EA wants your feedback on Origin

The whole "connected to the internet for single player games" argument has been floating around since the first days of Steam. Are there honestly that many people who aren't on an always-on internet service at this point?

I mean, I realize it's frustrating if the internet goes out but how often does that really happen? Maybe once a year for me and I'm on shitty Comcast service. I just use it as an excuse to go outside.
The whole "connected to the internet for single player games" argument has been floating around since the first days of Steam. Are there honestly that many people who aren't on an always-on internet service at this point?

I mean, I realize it's frustrating if the internet goes out but how often does that really happen? Maybe once a year for me and I'm on shitty Comcast service. I just use it as an excuse to go outside.

I am on comcast as well and I lose it at least once a month... Its horrific! But no its my router that causes the problems even if I still can't connect plugging it into the modem!

Anyway, I had to give my feedback. I have to restart origin about once an hour just so my friends list will update. I had to leave feedback for steam though because I lose connection to the community like 5 times a day!

Fact is neither service is perfect, I just prefer the one I have 150 games on because I have that many games on it lol.
The whole "connected to the internet for single player games" argument has been floating around since the first days of Steam. Are there honestly that many people who aren't on an always-on internet service at this point?

I mean, I realize it's frustrating if the internet goes out but how often does that really happen? Maybe once a year for me and I'm on shitty Comcast service. I just use it as an excuse to go outside.

Maybe not, but it took EA something like 9 months to implement an Offline Mode like Steam. I mean, it JUST recently got added. That is kind of fail.
Valve does the exact same thing lol. Don't be a hypocrite.

You need to leave the internet if you're not going to verbally(textually) fellate Valve/Steam/Gaben every time someone brings up Origin and you better not forget to give them a free pass when you're crying about Ubisoft, Blizzard etc. requiring you to have an internet connection to play your games. </circlejerk>

Just for the record I'm not happy about having been forced to install and use either service. The selective revisionist history regarding Steam is both annoying and hilarious. It's almost as if the "vote with your wallet" crowd doesn't realize their voice has been heard, that this form of DRM is acceptable, and most importantly, profitable. I won't be surprised when/if I'm forced to install some other companies bloatware client because it's required to play a game I want to play.

Maybe not, but it took EA something like 9 months to implement an Offline Mode like Steam. I mean, it JUST recently got added. That is kind of fail.

Been there as long as I can remember, it also automatically defaults to offline mode if you can't connect. Meanwhile, it's been 8 years and Steam still can't go offline unless you're online, or predicted the future. That's not just "kind of" fail, but hey, let's not let facts get in the way of bullshit. Especially since most people who bitch about Origin haven't even used it (because it's not Steam! *stamps feet, pouty face*) and will believe anything they read about it that supports their ideas of it being "bad".

ETA from Dec
Don't ban users from there accounts even if they misbehave on your official forum. That is a lame act.

Increase your library of titles , Origin doesn't even come close to having the selection Steam does. Offer more/better sales on new releases and offer them for more than 2 days. Offer your own games at a discount to preorders , Valve does this and I'm sure it only increases sales. Stream line the interface more , provide a more robust chat client and offer a button that allows you to contact a rep online during business hours instead of forcing users to hunt through the web site to find that button.

Instead of restricting sales of games provided by your own company , allow other download operators to carry them but give Origin a better preorder incentive or a discounted price that entices users to use your service. Restricting games from other providers frustrates gamers and makes them feel forced into using Origin when doing so out of free will always encourages a better merchandising service.
The whole "connected to the internet for single player games" argument has been floating around since the first days of Steam. Are there honestly that many people who aren't on an always-on internet service at this point?

I mean, I realize it's frustrating if the internet goes out but how often does that really happen? Maybe once a year for me and I'm on shitty Comcast service. I just use it as an excuse to go outside.

Live in Colorado, during a winter storm and tell me how often the internet goes down. There are days, sometimes several days where the internet is down. So ya, always online DRM sucks ass.

Steam provides multiple options that make using their service a boon over Origin. I would prefer the option to install games to whatever client I wish or to install a single player mode that doesn't require a connection to the internet. I do however prefer Steam over Origin hands down and Uplay is just as bad as GFWL and hopefully goes the way of the dodo.
Maybe not, but it took EA something like 9 months to implement an Offline Mode like Steam. I mean, it JUST recently got added. That is kind of fail.

