Extra Item in Shipment

What would you do?

  • Call newegg, arrange to send back.

    Votes: 42 71.2%
  • Keep it, sell it.

    Votes: 12 20.3%
  • Keep it, build another rig around it, $80 cheaper.

    Votes: 5 8.5%

  • Total voters


Limp Gawd
Nov 24, 2008
Well, I couldn't find an ethics forum, and since this is my favorite subforum and this is kind of a hardware question... here it is:

I just ordered about 1800 dollars worth of stuff from newegg. I ordered a core i7 system but while going through the box, I found a Gigabyte EP43-UD3L motherboard. Obviously not something I meant to order. Checked the packing slip -- not included. Double checked my order online -- not included. In short, I didn't pay for it.

It is my nature to do the right thing and send it back and I'm heavily inclined to do so (pretty much been decided already), however, I want to get everyone's thoughts and ask -- what would you do?

Edit: Quick note, there is no plastic on the box like there is the X58 EVGA board I ordered. Would this be considered an open box? I checked inside and everything is included, all wires, manual, backplate,etc.
Well my morals say send it back.

However if newegg doesn't pay for the shipping then I would keep/sell it.

Of course the monkey on my back is screaming "KEEP IT! KEEP IT!"
Call Newegg and see what they say. Small chance that they'll just let you keep it. I know they do with items of somewhat small value. They may even offer you some "reward" for being honest.
Don't ask the Internet to be your moral compass, but since you've already decided what to do...

Call or chat with Newgg. Get someone live. When you get a real person the're usually very nice, the might offer to let you keep it or give you a credit toward another purchase.

It will also help lend legitimacy to the customer who didn't get everything they ordered when they call to complain. It happens, I've not recieved a hard drive before in a box of other items, Newegg was was very fast in replacing it for me though.
Don't ask the Internet to be your moral compass, but since you've already decided what to do...

Yeah, that's not my intention. I just thought it's an interesting situation that could easily see very divided points of view. As you said, you very often hear of things being forgotten in an order, rarely of extra items being added.

Also, I have to admit the item itself makes it MUCH easier to do the right thing and send it back, as I have no use for a core 2 motherboard. If I'm being honest with myself, I can admit I'd have a much tougher time if they had accidentally included, say, another GTX285 or something along those lines.
i would call them and let them know, if they decide they want it back let them make arrangements, but i have heard of this before and they told the person to keep the item, by the time they pay for shipping back their profit margin is probably about shot anyways, and considering you spent 1800 bucks on your stuff with them, they will probably more than likely tell you to keep it
No it is not Openbox. Not every company uses shrink wrap.. few do.

I'd demand that they replace the P43 with a X58 board. And a $1000 credit for my troubles.
Ethically speaking, you can send it back (at their expense, of course).

However, why should you be responsible for their mistake/carelessness? From that standpoint, you can keep it... It's not like you stole it...
+1 on NE sending you a shipping box with prepaid return slip.. If they dont-- then its yours.. No reason you should have to pay to return their stuff that they messed up and sent to you..
I'd call them and see what they say, if they told me to send it back I would, if they told me to keep it, I would. They may not want it back since they will not be able to sell it as new........
Call them, see what they say...can't hurt.

Worst case scenario, they tell you to ship it back, you hang up and keep it. =P

I'd be worried about them trying to back charge you for it or something though. o_O
Oh, I definitely would not PAY to ship it back. I'm obviously hoping they tell me to keep it, because it will promptly go up on the FS/FT forum :)

I'll let you know what NE says today.
I called newegg this morning, and they are sending me a pre-paid UPS shipping label to send the motherboard back. The customer service chick said if the item is under $50, newegg policy states that you can keep it. Since this board cost $79.99, they are going to treat this as an RMA and have me send it back.

No "reward", not even a coupon which I would have liked for my time, but in all fairness, they hooked me up with free shipping on a 50+ lb order (included a HAF) so, I really can't bitch.
I'd charge them a 15% return fee and make them pay shipping, but waive it if they give me credit, lol. :p

Honestly, this actually happened to me, and they told me to keep it, lol. It wasn't as high value as a motherboard, though. :(
LOL @ charging them a return fee... they could at least pay for my gas to the UPS store.

Like I said though, I'm happy to hook newegg up because they've definitely helped me in the past. Sending me an extra gtx285 woulda been much cooler though.
Then you wouldn't even post here. How our morals change on the "circumstance" :D:D:D
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the CSR simply said, "Congratulations!" Have a great day! click.

... simply cuz thats what they told me, lol.
I just purchased $16,000 worth of product from my local Apple Store and the sales clerk forgot to ring up one of my macbook pro's. I had walked out of the store and was in my car with it. I could have left, but chose to go back in and pay for it.

It's always good to do the right thing.
I just purchased $16,000 worth of product from my local Apple Store and the sales clerk forgot to ring up one of my macbook pro's. I had walked out of the store and was in my car with it. I could have left, but chose to go back in and pay for it.

It's always good to do the right thing.

With retail stores, I'd be more compelled to return it, since they sometimes charge the clerk for that forgotten the item.
All I can say is that your are more honest about this than I would be.

I would use this reasoning "the good Lord must've meant for me to have this motherboard and is telling me to build another system using this DIVINE motherboard". I then order another 1800.00 of stuff from Newegg to compensate for their loss on the original motherboard!!!!

How is that line of thinking?

