Everex XT5000T Support thread

I think because of the lack of Everex support for the XT5000T and its community there is no rush to get the newer one. The 5000 generated alot of excitement but the 5300 is only a minor upgrade with the same possible issues affecting the previous incarnation and Everex stepped on its own foot.

Now if Everex fixed the XT5000T 1st and provided good support the buzz for the XT5300T would be deafening.................
I think because of the lack of Everex support for the XT5000T and its community there is no rush to get the newer one. The 5000 generated alot of excitement but the 5300 is only a minor upgrade with the same possible issues affecting the previous incarnation and Everex stepped on its own foot.

Now if Everex fixed the XT5000T 1st and provided good support the buzz for the XT5300T would be deafening.................

NO FREAKIN KIDDING MAN! :-D AMEN TO THAT. provide some support!
Will a TK-55 drop into the XT5000T? Both the -53 and -55 can be had for $150 ($100 if you trust eBay).

Edit: 5300 looks like the same crazy KB, but at least they include a 2nd HDD hold-down.
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I think because of the lack of Everex support for the XT5000T and its community there is no rush to get the newer one. The 5000 generated alot of excitement but the 5300 is only a minor upgrade with the same possible issues affecting the previous incarnation and Everex stepped on its own foot.

Now if Everex fixed the XT5000T 1st and provided good support the buzz for the XT5300T would be deafening.................

Yep, when they start dumping them at $699.00 I will become moderately interested.

I can put up with almost anything but someone telling me upgrading the TIM on the CPU voids the warranty.

Meanwhile I am happily using my XT5000T (and restarting when it decides to randomly power down despite good temps).:cool:
nyone who reads either this thread, or even the companies forum, is nuts to buy an XT5300T. Basically they sound like good computers but there are stability issues that may never be solved and you can not expect help from the manufacturer. Unless you call them with an untouched system expect problems then even getting a return.

All in all, expect Everex to take your money and run. They will not back you up at all, I dare anyone to find a post anywhere with these systems that shows good Everex customer responce or support..........
But it is still a lot of computer for the money. A discounted machine may be worth the risk.

I have my heat under control, so except for the occasional random shut down I am happy with it. Getting 8600 video on these for $700 blow out (which will happen) I would do it. This shut down thing seems uncommon. I see few others with the issue.

Even at the $800 Newegg price, you can't get close to the spec with anything else. Just don't open it except for ram and additional hd in the first year.
I have a XT5000T new in box for sale... I'm asking $699. I will also throw in a Logitech Wireless Mouse. PM me if interested. I also have a TL-52 processor...

But it is still a lot of computer for the money. A discounted machine may be worth the risk.

I have my heat under control, so except for the occasional random shut down I am happy with it. Getting 8600 video on these for $700 blow out (which will happen) I would do it. This shut down thing seems uncommon. I see few others with the issue.

Even at the $800 Newegg price, you can't get close to the spec with anything else. Just don't open it except for ram and additional hd in the first year.

When you get these shutdowns are you in Vista or XP? Do you have RMClock running? I seem to get the same type of "immediate power off" problem if I use RMClock in Vista, but no problems at all in XP. Just wondering if you're doing the same.
When you get these shutdowns are you in Vista or XP? Do you have RMClock running? I seem to get the same type of "immediate power off" problem if I use RMClock in Vista, but no problems at all in XP. Just wondering if you're doing the same.
Actually I am in XP. I left Vista early on and can't remember if I had any with Vista. I have been tweaking up the 4x and am at .738v now. It seems to happen less often with my increases. Don't know if I've had one now at .738v yet but just went to it recently.

It's not a major deal, happens once every several days. As long as it does not get worse, I'm happy. But I do like to give Everex grief about it because they will say I voided the warranty at will not help. You're on your own baby ... :D

I'll keep tweaking up the 4x and maybe that is it. Then I'll have to apologize to Everex :rolleyes:
Actually I am in XP. I left Vista early on and can't remember if I had any with Vista. I have been tweaking up the 4x and am at .738v now. It seems to happen less often with my increases. Don't know if I've had one now at .738v yet but just went to it recently.

