Eat your heart out Vivendi

yup, i cancelled at EB yesterday and preloaded it :)

why? i get more for the same price. 54.99+tax for hl2 and cs:s, or 59.99 no tax for the entire back catalouge and valve gets 30 bucks instead of 7

those cd art things just made my day :D i usually have to settle for low res pos's for cd covers.. which is one reason why i started buying my cds.. another is that i have money now :p
dudewth said:
Thanks. I thought you had some underground Epson in mind or something. I'm not really in the market for a new printer yet, so I can't justify spending $100+ just to print my HL2 DVD. Maybe in the future. ;)

You could get the R200, can be had for under 100 in many places.
lithium726 said:
54.99+tax for hl2 and cs:s, or 59.99 no tax for the entire back catalouge and valve gets 30 bucks instead of 7
Two quick points: No one but Valve really knows how much they get out of the online deal. I've seen numbers all over the map. A few state that online sales have less profit than boxed versions. It all depends on the size of the download, the infrastructure needed to support it, the people to man support, etc. Personally, I think $30 is too high, but they're getting more than $7. Either way, any savings are not being passed on to the consumer.

Second thing, I've seen people oooh and aaaah over the CD covers. My friends, there are entire domains dedicated to this, with people making custom covers and so forth. Some of these places border on breaking forum rules so Google is your friend.
Torgo said:
Second thing, I've seen people oooh and aaaah over the CD covers. My friends, there are entire domains dedicated to this, with people making custom covers and so forth. Some of these places border on breaking forum rules so Google is your friend.

Hey.............................................shut up
IceWind said:
Hey.............................................shut up
Oh, like your opinion is the only that counts. You happen to be the only one that can find special CD covers. Whatever. Do you really want to start a flame war just because someone (me) can outwit, outreason and can outwrite you? Fine, be my guest. Try to find a more pithy response other than "shut up" next time.
Torgo said:
Oh, like your opinion is the only that counts. You happen to be the only one that can find special CD covers. Whatever. Do you really want to start a flame war just because someone (me) can outwit, outreason and can outwrite you? Fine, be my guest. Try to find a more pithy response other than "shut up" next time.

What in THE hell are you talking about? I don't see any reason at all for this post. How does the ability to outwit, outreason and outwrite someone have to do with box art and printing?

Anyways, I plan on getting it from Best Buy, I just feel better getting that version instead but I do intend on making a DVD backup of all the cds. I'll use one of those dvd labels and box covers from that site.

Thanks for the link Icewind, there's some cool images there.
ok question. I have done the backup thing through steam, although I havent actually run it. But my question is once you backup to say a DVD how do you get it off the DVD after say a format and reinstall of windows so you dont have to download HL2 and CS; Source for many many hours.

P.S. The answer may have been right in front of me, but seeing as how I am at work I cant actually try it yet.
Torgo said:
Two quick points: No one but Valve really knows how much they get out of the online deal. I've seen numbers all over the map. A few state that online sales have less profit than boxed versions. It all depends on the size of the download, the infrastructure needed to support it, the people to man support, etc. Personally, I think $30 is too high, but they're getting more than $7. Either way, any savings are not being passed on to the consumer.

Second thing, I've seen people oooh and aaaah over the CD covers. My friends, there are entire domains dedicated to this, with people making custom covers and so forth. Some of these places border on breaking forum rules so Google is your friend.

thats just what i read somewhere, as long as they are making more htan 7, i dont care :) even if they are not being passed to the consumer, i dont care. these guys put a hell of alot of work into this and i would rather pay them thay pay vivendi. i honestly believe htat if steam was raking in less money than retail sales were, valve would NOT go to the effort to bring that service to us.

i dont typically like cd covers. i know there are entire servers dedicated to this, and i typically like to BUY my stuff. since i bought this online, high res images for labeling has made me happy, as i like having cases. (retail box doesnt even have a freakin case... :rolleyes: )
Blauman said:
ok question. I have done the backup thing through steam, although I havent actually run it. But my question is once you backup to say a DVD how do you get it off the DVD after say a format and reinstall of windows so you dont have to download HL2 and CS; Source for many many hours.

P.S. The answer may have been right in front of me, but seeing as how I am at work I cant actually try it yet.

Simply double click the exectuable file on the DVD and it will reinstall everything. Batta boom, batta bing.
very cool! Another potentionally dumb question. Should I wait for HL2 to be unlocked before backing it up? I am assuming it doesnt matter.
Blauman said:
very cool! Another potentionally dumb question. Should I wait for HL2 to be unlocked before backing it up? I am assuming it doesnt matter.

the option to back up isnt avaliable yet (afaik.. its not avaliable to me..)

i got a question tho.. does it back up save games?
lithium726 said:
i dont typically like cd covers. i know there are entire servers dedicated to this, and i typically like to BUY my stuff. since i bought this online, high res images for labeling has made me happy, as i like having cases. (retail box doesnt even have a freakin case... :rolleyes: )
Agreed. If publishers really want to compete with online delivery, they need to harken back to the old days and put some value back in the box. Make it worth my while to choose your version of the product, rather than the online version. For the retail box not to have a case is just sad. It reaks of cutting corners at the expense of the consumer. It doesn't cost that much to add in.

(And for those who don't think I don't know what the hell I'm talking about, I've worked as a game developer, worked for a game publisher and I've got a website that follows two online game content delivery companies.)
Torgo said:
(And for those who don't think I don't know what the hell I'm talking about, I've worked as a game developer, worked for a game publisher and I've got a website that follows two online game content delivery companies.)

Ok, so where is the freaking phantom?
lithium726 said:
the option to back up isnt avaliable yet (afaik.. its not avaliable to me..)

i got a question tho.. does it back up save games?