Only recently would this have had an impact with ME3 (since BF3 and SWTOR require online connectivity irrespective of Origin). Previous games that you obtained through Origin actually did not require the client running or even installed once downloaded and activated.

Don't ban users from there accounts even if they misbehave on your official forum. That is a lame act.

Increase your library of titles , Origin doesn't even come close to having the selection Steam does. Offer more/better sales on new releases and offer them for more than 2 days. Offer your own games at a discount to preorders , Valve does this and I'm sure it only increases sales. Stream line the interface more , provide a more robust chat client and offer a button that allows you to contact a rep online during business hours instead of forcing users to hunt through the web site to find that button.

Instead of restricting sales of games provided by your own company , allow other download operators to carry them but give Origin a better preorder incentive or a discounted price that entices users to use your service. Restricting games from other providers frustrates gamers and makes them feel forced into using Origin when doing so out of free will always encourages a better merchandising service.

There are discounts or other incentives for preorders. You are also free to buy from other digital vendors which have their own discounts/incentives.

There already is a button to contact support right in the client. It more integrated then Steams as it done entirely in the client (not launching your browser) nor does it require making a separate support account.

EA games are available for sale digitally at other vendors. There is no vendor restriction and it has always been this way. Valve only recently has allowed a limited selection of titles to be sold digitally at Gamestop Impulse.
Only recently would this have had an impact with ME3 (since BF3 and SWTOR require online connectivity irrespective of Origin). Previous games that you obtained through Origin actually did not require the client running or even installed once downloaded and activated.

The thing is what he said just simply isn't true. It's most likely a reading comprehension issue since they're now allowing banned/disabled accounts to access single player games through the offline mode. They're no longer locking you out of single player content if you're a douche and get banned, which they shouldn't have done in the first place, but whatever.

The thing is what he said just simply isn't true. It's most likely a reading comprehension issue since they're now allowing banned/disabled accounts to access single player games through the offline mode. They're no longer locking you out of single player content if you're a douche and get banned, which they shouldn't have done in the first place, but whatever.


You are looking at different things. Games prior to BF3 are not integrated with the Origin client in the same way as games post BF3. Only games post BF3 are integrated with the Origin client like Valve and Steamworks games are with Steam.
You are looking at different things. Games prior to BF3 are not integrated with the Origin client in the same way as games post BF3. Only games post BF3 are integrated with the Origin client like Valve and Steamworks games are with Steam.

That's not quite correct, DLC content such as for Dragon Age became inaccessible if your Origin account got banned and I believe that Dragon Age 2 also became locked. It also had the affect of banning access to your Bad Company 2 online account despite it being released well before Origin and even if you had not purchased it on Origin.


Moreover, according to RPS if you got banned on Origin you were locked out of downloading any of your games, which of course is problematic if you had purchased games prior to BF3 but which you had not downloaded yet.

Who knows what other consequences flowed from an Origin ban, but it seems to be far more reaching than just games released post BF 3. I suspect any game which had any interactions with an existing EA account would potentially be affected.
You are looking at different things. Games prior to BF3 are not integrated with the Origin client in the same way as games post BF3. Only games post BF3 are integrated with the Origin client like Valve and Steamworks games are with Steam.

Pretty sure I'm not looking at different things, but feel free to point it out to me since I'm too dense to notice it myself. They're talking about Origin just adding an offline mode..........except it's been there since they pushed the program with the BF3 alpha. I'm merely pointing out the fact that they most likely read this garbage sensationalist headline or read it on the circlejerk that is reddit and just couldn't or didn't bother to comprehend what it was actually saying.

I suspect any game which had any interactions with an existing EA account would potentially be affected.

Most likely since EA accounts merged/morphed into Origin accounts.
Change your attitude towards Steam, otherwise you won't see me buying another one of your games again....
Man, there is so much EA/Origin bashing around these parts of the forums. I'm willing to give them a chance with Origin and such as I'm not married to Steam ... but then EA does something else bone headed. It would be great if EA took two steps back, one step forward, but EA is pretty much 3 steps backward. I just have a hard time seeing myself playing their games anymore. Not saying I won't, I'm just waiting for them to ease up on the douchebaggery.
Games are more expensive and choice is very limited. How is this better than Steam?

