Everex XT5000T Support thread

People keep complaining about the XT5000T, but I can't say a bad word about it !

I've owned it for 1.5 years now and it has been a very reliable computer. NO issues whatsoever !

I will be selling mine soon, since I just bought to Gateway FXs. My price will be very reasonable, with mem upgraded to 2 gigs. Make me an offer (matrix you are still the first in line).

Edit: Miscalculated price removed
My only two issues were the power birck, self caused by upgrades, and the wireless video. The later issue was finally fully solved with the MSI card. I am over 18 months in and no sign of premature death yet. (as he crosses things on his body never meant to be crossed)............ :)
They won't. Our limitation to upgrades is the TL-68 but from what two people have said there are heat issues and while they cpu's worked they were eventually pulled. I can tell you the TL-64 is really pushing it ubt again it is .90nm instead of .65nm. The new bios may make a difference in day to day use as well.........
People keep complaining about the XT5000T, but I can't say a bad word about it !

I've owned it for 1.5 years now and it has been a very reliable computer. NO issues whatsoever !

I will be selling mine soon, since I just bought to Gateway FXs. My price will be very reasonable, with mem upgraded to 2 gigs. Make me an offer (matrix you are still the first in line).

Edit: Miscalculated price removed

eh miscalculated price? :p. i'll take it at close to your original price ;) :D
I finally pulled the plug and got a p-7805u. the 9800m GTS blows away the old 7600Go............
Yep, the 7805 and 7811 fx laptops are a pretty remarkable bang for your buck. I would say on par with the everex when it was $699 back in march of '07. It is amazing what changes in technology can happen in 21 months.
I have to say the laptop is awesome. The Intel platform works great but it just doesn't seem to multi thread as well as the AMD platform. you can feel it in the responce as the XT5000T is smoother in day to day use.The again I'm now Vista 64 and not fully tweaked to my liking yet.

The TL-64 had 4.9 on the Windows cpu rating where the Q8400 of this system at 2.26 Ghz is at 5.2. The 9800m GTS is 5.9 for gaming and business graphics. Ram is still 5.9 as was the tl-64 and disk is 5.8 where the raid0 was 5.9.

I could do raid0 here but the disc seems fast enough. I may though get a 500 Gig for the second drive bay. The 1920x1200 is a huge bonus. the text is smaller but that was already known and not an issue for me.
Word is when the quad cpu's hit the market this laptop is upgradeable. Not sure how true that will be but I do know I can shoe horn a T-9800 now. A bit pricey right now but they'll come down.
I've owned my everex for a year and a half now
I read this ENTIRE thread - took hours...

My CPU temp - idle without zero windows open and the bare minimum of tasks running:
Jumps to 84C - throttles down to 74C and starts all over again over a period of about 20 seconds. (This repeats forever... with NOTHING running)

CPU Temp - RMClock - 4.0>.750V 8.0>1.00V
Temp sits at a consistent 83-84C

CPU Temp - RMClock - 4.0>.750V 8.0>.900V
Temp sits at a consistent 78C

My setup is: XT5000T with only 2 modifications - extra stick of DDR and an extra 7200RPM HDD - Im Running XP SP2
(Also as a side note does anyone have any reccomended XP SP2 Geforce Go 7600 drivers? All i saw in this forum were updated vista drivers)

I need help here guys - I c some of you hitting 60C and topping out at 76C... I hardly ever get below 76C - whats the deal? Please offer any advice!:(
I remember something about that in this thread a few months back?
Anyway I just installed Windows 7 Beta that was a quick install.
Though the dam audio drivers do not work.
Waiting on the 2.17 KB/sec down load of the x64 vista drivers to see if they work.
Damnit Everex site is lacking Bandwidth what the fuck!

Oh yea try http://www.everexforum.com/forum/index.php?a=topic&t=8611
If you can get the damn page to load keeps timing out on me now after I searched their forums about the issues with RMClock and XP
Be sure and report if the audio works.

I was going to give Win7 a try on my Everex, since it has been mostly unused lately.
I have dealt with the video/network conflict black screen/crashes for a while now--the display driver might stop working, or the computer might actually crash. There was a period of time where the only real residual effect of such a crash would be that I would have to power down a few minutes because if I powered right back up the network card would not be detected. Power down maybe 3-5 minutes and then power up and no problems.

But tonight when I got a black screen and did a hard reset, upon powering up I am getting funky graphical glitches. They don't seem to occur during normal use, and again if I leave the power off a few minutes they go away on boot, but this new symptom is to me a more serious issue. I don't think it is a heat issue because I was playing WoW for some time (as I usually do, like maybe a 90-minute session) and it wasn't until I was logging out that the display driver crapped out to a black screen.

Can I get around this issue by disabling the integrated networking and buying a USB wireless adapter like this one?


Or will the laptop give that the same hardware assignment that is causing the conflict with the display driver/graphics card? I haven't had a chance to review most of this thread to see if there are any other workarounds, so I thought I would see if anyone monitoring this thread perhaps knows the answer to this.

