FarCry 2 Early Performance Preview @ [H]

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I know seriously. Lack of other resolutions in the realm of "normal" at first always pisses me off with this junk.

I hope we see a more wide ranged view including the 8800 series up to the 4870x2 in the coming days.

Please shut up, you spoiled little brat. They had the game for 3 hours and they put a PREVIEW together in that time. A preview consisting of more than canned benchmarks. If you dont like it, dont read it. Simple as that.
30fps @ 2560x1600 and maxed out on a 4850?

Should run just fine with my 9800GTX and 1920x1200 :) The game looked fun anyway, knowing it will actually play decently is also a big plus!
30fps @ 2560x1600 and maxed out on a 4850?

Should run just fine with my 9800GTX and 1920x1200 :) The game looked fun anyway, knowing it will actually play decently is also a big plus!

A lot of that time was under 30 FPS though with that card at those settings at that resolution, it certainly did not "feel" playable either. Still, it is impressive considering the price of the 4850.
A lot of that time was under 30 FPS though with that card at those settings at that resolution, it certainly did not "feel" playable either. Still, it is impressive considering the price of the 4850.


It appears to be mainly around the 25-35 range, and why no 1920x1200 tests?

Crysis: 1920x1200, no AA, all High settings (not DX10 Very High), and I'm in the 25-35 range with the current setup.
Nice preview. At least I know my 9800GTX will run this game perfectly at 1440x900 and when I get a 260 next month it won't phase the card at all, even when I get a bigger monitor.

It appears to be mainly around the 25-35 range, and why no 1920x1200 tests?

Crysis: 1920x1200, no AA, all High settings (not DX10 Very High), and I'm in the 25-35 range with the current setup.

already answered about the resolution previously, and this is just a preview, there will be more resolutions tested in the full eval

the game felt very "jerky" and "choppy" on the 4850 at those settings tested, it isn't a setting I would be comfortable with playing the game at on that card
already answered about the resolution previously, and this is just a preview, there will be more resolutions tested in the full eval

the game felt very "jerky" and "choppy" on the 4850 at those settings tested, it isn't a setting I would be comfortable with playing the game at on that card

What are your thoughts on the game itself so far?
Article said:
We were easily able to play in DirectX 10 mode on all single PCB video cards here at the absolute highest in-game settings possible. Yes, all the drop-down boxes shown above are at their highest quality settings! This is very exciting and surely is a breath of fresh air from the horrid DX10 performance we’ve seen in Crysis and Crysis: Warhead and even Stalker: Clear Sky.

Hooray! You guys are my heroes :)
From things I've read online, it appears to be a GTA like game, yes? There are "over 70 side missions" (gamestop.com), and a map you can roam.
What are your thoughts on the game itself so far?

fun, it really does feel open ended, i love having no level loads, neat concept, but that means it is harder to tell how far you are into the game, i'm use to like playing 2-3 levels of a game at a time
I'm really disappointed how you guys always only compare the top end cards, and drop older generation cards. Not every has a 2xx or 4xxx card =/ Not much of a helpful comparison when you're only attending a small audience.

Most people on H I would assume still have a 8800GT or 3xxx

I 100% agree, i want to know how it runs at 1440x900 on a 8600GTS.(going to get a 8800 GT tho)

I dont understand why they think every gamer has the latest video card, they really need to see how the lower cards perform.
This game uses a multisampled depth-buffer to improve AA performance, this is supported via DX 10.1 on AMD hardware and specially supprot via NVAPI on NV hardware, we'll move more in the full eval.

Its a shame that they might not really support DX10.1. :(

PCGH: Do you take advantage of DirectX 10.1 as well?

Cedric: Not really. We use some features that give us some more performance on DX10 hardware.

It looks like it supported CF there though (in dx9 at least):confused:

Edit: Forgot link:

Edit 2: This is what I REALLY was hoping to see in this game (under "Indexable Cube Map Arrays":

Would have been sweet to see in a game like Farcry 2. Hopefully they will use it in some of the upcoming REAL DX10.1 games.
Awesome, now the 1% of posters here with a 2560x1600 monitor know which card to get!

Just adding my voice also, to the cry of plebians.

If [H]ardOCP wants to lead off with high performance, high resolution reviews and cater to that elite crowd, that is great. I hope they will release a follow-up or in future reviews expand their reviews to also cover the rest of us. I'd say that 1680x1050 is by far, the most popular and common resolution and many of us are still on old hardware like the 8800 series.

Cater to the masses and you'll get much more traffic and appreciation from your visitors and faithful forum members. Right now, that review has absolutely zero relevance to me and I'd say the same for many of the people here.
They've already stated multiple times that this is just a preview.

You crying plebeians are either really ungrateful or supremely illiterate.
They've already stated multiple times that this is just a preview.

You crying plebeians are either really ungrateful or supremely illiterate.

I'd take the latter. I mean, the word PREVIEW is pretty hard to miss...
Otherwise, great first glimpse into this game. Can't wait to try it.
Thanks for the preview.