Only EA themselves might be deluded to believe that.

I don't think there's an objective way someone could really stack Steam vs Origin good, bad, and ugly and conclude Origin is equal let alone superior.

And spare me the "Steam was brand new and suck back in 2006" talking point, folks.

This is 2012. EA and anyone else had all this time to watch what Valve did right, what they did wrong, all the technological benefits, all the R&D and resources at EA's command...there's no excuses. None.

Mind you: I have plenty of criticisms of Steam as well. Nothing makes me see red and want to get violent faster than when I go to fire up a game that I paid for and it's a single player game...or any game for that matter..and I get "game is not available now" message. With all the game files on my hard drive and unlocked no less.

That's utter insanity that simply should never be. Period.
EA needs to:

1) Serve the game reliably! Having a game that doesn't always work because of the Origin DRM is enough to drive anyone crazy. Pirates get better service. If we buy it we should be able to play it as our own game without hoping the remote mothership server has issues with our request to play the game.
2) Stop the trigger on the remote kill switch. People lose their games because of rude comments on forums and even those who don't make rude comments lose it.
3) Stop with the "Always Connected" for single player. Stop! This goes back to #1 where we really don't know if will get our game reliably.
4) If you insist on making games require EA servers (again, back to #1), then please removing support for games! I don't play the games you are shutting down servers for, but I lose major trust in EA when that is done. If you remove online support then at least patch the games to function independently.
5) Stop with the Spyware. If you want to scan our Program Files folder, ask and let us opt in!
6) Build trust with the consumer. Show that you give your devs good direction. Bioware has lost a lot of good reputation. People like Steam client a lot because they have TRUST with Valve.

7) Make Origin optional to play. Let me run the game strait from the .exe and not through the Origin Client. Require Origin for download only.
8) Not Origin related but definitely helps build trust: leave Bioware alone with your marketing schemes and game design direction. I know it's hard to refrain from being bossy and leave a dev alone to do their work, but that would be nice.
And spare me the "Steam was brand new and suck back in 2006" talking point, folks.

This is 2012. EA and anyone else had all this time to watch what Valve did right, what they did wrong, all the technological benefits, all the R&D and resources at EA's command...there's no excuses. None.

More to the point, Origin isn't new....its a rebranded version of EA DM that had been around since 2005! EA have no fucking excuse for why their platform is so far behind steam.
More to the point, Origin isn't new....its a rebranded version of EA DM that had been around since 2005! EA have no fucking excuse for why their platform is so far behind steam.

Funny how steam has been such garbage lately. Its been crashing my Nvidia drivers, before that it just crashed on itself. Origin hasn't done any of these. But lets just go hate on Origin again.
Funny how steam has been such garbage lately. Its been crashing my Nvidia drivers, before that it just crashed on itself. Origin hasn't done any of these. But lets just go hate on Origin again.

Well I guess if you are having problems that must be demonstrable of a wide spread issue....oh wait, no, my steam has been rock stable for the past 4 years :rolleyes:

And it is these types of conceited assertions which only serve to confuse issues and derail discussions. We are dealing with facts here, and the fact of the matter is that steam boasts significantly more tools, systems and functionality which makes it infinitely more useful over and above Origin.

Another fact is that Origin has had plenty of time to incorporate similar tools and functionality, or to even innovate beyond steam, but has failed to do so.

The only positive thing I can say about Origin is that it is an adequate download platform with real time chat support (which is hit and miss depending on which drone you are dealing with). Unless I need to run a particular game which is inextricably tied to Origin, I have no compelling reason to use it.
My favorite platform is no platform at all. Amazon, GOG, gamersgate, etc... beats Steam and Origin hands down in that department.
Well I guess if you are having problems that must be demonstrable of a wide spread issue....oh wait, no, my steam has been rock stable for the past 4 years :rolleyes:

And it is these types of conceited assertions which only serve to confuse issues and derail discussions. We are dealing with facts here, and the fact of the matter is that steam boasts significantly more tools, systems and functionality which makes it infinitely more useful over and above Origin.