Thanks very much for any information provided. If this problem wasn't such a persistent pain in the rear, this would be pretty much the best budget laptop I have ever owned.
I want to thank the contributors to this forum. My XT5000T had video issues from day one which I remedied with the laptopvideo2go.com NVidea 174.20 driver. WiFi connection was “Excellent” with no BSOD problems. After 15 months I got a black screen and the system would not boot. Sent the unit to Everex and the motherboard was replaced; there was no charge as the fault was with the NVidea GPU. The CPU cover now has some extra small holes for better ventilation and the fan runs all the time (runs faster as the process load increases).
Not sure if the GPU was replaced but the replacement motherboard was immediately incompatible with the NVidea 174.20 driver, so I changed to 181.00. The Atheros AR5006EG immediately gave BSOD problems (seems like the IRQ 19 issue), so I changed the driver to the one from Microsoft (8/1/2006, System returned to stable, but video performance for my MS Office business graphics were slow to render and WiFi connection dropped to “Fair”.
Finally… I replaced the Atheros AR5006EG with an MSI MN54G (but read on, it is not perfect).
As noted in the posts, the MSI WiFi works. When installing the MSI WiFi, it is important to note that the Main and Aux antenna connections on reversed from the Atheros. The XT5000T is now very stable, video performance better than ever, and getting a “Very Good” WiFi connection. Overall performance is very satisfactory but with a caveat. When putting the XT5000T to sleep, the WiFi profile is completely lost, the device is reported as unkown, and requires the card to be pulled and reinserted – short sleeps don’t seem to be a problem, but when in sleep mode for more than 3 hours or hibernate the problem occurs.
I have messed around with power settings and registry settings to no avail. Any suggestion?

WEI is 4.6. The index did not change with the replacement motherboard, video driver, or MSI WiFi card.

Vista Ultimate 32-bit
Twin hard drives (virtual memory on drive 2 on a small, dedicated partition, o/s on drive 1)
3 Meg RAM
Second Monitor ACER 22”

Although it is a laptop, I never move it. I have a bracket so that It stands vertical at the back of my L-shaped desk, the LCD just above the top of the desk and with 4” of free air flow behind. (I use a separate keyboard). Heat or ventilation has never been an issue, so the motherboard failure seems like a design flaw.
Well, I think the graphics chip just took a dump. Vertical lines across the screen in bunches of 3 spaced 1/2" or so apart, starting with the graphical Everex screen @ boot. Blue screen trying to load windows. For a while I wasn't getting the lines every boot, now I am. It's about two years old I think at this point . . . I RMA'd once about a year ago, recently had to upgrade the hard drive (I'll salvage that and the extra RAM I put in, but what for I have no idea yet). Tried different driver set to no avail.

Anyone else have similar graphics problems that was not a failing chip?
Hi Guys,

I was going to post this on the Everex forum but it is down but since many of you guys used to be around at the Everex forum maybe you could help me with my XT5000T problem.

So, basically what happened is, after I updated the bios of my XT5000T to 1.1D from 1.1A I am having the the Blue Screen of Death related to the Nvidia display driver. I would be sitting on my laptop and all of a sudden the screen would go black and there would be blue screen indicating that I have a problem with the nVidia display driver and the system would restart. So, I have gone through driver version 167.43, 180.70, 174.20 and the problem still exists. This is really pissing me off as I am student and I can't afford to have these random start ups when I am working on an important assignment and lose all that information.

I am using Windows Vista 32-bit. Also, if any of you guys have the original bios version 1.1a or have a particular driver for Vista that works with the Bios 1.1D without the BSOD that would be helpful. Thanks.
Hi Guys,

I was going to post this on the Everex forum but it is down but since many of you guys used to be around at the Everex forum maybe you could help me with my XT5000T problem.

So, basically what happened is, after I updated the bios of my XT5000T to 1.1D from 1.1A I am having the the Blue Screen of Death related to the Nvidia display driver. I would be sitting on my laptop and all of a sudden the screen would go black and there would be blue screen indicating that I have a problem with the nVidia display driver and the system would restart. So, I have gone through driver version 167.43, 180.70, 174.20 and the problem still exists. This is really pissing me off as I am student and I can't afford to have these random start ups when I am working on an important assignment and lose all that information.

I am using Windows Vista 32-bit. Also, if any of you guys have the original bios version 1.1a or have a particular driver for Vista that works with the Bios 1.1D without the BSOD that would be helpful. Thanks.

You are most likely having the IRQ conflict issue with the wireless. The 1.1a would crash the wireless first as bios versions afterwards crshed the video.

Your options are to;

1.) Turn the wireless off while workign on documents with your front switch.

2.) try different incarnations of wireless and video to find one that works, if one does. eople here have varied success with this.

3.) get the MSI MN54g card making the wireless an internal usb port for the wireless card. Everyone so far has seen the nvideo crash dissapeaar after this.
heh, I'm developing quite a history with this laptop, nice that it's so upgradable. I just purchased a Seagate 320GB 7200RPM drive and dropped it in, makes one hell of a difference as far as responsiveness and boot time are concerned. Was having a serious problem with BSoD's, seems to be a common problem stemming from an IRQ conflict with the built-in wifi card. Replaced the wifi card with a new one, BSoD's went away! Guess the built in Atheros one was crap after all :p

Windows Vista 64bit is working out great, all drivers installed and all hardware working (RMClock solved the "stuck at 800MHz while on batteries" problem). No real issues with computability at all, and it's definitely a bit snappier than 32bit Vista was on this CPU.

