Eat your heart out Vivendi

Hey Icewind, what printer did you use? I'm in the market for a new one and those DVD labels just look great.
IceWind said:
Ooooh nice Tiny! Is that one of the new Epson CD printers you were using?


Yes it is an Epson printer, though I don't know how new it is. In Feb. it will be a year that I have had it. I love it. I have the Epson R300 model. Prints nice photos, nice text, and I love the ability to print on DVDs and CDs.
CrimandEvil said:
Hey Icewind, what printer did you use? I'm in the market for a new one and those DVD labels just look great.

Its a Canon 520 with the quality settings cranked to max.

Nice tiny, Im not a fan of Epson printers due to my tech work on them. Im really wanting Canon to make one and i'll buy it in a heartbeat.
You guys really shouldn't be putting labels on your dvds. They cause the disc to become unbalanced and will degrade the readability of the dvd over time. Eventually you will not be able to read the dvd anymore.

CDs are not as sensitive to this because their data density is way less. However, you you want to see the effect on adding a label, just run kprobe on the dvd before labeling it. Than put on your label and run it through kprobe again. Use the dvd for a few weeks to let the glue dry out and the label settle and run it again. You will see your error rate has gone up significantly.

I have tried using dvd labels for home movies and the dvds tend to fail over time regularly.
CrimandEvil said:
Hey Icewind, what printer did you use? I'm in the market for a new one and those DVD labels just look great.

May I suggest the Epson R200. It can be found for under 100 most places, and is a very good printer. I personally have the R300, wich can be found for 150, and the only difference between the R200 and R300 is that the R300 has built in media reader slots and a front USB port so if you have the can burn media from your media sticks onto cd. The only difference from the R300 to the R320, besides a price increase of about 50 dollars, is that the R320 has a color LCD so you can preview your photos without turning on your computer.

All the Epsons I mentioned above can print directly on CDs and DVDs and have 6 ink carts. Makes it kind of spendy to replace the ink with Epson ink, but I buy the generics and have gone through about 4 cycles of replacing them and have yet to have a problem with them.
IceWind said:
Its a Canon 520 with the quality settings cranked to max.

Nice tiny, Im not a fan of Epson printers due to my tech work on them. Im really wanting Canon to make one and i'll buy it in a heartbeat.

I was doing the same thing, but just couldn't hold out. Especially when I got mine on sale for 100 out the door at Office Max.
CyberCRAP said:
You guys really shouldn't be putting labels on your dvds. They cause the disc to become unbalanced and will degrade the readability of the dvd over time. Eventually you will not be able to read the dvd anymore.

CDs are not as sensitive to this because their data density is way less. However, you you want to see the effect on adding a label, just run kprobe on the dvd before labeling it. Than put on your label and run it through kprobe again. Use the dvd for a few weeks to let the glue dry out and the label settle and run it again. You will see your error rate has gone up significantly.

I have tried using dvd labels for home movies and the dvds tend to fail over time regularly.

*shrug* Its for backup, not for regular use. If it fails, oh no, a $.75 disc is gone, i'll just make a new one.
You didn't hear this from me....but if you have heard of Primera, they make cd/dvd dulplicators....they use Lexmark printers, they just modify them!
Where you get inkjet printable DVD's? Had a hard enough time finding CD's, let alond DVD's.


After reading that article, I didn't want to have anything to do with vivendi. I mearly got 1/4 way through the article and instantly installed steam, inputed my ATI Voucher info and began downloading the bronze package.

I'm going to print off the DVD Case here at work on our HP LaserJet 8550 and pick-up some labels tonight and print them tomorrow. After I modifiy the image of my liking to remove the vivindi universal logo :)

Thanks again!
AARGH! said:
Where you get inkjet printable DVD's? Had a hard enough time finding CD's, let alond DVD's.



I get mine from

And specifically I get the Prodisc. I had been using Ritek but began having problems with them and thus I switched to Prodisc and have not had a single problem so far with them. Cheaper too! I use the silver ones from time to time, but I like the white ones better for the simple fact that they are hub printable, just something that I like.
IceWind said:
You use regular CD's and DVD's and the printer prints right on top of them.

I personally would advise to use the ones specially made for printing on. I have found that the ink doesn't smear like it does if you use regular ones.
How to get the hi-rez 5-8 mb downloads from that site? All I could get was a 60k jpg.
Rustynuts said:
How to get the hi-rez 5-8 mb downloads from that site? All I could get was a 60k jpg.

