Duke Nukem Forever - I hated it more than Homefront


Sep 5, 2001
Alternate Thread Title:

"Randy Pitchfords' greasy hamburger totally gave me the SHITS"

TL;DR version - The last third of this game contained some of the worst level design and objectives ever to be included in any game ever. I've almost never been more disappointed.

I purchased DNF at Midnight release fully intending to enjoy it. It's taken this long to force my way through it. I'd turn on my Xbox some nights, and the title screen would loop for 45 minutes while I sat surfing the web before turning the Xbox off again and going to bed.

I wanted to like it. I wanted everyone to be wrong. "They're just being jerks because it's cool to be hateful on the net about anything and everything" I thought.

HO HO, you guys got me good, you fuckers.

I didn't have high expectations, I had the intent to play this game and judge it on the merits. I ended up beating the game because I purchased it. Nothing besides that spurred me on.

It's merits are nothing. Sure I chuckle at fart, poop, and pee jokes, I'm 12 inside. Beyond that, it's one of the worst, if not the worst, games I've ever played. It hurts typing that. It kills the high school freshman inside me, staying up all night on weekends playing D3D with his best friend on a Pentium 90, to say it.

Had this been a Gamefly rental, I would have screamed "BACK IN THE GODDAMNED ENVELOPE WITH YOU!" and sent it back after I got stuck on debris and stomped by a giant alien for the 5th time. My only reward being the longest load times on a console game for no reason since Splatterhouse.

I hit the power button on more than one occasion- I'm not that type of gamer.

The 'final straw' event, I have to blame firmly on the Hoover Dam section, and the Monster Truck portion before it. Tolerable, until it was three sections long with battles to get gas in-between, and I ended up in a mine for no good reason at all.

The Dam section felt like a Halo level. The first Halo, you know, the one with the Library. THE LIBRARY. It's obvious it was a design decision during one of the many revamps. I had a few complaints, at first. Then, it became a veritable dog-shit stew. The major frustrations are below:

  • The underwater sections: Environmental hazards and enemy swarms coupled with a clunky swimming mechanic and terrible clipping issues. How long are my legs, 8 feet?

  • The tiny you/giant alien boss fight: Showcased the worst environment clipping and sticky corner issues I've ever experienced, since, well any Rockstar game ever, really.

  • Platforming: Who decided that this game should include Tiny Duke jumping on gears and dodging pistons? Throw them off a roof and into traffic. It's better than they deserve. Don't get me started on the hamburger hopping area.

  • Environmental Hazards: "Oh NO! Rogue electrical fields!" I stopped counting at three, there might have been more. Only Half Life 1 had more shocky-burny-melty-kill-you puzzles than DNF

  • Underwater Mechanics: Managing breath and health, while swimming towards replenishment crates during a fight with a boss that has the ability to one-shot you. "Hey, are we still throwing people off roofs and into traffic? Room for one more? Oh, same guy? Light him on fire first."

  • A barrel puzzle that combined two out of the only three physics puzzles present in the game: Tilty Beam + Heavy Barrels / Scripted Enemy Spawns = Why God, Why?

  • An uphill water-filled stairway sprint, bouncing barrels, and a two-hits-will-kill-you damage component. I'd already made the Donkey Kong joke long before I reached the top, hearing it was no consolation prize.

In the middle of the last Boss Fight, I found myself enjoying the game for the first time in a while. Crazy madness, circle strafing, rockets, smooth frame rates, carnage. That's the Duke I remember. I started to smile. I began to enjoy myself. They dropped off the devastator. I smiled more. I chuckled at that last little potty humor reference after I beat the boss.

Then, the drop ships flew circles and never swooped low enough for me to grab on. Then there was a loading screen. I felt terror grip my heart, because if I had to do that again, I was going to turn the Xbox off. Maybe come back to it after I'd been hit by a car, involved in an industrial accident or something and I was going to spend a lot of time in traction.

It loaded. The dropship flew low. I hit 'X.' The last scripted event played out. All was good. Then the literal 15 second ending and unfunny one-liner made its debut.

