F@H Clients.

her* she* ;)

Yes, I tried it using a different name 'Syribo' and still had the same problems.

Edit: Haha, I'm slow ;) Disregard too!
her* she* ;)

Yes, I tried it using a different name 'Syribo' and still had the same problems.

Edit: Haha, I'm slow ;) Disregard too!

Ok, I've seen concerns about your router cropping up during my skimming, so lets look at that. Is it possible for you to temporarily connect your system straight to you internet connection and testing the install process that way?
Ok, I've seen concerns about your router cropping up during my skimming, so lets look at that. Is it possible for you to temporarily connect your system straight to you internet connection and testing the install process that way?

Better still disconnect the box from the router.
You only need the internal loopback network to install the client with, not the external network.
With it disconnected you should be able to get as far as configing the client before you need to reconnect to the network.

Also can you ping any of your workstations? Either via 'ping <hostname>' or 'ping localhost' under command prompt?
What result does "ping Zero" give you on the Zero boxen ?
If you cannot do that, thats where the problem lies. Your internal network needs to be reconfigged.

Luck ........... :D
Better still disconnect the box from the router.
You only need the internal loopback network to install the client with, not the external network.
With it disconnected you should be able to get as far as configing the client before you need to reconnect to the network.

Also can you ping any of your workstations? Either via 'ping <hostname>' or 'ping localhost' under command prompt?
What result does "ping Zero" give you on the Zero boxen ?
If you cannot do that, thats where the problem lies. Your internal network needs to be reconfigged.

Luck ........... :D

Isn't there a problem with Windows and MPI where the internal loopback doesn't work? I remember something about unplugging the ethernet cable causes FAH-SMP to stall because it can't communicate through the network.
Isn't there a problem with Windows and MPI where the internal loopback doesn't work? I remember something about unplugging the ethernet cable causes FAH-SMP to stall because it can't communicate through the network.

Unplugging the extrenal network causes the internal network to be reset.
This then causes the SMP client to hang.
But if it never plugged in then the client runs ok.
So if your network connection always get dropped, your better running the SMP client without the network connection untill you want to upload/download work.

Its one advantage of running the client inside VM's.
The client becomes independent of the Windows network.

Luck .......... :D
C:\Windows\system32>ping Zero

Pinging Zero [fe80::7412:5c0e:58a0:b288%8] from fe80::7412:5c0e:58a0:b288%8 with
32 bytes of data:
Reply from fe80::7412:5c0e:58a0:b288%8: time<1ms
Reply from fe80::7412:5c0e:58a0:b288%8: time<1ms
Reply from fe80::7412:5c0e:58a0:b288%8: time<1ms
Reply from fe80::7412:5c0e:58a0:b288%8: time<1ms

Ping statistics for fe80::7412:5c0e:58a0:b288%8:
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms

C:\Windows\system32>ping localhost

Pinging Zero [::1] from ::1 with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from ::1: time<1ms
Reply from ::1: time<1ms
Reply from ::1: time<1ms
Reply from ::1: time<1ms

Ping statistics for ::1:
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms


Did that on the Zero boxen.

And I have tried just connecting my modem to the computer, and not using the router. Still the same problem.

Silly question.

Which version of Vista are you running and which version of the client are you trying to install ?

As I don't think the 5.92 client will install on a Vista64 system.

Luck ............ :D
Here's my rough guide to installing on Vista 64 (non-VM):

- Download the SMP client (I'm still using version 1)
- Install to a directory outside the Program Files directory, I choose c:\folding (this is critical, the Program Files directory is locked down in Vista)
- Run the command prompt as an administrator (start -> all programs -> accessories -> right click 'command prompt' and run as administrator'
- In the command prompt, change directory to the one you installed in, ie: c:\folding. Typin install, follow prompts using default (just press enter) for accounts and type in your password for the current account twice.
- You should see the message twice, and then you can go ahead and run fah.exe from the c:\folding directory.

* One thing to note is I don't run any software firewalls, make sure you don't have any enabled that might be blocking local access to the port in question.

As far as why it isn't working on your old Dell I have no clue. And as Tigerbiten said, good luck if you want to run VMs in Vista 64, it's a pain in the ass.

