just Covid right now from what I am seeing. Got a 1070 on that, and a couple cpus on Rosetta. I might grab an RPi4 and see what else it can do before putting it on number crunching. Just looked at

More than I probably need but I like having the option. More importantly, beta for 64 bit.
8gb actually helps for Rosetta - a 4gb pi 4 runs out of ram often enough it’s worth setting up a 4gb zram swap space. Largest individual process I’ve seen for Rosetta is 1.6gb.
I’ve now ordered 2x 2GB pi 4s, a 6 port charger, and A 3 pack of 1 foot cables just to see how cheap I can build a cluster.
Keep a running tab of hardware costs so that when you do a points to watts comparison, you can also show the total build cost. Then people can see the value comparison vs. buying traditional PC with/without GPU's.
Keep a running tab of hardware costs so that when you do a points to watts comparison, you can also show the total build cost. Then people can see the value comparison vs. buying traditional PC with/without GPU's.
Yeah, I’ve been keeping this in mind. A little bit depends on the hardware you have laying around, but here is the general bill of materials:

5x raspberry pi 4 2GB ($35 ea): 175
1x 5 pack 32GB Samsung select SD cards: $30
1x 6 port Anker USB charger: $25
1x 3 pack 1 ft usb a to c cables: $8.99
1x 3 pack 3 ft usb a to c cables: $9.99
1x 2 pack 120mm usb fans: 19.99
Vga ram sink (?? I have Tons of these already)
Total : just under 270

Expected power draw with max power savings: 15 watt

Expected power draw over clocked: 25 watt

I’m planning on network booting the next batch of pis to run without a SD card. That will lower the price and drop the power usage (I already have a freenas at the house for remote storage)
Keep a running tab of hardware costs so that when you do a points to watts comparison, you can also show the total build cost. Then people can see the value comparison vs. buying traditional PC with/without GPU's.

This is kinda where my thinking is going. Even 8 of them running would be a little less than 50 watts and my current i7 is sitting here drawing 135 watts just running O.P. on the CPU. I still have some learning and playing to do before I start thinking clusters (just bought the camera module for it) but I suspect my next piece of pi isn't too far off, and with the hot summer right around the corner any reduced heat and power is a plus.

My only concern with the Pi's are the limited support from projects. OP is the first WCG project to have it and they are working on a GPU app as well. Many projects don't support them. And a lot of people don't like putting Android on them...
My only concern with the Pi's are the limited support from projects. OP is the first WCG project to have it and they are working on a GPU app as well. Many projects don't support them. And a lot of people don't like putting Android on them...
Rosetta, asteroids, Eisenstein, amicable, WCG OP, LHC, radioactive, and universe are the ones I’m aware of. The options are limited for covid, but I think there are enough you can find something to do with them. If the backup plan is Rosetta, though, you probably want to stick with the 4gb or 8gb models.
Another 24 hours and looking closer to a bit over 150 points an hour now.

06/08/2020 07:46:31​

My only concern with the Pi's are the limited support from projects. OP is the first WCG project to have it and they are working on a GPU app as well. Many projects don't support them. And a lot of people don't like putting Android on them...

Agreed with Endgame, as long as you go with pi 4 and 4 / 8 gig versions I think you're keeping your options open, and I'm pretty confident this will improve with time.
Update on some under volting testing. It seems to be that there is a minimum voltage set at -2 (going lower has no effect). That minimum is 0.8350V.

I've had success with over_voltage -2 AND arm_freq 1565 - its a nice drop in power while also a 4.5% bump in clockspeed.
Update on some under volting testing. It seems to be that there is a minimum voltage set at -2 (going lower has no effect). That minimum is 0.8350V.

I've had success with over_voltage -2 AND arm_freq 1565 - its a nice drop in power while also a 4.5% bump in clockspeed.

That appears to be where I'm at.

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ vcgencmd measure_volts core

Tried the commands to raise vcore and freq but didn't see any change, so left it at stock for now while it works and I get the camera situated to work as a security cam. The 12.00 camera has pretty decent picture. :)
Second pi 4/4 should be here tomorrow. Will continue learning and playing and try # 2 on a different project to see how it does there. Plus will try and run BOiNC under NOOBS vs Raspberry Pi OS.
That appears to be where I'm at.