The sound I heard in my head was the noise your brain makes as it crashes into the front of your skull in an attempt to lobotomize you as punishment for the experience you just put it through.

"Stop that, Brain" I drooled, as I wiped blood from my ears.

DNF just proves you can't really go home again. If you do, you'll find it smells like Cigars, money is missing off the dresser, and your mom is yelling that somebody just grabbed her ass before pissing in the fridge and running out the back door.
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Gearbox didn't develop the game. They just made it playable and released it.
Gearbox didn't develop the game. They just made it playable and released it.

yeah, sorry if it came off a different way, the Randy Pitchford quote is a direct reference he made in response to certain reviewers talking about the games' tone and content, to paraphrase: "sometimes you want fine wine, and sometimes you want a greasy hamburger."

I'm aware that Gearbox basically acted as executive overseers of the games release.
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Funny thing is Homefront developers were put out of work while Gearbox is planning more Duke games.

Lets Rock! :D

You can't stop Nukem.
Funny thing is Homefront developers were put out of work while Gearbox is planning more Duke games.

Lets Rock! :D

You can't stop Nukem.

I'd love another Duke Nukem, bring it on! Just bring it on without, you know, the decade-plus debacle of development hell. ;)

I felt a little bit bad when I read about Kaos Studios getting closed down, beacuse I know they probably poured their heart and soul into the games they made. Those guys made Desert Combat, and they owe me at least a year of my life back for that.

On the other hand, they also had a couple chances to get it right, and carried a number of mistakes they made with Frontline over to Homefront.

I have to wonder with the Homefront SP campaign, how much of that was the publisher forcing them to add more content, when all they really wanted was to do a solid MP game? By all accounts the Multi was decent, I never got a chance because they also chose to implement a VIP system, but we had a number of folks on here sing it's praises.
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Homefront was a below average game that I was thoroughly underwhelmed by in almost every way...Duke Nukem Forever was an extremely poorly executed and realized game that simply should never have been released. Whether Gearbox's future Duke endeavors end up differently (and I sincerely hope they can find success for the franchise again) Duke Nukem Forever was an example of everything the game industry has shifted from since the 90's and is better for doing so, and it really shows the immature place games have evolved from since Duke's heyday. Not to mention the "design by committee" level design and game mechanics that prevented this game from even speaking to many old school Duke fans who would've still loved a classic mindless, over the top, misogynistic Duke experience. There is also no way to justify releasing this game at full price. Maybe if Gearbox had released it at $30-40 I could potentially see it getting a big wider audience just from a more accessible price tag, but at a fully prices retail game it is a joke.

That being said I think Duke can still exist in the world of modern gaming and I think Gearbox can make a Duke game that opens itself up to newer generations of gamers as well as keeping the attention of the older shooter fans. I applaud Gearbox for pushing this out the door to get a fresh start on the franchise. Hopefully Duke's real return lands better but I honestly don't see any reason for anybody to play through Duke Nukem Forever, save for maybe a $5 Steam sale down the road.
was Homefront really that bad?...I have it in my Steam folders but have yet to play it
I thought it was alright, I didn't run into any of the bugs you mentioned, there was enough oldschool "fan service" to keep me happy, had a few laughs, got to blow some shit up.

It would truly be a horrible game in relation to its peers if the quality of games these days was actually good, but it's not. We're battling with constant unrelenting consolitis and every established PC franchise constantly taking a step backwards in order to cater to the consoles and casual gamers.

If we were in the age of games where we had things as relatively impressive as Crysis, Oblivion or Half Life 2 hitting our shelves, but adjusted to be as awesome as we could imagine games today, then sure DNF would be relatively ghastly.

But we're on the millionth iteration of CoD and CoD spin offs like Crysis 2 and MoH, we're on the million iteration of GoW and all its spin off's with chest high walls, everything is gritty and "realistic" and nothing seems to have actually improved for about 5 fucking years.

