finally, my x800pro-xtpe gave up.

K10wN said:
GT's are much much easier to mod. I don't know why people would take a gamble with these VIVOs, the chances are slim to none as it seems.. So for only one person for whom it works at 100% XT speeds, and only time will tell how long that lasts...

Other then a handful of instances, specifically (2 reported) powercolor mutants with mixed 1.6 and 2.0 ns ram, VIVO @ XT speeds has been a pretty successful mod. If you're OCing your card and you get a wimpy OC then big deal you still have what you paid for. I've had plenty of situations where I buy multiple of the same CPU/MB combo and get varying results on OCs. If you want guarantees buy a pre-modded card with a warranty.

Considering my X800 idle temp is ~31C and peaks around 49.6C (my WC radiator fans kick up in speed to compensate) I think my X800 won't be hurting anytime soon.
ozziegn said:
$20 says that could be one of the reasons why it died.

I mean come on man, just getting up to normal XT PE speeds shouldve been more good enough for you (or anyone else) but to push the card an even 50MHz more?

my soft modded XT PE runs fine @ 520/560 so I damn sure aint pushing my luck any further than that.

Well that card actually is still workin fine lol, and I'm sure it could have been pushed more.
GT's are much much easier to mod.

GT's do not need to be modded, you simply OC it as it comes with all the pipes enabled. So yes it is easier.

I don't know why people would take a gamble with these VIVOs, the chances are slim to none as it seems.. So for only one person for whom it works at 100% XT speeds,

As for your VIVO comment, where the h3ll did you get those numbers?? Your a$$? Maybe you need to take another count of the successful mods, there are MANY. Myself included.

and only time will tell how long that lasts...

Ummm, this applies to any OC be it ATi or NV.
hamm3rhead said:
Other then a handful of instances, specifically (2 reported) powercolor mutants with mixed 1.6 and 2.0 ns ram, VIVO @ XT speeds has been a pretty successful mod. If you're OCing your card and you get a wimpy OC then big deal you still have what you paid for. I've had plenty of situations where I buy multiple of the same CPU/MB combo and get varying results on OCs. If you want guarantees buy a pre-modded card with a warranty.

Considering my X800 idle temp is ~31C and peaks around 49.6C (my WC radiator fans kick up in speed to compensate) I think my X800 won't be hurting anytime soon.

Its not the freakin temperature thats killing it. If that was the case, temperature is directly proportional to resistance, then the nV cards will die at normal clocks.

And this is why it really doesnt' make sense because ATi's temps are so low it should cause a burn out.
Im not gonna try and say this like Im a know it all, but, again, here's my 2 cents about the whole thing.

The ultra has 2 power connectors, where as the GT only has one. Now, when you hit Ultra speeds, thats putting more demand on the power circuitry, which is trying to make sure the GPU is getting enough, non-peaked smooth voltage.

Im trying to kind of relate this to regular CPU's. If you starve a CPU of power (bad PSU, not enough wattage / amperage), the temperature rises, and you get instabilities, and all this even at stock speeds, let alone overclocking, as per why you would raise the Vcore to gain stability. Could some of these deaths be because of voltage starvation, or the temperature increase that could be a result of that? Possibly as the card tries to counter act the voltage drop, power peaks, and *poof*, gpu gone. Im not trying to pin this on the PSU, but on the fact that maybe, through the AGP slot and the external power connectors (or lack thereof), maybe these cards might not be getting enough power?

Isn't that why with CPU's, if Prime95 and other stability tests come up with errors, you have to compensate, or risk permanant CPU damage?

Im not exactly a Pro on overclocking videocards, but I know for a fact that they're not designed with tonnes of onboard and bios controlled safeguards like a CPU is.