Another fact is that Origin has had plenty of time to incorporate similar tools and functionality, or to even innovate beyond steam, but has failed to do so.

The only positive thing I can say about Origin is that it is an adequate download platform with real time chat support (which is hit and miss depending on which drone you are dealing with). Unless I need to run a particular game which is inextricably tied to Origin, I have no compelling reason to use it.

I don't disagree Steam has more tools and features, but it's a non-issue for me and I'm guessing some portion of gamers in general. As you say, the compelling reason to use Origin is if a game is tied to it, that and pricing are the only compelling reason I need and the only compelling reasons I use either Origin or Steam.
Well I guess if you are having problems that must be demonstrable of a wide spread issue....oh wait, no, my steam has been rock stable for the past 4 years :rolleyes:

And it is these types of conceited assertions which only serve to confuse issues and derail discussions. We are dealing with facts here, and the fact of the matter is that steam boasts significantly more tools, systems and functionality which makes it infinitely more useful over and above Origin.

Another fact is that Origin has had plenty of time to incorporate similar tools and functionality, or to even innovate beyond steam, but has failed to do so.

The only positive thing I can say about Origin is that it is an adequate download platform with real time chat support (which is hit and miss depending on which drone you are dealing with). Unless I need to run a particular game which is inextricably tied to Origin, I have no compelling reason to use it.

My brother has these same issues, and his system is brand new. Only SSD's, no hard drives or any crap, latest drivers ect.

I don't even have to fire up Origin for any of the games on there except for BF3. The only time I need it for the other games is when I download them and then install them, after that never need to even sign in anymore. But I guess Steam is still better because you always have to log in and always have to use it for every game on it.

Neither is great, and as Parmenides said, the best solution is still to use no platform at all. Amazon knows whats good, I can have all my games stored on my account but I don't have to actually download anything except the game.
That's not quite correct, DLC content such as for Dragon Age became inaccessible if your Origin account got banned and I believe that Dragon Age 2 also became locked. It also had the affect of banning access to your Bad Company 2 online account despite it being released well before Origin and even if you had not purchased it on Origin.


Moreover, according to RPS if you got banned on Origin you were locked out of downloading any of your games, which of course is problematic if you had purchased games prior to BF3 but which you had not downloaded yet.

Who knows what other consequences flowed from an Origin ban, but it seems to be far more reaching than just games released post BF 3. I suspect any game which had any interactions with an existing EA account would potentially be affected.

This is what I meant they are different things. Those restrictions are not strictly related to the Origin Client and would not be resolved via offline mode for the client. Because those games require activation/authentication with EA servers you would be locked out regardless of where you bought it from. The Origin Client adding a offline mode would not have resolved this restrictions. Would running the client in offline mode instance change how DAO authenticates DLC via EA servers once in game?

But it still stands that none of those games are actually tied into the Origin Client itself in the way Steamworks/Valve games are with the Steam client. You can run the games independently of the client so whether or not an offline mode was available for Origin Client would not have an impact on those games at all.

BF3 was the first game to be tied in the Origin Client. Of course in this case an offline mode would also not really impact the game as even the single player requires online connectivity through Battelog. SWTOR would also not have benefited as it is not a game that can be played offline (nor do I believe it is tied into the Origin client? I asked this on release and heard it mentioned as not). Is KOA tied into the Origin Client?

Pretty sure I'm not looking at different things, but feel free to point it out to me since I'm too dense to notice it myself. They're talking about Origin just adding an offline mode..........except it's been there since they pushed the program with the BF3 alpha. I'm merely pointing out the fact that they most likely read this garbage sensationalist headline or read it on the circlejerk that is reddit and just couldn't or didn't bother to comprehend what it was actually saying.

Most likely since EA accounts merged/morphed into Origin accounts.

See above. Basically Origin client having an offline mode itself is a separate issue from requiring authentication with EA servers and your account for games. For example being able to run say DAO with offline mode in the client would still give it the issue of DLC authentication if problems arise as it still needs to do so. Nor would DAO have benefited from an offline mode since you could have run the game anyways without Origin running or installed.