This is hardly a problem unique to DNF, I can't remember the last time I was actually impressed by playing a PC games.
was Homefront really that bad?...I have it in my Steam folders but have yet to play it

Single player was pretty bad in sections and in other sections you have to walk around at a pace an 80 year old could crawl. The game keeps stealing your weapons as well as other issues. The m4 and m16 don't use the same ammo even though the m4 is pretty much just a cut down m16. I could go on. Big problem is it was first and foremost a multiplayer game. The issue was multiplayer didn't work. It had issues its first week due to them overloading the servers even though it only sold half of the numbers of the game they shipped. After that it really went to hell where you couldn't get into games and if you could not with friends. Game was a joke. Sucks as when the multiplayer works it isn't a bad game.

As far as duke goes I agree it had a few points that shouldn't have been in the game. The underwater level and some of the mini duke stuff was a complete joke. Things like the freeze gun just sucked and overall it wasn't as polished as duke 3d. It missed a lot of what made duke3d great. The security cameras for instance. They seemed to be more thrown in on this one. I wanted more city fighting. I wanted more bars, a strip club that wasn't a dream, etc. Maybe a level where you storm an alien space ship and crash it into another one.

Overall my biggest issue with the game was the load times on the 360. They were horrible. While the game was no where near a great game I didn't think it was a horrible one. I liked the level of interactivity with the environment although I was hoping for more. Finding cigars and smoking them and other small stuff like that just made me happy. So did the complete rip offs from other games. The mocking of the halo armor, the family guy "dear diary, jackpot", etc.
OP was a very entertaining read, as well as informative. I know to never ever play this game now.
Anyone that plays Duke on an xbox deserves a horrid experience.

That's not really a fair thing to say, the PSX version of Duke Nukem 3D was every bit as good as the one on PC, sans of course, the multiplayer mode, but it had that too sort of, with the link cable, another PSX, another TV, and another copy of the game :p

but it had it, nonetheless!

However, I don't understand one thing, Duke Nukem is a game with a lot of content in it that quite frankly isn't to everyone's tastes (strippers, misogynic references, and full of kick ass attitude), so one thing I don't really understand is how people who buy the game knowing in advance the Duke Nukem reputation, find it tasteless and whatnot??? :confused::confused::confused:

If you didn't want that stuff, why buy the game??? :confused::confused::confused::confused:
was Homefront really that bad?...I have it in my Steam folders but have yet to play it

Depends on how much you paid for it :D.

it's quality and tolerability goes up leaps and bounds as price paid goes down

Anyone that plays Duke on an xbox deserves a horrid experience.

I'm not going to start another countless PC/Console discussion, all I'll say is that 90% of my gaming companions now game primarily on the 360, so I go where my friends are.

besides my complaint on loading times, none of the other issues I had on the game would have been rectified on PC. The game is platform agnostic regarding it's problems

I liked the level of interactivity with the environment although I was hoping for more. Finding cigars and smoking them and other small stuff like that just made me happy. So did the complete rip offs from other games. The mocking of the halo armor, the family guy "dear diary, jackpot", etc.

I like this as well. I wish they hadn't all but abandoned it during the last 1/3rd of the game. It was the little stuff that I like the most, and I was sorry that the things I hoped to enjoy such as the bawdy humor, in-game jokes, and the Duke persona were overshadowed by the problems and poor decisions inherent in the design. I don't know that if we'd all gotten to play it on the other missed milestone release dates, if it would have been as panned as it was now. Some of the design decisions were just poor even by back in the day standards.

Besides the final one liner for the last boss, the only other thing that made me chuckle during the Dam level was the "This is gonna fuck up my hair" line. I thought that one was well placed.
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so the Homefront patches that were released did nothing to improve the overall (single player) game and the issues people were having?
WTF is up with all of these people expecting DNF to be some sort of holy grail? It's been known for a long time that it's not a very good game; if you expected something great, you should have done more research. It was scrapped because it was taking too long and what they were coming up with wasn't really up to par.