Just thought I might ask.
rancor said:
Well that card actually is still workin fine lol, and I'm sure it could have been pushed more.


and you'd probably be the one that would push it even farther and farther until it died on you as well.

and then you'd probably post another thread on how another X800 > XT PE died on ya. :p
ozziegn said:

and you'd probably be the one that would push it even farther and farther until it died on you as well.

and then you'd probably post another thread on how another X800 > XT PE died on ya. :p

No the others are workin just fine. I just did it till I saw the first signs of artifacting or crash. Its not like I pushed all the cards to 570.
rancor said:
Its not the freakin temperature thats killing it. If that was the case, temperature is directly proportional to resistance, then the nV cards will die at normal clocks.

And this is why it really doesnt' make sense because ATi's temps are so low it should cause a burn out.

Seriously, if you haven't tracked the temperature on one that died I don't want to hear that speculation. I've been reading the [H] and overclocking crap since the matrix was still in the theater, don't pretend thermal strain isn't a valid issue.
rancor said:
The pro was out well before the GT.

As I've always said, both cards are good, just that the gt is better, but at the time the gts weren't out. Simple as that. I don't go around and advertise that the nV is better. I have better things to do when I'm with my friends, how bout you?

Doom 3 wasn't out then either. So all those ATi buyers didn't know about that till 2 months back either. So whats the problem there, I'm sure you like to around and court ATi with your friends, I just don't care either way.

You got busted my friend.. When GTs and D3 werent out yet, nor was the Pro>XT mods on vivo cards... especially the ones you can find with special serial numbers that are XT boards didnt make the quality test..
Alsoo.. Are you telling me that you come in here, give your nvidia propoganda to people that you dont even know to begin with.. Try to *help* them to get a better value for their money (in your opinion anyway)... but you dont do that to your real friends?
Wow, some of you people really surprise me. Do you honely believe that the very few of us "enthusiasts" make even a small tiny little dent with rma's? We don't, if you are not aware we make up an utterly neglegable percentage of the overall market they are after. Just think about the millions of pc's that are shipped every year from the Dells and Gateways...

The real reason hardware costs so much might have something to do with the hundreds of millions of dollars spent in R&D.

That's exactly what I was going to post originally... before 3 more pages popped up in 5 minutes.

First of all, people need to get something straight here: this forum and others like it are not what the big corporations base their marketing strategies on. Yes, everyone in here would buy an xt-pe over a pro vivo for the extra cash (or at least the people who post complaining that "people" would do it). I know I probably would, to a certain extent.

However, you are not economists, and you do not work for ATI, nor have you studied the specific demands for this product-line, so don't make it out like you do. I know I haven't done any research into this, mainly because I'm in college and I don't have time.... a little bit more on-point is because I'm lazy. But you need to look at one thing -- and this is basic economics -- selling something at lower prices to meet higher demand in that price-region is good business practice. I know, I know, "there's higher demand for xt-pe's"... There isn't. You guys are fooling yourselves by thinking that you are the demographic. Most people are not going to spend that much money on a graphics card. They would rather spend money on a lower-end graphics card for less. ESPECIALLY because the prices are so god damned high.

Also, rancor, no offense but nearly every post where the x800 line is concerned you have unfairly touted nvidia through and through. I expected 100% to see your name posting in this thread when I read the title, because I know how you like to bash these cards. Also, I would agree with the others in saying that your claims of 15 cards (which you've already contradicted claims and shown both here-say proof of failure and of huge success) being modded is BS. Sorry, man, but your !!!!!!ism does take precedence over any point you're trying to make.

Also, I was going to yell at you for saying that every company makes 100% profit off their products... because that's complete and utter bullshit. Then I realized that you must have been speaking about the cost to build in relation to how much they make -- which is a fairer estimate of business earnings. However, not all companies make as much as they spent when they sell products.

The bottom line is: I have seen huge successes with modded cards from specific companies. Others haven't been so lucky. But I am not going to say by any means that the cards died because of the softmod. They died because they were being overclocked with insufficient power or cooling. My box is watercooled, and when the RAM comes in and I can get it running, my vivo is going to be modded to an xt-pe and it will run at xt-pe stock speeds. I'm not worried about that.