So I mentioned that BF3 basically is the first game and only those post that started being tied into the Origin client. Again in this case with BF3 having the Origin client running in offline mode would have no benefit as you would still need to be online and connected to Battlelog for single player even as I mentioned above. So basically the offline mode function would have only been a benefit recently with the release of ME3 (or maybe KOA? not sure how that is tied in Origin). As such it has been recently added and not quite a missing critical feature since BF3 or even further back.
Well I guess if you are having problems that must be demonstrable of a wide spread issue....oh wait, no, my steam has been rock stable for the past 4 years :rolleyes:
Steam is capable of crashing. I've had it happen to me on more than one occasion.

It does not properly handle all thrown exceptions, even if 'handling' simply means 'clean up and terminate'. Considering the talent on hand at Valve, this fact is perplexing to me.
Any program is capable of crashing, what an asinine statement to make. However, neither Steam or Origin have ever crashed on me. What I want in an online delivery system Steam has and it works. Yes I would like a full time offline mode tied into Steam but its benefits far outweigh the negatives.

Origin has had almost a decade to add features and develop a model that would attract people to use their delivery system. Considering the talent on hand at EA, this is perplexing to me that they still are struggling to find an identity.
The only reason I use origin is because of Battlefield 3. I activated my MoH key from steam for shits and giggles as well.
I don't disagree Steam has more tools and features, but it's a non-issue for me and I'm guessing some portion of gamers in general. As you say, the compelling reason to use Origin is if a game is tied to it, that and pricing are the only compelling reason I need and the only compelling reasons I use either Origin or Steam.

Sure, but I regularly make use of those tools and features, so I can honestly say that even if steam was not a DRM platform I would still have it running whenever I use my computer.

My brother has these same issues, and his system is brand new. Only SSD's, no hard drives or any crap, latest drivers ect.

I just built a new PC for a friend who has not experienced any problems, and I also have two brothers who to my knowledge have no issues either. Like I said before, there is no point having a debate on those types of issues which are going to vary wildly from person to person and system to system.

Everything I have said so far about Origin is based upon facts, not experiences.

I don't even have to fire up Origin for any of the games on there except for BF3. The only time I need it for the other games is when I download them and then install them, after that never need to even sign in anymore. But I guess Steam is still better because you always have to log in and always have to use it for every game on it.

That is all well and good for any EA game released prior to Origin, but you know full well that this one positive feature will not hold true for all future EA games which are going to require Origin to be running in the background.

As for steam, as I have already noted, I personally do not have a problem logging into steam to use my games because it is always running in the background anyway. I have also never had a problem with steam's offline mode which has always worked for me, but I can appreciate others have encountered lots of difficulties with it.

Neither is great, and as Parmenides said, the best solution is still to use no platform at all. Amazon knows whats good, I can have all my games stored on my account but I don't have to actually download anything except the game.

I don't disagree, but I hate the fact that Amazon games will still come wrapped with insidious DRM like securom and installation limits. That also sometimes happens with steam games, but on occasions publishers have the good sense not to use both steam and other layers of DRM. If I have to choose between securom/installation limited Amazon games and just plain steamworks games, I will pick steam every time.

The ideal however is no DRM whatsoever, but that would not stop me from still using steam as a communications/social platform.

The other problem is that Amazon imposes region controls, so there is a very large population of users who are not able to take advantage of it. I believe that only persons with a US address can purchase games from Amazon. Whilst that can currently be circumvented, I would not be surprised if they eventually plugged that hole.

Steam is capable of crashing. I've had it happen to me on more than one occasion.

It does not properly handle all thrown exceptions, even if 'handling' simply means 'clean up and terminate'. Considering the talent on hand at Valve, this fact is perplexing to me.

I do not doubt that it is capable of crashing, but pointing to that as a means to discredit a particular program when the discussion is really about which program offers better features and functionality is disingenuous because those types of issues are going to vary from person to person. Simply because a particular person has issues does not mean that every other person is going to encounter the same problems, and therefore be a reason to heap vitriol on a product.

On the other hand, whether software A has more and better features/tools than software B is an unassailable fact. Someone is well within their right to say that those features/tools are not important to them, but that does not in any way diminish the fact that software A has those features/tools which a lot of other people may value.
This is what I meant they are different things. Those restrictions are not strictly related to the Origin Client and would not be resolved via offline mode for the client. Because those games require activation/authentication with EA servers you would be locked out regardless of where you bought it from. The Origin Client adding a offline mode would not have resolved this restrictions. Would running the client in offline mode instance change how DAO authenticates DLC via EA servers once in game?