Should Gearbox have picked it up and finished it? Maybe, maybe not. I personally am glad that they did. You don't like it? Good for you; post about it on one of the other 3473983739479347 DNF threads already on the forums.
WTF is up with all of these people expecting DNF to be some sort of holy grail? It's been known for a long time that it's not a very good game; if you expected something great, you should have done more research. It was scrapped because it was taking too long and what they were coming up with wasn't really up to par.

Should Gearbox have picked it up and finished it? Maybe, maybe not. I personally am glad that they did. You don't like it? Good for you; post about it on one of the other 3473983739479347 DNF threads already on the forums.

Did you even read the OP? [Scanning the content of your post] I'm guessing you just ran right to the bottom.

Of the 3,473,983,739,479,347 threads on the [H] and most other review sites, there were two very loud camps; "It sucks- fuck it" and "It's awesome- fuck you", there was some middle ground yelling about the sexual content of the game, and personally I could care less about that camp.

I felt that the reasonable contingent of people who just wanted to play it to see what it was or wasn't and talk about it got lost in the shouting. I was one of those people. I played it, and up there is my opinion.

Somebody who didn't expect it to be good, wanted it to be decent, and found out it was shit on toast. I wasn't expecting rainbows to shoot out of my dick-end when I played the game, for chrissakes. I knew it would probably suck, I was a little amazed at how bad it sucked, but there you have it.

I'm glad Gearbox did what they did. Hell, the reason I paid 60 bucks for it, is because I wanted to reward them for the chance they took, and I took a chance that it maybe wasn't as bad as it was claimed to be. I paid my ticket price, and then I came here to the [H] to express my opinion when the ride was done.

I'd say for the experience, I got my moneys worth. Definitely more downs then ups during, but I'm not sorry for it.

I'm a little sorry for the underwater levels, but I think I'll live.
I thought DNF is pretty damn bad. I stopped playing around the 2nd boss fight.
so the Homefront patches that were released did nothing to improve the overall (single player) game and the issues people were having?

They ended up fixing the multiplayer but it took weeks. Really if THQ cared to keep the people they were pissing off they should have announced that the dlc they were planning on releasing would be free for the troubles. I will say the first map addon for the 360 was cheap but hell I think giving it away for selling a 3 hour game for 60 bucks that only worked in single player. As it stands now I don't see myself buying another thq title. Fuck them. Sad as the multiplayer was pretty good although it needed more options.

I had pretty low expectations for duke. Guess that helped me enjoy it.

One thing that pissed me off. I hate when they try to update classic maps. They made the hollywood first map from duke 3d as an option in multiplayer. They screwed with it some. Made it more run down, etc. Would have rather had it more true to the original.
I actually enjoyed the START of the game....but yeah, the FOV is not so nice, the underwater areas are HORRIFIC. That one where you swim through a turbine? Yeah, I died a few times in there. While drowning.

And omg, the endless driving...let it end already. It was already too long in Half Life 2, but at least amusing and fun at times...in DNF, OMFG LET IT END.

I haven't beaten it yet, but I finally just killed DNF via task manager for lack of even wanting to use the clunky menu.

DNF is a failure and sadly, needs to just be the end of duke nukem, if this is what they think is worth releasing. Because it's NOT worth releasing. It was worth archiving the code depot and pulling the plug. There ARE funny jokes to be had (the turd, "I could use a crowbar right now" "I hate valve puzzles" and such) but overall, the jokes DNF turns at OTHER games apply to it. The puzzles blow, the clipping issues ARE bad...

I actually kinda liked the kitchen jumping one though...was kinda reminiscent of UT99 levels.

This game would have been acceptable 11 years ago...today it feels clunky and painful. I doubt I'll finish it.

Did you even read the OP? [Scanning the content of your post] I'm guessing you just ran right to the bottom.

Of the 3,473,983,739,479,347 threads on the [H] and most other review sites, there were two very loud camps; "It sucks- fuck it" and "It's awesome- fuck you", there was some middle ground yelling about the sexual content of the game, and personally I could care less about that camp.

I felt that the reasonable contingent of people who just wanted to play it to see what it was or wasn't and talk about it got lost in the shouting. I was one of those people. I played it, and up there is my opinion.