It's not a major deal, happens once every several days. As long as it does not get worse, I'm happy. But I do like to give Everex grief about it because they will say I voided the warranty at will not help. You're on your own baby ... :D

I'll keep tweaking up the 4x and maybe that is it. Then I'll have to apologize to Everex :rolleyes:

I have noticed over the months the voltages that used to be stable aren't anymore, and I've had to move them up a notch or two. Then I just decided to lower the 8x value just enough so it doesn't reach throttling temperature while playing games and left the 4x value at the default. That's all I really need to accomplish, and I figure the less you play around the more stable everything should be.
I have noticed over the months the voltages that used to be stable aren't anymore, and I've had to move them up a notch or two. Then I just decided to lower the 8x value just enough so it doesn't reach throttling temperature while playing games and left the 4x value at the default. That's all I really need to accomplish, and I figure the less you play around the more stable everything should be.

That is all very true. My notebook now runs (day to day) way cooler than a typical Dell anyway. I do have room to move up.
I have been having my touch pad (and/or mouse) lock up with increasing frequency. I have always been disappointed with the performance of the touch pad.

I found a thread suggesting using a Dell Alps driver and I see much better sensitivity and performance. It is too early to tell if the lock up issue is solved. XP is my OS.

Here is the link.

I had issues with the trackpad when I used a Logitech G5 mouse. If I booted up with the mouse plugged in the Alps driver (from the Everex website) bound itself to the mouse instead of the trackpad and made the trackpad very jerky and unusable. If I plugged the mouse in after booting up it worked fine.

Since I switched to using a Logitech MX5 mouse with the laptop I have had no problems. I can leave it plugged in all the time, and both it and the trackpad work fine.

I would dig up another mouse and see if the problem goes away. Could just be that the Alps driver doesn't like your mouse, or that your mouse may need a special driver component that the Alps drivers doesn't have.

You could try replacing the Alps driver with the mouse driver and see how well that works. It might run both the mouse and trackpad just fine, might not. No way to know till you try.
I had issues with the trackpad when I used a Logitech G5 mouse. If I booted up with the mouse plugged in the Alps driver (from the Everex website) bound itself to the mouse instead of the trackpad and made the trackpad very jerky and unusable. If I plugged the mouse in after booting up it worked fine.

Since I switched to using a Logitech MX5 mouse with the laptop I have had no problems. I can leave it plugged in all the time, and both it and the trackpad work fine.

I would dig up another mouse and see if the problem goes away. Could just be that the Alps driver doesn't like your mouse, or that your mouse may need a special driver component that the Alps drivers doesn't have.

You could try replacing the Alps driver with the mouse driver and see how well that works. It might run both the mouse and trackpad just fine, might not. No way to know till you try.
Sorry I was unclear. It locked up with or without the mouse. That's why I tried another driver. It would run fine for some days and then lock up.
If you mean it is too sadly true to be funny, then I agree. :D
You'll notice the early reference to WindowsMe. That is because that's when that video first appeared on the web, circa 1999/2000. It's old, lame, and irrelevant, regardless of updates to include Vista or XP.

In other news, is a TL-52 (still 1.6GHz, but 2*512 cache vs 2*256) worth upgrading to, if done on the cheap?
You'll notice the early reference to WindowsMe. That is because that's when that video first appeared on the web, circa 1999/2000. It's old, lame, and irrelevant, regardless of updates to include Vista or XP.

In other news, is a TL-52 (still 1.6GHz, but 2*512 cache vs 2*256) worth upgrading to, if done on the cheap?

The TL-52 is worth it if you primarily do alot of desktop usage and multitasking then yes. If you primarily are a gamer than no. I'll say the cache does help out a bit in desktop usage.
LOL, it seems many of us have gone the same route.:):):)

If looks are what we like, there are great add ons to XP that clone Vista, but alas the resulting heat precludes us XT5000T's from using it.

OK, FWIW, here's my take. I like Vista. I don't have great issues with it. There are a lot of little things here and there that are troublesome, especially for game players, but by and large it's a nice OS. It's just NEW. And that's it's biggest problem. The first service pack is coming very soon (the RC is available for public download), which will fix and tune a lot of issues.