But it still stands that none of those games are actually tied into the Origin Client itself in the way Steamworks/Valve games are with the Steam client. You can run the games independently of the client so whether or not an offline mode was available for Origin Client would not have an impact on those games at all.

BF3 was the first game to be tied in the Origin Client. Of course in this case an offline mode would also not really impact the game as even the single player requires online connectivity through Battelog. SWTOR would also not have benefited as it is not a game that can be played offline (nor do I believe it is tied into the Origin client? I asked this on release and heard it mentioned as not). Is KOA tied into the Origin Client?

See above. Basically Origin client having an offline mode itself is a separate issue from requiring authentication with EA servers and your account for games. For example being able to run say DAO with offline mode in the client would still give it the issue of DLC authentication if problems arise as it still needs to do so. Nor would DAO have benefited from an offline mode since you could have run the game anyways without Origin running or installed.

Sorry, I don't own DAO so forgive me on this, but you're bringing up an issue, that from what I can read on google is a Bioware "design choice", to support your argument that Origin is bad? Not to mention the issue predates Origin by 2 years. This just seems like Bioware trying to "protect" their content while screwing legit customers. So, in passing Origin is bad and shouldn't have an offline mode because Bioware decides to go heavy handed on the always online, always needs auth DRM for DLC. I gotcha.

So I mentioned that BF3 basically is the first game and only those post that started being tied into the Origin client. Again in this case with BF3 having the Origin client running in offline mode would have no benefit as you would still need to be online and connected to Battlelog for single player even as I mentioned above. So basically the offline mode function would have only been a benefit recently with the release of ME3 (or maybe KOA? not sure how that is tied in Origin). As such it has been recently added and not quite a missing critical feature since BF3 or even further back.

Well, since I do actually own BF3 I'll let you know that you're wrong. You do not need to use battlelog or have an internet connection to play the single player if that's what you'd want to do. Hell, if you launch it without a connection Origin is smart enough to default into offline, it doesn't go full retard like Steam does and tell you you're shit out of luck because you haven't logged in in 36 hours. I don't like being forced to use either but I've had far less problems with Origin then I've had with Steam. Granted, I've also used it for a shorter time but some of the problems I've had with Steam have been there for years. Steam loves to bug out on me if I have more then one game updating at once, when one is finished it stops the other and when I go to force resume it Steam crashes. Sometimes one restart of Steam will fix it, sometimes it takes more, my personal record is having to restart Steam 7 times before it decided to work and not crash (this was just last summer) and by then I just don't want to play anymore. This has happened to me through XP/Vista/Win7, multiple hardware configs, and numerous fresh installs, it doesn't happen 100% of the time but happens enough to notice the theme.

I'm just not fanboy enough, or have enough brand loyalty to throw all my eggs in one basket. Like I said before I'm not happy using either but I will use them if they have a game I want to play because such is now the way with digital distribution and is an accepted (read profitable) form of DRM. It just gets annoying to see the misinformation that ends up getting spread from any Steam vs. Origin "debate" when the walls of text and bullshit can just be summed up by the sentence "because it's not Steam!" It's been almost a year now and you still have people shouting from the rooftops that Origin is spyware, it's just comical now.
I prefer the old minimalistic approach of EADM. All of my backups worked. Everything was just a stand alone install. I didn't ever need any software running. It was nice.
Amen. I wish this is the way it could be universally.

I prefer the old minimalistic approach of EADM. All of my backups worked. Everything was just a stand alone install. I didn't ever need any software running. It was nice.

Glad to see others with similar thoughts. If every game requires a DRM client to actually play, we won't have our own games to play anymore. It will be a gaming service that we pay into. A subscription based model for non-MMO games is out of the question now, but the industry WILL push that direction if we let them. "Games as service", and I'm not talking about onlive.
Sorry, I don't own DAO so forgive me on this, but you're bringing up an issue, that from what I can read on google is a Bioware "design choice", to support your argument that Origin is bad? Not to mention the issue predates Origin by 2 years. This just seems like Bioware trying to "protect" their content while screwing legit customers. So, in passing Origin is bad and shouldn't have an offline mode because Bioware decides to go heavy handed on the always online, always needs auth DRM for DLC. I gotcha.