Click on the pictures and it will open up the huge sucker. Be sure to scroll down the main page for them.
kuyaglen said:
...but I want the t-shirt... :(

Go to Office Max, pick up some Iron-On transfers, and make your own. Holy moley I love technology.

Cancelling order, will buy through steam tonight! :D

EDIT: Fuck. It won't let me login to do so.
I bought the game yesterday at Target. I did not know there was a dvd version. Can I put all of this on a dvd?
gplracer said:
I bought the game yesterday at Target. I did not know there was a dvd version. Can I put all of this on a dvd?

The dvd version is only in Europe. You can use the STEAM backup feature, just go to play games-right click on game-backup, and choose either DVD or CD.
gplracer said:
I bought the game yesterday at Target. I did not know there was a dvd version. Can I put all of this on a dvd?
You only get a DVD if you bought the Colector's Edition, best bet is to look for a DVD copy to show up via bittorrent and burn that and use your purchase (legit CD key).
Tiny said:
The dvd version is only in Europe. You can use the STEAM backup feature, just go to play games-right click on game-backup, and choose either DVD or CD.

Uh, no, the CE is on DVD but your gonna spend $90 for it.
IceWind said:
Click on the pictures and it will open up the huge sucker. Be sure to scroll down the main page for them.

OK, I do that and then "Save As", but it still only comes in at 730k jpg. Do I have to just print from the website?
That GameSpot article is WAY too one-sided in favor of Valve. No one else noticed that?

Seriously, what would GameSpot have to gain by writing that long article? Of course the answer is money. The article doesn't carry much credibility.

There's one very important question that the GameSpot article, Gabe himself, or anyone else has not answered............ Why was the game no where near completion last September 30th 2003, when it was "supposed" to be released?

Personally I don't believe any bit of the "code theft story". There are just way too many gigantic holes in that story, the main one being that HL2 was far from complete last 09/30/03. And, a supposed person that was smart enough to hack into Valve and steel the code, causing a huge ruckus............. would be so dumb as to then contact Gabe with proof of who he was, and, leave his country to accept a job with him, expecting to walk in the front door of Valve's lobby to warm welcome hugs? Oh! but then the FBI (whose top priority is NOT catching game leakers) couldn't get him because the German government didn't want him captured in the US?

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight.......... If they tried to make that into a movie, it would be rated right up there with the likes of "Howard the Duck".

As for Vivendi suing Valve for taking so long to finish HL2, I don't blame them at all. What should Valve have needed for time to complete the game, given they were going to miss the 09/30/03 release date? A few more weeks? A couple of months? Maybe.

But 12 and a half more months?????? Valve should get sued.

Add to all that, Valve's promotion of "Shader Days" for ATI last summer, while they knew there was no way the game would be done by the 09/30/03 date.

The moral.............. don't be so quick to kiss the feet of Gabe based on one paid-for article.
bonkrowave said:
Big Brother garbage .... umm paranoid much.
Its just a different way to try and curb some of the piracy that runs rampant through the video game industry. Granted it probably wont help all that much ... but at least they are trying something.

Product activation is nothing new ... just because they do it over steam people start to cry ? well how did you activate the OS you are using ... or download any of the software updates for any program you use ...

Valve made the game ... regardless if it was vivendi or valve that decided on this new form of copy protection .. thats the way they set it up ... thats the way its going to be ..... deal with it.
I don't think product activation is a good thing no matter who does it for whatever program. And yes, we as consumers have a choice. We don't need to buy this crap that gets put in front of us.

If it's main effect will be to curb piracy, and piracy is supposedly the reason games are increasing in cost, then why does Half-Life 2 cost more than the typical PC game? Sounds like a load of shit to me. Shouldn't this offest some of the cost leading to a lower priced game?

I just find it ironic that while saying down with the big evil company (Vivendi in this case, but it could just as easily be Microsoft or whoever) you are so willing to jump on the bandwagon of the company that's really out to get you ultimately.
Rustynuts said:
OK, I do that and then "Save As", but it still only comes in at 730k jpg. Do I have to just print from the website?

No, that sounds about right. You honeslty don't need anything higher. I printed mine from that site and look how well they turned out.
Badger_sly said:
That GameSpot article is WAY too one-sided in favor of Valve. No one else noticed that?

Seriously, what would GameSpot have to gain by writing that long article? Of course the answer is money. The article doesn't carry much credibility.

There's one very important question that the GameSpot article, Gabe himself, or anyone else has not answered............ Why was the game no where near completion last September 30th 2003, when it was "supposed" to be released?

