DX10 only with Vista?


Feb 17, 2006
I looked over some DX10 threads but couldn't find the answer, I don't want to spend 8 trillion dollars on a completely new system, but i want to run DX10. If I get one of those 8800 series, or any of the other DX10 cards that will be coming out, will DX10 be usable in windows xp aswell? Or will i lose eye candy if its not under vista os?
Zekenstein said:
I looked over some DX10 threads but couldn't find the answer, I don't want to spend 8 trillion dollars on a completely new system, but i want to run DX10. If I get one of those 8800 series, or any of the other DX10 cards that will be coming out, will DX10 be usable in windows xp aswell? Or will i lose eye candy if its not under vista os?

Unfortunately they will not ship a Windows XP version of DX10. It is ONLY available on Vista
pcfan10110 said:
Unfortunately they will not ship a Windows XP version of DX10. It is ONLY available on Vista
well. we will see. i wouldnt be surprised to be able to find a "solution" on teh intraweb
Martyr said:
well. we will see. i wouldnt be surprised to be able to find a "solution" on teh intraweb

Uh... yeah. Good luck to who ever comes up with what.

Martyr said:
considering dx10 isnt being released at the vista launch, idk

No... it's been in since beta 2.
Obi_Kwiet said:
No... it's been in since beta 2.

I'm running the RTM and if you bring up DXDiag, it displays DX10, not 9.xx. So it's in there in some form or another....and NOT in XP :p
direct x10 cards will run perfectly fine on xp but will only run direct x 9 software. if you want to play a certain game then that calls for upgrades. thats how life goes deal with it. i highly doubt there will be a workaround for direct x 10.dude just dont worry about it;just save your money for a new computer. next year there will be few games that are direct x 10 and they will all support dx9 while supporting dx10.
Sloth said:
Vista is built entirely around DX10, so I doubt it.

It would be more accurate to say that DX10 is built entirely around Vista...there will be no XP version because it simply isn't possible without re-writing the OS.
dderidex said:
It would be more accurate to say that DX10 is built entirely around Vista...there will be no XP version because it simply isn't possible without re-writing the OS.

dderidex said:
It would be more accurate to say that DX10 is built entirely around Vista...there will be no XP version because it simply isn't possible without re-writing the OS.
Why not ? XP came out with Dx 8 and now we have Dx 9... On the other hand we will have a Dx 10 for XP and that'll come in the form of Dx 9L - which will allow u to run Dx 10 software.
Jon855 said:
Why not ? XP came out with Dx 8 and now we have Dx 9... On the other hand we will have a Dx 10 for XP and that'll come in the form of Dx 9L - which will allow u to run Dx 10 software.

No it wont.
Yeah I agree with the post from domini because if your gonna upgrade you might as well drop some serious cash on upgrading. Don't just do one component and find yourself in a bottle neck.

I just recently got my system about 6 months ago or so and I plan on building a new one in a year or 2 once the cost of technology goes down, not because I can't afford it, because I don't want to pay too much for often bug ridden first or second generation hardware. I want to wait at least until the games supported will no longer be clean and crisp on my current setup.
Jon855 said:
Why not ? XP came out with Dx 8 and now we have Dx 9... On the other hand we will have a Dx 10 for XP and that'll come in the form of Dx 9L - which will allow u to run Dx 10 software.

From what I remember, 9L is for Vista running Direct X 9 apps, because DX10 is completely different, so anything lower requires DX9L.
Jon855 said:
Why not ? XP came out with Dx 8 and now we have Dx 9... On the other hand we will have a Dx 10 for XP and that'll come in the form of Dx 9L - which will allow u to run Dx 10 software.

No, that's completely wrong.

DX 9.0L is for Vista, not WinXP. DX10 differs from all previous version of DirectX in that the API is not built 'on top of' previous APIs. With DX9, all the DX8 functions were still *there*...they were just deprecated. The DX9 functions were faster, better, offered more features, etc. But DX9 still included all the DX8 functions. And DX7. And DX6.

As a result (in theory), any system with DX9 installed could run DX6/DX7/DX8 apps with no problem.

DX10 is different. It's a new API, clean from the ground up. It builds on no previous DX builds, and there are NO functions that make the transition. All functions in DX10 are DX10-only.

As a result, a Vista box with DX10 (only) would not be able to run any previous titles at all. Obviously, that's not the case (plenty of Vista users running DX9 apps), and the reason is DX9.0L. (The 'L' stands for 'Legacy') Vista runs not only DX10, but DX9.0L, as well - and this DX9.0L is why it can run any previous titles at all.