Well, since I do actually own BF3 I'll let you know that you're wrong. You do not need to use battlelog or have an internet connection to play the single player if that's what you'd want to do. Hell, if you launch it without a connection Origin is smart enough to default into offline, it doesn't go full retard like Steam does and tell you you're shit out of luck because you haven't logged in in 36 hours. I don't like being forced to use either but I've had far less problems with Origin then I've had with Steam. Granted, I've also used it for a shorter time but some of the problems I've had with Steam have been there for years. Steam loves to bug out on me if I have more then one game updating at once, when one is finished it stops the other and when I go to force resume it Steam crashes. Sometimes one restart of Steam will fix it, sometimes it takes more, my personal record is having to restart Steam 7 times before it decided to work and not crash (this was just last summer) and by then I just don't want to play anymore. This has happened to me through XP/Vista/Win7, multiple hardware configs, and numerous fresh installs, it doesn't happen 100% of the time but happens enough to notice the theme.

I'm just not fanboy enough, or have enough brand loyalty to throw all my eggs in one basket. Like I said before I'm not happy using either but I will use them if they have a game I want to play because such is now the way with digital distribution and is an accepted (read profitable) form of DRM. It just gets annoying to see the misinformation that ends up getting spread from any Steam vs. Origin "debate" when the walls of text and bullshit can just be summed up by the sentence "because it's not Steam!" It's been almost a year now and you still have people shouting from the rooftops that Origin is spyware, it's just comical now.

I think you are confused about my points and what I am referring to, maybe you did not read the entire post chain I am commenting about? I have made no argument regarding the quality of Origin as a service (or Steam for that matter) in this. My original response was to a post regarding Origin Offline mode only being recently implemented to which I explained why this function was not applicable until recent games because they either already functioned without the Origin client (making this feature unnecessary) or would have still required connectivity for the game itself (making it ineffective).

Regarding BF3 I guess this is a recent change? I am sure at BF3s launch there was the issue of singleplayer requiring battlelog to operate. This is why I mention that the Origin Client having an offline mode at that time would not have been necessary or resolved anything.

Also I am trying to highlight the difference between the Origin Client (or other similar services such as Steam) as DRM and that games themselves also have their own separate DRM. And in some cases they share the same DRM. For instance DAO on Steam you would have Steam as DRM and the games own DRM. Whereas something like DXHR is combined. This is what I mean by two things.
I do not doubt that it is capable of crashing, but pointing to that as a means to discredit a particular program when the discussion is really about which program offers better features and functionality is disingenuous because those types of issues are going to vary from person to person.
If you didn't feel it was relevant to the discussion, why did you respond to it?

For him, stability is not a concern he has with Origin, and supposedly an area he feels Origin does not need improvement in, but it is a concern he has with Steam. The issues may vary from person to person, but for those who've experienced instability with Steam, there is no variance.
So much whining. Steam and Origin are almost the same thing. If Origin is crap, than so is steam. Both should not be necessary for playing games. GOG has it done right.
I've only dealt with Origin twice and have mixed reviews. For ME2 it was fairly nice, not as nice as Steam but fairly good. For BF3 it was awful. I couldn't play BF3 at all unless it was installed on my SSD (with a 60gb ssd this was not desirable at all). I tried installing it on my main storage hdd, but it would not load properly. I didn't do this with ME2 so I have no idea if the same thing would occur because I played that on a different computer...
I've only dealt with Origin twice and have mixed reviews. For ME2 it was fairly nice, not as nice as Steam but fairly good. For BF3 it was awful. I couldn't play BF3 at all unless it was installed on my SSD (with a 60gb ssd this was not desirable at all). I tried installing it on my main storage hdd, but it would not load properly. I didn't do this with ME2 so I have no idea if the same thing would occur because I played that on a different computer...

Worked fine on my HDD which is dying as well. :confused:
I will keep buying ea games (single player) via physical disc and getting cracks. I feel totally justified as I have bought the game. ME3 is on my list to do this way.