I don't know how many of you remember when Windows 95 came out. It was revolutionary, but a beast -- a beast that didn't get tamed until the service packs finally started coming out. Windows 98 was much more of a giant service pack for 95, but it too had many failings until the service packs were available. And ditto for XP. We all take XP as the benchmark because it's fast and (mostly) stable -- but go back and remember what it was like before SP2, before SP1. It was a nightmare -- so many things didn't work or didn't work right/well, that everyone just stuck with 98 or 2000.

Vista is no different. The OS is still less than a year old. The first service pack is coming soon. There are many issues to be addressed, that I'm sure by and large will be addressed if not in this SP, but in future ones (or in Windows Update hotfixes).

Is the OS perfect? No, it never will be. Is it severely flawed? Well, right now, in some areas I think it is. Is it the wave of the future that will become the defacto OS standard within the next 2 years. Unquestionably. It just needs time to mature.

That all being said, I have it, I keep it updated,but right now I still almost never use it. I don't think most current hardware is powerful enough to run it efficiently, especially on a laptop running Aero. My desktop is one of the fastest Athlons available (which at this point really doesn't mean much, but just roll with it) and Vista is still sluggish at times.

But it will get better. It's simply OS growing pains. In 2-3 years when hardware and software catches up with the patched OS we will all be abandoning XP and moving Vista, simply because it will be a better OS to use. Now is not that time, IMO. But someday, it will be.
I like Vista as well. But there is a LOT of excess junk that needs to be turned off, There seem to be fewer registry tweaks than XP.
That said Willie I found this:
Why Does Vista Suck? Blame Automated Testing
At least, that's the opinion of Joel Spolsky...

...this search for the holy grail of program quality is leading a lot of people to a lot of dead ends. The Windows Vista team at Microsoft is a case in point. Apparently -- and this is all based on blog rumors and innuendo -- Microsoft has had a long term policy of eliminating all software testers who don’t know how to write code, replacing them with what they call SDETs, Software Development Engineers in Test, programmers who write automated testing scripts.

The old testers at Microsoft checked lots of things: they checked if fonts were consistent and legible, they checked that the location of controls on dialog boxes was reasonable and neatly aligned, they checked whether the screen flickered when you did things, they looked at how the UI flowed, they considered how easy the software was to use, how consistent the wording was, they worried about performance, they checked the spelling and grammar of all the error messages, and they spent a lot of time making sure that the user interface was consistent from one part of the product to another, because a consistent user interface is easier to use than an inconsistent one.

None of those things could be checked by automated scripts. And so one result of the new emphasis on automated testing was that the Vista release of Windows was extremely inconsistent and unpolished.


This isn't to say that automated tests are useless... far from it. However, if your requirements for "tester" are the same as your requirements for "programmer," then you're not really doing testing. All programmers test their applications... that is, programmers test applications in the way the application is supposed to be used. They are not bothered with inconsistencies, usability, or how the product "feels." Your target market cares... but your developers usually don't.

For that, you absolutely positively need testers who are non-programmers. You need feedback from people like your target market, to give you information on how to make the product better. Even if your target market is nothing but developers -- say, you're making a new programming language -- you still need non developers to test your products... there's simply no better way to test intuitiveness.

Most importantly, you need to teach your programmers that such feedback should be taken very seriously... although always with a grain of salt. Requests for better usability should always be followed... whereas requests for new functionality need more scrutiny. In my experience, highly technical feature requests frequently mask the true needs of the client. You should understand the goals of your clients, and give your developers the freedom to help achieve those goals.

As my database professor John Carlis always said... the client doesn't always know what they want, but they are very fast learners!

UPDATE: Lots of great quotes in the comments... my favorite: "Automated tests ensure the software is working as designed. Human tests ensure the design is working."
Got the PC2-6400 memory, you need at least 1.8 GHZ though to take advantage and 2.0 GHz yeilds true 400 MHz (800 DDR), and yes still dual channel but 2T still. So unless you are upgrading the CPU don't bother with PC2-6400.

The New XT5300's may benefit from the memory though.Since they run 1.7 GHz, at CPU/5 memory would run 340 MHz (680 DDR). If in CPUz you don't see CPU/5 and 340 MHz then a memory an upgrade is in order.
I was just checking back in on this thread b/c I noticed my RAM was looking a little slow.

I just reinstalled everything, so I could make my 7200rpm HDD the main drive. CPU-Z shows my RAM at 160/267MHz (CPU/5 / CPU/6 - idle/load). I have one DDR2-667 DIMM, and one DDR2-533 DIMM (2x1GB). I am thinking of bumping to 2x2GB.

I'd like to move to a TL-56 in the future. Is DDR2-667 plenty for this? I'll probably make the move to x64 as well - at least on the laptop.

Anyone else still looking to match their 1GB with another for cheap? :D
Has anyone upgraded to the TL-56 or TL-60? If you did, did you have to upgrade the BIOS or anything like that? How's the temperatures compared to the TL-50. I'm currently using the TL-50 and RMClock to get lower temps.
TANWare thanks but I already found them.

HA ... I resurrected a frozen mouse by using the system standby function key and then awaken the system. We'll see if it works twice in a row. :D

Edit: The standby/mouse freeze thing seems to be the answer for now. At least I don't have to reboot each time.
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TANWare thanks but I already found them.

HA ... I resurrected a frozen mouse by using the system standby function key and then awaken the system. We'll see if it works twice in a row. :D

Edit: The standby/mouse freeze thing seems to be the answer for now. At least I don't have to reboot each time.

It works for me... 2476 times in a row, give or take. Been doing it for months.
the drivers on the everex website are over a year old...don't they update it or are there no updates for the realtek audio and for the geforce 7600 go?
my xt5000t has become annoyingly slow. I have upgraded to 2 gigs of ram. only have a couple of applications running such as trillian, firefox, and sometimes itunes. but browsing is slow as hell (not the internet, the browser). It takes awhile to register clicks/responses.

programs keep getting unresponsive and need to be shut down through task manager. itunes only half loads its GUI,,,i get a big white box instead of itunes many times. scrolling through my itunes list is also incredibly laggy and slow.

when i got my laptop i could play unreal tournament 2004 on max settings without a problem. now when i try to play it, even on everything medium its incredibly choppy.

last couple of days my screen suddenly goes black, after a few seconds it returns to windows and a box pops up saying my video driver became unresponsive but has now recovered. sometimes it goes black but never recovers. i uninstalled the drivers and installed the latest ones off the everex website but it didn't stop the problem.

my whole pc is just laggy and choppy. this laptop is barely 6 months old. what gives
my xt5000t has become annoyingly slow. I have upgraded to 2 gigs of ram. only have a couple of applications running such as trillian, firefox, and sometimes itunes. but browsing is slow as hell (not the internet, the browser). It takes awhile to register clicks/responses.

programs keep getting unresponsive and need to be shut down through task manager. itunes only half loads its GUI,,,i get a big white box instead of itunes many times. scrolling through my itunes list is also incredibly laggy and slow.

when i got my laptop i could play unreal tournament 2004 on max settings without a problem. now when i try to play it, even on everything medium its incredibly choppy.

last couple of days my screen suddenly goes black, after a few seconds it returns to windows and a box pops up saying my video driver became unresponsive but has now recovered. sometimes it goes black but never recovers. i uninstalled the drivers and installed the latest ones off the everex website but it didn't stop the problem.

my whole pc is just laggy and choppy. this laptop is barely 6 months old. what gives

I upgraded Realtek from their own site and you can try using different GO drivers, but I still use the one on Everex site.

Are you sure you don't have some evil crap on your system? My guess is Everex is done with drivers, the unit is discontinued. Are you hitting the throttle temp?
It works for me... 2476 times in a row, give or take. Been doing it for months.
LOL, great minds think alike.

But on the bright side, I have been playing World in Conflict and things are working well. Graphics are on Medium but still ... the game is a graphics killer. I figure if I can get anything over a year or two out of this thing it's money in the bank. I still don't know what I would replace it with.

Mr. Egg is selling the XT5300T right now for $799 but I don't know if I would risk it again. I'm glad I don't have to make the decision right now. If someone blows it out for around $600 I will probably jump.