Somebody who didn't expect it to be good, wanted it to be decent, and found out it was shit on toast. I wasn't expecting rainbows to shoot out of my dick-end when I played the game, for chrissakes. I knew it would probably suck, I was a little amazed at how bad it sucked, but there you have it.

I'm glad Gearbox did what they did. Hell, the reason I paid 60 bucks for it, is because I wanted to reward them for the chance they took, and I took a chance that it maybe wasn't as bad as it was claimed to be. I paid my ticket price, and then I came here to the [H] to express my opinion when the ride was done.

I'd say for the experience, I got my moneys worth. Definitely more downs then ups during, but I'm not sorry for it.

I'm a little sorry for the underwater levels, but I think I'll live.

I'm int he same camp. I didn't expect anything other than some mindless fun. I got some of that, but too much bs level design has marred the entire experience.

The sexual content well...the stripper club is about the least frustrating level :-p
You guys are meanies. Game was fun and usual Duke. Lol'd the whole time and enjoyed myself. Cant wait to see another.
Of the 3,473,983,739,479,347 threads on the [H] and most other review sites, there were two very loud camps; "It sucks- fuck it" and "It's awesome- fuck you", there was some middle ground yelling about the sexual content of the game, and personally I could care less about that camp.

Actually, no there isn't. Maybe you should read those threads before you start a new one :p

The opinions on the other threads are mostly "OMG THIS GAME IS SO SHIT" and "the game isn't great but its ok, stop your fucking whinging", there's a few people moaning about misogyny, though really not that many.
Actually, no there isn't. Maybe you should read those threads before you start a new one :p

The opinions on the other threads are mostly "OMG THIS GAME IS SO SHIT" and "the game isn't great but its ok, stop your fucking whinging", there's a few people moaning about misogyny, though really not that many.

Yeah, I've literally read through every thread on here about it. I was mostly referring to "and the other sites" in regards to the complaints about content.

Kotaku and Joystiq in particular wrung all the mileage they could out of that mule.
Looking at the well laid story line I wanted to buy the game just to do "my part" LOL! Great story arc but the reviews were so bad I decided to pass. Still, wish they had been able to get the game play right. Would have been epic.
was Homefront really that bad?...I have it in my Steam folders but have yet to play it
This game would have been acceptable 11 years ago...today it feels clunky and painful. I doubt I'll finish it.

No it wouldn't have, 11 years ago people expected large, wide open games with lots of space to kill things, limited health, no lame check points, limited scripting, no weapon limits, etc.

This game was made to appease the Halo crowd and attitude which started 10 years ago and basically so modeled on Halo it makes me queasy to think about it. It might have been acceptable to the console crowd if it had come out about the same time Halo did, but the PC players still would have hated it.
That's not really a fair thing to say, the PSX version of Duke Nukem 3D was every bit as good as the one on PC, sans of course, the multiplayer mode, but it had that too sort of, with the link cable, another PSX, another TV, and another copy of the game :p

but it had it, nonetheless!

However, I don't understand one thing, Duke Nukem is a game with a lot of content in it that quite frankly isn't to everyone's tastes (strippers, misogynic references, and full of kick ass attitude), so one thing I don't really understand is how people who buy the game knowing in advance the Duke Nukem reputation, find it tasteless and whatnot??? :confused::confused::confused:

If you didn't want that stuff, why buy the game??? :confused::confused::confused::confused:

This is the point people always seem to get confused on. Back in the day games used to emulate PC. Now it's the other way around. PC games are emulating console games and lacking in content in my opinion. That's why Duke3d worked out for PSX back in the day. I still have the PSX version because of the music but it was still a PC game at heart. Controls were tough but were tolerable. The music was an improvement over the PC's midi but i'm digressing.

My thoughts about this game have been following that path. This game feels like Halo/Metro 2033 with a Duke theme applied to it. No real substance. I would have been happier with a Duke 3D remake with the Duke Forever graphics for the same price. This game just sucked and I don't want throw in the fact that it STILL felt unfinished and rushed after 10 or 12 years of development. I understand it being scrapped and restarted from scratch many times, but they could have delayed it again to fix up some of the gameplay issues. That's all I'll bring up for now.
Sounds like you played in on Xbox, which is the problem.

