EVGA SLi Mobo discussion thread. Come one, come all.

I'm sure this question has been asked before but there are 50 pages in this thread now so 'scuse the repeat.
Last night I just bought the 7800GT/Mobo combo from NewEgg. ZipZoomFly was 30 bucks cheaper and has free 2 day fedex but they've been out of the motherboard for at least a couple of weeks now.

Anyhoo, I'll be buying an Athlon 64 3700 (San Diego) to go in this puppy. This is my first AMD chip - I'll be building a new gaming machine to replace my P4 1.6 (OC'd to 2.0ghz).

I won't be doing any overclocking on this system - at least not for the foreseeable future.

So, the question is - I know this motherboard is picky about RAM so what would you guys recommend I pick up? I'm probably going to start out with 1gb (2 x 512).

Ideas would be appreciated.
Seismo said:
I'm sure this question has been asked before but there are 50 pages in this thread now so 'scuse the repeat.
Last night I just bought the 7800GT/Mobo combo from NewEgg. ZipZoomFly was 30 bucks cheaper and has free 2 day fedex but they've been out of the motherboard for at least a couple of weeks now.

Anyhoo, I'll be buying an Athlon 64 3700 (San Diego) to go in this puppy. This is my first AMD chip - I'll be building a new gaming machine to replace my P4 1.6 (OC'd to 2.0ghz).

I won't be doing any overclocking on this system - at least not for the foreseeable future.

So, the question is - I know this motherboard is picky about RAM so what would you guys recommend I pick up? I'm probably going to start out with 1gb (2 x 512).

Ideas would be appreciated.

If youre not overclocking, why not kingston value ram ? Thats what I have on mine until I get my ocz gold working.
Juic3 said:
Hi, I just got my system together and its looking good, just had trouble getting my OCZ gold to boot but Ill fix that later I guess.

My main issue is temps, what are you guys using to see temps in windows ? nTune doesnt seem to work, Ive got the stock bios, dont really remember but its like september or august 05 version.

Is there a GOOD bios out there?

Ive read thru like 30 pages and cant seem to find the info I need. :p

The temps are still too high. Use My Guard to monitor the BIOS readout. I would recommend the latest BIOS (E44) only so that you can remove the full screen EVGA logo at boot.
Seismo said:
I'm sure this question has been asked before but there are 50 pages in this thread now so 'scuse the repeat.
Last night I just bought the 7800GT/Mobo combo from NewEgg. ZipZoomFly was 30 bucks cheaper and has free 2 day fedex but they've been out of the motherboard for at least a couple of weeks now.

Anyhoo, I'll be buying an Athlon 64 3700 (San Diego) to go in this puppy. This is my first AMD chip - I'll be building a new gaming machine to replace my P4 1.6 (OC'd to 2.0ghz).

I won't be doing any overclocking on this system - at least not for the foreseeable future.

So, the question is - I know this motherboard is picky about RAM so what would you guys recommend I pick up? I'm probably going to start out with 1gb (2 x 512).

Ideas would be appreciated.

I just ordered the combo from zipzoomfly ($360), and as far as I know, the motherboard is being shipped with the card. I think it just says back order because people can't order the board by itself.
I just ordered the combo from zipzoomfly ($360), and as far as I know, the motherboard is being shipped with the card. I think it just says back order because people can't order the board by itself.
Well, damn.
I prefer ZipZoomFly over Newegg anyday but just figured the board was out of stock.
I didn't see a way to add the mobo to the cart, either since the "Add to Cart" button was replaced with the "back order" non-clickable button.
"Yuppers!! Had it happen to me. Got a "new" board from the Egg with the combo kit. Seals had been broken, thought nothing of it until it wouldn't boot with memory in a specific DIMM slot. Contacted EVGA support (great folks btw), they asked for a copy of my invoice, e-mailed it to them and they confirmed that I had been sold a refurb mobo...They told me to return it to them (EVGA) and they sent me a new board in a sealed box (with the nice brand new saran wrap crap on it). If you go over to the EVGA message boards they have a sticky about this. EVGA is replacing boards that you receive opened. But they do ask for your invoice and apparently they can tell by the number on the invoice whether it's refurb or not."