Also we are not the demographic, we do not know everything about the supply and demand issues in this market, and anyone who thinks they do or makes statements saying that this or that is the reason for such a situation is most likely wrong. Please, give it a rest. I know the flames start now because people will be insulted by me calling them out, and I'll see a dozen links to sites they think are proving me wrong when they're actually not proving anything. For example the sapphire warning that did not say the VIVO-XT-PE mod was a complete failure, it simply warned that modding x800pros (non-vivo) to xt-pe's would be dangerous, and if they were inferring (since they didn't say directly) that vivos are dangerous too, then that's being safe because let's face it -- there are idiots and n00bs that try this shit and fail... sapphire is covering their ass.

I think the rant ends here... too much to read I bet. I plan on not checking this thread again... so make comments as you see fit, but if you want to personally attack me, I suggest personal messaging. Good day.
Emret said:
You got busted my friend.. When GTs and D3 werent out yet, nor was the Pro>XT mods on vivo cards... especially the ones you can find with special serial numbers that are XT boards didnt make the quality test..

OH yes they were :) ya want me to show ya that to ya?

Thats on 7/12, there was a guy on Toms hardware that did it 4 months before hand too.

Here ya go eat it. these guys posted it up, check out toms hardware too.

This was in June!
Emret said:
Alsoo.. Are you telling me that you come in here, give your nvidia propoganda to people that you dont even know to begin with.. Try to *help* them to get a better value for their money (in your opinion anyway)... but you dont do that to your real friends?

If they ask I do.
Emret said:
Alsoo.. Are you telling me that you come in here, give your nvidia propoganda to people that you dont even know to begin with.. Try to *help* them to get a better value for their money (in your opinion anyway)... but you dont do that to your real friends?

Sorry for posting again but he reminded me really quickly right before i re-read my post. I cannot believe that you push so hard in this forum for nvidias and let 15 of your friends buy x800s. I don't tell my friends how to spend their money, but if I thought they were getting ripped off I would definitely let them know and tell them I think they should buy the GT. Don't make it sounds like he's a dick because he tells his friends the best deal. With all your "expertise" in the subject, I should think your friends would value your opinion and you would help them out.
fastcoke11 said:
Sorry for posting again but he reminded me really quickly right before i re-read my post. I cannot believe that you push so hard in this forum for nvidias and let 15 of your friends buy x800s. I don't tell my friends how to spend their money, but if I thought they were getting ripped off I would definitely let them know and tell them I think they should buy the GT. Don't make it sounds like he's a dick because he tells his friends the best deal. With all your "expertise" in the subject, I should think your friends would value your opinion and you would help them out.

Fastcoke well just sit there and keep snorting cause thats whats happening right now. Emret doesn't have a clue of what he is talking about the first card I modded was 2 weeks after they were released in retail.

Another one, in June!

Another one?

I could keep goin this is getting fun.

The serial number up there was for the vivo's my bad, as I said I didn't remember the serial number.
fastcoke11 said:
Sorry for posting again but he reminded me really quickly right before i re-read my post. I cannot believe that you push so hard in this forum for nvidias and let 15 of your friends buy x800s. I don't tell my friends how to spend their money, but if I thought they were getting ripped off I would definitely let them know and tell them I think they should buy the GT. Don't make it sounds like he's a dick because he tells his friends the best deal. With all your "expertise" in the subject, I should think your friends would value your opinion and you would help them out.