Now I'm thinking about taking it up to 4GB of RAM, anybody know if the board will run DDR2 800MHz modules at full speed, or will it limit them to 667MHz?
Update: I did some benchmarking on the new drive. Blue line is the new drive, Red line is the stock drive:


New drive pulls a 5.8 on the Windows Experience Index (for reference, the stock drive only manages a 4.5 here)

does anyone know if everex will rma my xt5000t? its out of warranty but isnt' there a recall on alot of nvidia laptops? someone else in this thread got them to warranty their laptop and it was over a year since they got it. anyone? worth a shot?

ps it has a 2ghz turion x2 in it now, and 4gb ram, a new harddrive as well. should i remove those things before rma'ing?
You are most likely having the IRQ conflict issue with the wireless. The 1.1a would crash the wireless first as bios versions afterwards crshed the video.

Your options are to;

1.) Turn the wireless off while workign on documents with your front switch.

2.) try different incarnations of wireless and video to find one that works, if one does. eople here have varied success with this.

3.) get the MSI MN54g card making the wireless an internal usb port for the wireless card. Everyone so far has seen the nvideo crash dissapeaar after this.

Thanks for the prompt response TANWare. I have decided to get the MSI MN54g wireless card. So do I just pop it in and disable the atheros? and also leave the wireless on switch infront of the laptop? Thanks.
Uninstall the drivers/card from device manager for the Atheros card and any Atheros utilities if you use them.

Check add/remove programs to see if any Atheros wireless components, if so uninstall them.


Remove bottom panel on laptop

Disconnect Antenna wires

Pay attention to the antenna wire labels

Remove Atheros card (2 screws)

Install MSI card where Atheros card was

Install antenna wires, they are opposite for the MSI card.

Reboot and install MSI drivers/utility

That's about it.

Even though the MSI card is a mini PCI e card (like the Atheros) it uses the usb interface of the PCI e socket.

Is Everex ever going to get the old forum up again? There was allot of good information their that would be a shame to lose. Seems like issue has been going on a month or longer.
Tried the MSI. No BoD but...worked fine until I turned off the pc or the pc entered sleep mode. Upon restart/wake-up, the Vista would completely lose the card profile. The only way to regain the profile was to open up the back, pull the card, reboot, shut down, then reinsert.

I finally bought an external Rosewill RNX-G1 from Newegg. WiFi problems seem to be resolved.
Maybe some hope for the Everex Forum. The server seems back up but the software doesn't seem to work yet..............

Edit: it appears the support pages have changed and the bios options along with other are missing..........
I read that Everex was bought from FIC by NewMarket Technology, and the deal was finalized back in November IIRC. Their intent is to focus on low cost netbooks and PCs. So it's very possible now that the deal is done they are in the process of completely restructuring, including the websites.

It also seems like my lappy is starting to show signs of failure. Oh well. Waiting over a week now for a reply to my email to tech support. Guess I'll have to give them a phone call.
Not quite. I turned on the laptop and saw a white grainy screen that slowly faded to black, leaving behind multiple colored vertical stripes. But the laptop continued to boot. I powered down and restarted, and it came back ok (and has been ok since).

The other thing I see is when I shut down from Vista (but oddly enough, not XP). When the display turns off I again see that grainy white screen with some kind of repeating circular pattern in the background. Honestly I don't know how to describe it -- I've never seen anything like it before.

So I'm not sure what to make of it. I remember one of the symptoms reported by HP were vertical lines. But so far the lappy hasn't refused to boot. So I'm gonna take it one day at a time and keep an eye on it.
Just my luck....I bought an eMachine M6811 and the company was almost instantly bought up by Gateway and even though I had the extended warranty, the service sucked. Now you say NewMarket Tech bought Everex....can't win for losing. Maybe support on my XT5000 will get better with a new company in change....yeah, right :p

I read that Everex was bought from FIC by NewMarket Technology, and the deal was finalized back in November IIRC. Their intent is to focus on low cost netbooks and PCs. So it's very possible now that the deal is done they are in the process of completely restructuring, including the websites.

It also seems like my lappy is starting to show signs of failure. Oh well. Waiting over a week now for a reply to my email to tech support. Guess I'll have to give them a phone call.
UPDATE: So, I installed the MSI card everything has been working fine, for now. I was able to use the drivers I was previously using without any random BSOD. Now, this laptop is almost perfect all except the 100C GPU temp :eek: that I get when gaming even with the new BIOS 1.1D although idle temp has gone down significantly compared to the 1.1A bios.

Thanks for all that helped with the instructions for installation of the MSI card and diagnosing what was wrong with me getting BSOD after getting the new BIOS 1.1D. I was starting to pull my hair out with two months of random BSOD.