Posts like the above have me very concerned how do I know if my board is new or not? I got it and it had the plastic seal on the box (shrinkrap) The actual box did not have any seals though, and it looks new. I cant try this out till I get my processor so how can I tell if newegg.com didnt send me a refurb?
Also is it normal that my stock cooler and backplate was installed already? is that another sign that it might be a refurb?
Ok, I cant get my OCZ RAM to work with this motherboard, updated to the latest bios and tried all kinds of timings, this is the exact model of the RAM "OCZ4001024ELDCGE-K".

Anyone else tried those ?

Im gonna go ahead and post it at the evga forums.

EDIT: Ive come to find out that no matter what memory it wont run at 1T, wtf is this ? Im at stock of course, am I missing something ?
Juic3 said:
Ok, I cant get my OCZ RAM to work with this motherboard, updated to the latest bios and tried all kinds of timings, this is the exact model of the RAM "OCZ4001024ELDCGE-K".

Anyone else tried those ?

Im gonna go ahead and post it at the evga forums.

EDIT: Ive come to find out that no matter what memory it wont run at 1T, wtf is this ? Im at stock of course, am I missing something ?

Have you tried raising the voltage to 2.85v or higher? With OCZ PC3200 Platinum Rev 2 I also could not do 1T, no matter what voltage. The Crucial Ballistix PC3200 does 1T fine.
Got the SLI setup up and going today... pretty awesome. I like this board....

As far as temp monitoring, obviously Speedfan, but which temp # is the CPU in speedfan for you guys?
acroig said:
Have you tried raising the voltage to 2.85v or higher? With OCZ PC3200 Platinum Rev 2 I also could not do 1T, no matter what voltage. The Crucial Ballistix PC3200 does 1T fine.

Oh ok that must be it then, no 1T at all, it will just BSOD.

I dont wanna buy more RAM do you guys think I will still get a good OC ? Well 2.4 would basically be my goal.

Thanx for the help, lol on evga too.

I just didnt find that exact model when I searched, and the search is awful there lol.
Juic3 said:
Oh ok that must be it then, no 1T at all, it will just BSOD.

I dont wanna buy more RAM do you guys think I will still get a good OC ? Well 2.4 would basically be my goal.

Thanx for the help, lol on evga too.

I just didnt find that exact model when I searched, and the search is awful there lol.

With OCZ Platinum Rev. 2 I was able to go up to 245HTT max @ 2T.
acroig said:
With OCZ Platinum Rev. 2 I was able to go up to 245HTT max @ 2T.

Im guessing thats good. LoL Im a total newbie to the A64 OC stuff, look at my sig :p

Oh well hopefully it will be a good weekend.
Juic3 said:
Im guessing thats good. LoL Im a total newbie to the A64 OC stuff, look at my sig :p

Oh well hopefully it will be a good weekend.

Well, it's not very high. Most people try to see if they can get close to 300, or at least break 250. 200HTT is stock. Think FSB for Inrtel mobos, 200FSB is stock. Best of luck!
maybe someone here can help me... I just got this board with the 7800GT combo and now im running two 7800Gts in SLI. THey are different models but I have the newest drivers so that shouldnt matter. Everything seems to be enabled for SLI, yet Im getting the same 3D03 and 3D05 scores as I was with a single card. HELP!
Winchester1897 said:
Will the xp 120 fit on this motherboard?

Yes. It depends on what's above the HSF that can be the issue. It also depends on which way you're "pointing" the XP-120. If it covers the RAM you need to install/uninstall the RAM closest to the CPU before you drop the XP in.
WhyYouLoveMe said:
Yes. It depends on what's above the HSF that can be the issue. It also depends on which way you're "pointing" the XP-120. If it covers the RAM you need to install/uninstall the RAM closest to the CPU before you drop the XP in.