IF his opinion was valued by 15 friends making $400 purchases, enough to trust him to mod their cards for them, why would his nVidia suggestions be ignored. And where the hell do you get 15 friends all ready to buy new video cards. NM the countless other friends that followed his nVIDIA suggestion.. hmm there must be at least 5 of those right? Heck I have at least three "friends" that aren't even interested in upgrading till next gen and are happy with last gen cards for now.
Ok, if you two start up with the "your momma" jokes I am gunna unsubscribe from this thread. :rolleyes:
rancor said:
Fastcoke well just sit there and keep snorting cause thats whats happening right now. Emret doesn't have a clue of what he is talking about the first card I modded was 2 weeks after they were released in retail.

Another one, in June!

Another one?

I could keep goin this is getting fun.

The serial number up there was for the vivo's my bad, as I said I didn't remember the serial number.

It doesn't help your credibility to post multiple links to the same pictures.
Evil Scooter said:
Ok, if you two start up with the "your momma" jokes I am gunna unsubscribe from this thread. :rolleyes:

Sorry. I go OT at random. Blame it on solar flares. Or my touchy BS detector.
rancor: pro was out well before the GT
Not the VIVO ones which you could soft mod nor a proved to be sucessfull MOD tested by the masses..

You obviously wouldnt go out and buy 15 cards based on 5 peoples experiences with a mod
Emret said:
Not the VIVO ones which you could soft mod nor a proved to be sucessfull MOD tested by the masses..

Yeah the vivo ones weren't called vivo's before that thats why you have to check that serial number.
rancor said:
well here

28th of MAY

Interestesting that you guys didn't even know about it till well after it was done :p

That was before the VIVO was even available. They started showing up out of no-where in the middle of june-early july. Also that is a much different invasive mod for the standard x800 pro, unlike the flash to 16 and go VIVO mod.
hamm3rhead said:
That was before the VIVO was even available. They started showing up out of no-where in the middle of june-early july. Also that is a much different invasive mod for the standard x800 pro, unlike the flash to 16 and go VIVO mod.

They weren't called vivo's thats why ya got to check the serials
hamm3rhead said:
Seriously, if you haven't tracked the temperature on one that died I don't want to hear that speculation. I've been reading the [H] and overclocking crap since the matrix was still in the theater, don't pretend thermal strain isn't a valid issue.

They never went above 70 degrees C, which is perfectly fine for silicon chips.

You cant prove that you modded 15 cards by trying to falsify a rather unresearched comment by me or anyone else..

You are the one that claimed to be modded 15 x800 cards... Now if fallout or someone like his caliber as an ati f4nboi would come out and say this.. I wouldnt doubt it

But you are one of the handfull of nvidia extremists that bloats nvidia propoganda and bash ati around here non-stop.. It is very hard to believe that your friends bought all these x800 cards (and the VIVO ones which were not available untill recently and at a time that 6800GTs were widely available, and the performance of the both cards were out there and 6800GTs were deemed the winnder card even by you)

I will not even go try to find your first anti-ati and pro-nvidia comments on this forum which would prove another point...

So, before you TRY to falsify any other things, PROVE that you've modded 15 x800pros... Ofcourse if you feel like you dont have to prove it to us, then by all means eject from this thread..

I'm sure that %90 people in this forum that has these newer highend cards also have taken some pictures of it.. taking pictures is even a more necessary thing if you are modding a card..

So, show us those pictures, scanned receipts, or whatever else you might have that would make you look less of a liar than you already are
rancor said:
Fastcoke well just sit there and keep snorting cause thats whats happening right now. Emret doesn't have a clue of what he is talking about the first card I modded was 2 weeks after they were released in retail.

Another one, in June!

Another one?

I could keep goin this is getting fun.

The serial number up there was for the vivo's my bad, as I said I didn't remember the serial number.

Last time I checked he said they hadn't been released, not me. Argue with me on things I've talked about... not on what someone else said. I see you have no response to other things I said... so I'm guessing that you cannot refute them.
Emret said:

You cant prove that you modded 15 cards by trying to falsify a rather unresearched comment by me or anyone else..

