Even Celebrities Get Crappy Service At Best Buy

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Hahahaha! At least we know that celebrities get treated like crap by retail electronics stores too. :cool:

So I'm in Best Buy... literally trying to buy iPod shuffles for orphans and they won't sell them to me because they're saving them for other customers. Thank you Best Buy for all of your help. They wouldn't let my friend buy the rest either haha! What the hell is wrong with y'all?!
difference, she got her problem fixed, everyone else gets the shaft

i literally stopped even going into best buy after i bought a hard drive from them as mine was dying, got everything moved over to new drive, old one promptly died totally, new drive lasted 2 days before starting to die as well, took it to get replaced and was told by the "geek squad" that it would be $50 to transfer all my data to a new drive, im like what the hell, i just bought this drive, so i bought a bigger drive off newegg for same price, did data transfer myself and returned dying drive to best buy

horrible store is horrible

While this is all well and good and everyone loves a happy ending, it says something that a customer needs to be a celebrity in order to earn a public apology from Best Buy.

Hypocrisy is what has this country screwed up.
I'm curious as to why they wouldnt let her buy them? seems odd even for best buy.
I had a really good experience at BB last weekend, but you guys are right. On the whole, BB could give a damn less about one little customer with a complaint. There are a million more to replace them.

That's the problem with most big businesses today. Drop one, gain a thousand. So they don't care.
I'm curious as to why they wouldnt let her buy them? seems odd even for best buy.

Ok clarified it was some of unofficial store policy limiting ipods purchases per customers. Now my next question wtf is an orphan supposed to do with an ipod shuffle?
Keep in mind that lots of charity is provided without any real thought to the actual needs, wants, or the reality of the situation of the target group themselves. In these cases, they aren't really thinking about the donee... only of making themselves feel good.

Example: iPod shuffle for orphans without access to music files (most liekly, anyways), toilets and showers for citizens in countries without waterworks infrastructure, bulks of food to countries without refridgeration (there are charities that will send perishable foods, not dried or canned or such), etc.
I gotta give kudos to BB corporate on this one. Not only did they realize the mistake and publicly acknowledge (apologize for) it but they went above and beyond to donate some extra iPods to the charity as well.
I stopped shopping at BB/FS years ago for good reasons. I suggest you all do the same.
Keep in mind that lots of charity is provided without any real thought to the actual needs, wants, or the reality of the situation of the target group themselves. In these cases, they aren't really thinking about the donee... only of making themselves feel good.

Example: iPod shuffle for orphans without access to music files (most liekly, anyways), toilets and showers for citizens in countries without waterworks infrastructure, bulks of food to countries without refridgeration (there are charities that will send perishable foods, not dried or canned or such), etc.

I would hope she is intelligent enough to think through her decision. If not well it wouldn't be the first time a celebrity had displayed a low IQ. Something like this would require the donation of preloaded iPods or at least a computer and some iTunes gift cards.
I'm curious as to why they wouldnt let her buy them? seems odd even for best buy.

Well obviously Bestbuy is not interested in selling all their items, they need some for themselves too, and who can blame them!? Its a very special retail chain, their core vision is to be annoying, contrary and incompetent ;)
I would hope she is intelligent enough to think through her decision. If not well it wouldn't be the first time a celebrity had displayed a low IQ. Something like this would require the donation of preloaded iPods or at least a computer and some iTunes gift cards.

Lol I didn't even think of the whole itunes aspect. Maybe orphans were complaining that they didnt have any where to put their pirated music.
God I hate all the social networking that has been invented, it basically becomes a platform for every wanna-be "important" person to spout off what's going through their mind even though no one else could really give a shit.

I hope Best Buy sues her for lost sales or something, being as she is a "celebrity", it would hold a lot more weight what she says :roll:
difference, she got her problem fixed, everyone else gets the shaft

i literally stopped even going into best buy after i bought a hard drive from them as mine was dying, got everything moved over to new drive, old one promptly died totally, new drive lasted 2 days before starting to die as well, took it to get replaced and was told by the "geek squad" that it would be $50 to transfer all my data to a new drive, im like what the hell, i just bought this drive, so i bought a bigger drive off newegg for same price, did data transfer myself and returned dying drive to best buy

horrible store is horrible

I'm sorry, but you must be insane. NO company is ever going to do that for you for free. No company ever warranties data. Not retail, not manufacturers, not even data recovery services. This is why companies have return policies and rework periods. Drives do fail. Most drives have at least a 3yr warranty. That obviously means that those companies expect their drives to last AT LEAST 3 years. Sometimes drives come DOA or die shortly thereafter. I always tell all of the customers that I work with that if it's not in 3 places it doesn't exist.
Who is Kelly Clarkson? I know who Kim Kardashian is, but this woman seems a few grades less famous.
Stopped shopping BestBuy after they decided to stop celebrating Christmas and went with a Muslim holiday that celebrates sacrificing goats on there weekly ads.
So apparently BB has a limit on how many of a thing they will sell to any given customer?

