Extra Item in Shipment

What would you do?

  • Call newegg, arrange to send back.

    Votes: 42 71.2%
  • Keep it, sell it.

    Votes: 12 20.3%
  • Keep it, build another rig around it, $80 cheaper.

    Votes: 5 8.5%

  • Total voters
I'd charge them a 15% return fee and make them pay shipping, but waive it if they give me credit, lol. :p

That would be an awesome phone-call.

"Okay sir, I'll arrange to have a pre-paid UPS package sent to your address..."
"Hold on- Before you do that, you should know that this item is subject to a 15% de-stocking fee."

They sent you a prepaid shipping label? lol... did they give you some credit for all the time and effort/trouble? And yah, I'd stick it in the same box... and write the RMA # on the outside of the box, lol.

Yep, prepaid label is on it's way. They arent giving me any sort of compensation for my time, which I was a little disappointed about, but really, even if they gave me a % off coupon or something, that would only lead to more money spent :)

I think I will put my real RMA in with it. But, like you and lowteckh said, I'll make it clear that it's 2 different RMAs. ...and probably call first. Maybe that will be a good time to ask for some extra compensation ...
Well, newegg screwed up and set up the RMA for my EVGA X58 board that I actually want. So, I emailed one of the customer support guys who hooked me up with my order. No response. I think I've done all I'm gonna do to try to get this thing back to Newegg.

Guess I'm keeping/selling it.
Geez... it is like some higher being is telling you to keep the board.
Legally speaking, you can treat the free motherboard as a gift and keep it even if newegg wants it back.

Link - Should be under the "Unordered Merchandise" heading.

Morally though, its up to you.

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I would've kept the thing; $80 is a pretty good amount of money for me. I could've guessed that they wouldn't have rewarded you for sending it back.