I was haveing the exact same problem as the OP.
As seen in this thread http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1310546
I followed these instructions and it worked.
You can not Right click Install.bat and select run as Admin, You must do start -> all programs -> accessories -> right click 'command prompt' and run as administrator', I have been stressing out over this for a few days now. Thanks everyone for the help!!!
Now I need to figure out why the service aint starting!

I was haveing the exact same problem as the OP.
As seen in this thread http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1310546
I followed these instructions and it worked.
You can not Right click Install.bat and select run as Admin, You must do start -> all programs -> accessories -> right click 'command prompt' and run as administrator', I have been stressing out over this for a few days now. Thanks everyone for the help!!!
Now I need to figure out why the service aint starting!

She's already done that though.

As far as starting the service, have you gone into the Services control panel and change the username that FAH starts with?
She's already done that though.

As far as starting the service, have you gone into the Services control panel and change the username that FAH starts with?

I haven't read this whole thread, was just stateing that it was fixed for me.

I tried to put in the username/pass and it says it can't be found.
However when I try to start the program manually I can type in the account/pass and it works fine.

Wipe, re-install OS and re-install client :D

That's not funny :(

I've been trying the 5.91 client, on Vista 64-bit.

Every time a WU tries to get sent in (text-only), it doesn't send correctly. My # of WU's keeps going up, but points stay the same. I get 0 for each one (Unless it actually finishes on my XP machine.. but it takes days for that machine to do anything)..

Last night I had 43 WU's and 2,485 points... Now look at it.
I'm going to bet, when you finially do get it working, it was something really simple. At least that's how it went for me. ;)
Well.. I finally decided to actually just go ahead and reformat.. And guess what? Installed the SMP client and on the first run I finally saw the "If you see this message twice" thing! For the FIRST TIME! It's working still so far!

I hope it continues to work.. even after I finish with all the updates and driver installations.. I still don't understand why it wouldn't work before..

Well.. I finally decided to actually just go ahead and reformat.. And guess what? Installed the SMP client and on the first run I finally saw the "If you see this message twice" thing! For the FIRST TIME! It's working still so far!

I hope it continues to work.. even after I finish with all the updates and driver installations.. I still don't understand why it wouldn't work before..

Glad it's now working. As I always guessed, the network configuration is probably messed up badly. Hope this will run fine from now :)

Strange thing though... Uhm... My computer is at 100% so I know F@H is running somewhere.. It doesn't show up under Applications, but it shows up twice under Processes..

Shouldn't I be seeing the console or something? And how is it taking up 100% anyway? I'm so confused right now... Also, whenever I open up the client, it just stops at the first step... Nothing happens after that at all... So even though I got further in the installation process, I'm still having problems ;) What's going on! :(
Strange thing though... Uhm... My computer is at 100% so I know F@H is running somewhere.. It doesn't show up under Applications, but it shows up twice under Processes..

Shouldn't I be seeing the console or something? And how is it taking up 100% anyway? I'm so confused right now... Also, whenever I open up the client, it just stops at the first step... Nothing happens after that at all... So even though I got further in the installation process, I'm still having problems ;) What's going on! :(

If you installed as a service then your won't see a console, nor will it show up under the Applications tab. And you should see three FAH process on a dual core system. One for the client itself which spawns two threads that actually do the work.
Well.. I finally decided to actually just go ahead and reformat.. And guess what? Installed the SMP client and on the first run I finally saw the "If you see this message twice" thing! For the FIRST TIME! It's working still so far!

I hope it continues to work.. even after I finish with all the updates and driver installations.. I still don't understand why it wouldn't work before..

Reformat and reinstall always cures those Windoze problems ;)

Okay so.. This may seem like a dumb question ;) I noticed that my points were finally going up, and the WU number too while I was sleeping. (Got 15 points though for a result? That sounds weird?). All of these problems make me think something is still wrong. So how do you know that your SMP client is working right, if you can't see it? I have a fah.exe console open.. It's going much slower than it used to (Although it used to not even submit results).

I'm not sure if it's the only one open or not... My computer is at 100% again so.. Also, should it take 100% anyway?? All the time? Barely any of my RAM is being used ;) 1.94GB geez... Need to reload this computer with more programs (Hate reformatting.. but it feels so nice and clean ;)).