I can see both sides.....

This chick, semi-famous or not comes in, looking like any ordinary girl (I probably wouldn't know she was Kelly Clarkson) and wants to buy "X" number of shuffles......but it's over the limit.....then she pulls the "they're for orphans".........

If I'm the sales guy I say fuck that I'm not losing my job over this shit, and do just what was done.........he/she was just following the rules, plain and simple.
Yeah if I pre-order something from Best Buy and find out they gave it all away, I'm going to be pretty fucking pissed. Best Buy did the right thing. Kelly can go cry a river.

Why the hell is she bulk ordering iPods from Best Buy anyways? Order it from Apple!
I resort going to best buy on the occasion they have deals or something I really do not feel like waiting to ship out.
you know why this is? Because I don't work there anymore. I leave a company, and it goes straight to hell. :)
I'm sorry, but you must be insane. NO company is ever going to do that for you for free. No company ever warranties data. Not retail, not manufacturers, not even data recovery services. This is why companies have return policies and rework periods. Drives do fail. Most drives have at least a 3yr warranty. That obviously means that those companies expect their drives to last AT LEAST 3 years. Sometimes drives come DOA or die shortly thereafter. I always tell all of the customers that I work with that if it's not in 3 places it doesn't exist.

+1. I had the exact same thought when I read that post. Best Buy sold you a product, not a service. It's really not their fault at all that the drive failed, but they did allow you to return it, which is all they're going to do for free.
difference, she got her problem fixed, everyone else gets the shaft

i literally stopped even going into best buy after i bought a hard drive from them as mine was dying, got everything moved over to new drive, old one promptly died totally, new drive lasted 2 days before starting to die as well, took it to get replaced and was told by the "geek squad" that it would be $50 to transfer all my data to a new drive, im like what the hell, i just bought this drive, so i bought a bigger drive off newegg for same price, did data transfer myself and returned dying drive to best buy

horrible store is horrible

I am not a fan of BestBuy but can you explain to me why you expect BestBuy to transfer you data for free? It's not their fault that drive failed? Now if they refused to return the bad drive I would understand.

Note: You wouldn't expect Newegg to transfer your data either right in case their drive turned bad too?
So apparently BB has a limit on how many of a thing they will sell to any given customer?

I can see both sides.....

This chick, semi-famous or not comes in, looking like any ordinary girl (I probably wouldn't know she was Kelly Clarkson) and wants to buy "X" number of shuffles......but it's over the limit.....then she pulls the "they're for orphans".........

If I'm the sales guy I say fuck that I'm not losing my job over this shit, and do just what was done.........he/she was just following the rules, plain and simple.
not to mention she most likely had some "I'm a celebrity so you must bend the rules for me" kind of attitude
Yeah if I pre-order something from Best Buy and find out they gave it all away, I'm going to be pretty fucking pissed. Best Buy did the right thing. Kelly can go cry a river.

What are you talking about? What does pre-ordering have to do with anything? Best Buy didn't claim they were saving them for pre-orders...

TMZ said:
Kelly wrote a diatribe on her Facebook page on Tuesday -- claiming Best Buy at the Ridgemar Mall in Fort Worth, TX refused to sell her iPod shuffles ... citing a store policy which limits how many iPods they can sell to a customer.
What are you talking about? What does pre-ordering have to do with anything? Best Buy didn't claim they were saving them for pre-orders...

I missed that TMZ sentence. I was referring to this comment from Kelly herself:

"they won't sell them to me because they're saving them for other customers."

which makes me think they're saving it for those who reserved it.
I missed that TMZ sentence. I was referring to this comment from Kelly herself:

"they won't sell them to me because they're saving them for other customers."

which makes me think they're saving it for those who reserved it.

Fair enough. Just more proof she's a retard. :D
I was behind her in line. Didn't even realize it was her. True Story!
I'm curious as to why they wouldnt let her buy them? seems odd even for best buy.

Because she wanted to buy all of their stock which would mean none for other customers. Many times I have seen stores that have an item on sale state only one or two per customer.
The only way to get service, at Best Buy, is to complain. I shop there as little as possible, sadly where I live there are no alternatives.