WinXP obviously has no need for DX9.0L, as it supports DX9 natively.
If the DX10 API is built from scratch, why can't a version for XP exist? Are the codes gonna speak trinary instead? Sure DX10 might have some integrated functions with Vista, but surely not all... At least we can expect a "lite" version of DX10 no?

Eitherway, I don't see DX10 only games to come out till 2009... By which time I'll just build a new machine.
"speak trinary"? Ummm...you realize that even DX9 doesn't talk directly to the *hardware*, right? And yes, DX10 talks to a completely different layer of the OS than DX9 does, and one which isn't available in Windows XP.

As to when "DX10-only" games come out...who knows. MS is putting big money behind the Windows Vista/DX10/"Games for Windows" initiative.
i don't know about dx10 ONLY games, but for the upcomming year, crysis, age of conan, and a few others should be both dx10 and dx9, needless to say the 10 versions will make 9 look like caveman drawings
Who in god's name is going around telling everyone that DX9L is DX10 for XP?? If I had an STD for everytime I read that in a thread on here I'd be Paris Hilton.
people have to get over it.. if you want direct x 10, u need vista.. Seriously, i'm glad Microsoft did this, hopefully directx10 will run amazing because it doesn't have to worry about backwards compatibility
mjz_5 said:
hopefully directx10 will run amazing because it doesn't have to worry about backwards compatibility

Amen, could not have said it better myself.

This is a good thing, and sooner or later everyone will see this.
If DX9L was supposed to allow you to run DX10 stuff on XP... Don't you think it would've been called DX10L or something? LOL
mjz_5 said:
people have to get over it.. if you want direct x 10, u need vista.. Seriously, i'm glad Microsoft did this, hopefully directx10 will run amazing because it doesn't have to worry about backwards compatibility

Exactly. Software, especially subpar M$ software, is like a building. It can only be renovated so many times before it needs to be knocked down and built again from scratch.
DX10 will make DX9 look like cavemen drawings? Heh... Isn't that what they said about XP and windows NT?

Complete corporate *bleep* you are... Any improvement DX10 *might* have over DX9 will be superficial and insignificant. Mark my words.

DX10 is just another gimmick Microsoft invented to bolster their monopoly on the PC market along with the PC gaming industry. I hope it fails like ME and has as many security holes as 98.
GilmourD said:
If DX9L was supposed to allow you to run DX10 stuff on XP... Don't you think it would've been called DX10L or something? LOL

DX9L is the emulated version of DX9 to work on DX9 games. :eek:
4 pages that should help anyone get up to speed with DX10, there are more in-depth writeups out there as well.
[H]ardOCP Enthusiast - DX10

Since DirectX 10 is tied to Windows Vista, this means if you want to experience DirectX 10-powered 3D games you are going to need Windows Vista, a DirectX 10 video card, and a DirectX 10 game at the least. Windows XP users need not apply for DirectX 10.
The reason that DX10 can't (easily) be ported to XP is because Vista's driver model and native API is completely new with DX10 being built around it. For DX10 to work on XP they would have to release a new driver model, new kernel, new API, and the glue that ties it all together. But at the same time all the legacy code would have to remain in XP which would create absolute chaos. You'd have millions of conflicts between old kernel calls and new ones, old driver model and the new one, and whatever else one could think of. It would be a programmer's nightmare and a tech support divsions's definition of hell.

To top if off all the work require make DX10 work on XP would be no different than developing a new OS anyway. So what would be the point since they just did that?
How come there is still so much confusion on this?

It seems pretty simple to me:

DX10/SM 4.0 is Vista Only, No DX10 API for XP

DX9.0L is to allow Vista to run DX9 and under games in hardware

Will it be possible to run NFS2 and Motoracer on vista? Some people get em to run under XP.
the gamer said:
To keep it simple,

DirectX10 is for Vista Only :D.
if it was this simple we wouldnt have people asking this same question everyday because some other thread said the same thing but their little world came crashing down when they heard it so they dont want to beleive it so they feel the need to make their own thread

there are a million DX10 threads already and they ALL TELL THE SAME THING

accept it and move on!
einer2060 said:
Will it be possible to run NFS2 and Motoracer on vista? Some people get em to run under XP.
yes, and why wouldnt they run under XP? they are D9 games...
g9s7x said:
Exactly. Software, especially subpar M$ software, is like a building. It can only be renovated so many times before it needs to be knocked down and built again from scratch.

very good analogy, the decision for DX10 to be Vista only was the right one in the longterm.