Is there any way to like.. monitor all FAH clients, on more than one computer? I don't know if it's my XP machine submitting results, or if it's this machine.. but I don't want to close the client on the XP machine in case that IS the one that's working and I don't want to stop it then.

I have quite a few FAH processes open... Instead of typing everything out, I'll just take a screenshot ;)

Then fah.exe is down at the bottom, taking up only 1,456K... And two smpd.exe taking up about 6,100K each.

I also don't see anything under Services either... Any thoughts? ;)

Okay so.. This may seem like a dumb question ;) I noticed that my points were finally going up, and the WU number too while I was sleeping. (Got 15 points though for a result? That sounds weird?).
There are standard console client WUs worth 15 points or less. That's not SMP, though.

All of these problems make me think something is still wrong. So how do you know that your SMP client is working right, if you can't see it? I have a fah.exe console open.. It's going much slower than it used to (Although it used to not even submit results).
Why can't you see the SMP client? It should be visible unless you installed it as a service, but that's not recommended for SMP clients. Do you have multiple clients installed, BTW?

I'm not sure if it's the only one open or not... My computer is at 100% again so.. Also, should it take 100% anyway?? All the time? Barely any of my RAM is being used ;) 1.94GB geez... Need to reload this computer with more programs (Hate reformatting.. but it feels so nice and clean ;)).
If you mean 100% CPU utilization, then it's normal. F@H will use as much as you give it and the default is 100%.

Is there any way to like.. monitor all FAH clients, on more than one computer? I don't know if it's my XP machine submitting results, or if it's this machine.. but I don't want to close the client on the XP machine in case that IS the one that's working and I don't want to stop it then.
Monitoring apps you can try are FahMon or FahSpy. Both are OK but they have their specific strengths and weaknesses.

I have quite a few FAH processes open... Instead of typing everything out, I'll just take a screenshot ;)
That's normal for SMP clients.

Then fah.exe is down at the bottom, taking up only 1,456K... And two smpd.exe taking up about 6,100K each.
Again, seems normal.

I also don't see anything under Services either... Any thoughts? ;)
I don't have Vista on my folding machines (it would be counterproductive) and can't comment from direct experience, but intuitively I don't believe there should be anything there except perhaps the MPI service. I can't say for sure. :shrug:

I think I installed it as a service... Is there any way to change that option? Do I have to reinstall it again?
I think I installed it as a service... Is there any way to change that option? Do I have to reinstall it again?
Honestly, I don't know. Don't do anything until someone with Vista service installation experience replies in this thread.
Honestly, I don't know. Don't do anything until someone with Vista service installation experience replies in this thread.

Actually, I would like to know what the RIGHT selection for each option is, when installing the SMP client ;) There are some I just don't understand! I just uninstalled and am about to reinstall.

Edit: I went through the Vista guide someone posted on the first page, and it had the information I needed :) So hopefully everything is installed right this time!
Actually, I would like to know what the RIGHT selection for each option is, when installing the SMP client ;) There are some I just don't understand! I just uninstalled and am about to reinstall.
Wait until it finishes the current WU before doing anything. No point in losing all the work. Stanford will end up reassigning the WU to someone else.
If you don't see FAH listed in the Services pane, then it didn't install as a service. And despite not being supported, FAH runs just fine when configured as a service. However, there are addtional undocumented steps you have to take for it to start up when the system boots up.

Now, from your screenshot above, it looks like you're running in from a command prompt or explorer, not as a service.

The Windows SMP client has a lot of processes.

Fah.exe x 1
FahCoreA1core.exe x 4
mpiexec.exe x 1
smpd.exe x 2 (I think, it maybe only one instance)
Looks like you're getting close!

I hope so :) It's been running still, seems to be fine! Also have FahSpy running (But I can't figure out how to get it to monitor my other system as well? Unless it can't do that?). Also.. Should I have two SMP clients open on my quad-core? And does that mean I need to install it again but instead of installing into C:/Users/Emilie/FAH, would I do C:/Users/Emilie/FAH2 or something?

As long as they are on the same network, you should be able to point fahspy in it's direction.

I have my dual clients installed like that. Just remember to set the second client's machine ID to 2.

You're going to blow by me before you know it. ;)

I hope so :) It's been running still, seems to be fine! Also have FahSpy running (But I can't figure out how to get it to monitor my other system as well? Unless it can't do that?).
Yes, it can. Click on 'add folder' at the top and then search for your shared networked computers by clicking on the folder icon at the right.