You are the one that claimed to be modded 15 x800 cards... Now if fallout or someone like his caliber as an ati f4nboi would come out and say this.. I wouldnt doubt it

But you are one of the handfull of nvidia extremists that bloats nvidia propoganda and bash ati around here non-stop.. It is very hard to believe that your friends bought all these x800 cards (and the VIVO ones which were not available untill recently and at a time that 6800GTs were widely available, and the performance of the both cards were out there and 6800GTs were deemed the winnder card even by you)

I will not even go try to find your first anti-ati and pro-nvidia comments on this forum which would prove another point...

So, before you TRY to falsify any other things, PROVE that you've modded 15 x800pros... Ofcourse if you feel like you dont have to prove it to us, then by all means eject from this thread..

I'm sure that %90 people in this forum that has these newer highend cards also have taken some pictures of it.. taking pictures is even a more necessary thing if you are modding a card..

So, show us those pictures, scanned receipts, or whatever else you might have that would make you look less of a liar than you already are

LOL ok what ever man, stopping crying and flame baiting, you sound like a broken record. I'm putting you on my ignore list.
fastcoke11 said:
Last time I checked he said they hadn't been released, not me. Argue with me on things I've talked about... not on what someone else said. I see you have no response to other things I said... so I'm guessing that you cannot refute them.

There is no use in arguing with people who are so sensitive about their video card purchase :p

Go head and mod your cards, just don't bitch about it when they die.
Crying ? hardly.. ignore works both ways.. You might join your other friends soon on my list of shitty nvidia propagators aka transcendz,empty and burningrave.. But I'd like to see what you have to say other than "what ever man" first and back your words with proof..
Evil Scooter said:
GT's do not need to be modded, you simply OC it as it comes with all the pipes enabled. So yes it is easier.

As for your VIVO comment, where the h3ll did you get those numbers?? Your a$$? Maybe you need to take another count of the successful mods, there are MANY. Myself included.

Ummm, this applies to any OC be it ATi or NV.
Does anybody else find it extremely annoying when somebody picks apart your post and addresses each sentance?
K10wN said:
Does anybody else find it extremely annoying when somebody picks apart your post and addresses each sentance?

Very annoying. Just like the people that call other F4nboy's and don't understand why things are just the way they are.
rancor said:
When did I say I don't remember how to mod it, I don't remember the exact serial now :rolleyes:

yes I told em them everything. I also knew after the first benchmarks were out, that the pro wouldn't be on top of the ultra after 1 or 2 driver revisions. They wanted to get it its up to them.

I guess you don't have many friends if you go around and tell them how to spend thier money would you? Do you do that. The pro was out well before the GT. Its not a value of opinion. I don't rub it into them. Maybe you do things like that. Is that why your name ends with "CLAM"?

As I've always said, both cards are good, just that the gt is better, but at the time the gts weren't out. Simple as that. I don't go around and advertise that the nV is better. I have better things to do when I'm with my friends, how bout you?

Doom 3 wasn't out then either. So all those ATi buyers didn't know about that till 2 months back either. So whats the problem there, I'm sure you like to around and court ATi with your friends, I just don't care either way.
I don't know too many people who are willing to drop $600 CAD on a video card, but if I did, I wouldn't necessarily tell them to go with ATI. I think the GT is an awesome card, especially for people who are not willing to do their own mods.

How can you say that you don't advertise that nvidia is better? Do you not write your own posts?

Anyways, I would really like to know how you hard modded 6 X800 Pro non-vivos. Even the link you posted shows the mod only working 60% of the time, and this was for the very early versions of the card. Did you attempt to mod 10 cards? Or maybe you and your friends are just really, really lucky, and the cards you got were all hard moddable.
The guys over at rage3d forums are having a helluva time trying to mod their X800 Pro non-vivos, I'm sure you could really help them out with all your x800 pro modding experience.

