F.E.A.R. 2 demo coming tomorrow

I Dont know about floaty controls, I found them extremely tight and responsive. I did however find thier key bindings extremely annoying, and now that they disabled the g5 side button(s), is also quite annoying.

They seem to have disabled the use of all side buttons. The controls are retarded by default, and almost impossible to remap.
The Bottom Line is you don't like it. Uninstall the demo, don't buy the game when it comes out. Stop wasting your time on shit you hate and go play something YOU like. End of story.

I am commenting on what I have seen so far, much like 50% of the entire internet at the moment. No worries mate the demo was uninstalled after the 3'rd play through. Too bad really, I replayed through the original FEAR just to get back into it.

If you end up buying it though do me a favor and 6 months from now, maybe even 3 shoot me a PM and let me know how many servers are left. I got a bet going and if I hurry I can get between 0 and 5 for June.
Lots of negativity here. I'll try to be nice. Character animations are great. The ghost creatures in the school are freaky. I like the fire grenades. I like the inclusion of the mechs. I thought they were waaaay under-used in the original. I'm liking it so far. Played it twice. Gonna play it again tonight. Minor gripes like mouse 4/5 support and film grain aside, my real disappointment with this game is that it looks so "last gen". It looks like they used an enhanced version of the original engine. It would have been nice to get a graphical powerhouse like the original was in it's time. Judging by the demo, its worth at least a play-through for me. Hopefully the combat ramps up to create some kind of challenge.
I really think a lot of you are remembering FEAR through rose-tinted glasses.

I was playing the game a couple days ago and the graphics just do not compare to this demo. And I'm not speaking purely in terms of technical effects, I'm talking in terms of art direction and variety too. The original was square office room after square office room filled with plastic enemies and plastic items, and I honestly think you see more variety in this demo than you saw in the entire original FEAR game.

The AI also had it's fair share of problems, even though I'd still say it's among the best on the market. When I was playing the other day one of the enemies sat behind cover forever until I ran up within a foot of him, then when I started shooting him he moved. Unfortunately for him at that point it was too late. The game wasn't infallible, and while I will agree that the AI in FEAR 2 seems like a downgrade, it's still a lot better than what we've seen in most other games.

And I personally found the scare tactics in the original to be mostly laughable. I don't remember any point in the original where I felt as unnerved as I was during that school section in this demo.

Now, I still loved the original, and I thought it was a great game despite it's incredibly repetitive level design and questionable horror elements. But some of you seem to be romanticizing it far more than it deserves. You're holding this demo up to a standard that honestly seems to exist only in your mind, because the original FEAR was not perfect in any way shape or form.

I've played this demo through three times, and I think it's pretty damn good. It's certainly not perfect, and I do see a bit of "consolitis", such as no support for 16x10, no support for side buttons on the mouse, no way to disable autosave to stop stuttering, and the scroll wheel not working, but if those things are patched up I think this could be a really good game. I wouldn't call it an obvious shitty console port though, it's nowhere near as bad as some I've seen. It has AA and AF support right in the game settings, it's got tons of tweakable graphical settings, it runs extremely well, and hell, it's got native G15 LCD support. Maybe they forgot a couple things and it could use a little work, but this demo hardly screams "console port". It's certainly not an affront to PC gaming like say, UT3.

If it's not your kind of game, that's fine. I can sympathize, I've disliked many popular games and been called a heretic for it. But some of these complaints are minor quibbles at best, and I personally feel like the idea that this game doesn't compare favorably to the original FEAR is lunacy.
I gave the demo a try last night and my only complaint is that the demo was too short. I liked it and am looking forward to the full game when it hits the shelfs.
^ qtf.

I was suprised to see FEAR2 pop up on my g15 when I launched it.
Health and armor level meter was handy.
My scroll wheel worked well though. hmm, maybe only a select few mice dont work.
My scroll wheel worked well though. hmm, maybe only a select few mice dont work.

I was referring to the fact that you can't scroll through the text logs with the mousewheel. You have to drag your mouse over and manually scroll.
I'm very anti rarrow fov like most of you here, but I really can't say that's its actually bad. Objects on the sides of the screen distort the farther they are from the center just like other games with proper pc fovs, it definitely doesn't look like 65 and I think it's closer to 90. But hud border outline has to go, very annoying and claustrophobic.
no leaning=not buying, simple as that. pissed off!
Also you can't bind F1 or Tab, well you can rebind the Tab key but it still doesn't work ingame, it will bring up the status screen regardless. wtf!
Sprinting is toggled, that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
Very cool demo, LOVE the mech combat. GJ Monolith, reminded me of a darker shogo.
no leaning=not buying, simple as that. pissed off!

I was surprised it wasn't in there but frankly, you really don't need it. You either going to aim down the scope in slow mow or run and gun in slo mo anyways.

Also you can't bind F1 or Tab, well you can rebind the Tab key but it still doesn't work ingame, it will bring up the status screen regardless. wtf!
Sprinting is toggled, that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

A patch can easily fix these. If we're lucky, the final game will have this addressed.

For all the nitpicking and hand wringing I'm seeing in this thread from some, it seems to be important to re-mention something: This is a DEMO, not the finished product. Take some solace in that. :)
very impressed with the demo. will definitely by the full version if its $40 or less for pc.

smooth as butter too, maxed out at 1920x1200 with 4x msaa on my trusty 8800gtx.
^ qtf.

I was suprised to see FEAR2 pop up on my g15 when I launched it.
Health and armor level meter was handy.
My scroll wheel worked well though. hmm, maybe only a select few mice dont work.

So if your g15 told you were awesome, you would believe it.;) Your keyboard doesnt care which game you play.

I am a fan of Monolith, but they havent made a good game since the NOLF series. F.E.A.R. was ok, get over it. Some of us have moved on.
[H]adouken;1033636463 said:
Whats the story of FEAR? Is it as good as Half-Life 1 or 2s?
Just as good, probably better if you like darker themes. I'd recommend playing through the original FEAR first to get the whole story as FEAR 2 continues right from it.
I was surprised it wasn't in there but frankly, you really don't need it. You either going to aim down the scope in slow mow or run and gun in slo mo anyways.

A patch can easily fix these. If we're lucky, the final game will have this addressed.

For all the nitpicking and hand wringing I'm seeing in this thread from some, it seems to be important to re-mention something: This is a DEMO, not the finished product. Take some solace in that. :)

If you played FEAR MP then you should know why he is pissed that there is no leaning. A game with no leaning just does not feel right...

There does seem to be a lot of complaining. I too could tear it apart piece by piece but no game is perfect. Especially a DEMO. I guess there are just those who's main function in life is to complain about anything they can wrap their brains around. It's not necessarily a bad thing, just really annoying when its about a demo ;)

If things are horrible upon release, please by all means use some constructive criticism for the DEVs to help the community out :D

Personally, I loved the demo...if you play the game and at least try to immerse yourself, YOU WILL GET SCARED lol
...it definitely doesn't look like 65 and I think it's closer to 90.
Nah...not a chance. I can't tell you exactly what it is, but it's most certainly lower than 90, and most certainly lower than 80. 65 was just a guess, and realistically it's probably closer to 75 -- which is still awful.
I was surprised it wasn't in there but frankly, you really don't need it. You either going to aim down the scope in slow mow or run and gun in slo mo anyways.

Well maybe you don't need it, but I absolutely do. Slomo makes the game incredibly easy and I just don't use it. Played through the original numerous times and never used it once, except for the parts where it was programmed to do it automatically. playing tactfully with style is nonexistent without leaning, makes for a very generic consolish feeling gameplay...not to mention the AI seems to have degraded to the point of retardedness,

A patch can easily fix these. If we're lucky, the final game will have this addressed.

I hope so, I love Monolith, they have always made great games, and I'm sure they'll make it right for us.

One final thing though, I've heard that FEAR2 will require STEAM and internet access to play...if that's the case forget it all, I WILL NOT BUY!
One final thing though, I've heard that FEAR2 will require STEAM and internet access to play...if that's the case forget it all, I WILL NOT BUY!

Pretty sure it will, and expect the same of Dawn of War 2 for example. It even has the Steam logo on game startup. I believe Monolith and Relic both jumped on the steam boat.
If the game requires Steam why is that there's a non-Steam demo that advertises multiplayer powered by Gamespy?
So I've played through the whole game twice and overall I do like FEAR 2. With that said, I do stand by what I said before about the mouse movement...just doesn't feel right. Somebody used the word floaty and I'll have to agree.

Another problem I mentioned was the HUD, it need some work. I think the look Monolith was going for with visor went overboard...tone it down a bit or give the option to remove.

I really can't tell and it's only a demo, but the AI does feel a little shallow. I played the demo on hard and it wasn't very.

I'm thinking that there are some great points on this thread, but unfortunately they guys at Monolith won't see them. I suggest we might start posting over on their forum so that there is a better chance for them to see...and maybe take notice? Well maybe not, but it might not hurt.


UPDATE: Actually after reading over there for a bit, they got it. All the same complaints seem to be over there already.
The stuttering is ridiculous. It almost makes it unplayable on my machine. The letterboxing is also a pain in the ass because I'm running a 5:4 resolution, so I lose a third of my screen at least. Gameplay seems pretty good, but I couldn't really tell because of the stuttering every couple of seconds. Also, the fact that they removed soft shadowing seems pretty stupid to me, as the game would look a lot better with it.
The demo is fun, played 1x on Normal. After playing the game I think it warrants a purchase, honestly. Feels like another solid FPS. The studio deserves the support on this one. No problem binding keys either. Not sure how some people just run in to all of these strange issues.

The mouse does feel a little floaty and the A.I. seemed somewhat weak - but none of that is a deal breaker to me. And even if it requires steam...so what.

The mech suit played better than I thought it would. Game looks and runs great (solid 60 with max settings) - only a few small hickups.
Just played through the demo, seems pretty solid.. controls a bit floaty as mentioned in previous posts. Creepy school scene :eek:

EDIT: Played silky smooth with all settings to high and 4x AA @ 1920x1080 on my 37" w/ 8800GTX.
Just played. pretty fun. As for performance, I have everything maxed out at 1920x1080 on a 42" LCD and it looks awesome. My only issue is that motion blur gives a 30fps drop. With it on, I average about 30fps with my hd4870x2, but when i turn it off I'm locked at a solid 60fps with vsync on.
Played through it twice.... Only real complaints... Lose the film grain... give me a much, much, harder difficulty and, for the love of god, give me a quick save feature.

Otherwise, I loved it and cannot wait to buy it and play it.
What's with the black borders at the top and bottom of the screen. We all have 16:10 screens not 16:9. Looks stoopid.
Just as good, probably better if you like darker themes. I'd recommend playing through the original FEAR first to get the whole story as FEAR 2 continues right from it.

I never managed to pay attention to the story behind either. Some guys in masks, something about a big building, people can't have sex, there's a girl, they did some experiments, there's an explosion, something about a Flood, lots of little aliens, some terrorists are going to blow up a train or something, there's some sort of virus that makes people angry and mindless and try to kill you, you're in an underwater city and there's these guys with big drills on their hands or something and blah.

It's all the same spiel. There hasn't been a game witha great story released for a long time, don't worry about it.

I like the black borders. It makes it feel more cinematic.
Just played the demo this morning because it was the first time I had a chance to try it (long work week). Anyhow, I don't have too much to add onto what others have said, but here are my thoughts anyway....

Things I didn't like....

-The menu system was extremely annoying.....very console-ish
-I think they could have done without the HUD.....it felt too console-ish. But, on the other hand, it didn't detract from the action too much for me
-No lean (not a big deal but I did like it in the first game)
-Some of the sound effects weren't too great (another minor issue for me)

Good stuff...

-Even though the graphics aren't groundbreaking, I thought they were pretty damn good with good performance on my system with the settings cranked
-Great atmosphere/environment....I was totally sucked in and oblivious to the 'real' world
-I thought the scare tactics were good too. I was definitely getting creeped out
-Visceral, gory combat is always a plus (enemies split in half when you shoot them in the waist with the sniper rifle)
-I liked the journal/info you get throughout the demo, it added another level of depth for me

At first I thought the game felt very console-ish but the more I played, the more I realized I didn't care....I was having way too much fun. I didn't mind the FOV or the controls, everything felt good to me in-game. Overall, I can understand people's complaints with the game but, IMO, the fact that it's a solid FPS that really sucked me in negates the nagging issues that I had with it. FEAR 2 is definitely on my list of games to buy this year.
If you played FEAR MP then you should know why he is pissed that there is no leaning. A game with no leaning just does not feel right...

That's true.

I did use leaning a bit in MP but I also found that a lot of the times the people relying on leaning a lot were simply campers that would wait, lean behind a wall, and nail people and just sit there and keep doing it ad infinitum. .

It's a good thing and a bad thing at the same time to not have leaning, but this is one less tool for a camper in MP.
Does anyone feel like it's been heavily influenced by other games? The blood/gore effects look like they were trying to have a Gears of War style, that just didn't work out right, looks like dammit imo. Also the shock/fire grenades seems like a spin on your abilities in bioshock.

No lean will be disappointing if they don't add it in.. especially for MP.
It seems like they got something right with FEAR 2. I had goosebumps the entire school scene, and started to sweat before the end of that scene.

I will absolutely be buying this game.

The mouse was weird at first, felt as if I moved too much for too little movement of the mouse. I turned the aim sensitivity down and it was way better.
I played for a few minutes last night. Got late and I was tired. I'm still running around the school and its definitely creepy as hell. Love that in a game.

My complaints:

1. Grainy graphics. They better patch or add an on/off for that because it is distracting.
2. No lean. Why Mono WHY!??! I hope they add/patch this as well.
3. Mouse control is to sensitive. There's an Aim Sensitivity slider but it doesn't calm down the crazy fast mouse movement. When I try and turn around I do a 360 and then some.

All in all the 15 minutes I played was awesome. Maxed out with 4xAA/8xAF ran very very well on my system. And don't forget this is a DEMO folks. I'm sure they will address complaints and fix where appropriate.
As others have mentioned, don't like the grainy look to the game. Otherwise, looks promising.
One final thing though, I've heard that FEAR2 will require STEAM and internet access to play...if that's the case forget it all, I WILL NOT BUY!
Do you have something against Steam, or do you just not have internet access?
I just got through playing the demo, and all I can say is, they hit the nail on the head with the atmosphere. Just like the first one, only better. Yeah, the mouse is kinda flaky, and the stuttering sucks, but that's stuff that can be fixed with a patch I imagine. Can't wait for Feb. 10th! :D