Personally I don't believe any bit of the "code theft story". There are just way too many gigantic holes in that story, the main one being that HL2 was far from complete last 09/30/03. And, a supposed person that was smart enough to hack into Valve and steel the code, causing a huge ruckus............. would be so dumb as to then contact Gabe with proof of who he was, and, leave his country to accept a job with him, expecting to walk in the front door of Valve's lobby to warm welcome hugs? Oh! but then the FBI (whose top priority is NOT catching game leakers) couldn't get him because the German government didn't want him captured in the US?

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight.......... If they tried to make that into a movie, it would be rated right up there with the likes of "Howard the Duck".

As for Vivendi suing Valve for taking so long to finish HL2, I don't blame them at all. What should Valve have needed for time to complete the game, given they were going to miss the 09/30/03 release date? A few more weeks? A couple of months? Maybe.

But 12 and a half more months?????? Valve should get sued.

Add to all that, Valve's promotion of "Shader Days" for ATI last summer, while they knew there was no way the game would be done by the 09/30/03 date.

The moral.............. don't be so quick to kiss the feet of Gabe based on one paid-for article.

Did you actually read the article? Because your wrong on 2 accounts.
I took some time out and finally sat down and read the damn article that I've been meaning to do over the weekend. I'll be brutally honest with most of you. Stop drinking the Kool-Aid. Out of the twenty-five pages, I found perhaps five paragraphs briefly mentioning anything about the lawsuits with Vivendi and Valve. And then, it's only from Valve's perspective.

If anything, there's over three pages of how Gabe knowingly lied to the public over the release date. He friggin' lied to the public on the release date when he knew in early Summer 2003 that it wasn't going to be finished on time. It was Vivendi that told the truth all along about the release date.

Look, I've had to tell the public that an eagerly awaited game was going to be delayed before (Age of Empires II) and it totally sucks. But at least we told the public in March and in the meantime cranked out an expansion pack (Rise of Rome) to keep the fans happy. Gabe instead is "paralyzed" and says nothing.

I find in this article more mistakes by Valve and where they screwed up their schedule, than anything done wrong by Vivendi. So exactly what in this article is supposed to change my mind from choosing Vivendi over Valve? Seriously, have any of you followed the lawsuits closely enough to know what the arguments are? Most of the time, I'm solidly behind the developer, but in this case I fail to see where Vivendi is the bad guy. If I can get the game for $40 at retail, why should I pay more to download it over Steam?
Tiny said:
I personally would advise to use the ones specially made for printing on. I have found that the ink doesn't smear like it does if you use regular ones.
So, how exactly do you print on the DVDs?
IceWind said:
You need a CD printable CD printer for one thing, like the T100
Ah ok, thanks. I guess I'll just get a CD labeling kit and stick it on a DVD. Unless that printer is cheap. Looks like I'll be doing a bit of research.

edit: Ha! I caught you before you got your edit in :p
iZero said:
I just find it ironic that while saying down with the big evil company (Vivendi in this case, but it could just as easily be Microsoft or whoever) you are so willing to jump on the bandwagon of the company that's really out to get you ultimately.
Mark my words. Online distribution will be the start of nickel and diming the gamer to death. They'll offer all this wonderful service and then start charging you for it. Want to back it up? Hey, that'll be $5. Instruction manual? Hey, that's $2 for the Adobe pdf file. Strategy guide? We've got that too for only $15, but you'll have to print it yourself.

Then you'll see the initial game being short in content. Want more? Hey, that's $7 - $10 more for each episode. Oh wait, you want to download it? Hey, that's $5 a month just for the right to download from us and then $50 for the game download.

Y'all will be saying, "Remember, when you could get this all in one box for $40?" ten years from now.
IceWind said:
You need a CD printable capable printer for one thing, like the Epson T100
Got a link to the T100? I found the R200 and a few variants, but no T100.
Your quote has been saved and archieved Targo. See you in ten years. If [H] is even up still.
IceWind said:
It was the R300 from last year, scuze me. My brain is about shot today.

Thanks. I thought you had some underground Epson in mind or something. I'm not really in the market for a new printer yet, so I can't justify spending $100+ just to print my HL2 DVD. Maybe in the future. ;)
IceWind said:
Your quote has been saved and archieved Targo. See you in ten years. If [H] is even up still.
Hey, I'm saying something similar now when remembering the glory days of Infocom and Origin boxes from ten years ago. Damn it, I want my cloth maps and fluff!