Rob in Mesquite,Tx
If that was me, I would keep the motherboard and sell it. Newegg are rich, far richer than I and I'm sure 1 motherboard isn't going to do the business any harm.
If that was me, I would keep the motherboard and sell it. Newegg are rich, far richer than I and I'm sure 1 motherboard isn't going to do the business any harm.

What about 2? or maybe 10? hell I'm sure 100 motherboards would hardly affect their bottom line. Fuck it, let's just go break into their warehouses and steal what we want. I mean, their rich after all. Oh and they have insurance too, even better. :rolleyes:

If you want to keep it, then keep it. Say "Hey, it's their screw up, they have to live with it," but don't justify your actions by saying "Oh their rich, they can afford it." That just shows that deep down inside, you believe it would be immoral (whether it is or not is up to the individual and not my point).
What about 2? or maybe 10? hell I'm sure 100 motherboards would hardly affect their bottom line. Fuck it, let's just go break into their warehouses and steal what we want. I mean, their rich after all. Oh and they have insurance too, even better. :rolleyes:

If you want to keep it, then keep it. Say "Hey, it's their screw up, they have to live with it," but don't justify your actions by saying "Oh their rich, they can afford it." That just shows that deep down inside, you believe it would be immoral (whether it is or not is up to the individual and not my point).

Not sure why you are mentioning 2, 10 or 100 motherboards going missing and happening to be in my parcel (would be one large parcel). Speaking individually, I would keep the motherboard and say their loss because one motherboard going missing is not going to damage them in any way. It's their mistake, a mistake they will never ever notice.
Not sure why you are mentioning 2, 10 or 100 motherboards going missing and happening to be in my parcel (would be one large parcel). Speaking individually, I would keep the motherboard and say their loss because one motherboard going missing is not going to damage them in any way. It's their mistake, a mistake they will never ever notice.

I'm saying 2, 10, or 100 because the attitude that "They're rich, they won't notice" is bullshit. I guarantee they'll notice a missing motherboard when they do inventory. Then, they'll go back and find out where it went. If you don't think they log every moving item in their warehouses, you're sadly mistaken.
What about 2? or maybe 10? hell I'm sure 100 motherboards would hardly affect their bottom line. Fuck it, let's just go break into their warehouses and steal what we want. I mean, their rich after all. Oh and they have insurance too, even better. :rolleyes:

If you want to keep it, then keep it. Say "Hey, it's their screw up, they have to live with it," but don't justify your actions by saying "Oh their rich, they can afford it." That just shows that deep down inside, you believe it would be immoral (whether it is or not is up to the individual and not my point).

Quite a stretch, wouldn't you say? It's funny how this thread turned from a simple question to a discussion about integrity and morals...

In the end, who is to say what a right and wrong?

Newegg was clearly at fault, and it seems to me the OP has 2 and ONLY 2 options:

1. Call Newegg, inform them about it, and have them pay for return shipping. Perhaps some additional compensation is necessary to compensate the OP for driving to the local UPS Store/Post Office to ship it back.

2. The OP can choose to keep it simply because it was Newegg's mistake and was only 1 motherboard...not 2, 10, or 100. We have to deal with the facts. Fact is - they sent him a motherboard by mistake and have not contacted him about returning it.
Quite a stretch, wouldn't you say? It's funny how this thread turned from a simple question to a discussion about integrity and morals...

In the end, who is to say what a right and wrong?

Newegg was clearly at fault, and it seems to me the OP has 2 and ONLY 2 options:

1. Call Newegg, inform them about it, and have them pay for return shipping. Perhaps some additional compensation is necessary to compensate the OP for driving to the local UPS Store/Post Office to ship it back.

2. The OP can choose to keep it simply because it was Newegg's mistake and was only 1 motherboard...not 2, 10, or 100. We have to deal with the facts. Fact is - they sent him a motherboard by mistake and have not contacted him about returning it.

As I said before, my point wasn't about the morality of keeping it or contacting them. That's up to the individual to resolve. You nor I can tell him he's right or wrong. I was simply calling bullshit on the "They're rich, they can afford it." attitude. That's simply trying to justify your actions for doing something you feel would feel would be wrong in normal circumstances.
Call newegg and arrange to send it back.

I wouldn't be shocked at all if they discovered the error sometime down the line and called you about it anyways.

If that doesn't suffice, just keep in mind that karma is a ######
I wonder... if this was an ASUS mobo and lets say OP kept it. A few weeks down the road it decided to died. How would warranty play out? I know ASUS base their warranty on the serial number. Wouldn't it report never "sold"?

Quite a stretch, wouldn't you say? It's funny how this thread turned from a simple question to a discussion about integrity and morals...

I knew it would go in that direction, which is the reason I posed the question. It's interesting to see how differently people can feel about a fairly simple situation.
I knew it would go in that direction, which is the reason I posed the question. It's interesting to see how differently people can feel about a fairly simple situation.

Is this some sort of school psychology experiment? ;)
That wouldn't be possible to begin with since it's not part of the invoice.
Sociology maybe, but no :)

So, it seems one of the HDs is not working. You think I could slip that RMA in with their prepaid shipping label? :)

They sent you a prepaid shipping label? lol... did they give you some credit for all the time and effort/trouble? And yah, I'd stick it in the same box... and write the RMA # on the outside of the box, lol.
You'll have to make it very clear that there are 2 RMAs in that. Contact them and make sure.