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ vcgencmd measure_volts core

Tried the commands to raise vcore and freq but didn't see any change, so left it at stock for now while it works and I get the camera situated to work as a security cam. The 12.00 camera has pretty decent picture. :)
Second pi 4/4 should be here tomorrow. Will continue learning and playing and try # 2 on a different project to see how it does there. Plus will try and run BOiNC under NOOBS vs Raspberry Pi OS.
I see where I went wrong on the overclocking / over voting notes. Those have to go in /boot/config.txt and require a reboot. Whoops!
Well, I was disappointed with the folding performance of the i9-9940x so I put it up for sale so that I can get another 3950x instead.
Guess I should have done some research. :)

Also, interesting info about the Pi. I may have to get one to tinker with.
Well, I was disappointed with the folding performance of the i9-9940x so I put it up for sale so that I can get another 3950x instead.
Guess I should have done some research. :)

Also, interesting info about the Pi. I may have to get one to tinker with.
So what was the disappointing results on the i9 vs 3950x ?

A quick install of BOINC on NOOBS with pi2 and trying to run Rosetta produced this notice.

rosetta desktop.png

When I get a chance tomorrow I'll stick another microSD in and put Raspberry Pi OS on it and see what happens.
Only a pi2 ver 1.2 will run Rosetta (older ones are only 32bit cpu), and you’ll have to enable the 64bit user space flag in /boot/config.txt

Edit, for a pi with only 1gb ram, you have to make some changes to the Boinc config to get it to work with Rosetta as well. I wouldn’t really recommend running more than one Rosetta process - I tried 3 processes with a 3B+ and it spent more Compressing data for zram than it spent actually processing Rosetta.
Things to setup to run Rosetta on a 1GB pi

Configure Zram
Zram creates a compressed, in memory swap partition that is used when all available memory runs out. Testing shows this to work very well up to a partition size = to total memory size to increase the amount of fast memory available to the pi. This is especially useful in a 4GB pi 4 when you randomly get 4 1.2+gb processes running at the same time.

#download and install zram
sudo apt-get install zram-tools

#edit the config file and change the PERCENTAGE from 10 to 100. This can be set as high as 250
sudo vi /etc/default/zramswap

#restart zramswap
sudo zramswap stop
sudo zramswap start

Boinc configuration for Rosetta
You will need to tell Boinc to allow the ARM chip to be used and to allow the system to use more than 100% memory

#edit the boinc client to recognize the pi 4 arm chip
sudo vi /etc/boinc-client/cc_config.xml

#add options after /log_flags:

#Edit the Boinc global preferences to use more than 100% of system memory:
sudo vi /etc/boinc-client/global_prefs_override.xml

#update xml to allow 200% memory to be used, and reduce total amount of work kept on the host (Rosetta assigns more than a pi can process initially):

Restart the boinc process
I picked up a pi 4 2GB, and have been running some tests with it with just a small heatsink and a low airflow usb fan blowing on it (no case).

The heatsink I used is an old Zalman ZM-RHS1 - its a super small VGA heatsink from like 10+ years ago. I have probably 30 of them on hand, as I bought them on clearance at something like $1 per box of 8 and only used a couple over the years.


1) While in theory the 2GB model should use less power than the 4 GB model, my UPS shows the same 3-4W usage at 100% load. When set to over_voltage=-2, and with USB, HDMI, wifi, etc turned off, it reads a consistant 3W power usage, just like a 4GB model.

2) when turned on its edge (GPIO connector down, USB-C connector up), with the small heatsink and a fan blowing on it, it runs fine even over clocked at 2000 mhz and over volt 4 (max temp seen so far is 69C, and no throttling). I imagine that a more reasonably large heatsink designed for the pi4 would drop the temp in this scenario multiple degrees.

3) with a zram configuration for 100% (effective 4GB of ram), you can run 4 Rosetta processes most of the time. I suspect you could stretch it to 150% (effective 5GB ram) and you would almost always be running 4 Rosetta processes. That said, I think the ideal setup is to split the 2GB model between 2 Rosetta processes and 2 Open Pandemic processes.
You should do a step by step guide for each device showing how you mod it and such so that others interested can follow your footsteps easily.
You should do a step by step guide for each device showing how you mod it and such so that others interested can follow your footsteps easily.
Working on it.

check here for the incomplete version:

I can copy the whole guide here when it is complete, but I don’t think that makes a ton of sense until I have something near a complete guide. Otherwise, I’ll have to update multiple forums each time I update something.

also, if your really interested, there is a nice thread on the Rosetta forums that covers a lot of this that I have been participating in: