Everex XT5000T Support thread

I agree completely. Just make sure you decouple the flux capacitor and realign the phase coils or you run the risk of blowing one of the EPS manifolds.
True enough, I think it is the flux capacitor that is causing all the heat in these systems. I turned mine 27.3 degrees counter clockwise and things improved right away.
Hey, I was wondering if anyone has tried running Bioshock on the Everex, and if so, what kind of frame rates/overall performance you are getting?
Hey, I was wondering if anyone has tried running Bioshock on the Everex, and if so, what kind of frame rates/overall performance you are getting?

I ran the demo under XP with both the Everex-supplied 86.17s and the NVIDIA-supplied 163.44 beta drivers and was actually surprised how playable it was (I didn't notice a difference between the two, but honestly, wasn't paying all that much attention for comparison's sake). I was running at native resolution using the low-quality preset. Certainly not silky smooth, but playable.

EDIT: played the demo under Vista using the 163.44s and it also plays well on the low-quality preset, perhaps even better than under XP if you can believe it.
Actually TANWare, that worked for about a day. My frames per second dropped to 4 for like 5 seconds today and I can't even play insurgency mod for half life anymore=-( Is the computer just getting too hot?

Im also getting unplayable fps in bf2....around 15-11 If anyone can tell me anything about this I would be greatly appreciated. It has to be my Everex that does it, I can only play it for around three minutes before it will start to get fps spikes!
hi everyone,

just had my Everex yesterday, brought in another 1gb of ram, also attached the Targus cooling pad and I noticed some differences from the previous Windows Experience Index

- Memory: from 4.5 to 5.3
- Gaming graphic: from 4.6 to 4.7
- Hard disk: from 4.4 to 4.5!!

so I guess the cooling pad really help improve the performance a little bit, it's just 0.1 but oh well.. I'm quite pleased with the improvement of the hard disk :D

that been said, I have one silly question. Could you guys tell me how to make a dual boot for this lappy ( Vista and XP pro ) with only one physical hard drive please ?

I tried to install XP on a different partition then load the Vista DVD came along with the laptop, it only gave me the option of recovery, which would format all the partitions and return the hard drive to only Vista.

any comment please, I really appreciate it.
Actually TANWare, that worked for about a day. My frames per second dropped to 4 for like 5 seconds today and I can't even play insurgency mod for half life anymore=-( Is the computer just getting too hot?

Im also getting unplayable fps in bf2....around 15-11 If anyone can tell me anything about this I would be greatly appreciated. It has to be my Everex that does it, I can only play it for around three minutes before it will start to get fps spikes!

I assume RMClock helped you out. Make sure you ae running it in the task bar and set the profils. if it isn't managing the CPU then it will still throttle. You may also want to undervolt the cpu. This helps keep it cooler and keeps the throttle off.

From what you are saying about the 3 minutes before dying out it is a throttling issue, you just need some patience with RMClock, you'll get it sorted out.
hi everyone,

just had my Everex yesterday, brought in another 1gb of ram, also attached the Targus cooling pad and I noticed some differences from the previous Windows Experience Index

- Memory: from 4.5 to 5.3
- Gaming graphic: from 4.6 to 4.7
- Hard disk: from 4.4 to 4.5!!

so I guess the cooling pad really help improve the performance a little bit, it's just 0.1 but oh well.. I'm quite pleased with the improvement of the hard disk :D

that been said, I have one silly question. Could you guys tell me how to make a dual boot for this lappy ( Vista and XP pro ) with only one physical hard drive please ?

I tried to install XP on a different partition then load the Vista DVD came along with the laptop, it only gave me the option of recovery, which would format all the partitions and return the hard drive to only Vista.

any comment please, I really appreciate it.

Yeah, you need an actual Vista install disc to fix the boot manager after installing XP, you can't do it with a recovery disc.

I did find this link http://www.pro-networks.org/forum/about88231.html it explains a procedure using VistaBootPro to restore the Vista boot manager after you've installed XP. I've never tried this myself, but it's worth a shot.
Somewhat interesting ... I was surfing around and noticed I'm running at 34.8C on the lowest core ... 38 avg. (ambient is 76F for those anal retentives)

I finally blew off Vista, do you think it is a coincidence? I ran rmclock the same (almost). I run 4x at .712v. I was crashing now and then at .700. It didn't run this cool at .700 but when I went to .712 it seemed to drop. Is there such a thing as a sweet spot even if voltage is slightly higher? Maybe there is a break in period ... who knows.:rolleyes:

I flashed newest bios also. It corrected the cpu load reading but didn't cool better in and of itself. Anyway after my total XP reinstall I get these lower temps (no I was not running aero).

I may even get to like this thing ... :cool:

Anyway it is good news in my opinion.

Yeah, you need an actual Vista install disc to fix the boot manager after installing XP, you can't do it with a recovery disc.

I did find this link http://www.pro-networks.org/forum/about88231.html it explains a procedure using VistaBootPro to restore the Vista boot manager after you've installed XP. I've never tried this myself, but it's worth a shot.

I left Vista on and installed XP which promptly made xp partition the C drive. I was going to use VistaBootPro (I think ... found something on Lifehacker) but decided to trash Vista and just deleted the partition ... big mistake ... I was unable to recover the MBR and ended up reinstalling XP. I had an image and could not use it due to the MBR situation. I'm sure there is a way of getting rid of Vista successfully in this situation but don't know what it is. Just a word of warning ... do not just delete the Vista partition because it holds the MBR. I think I would try erasing Vista and then joining the space with a partition manager. (not your question I know but you may go that direction)
I left Vista on and installed XP which promptly made xp partition the C drive. I was going to use VistaBootPro (I think ... found something on Lifehacker) but decided to trash Vista and just deleted the partition ... big mistake ... I was unable to recover the MBR and ended up reinstalling XP. I had an image and could not use it due to the MBR situation. I'm sure there is a way of getting rid of Vista successfully in this situation but don't know what it is. Just a word of warning ... do not just delete the Vista partition because it holds the MBR. I think I would try erasing Vista and then joining the space with a partition manager. (not your question I know but you may go that direction)

In the event you do that boot off the XP CD and enter the recovery console. At the prompt enter fixboot and fixmbr. This will rewrite the MBR and boot record and allow XP to boot.
In the event you do that boot off the XP CD and enter the recovery console. At the prompt enter fixboot and fixmbr. This will rewrite the MBR and boot record and allow XP to boot.
I tried all that, and nothing worked for some reason. I have fixed MBR before but this was strange.
Just so we don't all get too warm and fuzzy and teary eyed ... my 58 degree friend is back. Yes there is more load and nothing running. I can't find my little secret demon loading the cpu.

Not complaining mind you ... just didn't want you to think I had to put on a coat or anything while running my Everex.

I assume you formatted the C partition after you deleted it? And ran those two commands on the C partition, not D?

Yep, several formats with different programs and they all loved it. Norton and Partition Magic hated it but everything else liked it. I would have gotten it eventually but I didn't want to go to all the work and eventually have trouble resizing, etc. No program would put the two partitions together because they saw XP as separating them. It was a recent trial install of XP anyway so maybe I gave up to easily.
Here is the scoop ...
Using only the drivers off of Everex site for XP
Video OC 3dmark06 2324 525gpu 465mem tmp=75C (I could only see it during breaks so assume it hit 85C probably, maybe more.

My guess is you could push it further even with these drivers and if one were to try every driver available one could do better. I tried a regular more current driver while on Vista and it added some bells and whistles but eventually crashed my game so I figure this is good enough if it remains stable. (have not tried actual game yet)

I used RivaTuner 2.02 to OC (ATI Tools would not load and nTune install kept locking up but did install and worked)
2nd day I used nTune and bumped 535gpu 470mem tmp=85 (even at 525x465) no idea why temps 10c higher. Only reached 2287 3dmark06???

Yes it is no 8800GTX but respectable for a 17" laptop in the $700 range.


It has to be under volted with RMClock to keep from burning the house down so is it stable? I ran OCCT normal and it passed 30 minutes.

I screen shot it midway and found it interesting the temps averaged 72C.
(This would have been alarming to me but coming from idle @79C out of the box (I saw upper 90's OCCT) ... so 72C on OCCT feels down right chilly)


Here is the final screen to prove it made it through OCCT.


There is still something wrong with RMClock's reading of CPU load. Task Manager is the correct reading I believe.

Close enough for government work:D
Well, I can't find out why my temp is soo high. I just got outa' bf2 and took a screen of my rmclock.

Can anyone screen their rmclock settings for me?
thanks guys for the input, I decided to stay with XP only instead, saved me the hassle :D

anyway, I followed the guide and installed RMClock. I have the setting as follow
4x ---> 0.75v
8x ---> 0.9v

the thing is sometimes when I surf with Firefox only, it changed from 800mhz and 1.6ghz from time to time, you know like surges. I have no clue how to fix it.

does the "Performance / power state transition setting" affect it in any way?
should I just leave it at 50 as default or change it to 85 or something?
thanks guys for the input, I decided to stay with XP only instead, saved me the hassle :D

anyway, I followed the guide and installed RMClock. I have the setting as follow
4x ---> 0.75v
8x ---> 0.9v

the thing is sometimes when I surf with Firefox only, it changed from 800mhz and 1.6ghz from time to time, you know like surges. I have no clue how to fix it.

does the "Performance / power state transition setting" affect it in any way?
should I just leave it at 50 as default or change it to 85 or something?

If you put the % higher it may avoid the spikes as you said and I suppose will run somewhat cooler, but if it is calling for a little speed and allowing it that may be a good thing. Try it, and if you don't object to a performance difference then it is a good thing.

I dropped my % to 20-30 for awhile and saw some increased temps. I do not appreciate the performance increase while just cruising so put it back to 50. In real terms 50 may be 100% because most programs use just one core.
thanks for clearing that up Syngensmyth.

but I'm really confused now....


I was like WTF o_0 , that was the lowest 3dMark2001se I've ever seen >_>
It was in XP with RMClock running by the settings I said above, the laptop is almost original with its original core tl50. I only added 1gb of RAM, but that result is no excuse....

I'm starting to wonder if I broke something when carrying it around :eek:
Jason Bourne LOL that is truly a sad 2001 score. Here is the one I just ran for comparison. I used 06 before because it seemed the one everyone here used. I doubt you broke anyhing ... there must be some setting off. As I said, I am using all drivers for XP from Everex site, nTune, RMClock. I did flash most current bois and did no video test before the flash but I don't think that is your problem.

I sounds as though you may be throttling back during the test. Don't install any of the power or silent stuff from Everex.

ahh finally I got it... It was not a problem with the throttling since I don't have those drivers in the first place.

anyway I was checking in the processes to see if there's any problem exist and I saw Nod32... no I was not running Nod32 along with 3dMark :D it was just in the process secretly biting my beast, maybe because the software is not all that authentic if you know what I mean. I just downloaded from some site and installed it yesterday...

well thank you Syngensmyth for your fast replies. I thought I couldn't sleep tonight :D

sooo could you guys suggest an antivirus software that is powerful and not harming the resources in a bad way? maybe I should just stick with the free version of AVG >_<

I will say this and run because I hate fights. I never run an anti-virus resident. They don't stop anything they just find culprits (maybe) after the fact and try to remove them. Why have it hogging the system. Run it now and then at your leisure and then shut the darn thing off.

Just my opinion ... glad you found the problem.;)
I have major stability problems with Vista and RMClock because of the control RTCore32.sys, Constant lockups. It can be faded running full tilt in the widows power management and RMClock but eventualy there still is the conflict .

NHC doesn't yet support VFID for AMD and the XT5000T isn't directly supported either but they can be. I am trying to find out if the programer uses ACPI for voltage control, but I doubt that.

The computer itself though has it's own ACPI class and NHC can be set programatically to hopefully control the fans and throttling. If this is true it could eliminate the RTCore32.sys that is causing the issues and have a specific Everex.dll made for the machine.

I have extreemly limited experience with C# but in looking at the decompile of the DHDT from this machine it may be doable. From what I can see the DLL would allow direct overwriting of the systems used values in ACPI making it a 0 conflict situation instead of 2 or more programatic controls (system drivers) attempting to sieze the system and setting incompatible values.

I created a .cs file for NHC and I'm able to reprogram the ACPI values... BUT... it doesn't seem to do a damned thing. The values are changed, and polling ACPI shows the changed values, but the damn system still throttles at 78C.

EDIT: oh, and I've now noticed too that the CPU temp in RMClock is off by at least 7C or more. Dunno what sensor it's using or how it's calculating, but don't believe what it says.

EDIT #2: I have had some success adjusting the trip points for the fan turning on and going from low speed to "high" speed, but the 78C trip point for throttling won't budge. It also seems like the fan has only 2 set points you can control thru ACPI -- "barely moving" and "slightly faster than barely moving". At this point I'm guessing this is all stuff that's coded into the BIOS and simply cannot be adjusted thru software. And I don't mind playing around with ACPI tables and such, but I'm not about to start decompiling the BIOS and hacking it...
I created a .cs file for NHC and I'm able to reprogram the ACPI values... BUT... it doesn't seem to do a damned thing. The values are changed, and polling ACPI shows the changed values, but the damn system still throttles at 78C.

EDIT: oh, and I've now noticed too that the CPU temp in RMClock is off by at least 7C or more. Dunno what sensor it's using or how it's calculating, but don't believe what it says.

EDIT #2: I have had some success adjusting the trip points for the fan turning on and going from low speed to "high" speed, but the 78C trip point for throttling won't budge. It also seems like the fan has only 2 set points you can control thru ACPI -- "barely moving" and "slightly faster than barely moving". At this point I'm guessing this is all stuff that's coded into the BIOS and simply cannot be adjusted thru software. And I don't mind playing around with ACPI tables and such, but I'm not about to start decompiling the BIOS and hacking it...

I just got rid of my files DSDT by re-dooing the drive with a new install. Trying soemthing else with RM clock to get it stable.

It is there but the prominent and obvious values are for the fans. actually they are somewhat setable in the registry and sensativity of the throttling is setable there too. Problem is you can't seem to lock it up.

Another issue is you can't undervolt right now with NHC. Untill I see that I won't go there and try and lock out throttling. I am not trying toon purpouse crash my machine every 5 minutes........... :eek:)

Edit: you are correct the reported values are way off. This is a warning to those out there as well. Don't depend on the RMClock readout not to fry your cpu..........
EDIT: oh, and I've now noticed too that the CPU temp in RMClock is off by at least 7C or more. Dunno what sensor it's using or how it's calculating, but don't believe what it says.
In XP my RMClock temp readings are identical to CoreTemp readings. The diode reading in Everest is close to the coretemp readings as well.

How are you determining RMClock is 7C off?
In XP my RMClock temp readings are identical to CoreTemp readings. The diode reading in Everest is close to the coretemp readings as well.

How are you determining RMClock is 7C off?

Any program that reports temps thru ACPI will give a higher temp than RMClock, including AMD Dashboard.
Any program that reports temps thru ACPI will give a higher temp than RMClock, including AMD Dashboard.

I assume you are saying ACPI is a bios reading, which is probably a CPU diode reading. As opposed to the DTS Thermal Sensor reading which Core Temp makes. Everest reads both ways, Currently on my Everex both reading are very close.

I am not experiencing the change in RMClock reading mentioned above after starting Core Temp.
I assume you are saying ACPI is a bios reading, which is probably a CPU diode reading. As opposed to the DTS Thermal Sensor reading which Core Temp makes. Everest reads both ways, Currently on my Everex both reading are very close.

I am not experiencing the change in RMClock reading mentioned above after starting Core Temp.

I don't think it really matters what it's reading, just that the temp is significantly higher. I'd rather err on the side of caution instead of frying something.
I don't think it really matters what it's reading, just that the temp is significantly higher. I'd rather err on the side of caution instead of frying something.

Well, it does matter and it matters that none of this stuff is calibrated. So interpreting temp readings is more an art than science from a user standpoint, as well as personal preference really. Things do get a little odd while using these Everex blast furnaces. But this is a common discussion. I am just surprised all my readings are so close.

Calling one reading wrong and one right is simply not accurate. They are just different readings. Different programs take their readings at different intervals also and this accounts for some of it but not all.

I\m just saying that as our little Everex user base reads this thread, there is no reason to start chasing these temp readings around. This is an old discussion had on several forums and leads nowhere. It is ok to understand the issue for comfort reasons but the proper conclusion is not one reading is "more correct" than another.
Well, it does matter and it matters that none of this stuff is calibrated. So interpreting temp readings is more an art than science from a user standpoint, as well as personal preference really. Things do get a little odd while using these Everex blast furnaces. But this is a common discussion. I am just surprised all my readings are so close.

Calling one reading wrong and one right is simply not accurate. They are just different readings. Different programs take their readings at different intervals also and this accounts for some of it but not all.

I\m just saying that as our little Everex user base reads this thread, there is no reason to start chasing these temp readings around. This is an old discussion had on several forums and leads nowhere. It is ok to understand the issue for comfort reasons but the proper conclusion is not one reading is "more correct" than another.

I never said that one was "right" or "wrong" -- I just said that the readings in RMClock were lower than the ACPI reports, and you shouldn't trust them. I think it's more important to err on the side of caution and assume the higher temp is the correct one, even if it's not. Better to be 7-10C on the safe side than in the red.
I never said that one was "right" or "wrong" -- I just said that the readings in RMClock were lower than the ACPI reports, and you shouldn't trust them. I think it's more important to err on the side of caution and assume the higher temp is the correct one, even if it's not. Better to be 7-10C on the safe side than in the red.

Ok, so you belive it is 7-10C higher. What good does that do you. What are you going to do about it?

On a desk top you would change coolers, drop voltage, add fans. On this thing we are running at the lowest voltage possible, etc.
Ok, so you belive it is 7-10C higher. What good does that do you. What are you going to do about it?

On a desk top you would change coolers, drop voltage, add fans. On this thing we are running at the lowest voltage possible, etc.

I can't believe you're arguing with me on this. You would honestly rather believe a lower temperature and give yourself some false sense of security in thinking your system is running at 60C instead of 70C? That's just delusional.

But you're right about one thing, regardless there isn't a whole lot we can do about it either way. Unless of course you're not fully underclocking, thinking that your temps are much lower than they really might be -- which, btw, is what I was doing.

But hey, you can choose to believe whatever temp reading you choose, as can everybody else. I'm just pointing out that different programs report different temps, so you just shouldn't assume that RMClock is accurate. Beyond that, it's up to you.
I can't believe you're arguing with me on this. You would honestly rather believe a lower temperature and give yourself some false sense of security in thinking your system is running at 60C instead of 70C? That's just delusional.

But you're right about one thing, regardless there isn't a whole lot we can do about it either way. Unless of course you're not fully underclocking, thinking that your temps are much lower than they really might be -- which, btw, is what I was doing.

But hey, you can choose to believe whatever temp reading you choose, as can everybody else. I'm just pointing out that different programs report different temps, so you just shouldn't assume that RMClock is accurate. Beyond that, it's up to you.

I am not arguing with you. You choose to believe a higher temp. You have chosen a side to defend.

I am explaining the difference in readings and stating that either reading is somewhat questionable at best and just gives you an uncalibrated idea of where temps are. I have not stated that either reading can not be trusted. You have stated that a specific reading can not be trusted because it is lower (I assume).

You can believe what you want and I really could not care less. Actually I was not talking to you. I just thought that there should be a rational position stated here because the subject came up.
Hi guys,

if you are running beta 163.44 problem, this might help solve plm below.

found new window update standalone installer (KB940105)

more info link at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/940105 and http://www.nvidia.com/object/windows_vista_hotfixes.html

last time I did install 163.44 no plm but run tiger woods pga tour 06 cause distort screen without update, I will try again reinstall after install KB940105 and 163.44 with modded inf to see if my golf game work with 163.44

hope it help with ur laptop if you are gaming like wow, coh etc...

Has anyone else tried playing MOH Airborne? Tried playing in Vista but its not that playable.Wondered if it was any better on XP?
I can't for the life of me get 15000 marks in 3dmark 01 like some previous posters. I am on high performance mode with RMclock and I even overclocked the gpu to 520/465. I only get like 11500. I am on the drivers from everex site. I tried downloading some other 7600 mod driver but it was sloooow.

Although I get normal results for 3dmark 05, and 06.

06 I got something like 2300 or so and 05 about 3400?

I am running vista if that makes a difference, on 2 gigs of ram.