Supposedly ati got a hotfix out that fixes the scaling issue in dx9 and dx10? for the 4870x2, matching the performance offered by gtx 260 sli (as it should ). Nvidia released a beta driver specifically for far cry 2 as well but I guess we will see a complete comparison in the full review.
Thanks for the preview.

Supposedly ati got a hotfix out that fixes the scaling issue in dx9 and dx10! for the 4870x2, matching the performance offered by gtx 260 sli (as it should ). Nvidia released a beta driver specifically for far cry 2 as well but I guess we will see a complete comparison in the full review.

the [H] preview is using the latest 'hotfix' drivers offered by both camps.
lol 4870X2 proves again to be a waste of $$ unless they get the drivers right. Not likely at this point.

Glad to see it and sad for the 4870X2 owners.

Hugs to my 280GTX

Still not buying this game b/c of DRM. They can go hang for all I care.

Ok. Then why is [H]preview 4870x2 numbers out of whack?

did you actually read the preview?

We double checked this, but it appears that the Radeon HD 4870 X2 is not performing much faster than the Radeon HD 4870. It does not appear that both 4870X2 GPUs are accelerating this game for added performance over the single-GPU Radeon HD 4870. We don’t quite know what to make of this just yet; we were using the new Hotfix AMD driver so the latest driver was being used. It may be that CrossFire isn’t working with this game yet, or it could mean there is simply a bug.
I'll wait and see if my X2 uses both GPU's. Considering previous results discrepancies between Hard and reality, I am quite optimistic.
Can someone please explain to me the reasoning behind only benchmarking in the absolute highest possible resolution with only the most expensive video cards on the market? How the fuck is this going to help the majority of us? How does this make any sense at all?
It's a preview.

And if you can't estimate how a typical first person shooter is going to scale down from the highest resolutions and best graphics cards, you might want to trade in your outrage for some high school math classes.
It's a preview.

And if you can't estimate how a typical first person shooter is going to scale down from the highest resolutions and best graphics cards, you might want to trade in your outrage for some high school math classes.

That is retarded reasoning. Who fucken cares to read or see graphs showing scores in resolutions that about 4 of us here could even use? It is literally a waste of time...seriously....So I come to review sites now to guess what my performance will be? LOL
The article doesn't specify whether the 4870 is 512MB or 1GB.

I'll just assume it's the latter.
Why is it everything turns into a red vs green war?

The resolution is set to 2560x1600, AA is disabled, and AF is at the highest level the game supports. <--------------------------------------this is why....

I don't mean to bitch, but fuck sakes. I come to the site see the headline and think, awesome--only to fire up this "preview" and see a ridiculously high resolution that only MaximumPC's dream machine could even think of using. Like please... what is the point? Just to fill article space on the site or what?

Rant over....
That is retarded reasoning. Who fucken cares to read or see graphs showing scores in resolutions that about 4 of us here could even use? It is literally a waste of time...seriously....So I come to review sites now to guess what my performance will be? LOL

Well, aren't you a peach to talk to.

Even ignoring that this is just a preview culled from just three hours of [H]ard work by the esteemed editors and writers of this forum you decide to fester upon, if you can't do the mental arithmetic yourself, just go upstairs from the basement and ask your mommy or daddy.
Why is it everything turns into a red vs green war?

I'm gonna put em both in my system and have a greeny-brown colour. Every game review with higher-end gfx will inevitably become a forum war. There are a few people however, the target audience that just appreciates the preview for what it is. I for one like reading them for tips on how to set my in-game settings since thats what the [H] crew painstakingly set out to do.
Can someone please explain to me the reasoning behind only benchmarking in the absolute highest possible resolution with only the most expensive video cards on the market? How the fuck is this going to help the majority of us? How does this make any sense at all?

Well i sure as hell can. But why would i do that when the answers lie in the article itself, AND numerous points in this thread? Hell...a little reading comprehension goes a long way...or maybe...in your case...a little reading goes a long way?

Heres a wonderful example of logic and reasoning for you to try and digest.

The 4850 barely misses the cut at 2560x1600 or whatever the res was. Using prior knowledge that the 9800GTX is about as fast as the 4850...one can pretty accurately deduce how a 8800GT, 8800GTX, 8800GTS(G92), 9800GT, 9800GTX, will perform, since they really are fairly close to each other in playability. Maybe a max difference of 20% from end to end of the spectrum. You can figure, they will all play the game fine at 1680x1050, if the 4850 does that well at that ridiculous resolution.
That review is in DX9 mode if you read the graph, whereas [H] did theirs in DX10.

Kyle, Brent, any chance that Crossfire for this game is messed up in DX10 only?

That review also includes DX10 graphs, if you read the whole page. It shows that the X2 version had substantial improvements over the 4870.
Well, I'm not the only one in his thread that bitched about....

Your not the only illogical retard in this thread either. Coincidence? I think not.

Ive said it before, and ill say it again. Dont like it? Dont read it. Simple as that. Even you should be able to understand that one.
Hmm which one to believe this or the other review site? Only way is to get Far Cry2 now and check myself.
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