To sum things up: I didn't believe you when you said you worked for ATI and nvidia, I didn't believe you when you said you were a game developer, and I don't believe you now when you say you modded 15 of your friends X800 Pros > XTs.
I'm a wheel of time f4nboy. I'd buy a video card made by the Al Queda if it was a logically better choice, though.
rancor, why don't you argue facts that I mentioned? Why would you just say "whatever, I can't argue with you so I'm gonna say you're sensitive about your vid card purchase". Never did I say I was sensitive about it -- it seems more or less like you get sensitive when anyone says anything good about ATI's new line. "How dare people buy a different card than me. I will ruin their threads with !!!!!! statements and make sure they feel bad about buying an ATI card!"

Also, you linked to the hard mod -- which would make sense if your cards failed. Now if you softmodded them and they failed... that's a different story. Since that's the topic at hand, please try to show some evidence of the failures that you say are inherent with all those vivo cards.
WuTangClam said:
I don't know too many people who are willing to drop $600 CAD on a video card, but if I did, I wouldn't necessarily tell them to go with ATI. I think the GT is an awesome card, especially for people who are not willing to do their own mods.

How can you say that you don't advertise that nvidia is better? Do you not write your own posts?

Anyways, I would really like to know how you hard modded 6 X800 Pro non-vivos. Even the link you posted shows the mod only working 60% of the time, and this was for the very early versions of the card. Did you attempt to mod 10 cards? Or maybe you and your friends are just really, really lucky, and the cards you got were all hard moddable.
The guys over at rage3d forums are having a helluva time trying to mod their X800 Pro non-vivos, I'm sure you could really help them out with all your x800 pro modding experience.

To sum things up: I didn't believe you when you said you worked for ATI and nvidia, I didn't believe you when you said you were a game developer, and I don't believe you now when you say you modded 15 of your friends X800 Pros > XTs.

LOL just wait we are about to have a huge press release with nV and ATi next year, its going to be fun :)
fastcoke11 said:
rancor, why don't you argue facts that I mentioned? Why would you just say "whatever, I can't argue with you so I'm gonna say you're sensitive about your vid card purchase". Never did I say I was sensitive about it -- it seems more or less like you get sensitive when anyone says anything good about ATI's new line. "How dare people buy a different card than me. I will ruin their threads with !!!!!! statements and make sure they feel bad about buying an ATI card!"

Also, you linked to the hard mod -- which would make sense if your cards failed. Now if you softmodded them and they failed... that's a different story. Since that's the topic at hand, please try to show some evidence of the failures that you say are inherent with all those vivo cards.

What facts what you wrote weren't facts. If they were I would have disputed them.
WuTangClam said:
I don't know too many people who are willing to drop $600 CAD on a video card, but if I did, I wouldn't necessarily tell them to go with ATI. I think the GT is an awesome card, especially for people who are not willing to do their own mods.

How can you say that you don't advertise that nvidia is better? Do you not write your own posts?

Anyways, I would really like to know how you hard modded 6 X800 Pro non-vivos. Even the link you posted shows the mod only working 60% of the time, and this was for the very early versions of the card. Did you attempt to mod 10 cards? Or maybe you and your friends are just really, really lucky, and the cards you got were all hard moddable.
The guys over at rage3d forums are having a helluva time trying to mod their X800 Pro non-vivos, I'm sure you could really help them out with all your x800 pro modding experience.

To sum things up: I didn't believe you when you said you worked for ATI and nvidia, I didn't believe you when you said you were a game developer, and I don't believe you now when you say you modded 15 of your friends X800 Pros > XTs.
Much closer to $500 by the way. And I'm one of those people, apparently. Thanks?? The success rate was very high with early sapphire cards.
rancor said:
What facts what you wrote weren't facts. If they were I would have disputed them.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean facts in the literal sense. However, since you're on the subject, none of the things you mentioned were true facts either... they were conjecture. I also don't believe you when you say you worked for ATI or Nvidia, or that you're a game developer. It must take you years to code with those terrible typing skills.