Umm, yes it is, as alot of people are doing it including me.

No, it only saves the game files themselves, not saved games.
IceWind said:
Umm, yes it is, as alot of people are doing it including me.

No, it only saves the game files themselves, not saved games.

mine has finished preloading, but is still in "coming soon" and doesnt let me back it up????
Ravenrex said:
Ok, so where is the freaking phantom?
Don't get me started. The phantom is still a phantasm of smoke and mirrors at the moment. The current rumored cost of the service is approaching $40 a month on top of the premium content. Yes, even Steam is light-years ahead of the Phantom and actually delivering content. I'd love to see the whole thing between Infinium and the [H] just get settled.
one aspect of steam is that if there are enough man-powers they can ban IPs or people who IP spoof on top of banning CD keys. i'm hoping that steam effectively eliminates the majority of cheaters online utilizing secure servers. yesh i realize there are already speedhacks, etc. for CS:S but the point is steam is a system in which this should be prevented. and yesh i know that for every protection/security checksum there'll always be a way to fool the checksum. but with encryption... i dunno, i'm not security expert i'm sure others can explain this better than i can. but i'm crossing me fingers that it will put a dent in online cheating. around CS beta7 it was very fun when there were less cheaters than when 1.0 came out. just imho.

as for distro over the internet i highly endorse it regardless because cutting out the middle man has always been the most idealized and optimized vision of total capitalism but steam is here and i luv it.
lithium726 said:
mine has finished preloading, but is still in "coming soon" and doesnt let me back it up????

Go to your play games screen>right click on CSS>choose backup>check the boxes for HL2 and CSS>click finish>burn to DVD with the burning program of your choice.
Tiny said:
Go to your play games screen>right click on CSS>choose backup>check the boxes for HL2 and CSS>click finish>burn to DVD with the burning program of your choice.

well what do you know! when i backed up cs:s hl2 wasnt done preloading so i didnt notice that one! thanks!
On a lighter note: I pre-ordered from steam the first day it was available, got the gold package, I like the idea alot better, planned to archive my steam cache to dvd anyway but now it's even better than I had planned, and I like the idea of my own custom cover than the standard Vivendi released one. I do believe Valve deserves more from this than Vivendi but they do have contracts and I feel that each much uphold those agreements, and Valve seems to be defending what it believes the contracts mean. Having read those articles long before reading this thread, I've been on top of the issue a bit, but that's all good and well cause in the long run it doesn't really matter to me.

By buying on Steam I got a cool hat, the strategy guide even before the game was released (not that I'll use it unless I get REALLY stuck), a special box which I love, the ability to control my own content, and burn as many copies of the cache for back-up as I want, and I got the play CS:S ahead of time. I don't see where I lose with that.
I am pretty pissed that publishers sell shit in smaller boxes with pdf manuals and paper sleeves, and still charge $50 and claim they are doing it to save the buyers money, when i havent saved a dime.

Darten said:
Yes those damn publisher assholes. How dare they pay Valve to make a game and expect something in return for their investment?
anyone have any idea when HL source is available ? damn it an their "available soon" b.s.

i payed ofr it i want it.

the back up does not back up games in the "coming soon" folder.
only games in the "My Games" list.

dont believe me then why is HL2 and CS:S only 4 gigs ? try again.
right click your steam folder,,, its much larger than 4 gigs.

and to the guy who cant figure out how to back up your steam stuff go back to the first page and READ,, its posted clearly right there.
at least i think it was the first page lol.

open Internet explorer and type this

steam://backup <----or click this

thats it the steam backup program starts.
v_lestat said:
anyone have any idea when HL source is available ? damn it an their "available soon" b.s.

i payed ofr it i want it.

the back up does not back up games in the "coming soon" folder.
only games in the "My Games" list.

dont believe me then why is HL2 and CS:S only 4 gigs ? try again.
right click your steam folder,,, its much larger than 4 gigs.

and to the guy who cant figure out how to back up your steam stuff go back to the first page and READ,, its posted clearly right there.
at least i think it was the first page lol.

open Internet explorer and type this

steam://backup <----or click this

thats it the steam backup program starts.

I was wondering this same question.
v_lestat said:
anyone have any idea when HL source is available ? damn it an their "available soon" b.s.

i payed ofr it i want it.

the back up does not back up games in the "coming soon" folder.
only games in the "My Games" list.

dont believe me then why is HL2 and CS:S only 4 gigs ? try again.
right click your steam folder,,, its much larger than 4 gigs.

and to the guy who cant figure out how to back up your steam stuff go back to the first page and READ,, its posted clearly right there.
at least i think it was the first page lol.

open Internet explorer and type this

steam://backup <----or click this

thats it the steam backup program starts.

its only 4 gigs for the both of them because they use the same base files and there are other games in that folder, or i know at least for me there are. mine is 5 gigs. when i back up cs:s by itself, its only a gig (or 650ish compressed) and when i back up hl2 alone, its 4200 (about 3.4 compressed)
jamezzz122 said:
Damn I don't have a DVD burner. What could I do with my CD-RW and these labels?

burn 4 cds and label them all. steam will split the back up file into ~650 mb parts
Whatsisname said:
I am pretty pissed that publishers sell shit in smaller boxes with pdf manuals and paper sleeves, and still charge $50 and claim they are doing it to save the buyers money, when i havent saved a dime.

I agree with you about that. If I spend $50 I expect to have at least a small manual, and my discs to come in a case. I like the smaller box sizes however.

Though apparently Valve paid for most/all of HL2's development costs, I still don't think it's necessarily fair to burn Vivendi at the stake. Valve isn't exactly innocent in this whole deal either.