Fallout 3 TBA Nov 1st?

What makes you think its Fallout 3? Fallout was made by Interplay. AFIAK, Interplay is long since gone under. Maybe someone baught them though, I really don't know.

I still don't see what Bethesda anouncing a new game has to do with Fallout though. Please explain...
Bethesda bought the rights to Fallout when Interplay shut down. They've long said in interviews that the current title they are working on is Fallout3 using a modified Oblivion engine (last I had heard).
EmptyFlame said:
Bethesda bought the rights to Fallout when Interplay shut down. They've long said in interviews that the current title they are working on is Fallout3 using a modified Oblivion engine (last I had heard).

Interesting, I did not know that. I don't suppose anyone nabbed Baldur's Gate? I'd love to see another one of those.
ellover009 said:
November 2007.
Pretty sure they just made that up... as far as I know nothing has been announced.

EDIT: In the words of Gavin Carter from Bethesda,
"I can pretty much guarantee you we did not go out of our way to provide a date to some spanish retail site while skipping all the major american ones".

In other words, when the release date is announced, Future Shop probably isn't going to be the first one to hear about it...

By the way, their screenshot is from the Black Isle version which got axed in 2003.
They usually don't annouce games until they are a year or less away.
If FO3 is coming in 2007, I'm surprised.
I guess if they're recycling the engine from Oblivion, that will save a lot of time.
silentsammy said:
Could be just an expansion pack to Oblivion...perhaps a desert themed one?
I don't think there's any desert nation in the Elder Scrolls fiction or whatever.
The18thLetter said:
I don't think there's any desert nation in the Elder Scrolls fiction or whatever.
I'm fairly sure there was one in Daggerfall. Don't remember what it was called though...
The way I'm reading into this is that it's Fallout 3 information.

I can't wait for more details on this game. I must admit I'm very pensive about how the game will turn out - but if it's on the scale of Oblivion with the Fallout theme, then it should be fun. Sure, die hard Fallout fans will be upset, but at least there will be a Fallout 3 - a one stage it looked impossible.

Can you imagine a Fallout game using the Oblivion engine?, it could be great - and as a bonus no fantasy bollocks. Just sci-fi post-apocalyptic shenanigans.
if it's true than it's awesome!!!! I hope it won't in FPS perspective though, I'm not seeing myelf in FO3 playing in FPS POV.
Are Fallout 1 and 2 available and do they work on XP? I missed out on those titles, now i want to see what the big deal is.
I don't know about FO 1 but 2 you can play on XP but u have to download a patch, I don't remember exactly it was a while when I played the game, but I did play it on XP
I own both, if you buy the dual pack (I found mine a few years ago at best buy $10 both) it already comes with the latest patch. As for #1 you need to run it on compatability mode set to windows 98 (right click on shortcut -> properties -> compatability and set it to windows 98) . They are great games, on your first play it requires some patience waiting, overall great storyline, good replay value. Once you beat it you can get a trainer, and max out your char to see if you missed anything.
The18thLetter said:
I don't think there's any desert nation in the Elder Scrolls fiction or whatever.

I believe that that land is called Elseweyr and a group of modders on the elder scrolls forums are working on making a mod for it.
Yeah Fallout3 was mentioned in the Oblivion interview videos that were floating around not long before its release.

Fallout 2 still remains to this day the best RPG i've ever played, there's a lot of things that made it a fantastic game, I only hope fallout 3 will live up to the first 2.
Because if it doesn't, the Fallout !!!!!!s (myself included) will burn Bethesda down for dropping the ball.
EmptyFlame said:
Because if it doesn't, the Fallout !!!!!!s (myself included) will burn Bethesda down for dropping the ball.

Yes! Fallout was waaaaaaaaay to cool a franchise to not make another one. I would personally welcome the Oblivion engine because then they game would look spectacular!
Anyone here still or have played Fallout Tactics? Can get it fairly cheap, and wondering if it's any good?
tactics is a must buy, you control whole squad, you can even press a button to switch everything to real time so time based movement goes away, you wanna switch back you push a button. Beat it, great story line, supports higher res than the last two games. MUST BUY.
Tactics did nothing for me.

Fallout 1 and 2 are by far my favorite games of all time. If this is true I CANNOT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tactics has much better combat and much better graphics, but doesn't come close to the depth of the others.

EmptyFlame said:
Fallout !!!!!!s (myself included) will burn Bethesda down for dropping the ball.
I doubt you'll get what you're hoping for. If nothing else, I expect they'll tone the whole thing down a bit compared to Fallout 2.
Replicant1911 said:
Yes! Fallout was waaaaaaaaay to cool a franchise to not make another one. I would personally welcome the Oblivion engine because then they game would look spectacular!

I agree, Oblivion engine + Fallout theme = cool looking game. Can you imagine playing around with the Pip-boy in the glorious looking Oblivion engine?

I prey they get the atmosphere and humour of the original games into the latest incarnation.

