Favorite GPU you have owned?

I've owned alot of graphics cards over the times.
You should have seen the faces of my friends when at one of our usual LANs I brought this guy to replace my TNT2:


It was so fast, the box was so awesome :D
2 7800GT's in sli

Then 8800GTS 640

Then ATI 4870 1GB

I am liking my 5850 but it doesn't have the epicness of the above cards.....or maybe I am just getting old and my enthusiasm is dwindling......
I've owned alot of graphics cards over the times.
You should have seen the faces of my friends when at one of our usual LANs I brought this guy to replace my TNT2:


It was so fast, the box was so awesome :D

I have to agree for the time this is the best video card i ever had. Next would be a TI4600.
my x800xl got me through Oblivion, Fallout 3, and COD:MW before death.

But it has been my only gaming graphic card.
I liked the 6800 series of cards from leadtek just because they had so much hefty copper....I swear, they weighed about 2lbs each...but my favorite is still the asus 8800-ULTRA...my next card will be a used gtx 285...if I can find it cheap enough...
The 8800GT. Close behind that was my Geforce 4 Ti4600.
I would have to say my favorite GPU would be my Diamond 3Dfx Voodoo 1. That card along with Quake 2 and Unreal is what got me truly into FPS....ever sense then I have been paying a small fortune to keep up with the latest in video technology. Thanks 3Dfx :D
here it is:

wikipedia said:
Radeon 9700 PRO (internal ATI code name: R300; internal ArtX codename: Khan), launched in August 2002. John Carmack had the Radeon 9700 run the E3 Doom 3 demonstration.

The performance and quality increases offered by the R300 GPU is considered to be one of the greatest in the history of 3D graphics, alongside the achievements of GeForce 256 and Voodoo Graphics.

R300 would become one of the GPUs with the longest useful lifetime in history, allowing playable performance in new games at least 3 years after its launch.
Radeon 9800 Pro 128 flashed to XT. never had any problems whatsoever. card ran everything at max @ 1600x1200.

I had been running a 9500 pro 128 that was flashed to 9700 Pro, which was phenomenal, but it was inconsistent. had bugs more often than the 9800 pro.

have to give an honorable mention to my 8800GT since it was probably the best card price per performance since that Rad 9500 Pro.
1. Elsa Gladiac 920 (GeForce3)
2. BFG 260 GTX 192sp (current)
3. EVGA 7900 GTO (desktop) / 7900 Go (laptop)

#3 is a mesh since around the time i got back into gaming it didnt take long to go from a 79xx gaming laptop to the desktop version for upgradability.
My X1900XT lasted me over 4 years and still plays games at or above xbox quality. That thing was hardcore!
9700 PRO, bought it the first month it was out. I used it for a good 4, almost 5 years.
Favorite old card.. has to be the Prophet II that I spent all that damn money on.... ahhh Diablo II you succubus you...

Than an ATI 9000 Pro... budget card to all hell.....

Than my BFG 6800GT.... with that copper HSF... that thing was a CHAMP. Bought it launch week for Doom3 lasted till about last year.

Digging this 5770 though..... going to get another pair of them for Tri fire =)
Voodoo 3 3000, My first pc had a integrated ATI rage pro IIc, which plain sucked. I went to Babbages and picked up the V3, put it in and loaded up the Quake 2 demo and nearly shat myself. I will never forget what a revelation it was to play Quake 2 with glide. My next would have to be my visiontek ti4200, it was such a leap from my geforce 2 pro. But it all started with the Voodoo 3.
My Voodoo2 card, mainly because I was stupid enough to buy the Hercules Stingray Voodoo Rush card before it, and that card was incompatible with a number of Glide titles. The Voodoo2 (which I got for a bargain price luckily) solved my worries.
It was my first major video card purchase. Gainward GeForce 4 Ti 4600 Ultra 750.
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I've owned:

Geforce2 GTS
9700 Pro
x1950 Pro

All pretty decent GPUs in their time, some even renown.

However my current 4670 has impressed me the most. I bought this a year ago for $40 as a temporary hold over card and have yet had a good reason to upgrade it.

Until I massively upgrade my rig, this card is still good enough for 1280x1024 gaming.
First nvidia SLi solution for high end and there was nothing that came close. I had a pair, extremely overclocked with custom bios, and could max any game I threw at it on the higest settings @ 1680x1050! ;) Even Far Cry
nothing has ever brought the same feeling that my monster 3d (voodoo 1) videocard did. seeing video hardware acceleration for the first time was amazing.
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My 5870. I have never been so impressed by a single GPU.

Beyond that I loved my 8800GT's and my Voodoo 3 3000

there were others, but the 88 was the best card that I have owned due to the leetness of it and the longevity of its reign as king aka numero uno.

The nicest lookign video card I ever had was a MSi Nbox 5900ultra, that thing looked so beautiful with huge copper heatsinks on both sides of it, even though it was a shady card, it sure did look nice.
My Monster 3d Voodoo 1, I remember playing the 3d accelerated Mechwarrior, quake, and tomb raider and forgetting all about how cool the N64 was going to be. I pretty much lived in OpenGL Quakeworld for a while.

Second has to be my 8800gtx, that thing lasted forever and it's still kicking in one of my secondary machines, regulated to an easy life of rendering 2d graphics in windows XP.
had the voodo 1 and the geforce 2 , but love fianly getting away from the blocky graphics with the Ati 9700pro