Ok so it will work as long as I take out the ram before I install it then put it back in when Iam done.
Winchester1897 said:
Ok so it will work as long as I take out the ram before I install it then put it back in when Iam done.

I read somewhere that you may need to buy another backplate, its cheap.
PCBliss said:
Got the SLI setup up and going today... pretty awesome. I like this board....

As far as temp monitoring, obviously Speedfan, but which temp # is the CPU in speedfan for you guys?

I'm pretty sure that the first entry in speedfan is the CPU temp.

PCBliss said:
hmm my top one says 27C at idle. Maybe my board reads wrong.

My board also reads Temp1 as 27C and Temp 2 is 38C. Room temp is 70F on the thermostat.
Speedfan always shows my 4000+ at 16*C or less. It is at stock until I get some time to play, but it does run very cool.
i was looking at getting 2 seagate or 2 western digital sata drives for raid o, because i had seen a bunch of complaints about maxtors not working , and simply swapping to another brand worked.

so if i bought 2 of these am i screwed, i just dont feel like waiting 3 days to get 2 of them from newegg or monarch or whoever.

and compusa has this model on sale. so any horror stories or problems with them on the nf4 or this board?

i might just wait and get 2 of the 16mb buffer ones.


was looking for some input for tommorow as my new rig has a measly old 20 gig, i know a score a great deal on eide drives, but i like the ease of the sata and the smaller cables for better airflow and less tangles.

i ended up ordering some WD's from newegg as the maxtor was one rebate per household, and i saved money this way up front and got fed ex, although i never have a problem with ups other then them not always leaving the item.
i just got my new setup working and its all beautiful except that the geil pc3200 ram im using is crap; every now and then my computer hard locks. i know its not the mobo b/c it happened with my old system too. what cheaper sticks of 2x 512MB ram that works fine in this mobo would be good for my system? I would like to be able to o/c a little bit.
QuantumSlip said:
i just got my new setup working and its all beautiful except that the geil pc3200 ram im using is crap; every now and then my computer hard locks. i know its not the mobo b/c it happened with my old system too. what cheaper sticks of 2x 512MB ram that works fine in this mobo would be good for my system? I would like to be able to o/c a little bit.

I'd try the Corsair or Crucial value RAM if you want cheap. You're not going to get much o/c out of them but they're very stable at stock speeds. Can't beat the price! I'm running the Crucial value RAM right now and it's an awesome stock performer. I've not tried to o/c the stuff but I shall in the future when me games start creepin'. :D
Guys weird question. Does the default driver install taht came with this board include NVFirewall or Active Armor. I am having lock up issues and a lot of places are saying to check these two things, but I dotn remember ever seeing them. Do i have to turn NVFirewall off at a hardware level? What are the checks I need to do to make sure this thing isnt on at all?
grendelrt said:
Guys weird question. Does the default driver install taht came with this board include NVFirewall or Active Armor. I am having lock up issues and a lot of places are saying to check these two things, but I dotn remember ever seeing them. Do i have to turn NVFirewall off at a hardware level? What are the checks I need to do to make sure this thing isnt on at all?

those programs are installed when u install the Nforce drivers(mobo drivers/sound) to turn them off or check if u have em, go to Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, check under Nvidia, mite be under Nvidia Drivers.
I am not seeing them. Do you remember if it installed them by default off the cd, i dont remember seeing anything to do with them.
grendelrt said:
I am not seeing them. Do you remember if it installed them by default off the cd, i dont remember seeing anything to do with them.

when u installed the nforce driver it asked if u wanted to install the firewall
was a popup box.
Well i dont remember doing that, and I dont see it in add/remove, so I am going to assume it isnt there lol. Thanks for the help :)