Hopefully some of the old characters will make a cameo. Also, Bethesda - please, please use Ron Perlman as the narrator once more - the guy is a terrific voice actor.
Still makes me mad that they had fallout 3 almost done, then the project got dropped. The game was playable, and had most of the maps and encounters done. Talking probably about 6 months or less to polish and finish playtesting. <sigh>

I sure hope they don't screw it up.
spugnor said:
Still makes me mad that they had fallout 3 almost done, then the project got dropped. The game was playable, and had most of the maps and encounters done. Talking probably about 6 months or less to polish and finish playtesting. <sigh>

I sure hope they don't screw it up.

You're talking about Van Buren - that was very sad. I wonder if Bethesda will take on some of the plot ideas from the shelved game?
The only question is how far they push FO3 into the console-centric realm. In other words, how piss-poor they decide to make it.

There is no Oblivion engine. Oblivion is built upon a fairly standard GameBryo platform, which is a piss-poor platform. Bethesda has made some very poor choices on their past development platforms. No argument could be made for not moving to a much better platform, such as UE2.5 or UE3.0 (the latter which could certainly be used for FO3).

Had I the money, I'd attempt to buy back the Fallout IP, as it's almost a certainty Todd Howard and Bethesda will simply release a laughably console-centric product as we've seen they're already quite capable of and intent on doing (Oblivion). If it meant personal bankruptcy, I'd still do it - that's the price I'd pay to keep them from releasing this game.

It may be "just a game", but it was no game for Black Isle/Troika.
Yeah, it's not cool that it's not being made by the original group that made fallout 2, maybe if they used the engine that was on tactics. The console version Brotherhood Of Steel was a big screw up, decent game but wayyyy off from the Fallout Soul.
This interview technically tells theyr gonna do whatever the hell they want to do and that they don't care about staying loyal to the fans, they want to release on multiple platforms but they have no priority on wich one they are gonna work on. That might mean one dumbed down version of the game, console like. Too bad tactics wasn't as oppened ended and as deep because it would have been nice to mod that game to be open ended with towns and such.
Obsidian may have been a better candidate to get this game done right.
Ruiner said:
Obsidian may have been a better candidate to get this game done right.

Not sure about that KotOR 2 was very poor in comparison to the original.
phide said:
The only question is how far they push FO3 into the console-centric realm. In other words, how piss-poor they decide to make it.

I believe it's a foregone conclusion FO3 will be nothing like the first two.
Aside from the fps vs isometric view and real time vs. turn based.
Look at how Oblivion turned out. It's a good game in its own right but it was a
major disappointment to the hardcore RPG crowd. I'm expecting FO3 to take
a similiar approach.

Heavy emphasis on graphics with lots of appeal to the mainstream and not too difficult.
If Bethesda did not choose to carry on the legacy of their own franchise,
I really doubt they'll make FO3 the way most fans of the old games expect it to play.
Although hopefully they write better dialogue and add some variability and roleplaying
opportunity to the "quests" compared to Oblivion.
spicey said:
Not sure about that KotOR 2 was very poor in comparison to the original.

That was mostly Lucasart's fault. I'm looking forward to replaying the game when the restoration team is done. By the pace of their progress reports, they may be done by spring.

I don't really expect to see a new RPG with as much depth as the old school stuff (Fallout 1/2, PS:T, BG2:SOA). The publishers won't take risks anymore...the interfaces are watered down for consoles and the storylines are watered down for the mainstream.
NWN has had the saving grace of unfiltered user developed content that as a whole has blown away the Bioware stuff.

The NWN2 engine would be better suited to Fallout. The core talent from Fallout is working at Obsidian now....most notably Urquhart and Avallone.
Ruiner said:
That was mostly Lucasart's fault. I'm looking forward to replaying the game when the restoration team is done. By the pace of their progress reports, they may be done by spring.

I don't really expect to see a new RPG with as much depth as the old school stuff (Fallout 1/2, PS:T, BG2:SOA). The publishers won't take risks anymore...the interfaces are watered down for consoles and the storylines are watered down for the mainstream.
NWN has had the saving grace of unfiltered user developed content that as a whole has blown away the Bioware stuff.

The NWN2 engine would be better suited to Fallout. The core talent from Fallout is working at Obsidian now....most notably Urquhart and Avallone.

Good point, the NWN2 engine would be more suitable to Fallout's tactical play.

Whatever happened to Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky? They were the original game designers
spicey said:
Whatever happened to Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky? They were the original game designers

A quick wiki/google didn't turn up much for them post-Troika.
Ruiner said:
A quick wiki/google didn't turn up much for them post-Troika.

Cheers, probably gone into hiding and disillusioned after what happened to Black Isle and Troika!
The last Troika game I played was TOEE. It was an awful bug-fest, reportedly rushed out the door by Atari/Hasbro. Once patched, it was a decent evolution of the Infinity engine....certainly the prettiest and it used the 2.5 ruleset. The quests were a bit lame, but I read they tried to mirror the PnP version of that module. Having gone back and read some old PnP mods, they really were pretty bare. It was up to the DM and a decent party to flesh them out.