Also.. Should I have two SMP clients open on my quad-core?
That's entirely up to you, but many have 2 clients running on their quads with Affinity Changer to improve PPD.

And does that mean I need to install it again but instead of installing into C:/Users/Emilie/FAH, would I do C:/Users/Emilie/FAH2 or something?
No need to install twice. Make a new F@H folder with a different name and copy everything from your first folder to this folder except the work subfolder and queue.dat file. Second, you will need to edit your client.cfg file and change the machineid to 2 as mentioned above. You must stop the client to do this properly. If you are uncertain whether you will lose your current WU, wait until you finish first.
Another thing I wanted to add is when running multiple SMP clients in the same OS, shutting one down will frequently crash the WU on the second client, causing you to lose the work done. In order to avoid this from happening, disconnect your network cable for a few seconds and both clients will stop processing their WUs. You can then safely close both of them down.

Actually, I would do this even if running one client since the four SMP cores don't always shut down at the same time, but disconnecting the network cable will force them all to stop, making it the safest way to close the client. Once the client(s) are shut down, make backups of the SMP client folders to another location on your hard drive just in case. Anytime you make changes to the SMP client whether it's a change in configuration or adding more clients, you should follow this procedure to prevent loss of work.

Okay, once this WU finishes soon I am going to run a second client too. I also downloaded and installed Affinity Changer... Is this supposed to just run in the background as a service? Because I don't see it anywhere, and just want to make sure it is running ;)

Well.. I finally decided to actually just go ahead and reformat.. And guess what? Installed the SMP client and on the first run I finally saw the "If you see this message twice" thing! For the FIRST TIME! It's working still so far!

I hope it continues to work.. even after I finish with all the updates and driver installations.. I still don't understand why it wouldn't work before..

I hate when I’m late to the party ;)

One thing I did find out though. Working with different machines I was attempting to get your original problem of the BAT file not installing.

Finally I found an issue that was easy to duplicate and that is IF net framework is in anyway shape or form screwed the argone labs (mpixe) program WON”T run.

Those of you doing new Vista installs with SP-1 or XP installs and grabbing SP-3 before allowing other updates to …..errrrrrrrr…….well, update may well run into this issue.

However, for those of you going through hell double check you have MS Net up and running.


Okay, once this WU finishes soon I am going to run a second client too. I also downloaded and installed Affinity Changer... Is this supposed to just run in the background as a service? Because I don't see it anywhere, and just want to make sure it is running ;)
Yes, this program runs as a service. I have it running on my dual dual-core Opteron (4 cores) and if it gives me anywhere between 200-400PPD extra, it should give you a lot more on an Intel quad. Let us know if you have any more questions.
Okay, once this WU finishes soon I am going to run a second client too. I also downloaded and installed Affinity Changer... Is this supposed to just run in the background as a service? Because I don't see it anywhere, and just want to make sure it is running ;)

yes ;)

Yes, this program runs as a service. I have it running on my dual dual-core Opteron (4 cores) and if it gives me anywhere between 200-400PPD, it should give you a lot more on an Intel quad. Let us know if you have any more questions.

More interesting stuff. About AF changer, two things. I just upped my Vista 64 box to 8 GIGS of RAM, AF didn't like that at all. In fact now it makes no difference at all.

Two, if you install anything that runs as a service after installing AF double check that it
s still working, you may have to uninstall it and reinstall it. When you reinstall you don't even need to shut down folding, it doesn't require a restart.

Fun nite of discovery;)

More interesting stuff. About AF changer, two things. I just upped my Vista 64 box to 8 GIGS of RAM, AF didn't like that at all. In fact now it makes no difference at all.

Two, if you install anything that runs as a service after installing AF double check that it
s still working, you may have to uninstall it and reinstall it. When you reinstall you don't even need to shut down folding, it doesn't require a restart.

Fun nite of discovery;)

Uh oh, hope it doesn't give me a problem.. I too have 8 gigs of RAM.

Also, on average, how long does it take for your cpu to get from one step to the next? It takes my computer about 15-25 minutes per step (Which I actually thought was slow.. but I'm not sure now.) My other machine takes more than twice as long per step.