Its wierd, people who play it on PC loved the hamburger section, people who play it on consoles hate it. How do the consoles make it so bad? I beat that part in 5 minutes and remember thinking "huh that was neat".
I played it on PC. Unfortunately I put enough faith into it being half-way decent and spent the forty-five bucks on steam with a pre-order. Yuck.
Sounds like you played in on Xbox, which is the problem.

Its weird, people who play it on PC loved the hamburger section, people who play it on consoles hate it. How do the consoles make it so bad? I beat that part in 5 minutes and remember thinking "huh that was neat".

The hamburger part was way better than the moving gears and cogs section. I don't know if the environmental clipping was better on the PC or what, but it was piss-poor on the 360.

Playing it on the 360 might have been 'part' of the problem, but you can only lay so much blame there
The hamburger part was way better than the moving gears and cogs section. I don't know if the environmental clipping was better on the PC or what, but it was piss-poor on the 360.

Playing it on the 360 might have been 'part' of the problem, but you can only lay so much blame there

That's only nominally true if the console port was anywhere near what the PC experience is, it becomes false if the console port is a watered down experience (aka, can't get top notch graphics performance because of the hardware limitations of a console vs a PC).
Somehow, I only just realized the headline on the front page of [H] reads...

Duke Nukem Tapped my Bung for $50

...and I almost just laughed myself right out of my fucking chair, ha ha!

Man, I don't care how many different ways people want to spin it: DNF is simply a bad game, period.

Being totally objective and not bringing any "Duke nostalgia" into the mix, every aspect of the game is just miserable... rudimentary gameplay that's extremely lacking, poor visuals, general mechanics generally feel like shit, horrid FOV... it's just a bad game on it's own merit.

Certainly, I wish it weren't the case, but it is, and that's that... anyone who's played enough games, who has even the slightest discerning eye and feel for games, would not be able to deny the almost cosmic stench of failure that emanates from DNF.
I picked DNF up in the 2k games pack in the recent steam sale. I'm about a third the way in and I'm not seeing what all the damn whinging is about. The gunplay so far is fun and that's the main thing for me. Maybe I'm the exception on these forums but I dont give a flying fuck about the story in FPS and action games for the most part. Adventure and RPG games, yeah I like a good story, but FPS and action games I'm not really phased. I got sick of Bioshock very quickly because the gunplay and combat wasn't fun despite the story and I decided even with a good story I wasn't going to sit through another 15 hours of shitty gameplay to see it.

The gunplay is fun, the platforming is "meh" but it doesn't get in the way, there's been barely any platforming sections that I haven't gotten first try, 2nd try at worst. The Duke-ness of the game is funny, people bitching about about the childishness and misogyny should never have played the game in the first place. After I got through the remote control car and associated platforming sections I thought back to the IGN preview video of the dude non-stop whinging about it and just thought "wtf? Seriously? It was like a 10 minute section of gameplay that wasn't nearly that bad and that dude bitched about it like it was the end of the world".

I think people just went into this game with way too high expectations and were disappointed, or went in wanting to hate it and ended up hating it :p

Compared to other recent games I'd probably rate it a 7/10 (by the standards of most reviews sites).
I picked DNF up in the 2k games pack in the recent steam sale. I'm about a third the way in and I'm not seeing what all the damn whinging is about. The gunplay so far is fun and that's the main thing for me. Maybe I'm the exception on these forums but I dont give a flying fuck about the story in FPS and action games for the most part. Adventure and RPG games, yeah I like a good story, but FPS and action games I'm not really phased. I got sick of Bioshock very quickly because the gunplay and combat wasn't fun despite the story and I decided even with a good story I wasn't going to sit through another 15 hours of shitty gameplay to see it.

The gunplay is fun, the platforming is "meh" but it doesn't get in the way, there's been barely any platforming sections that I haven't gotten first try, 2nd try at worst. The Duke-ness of the game is funny, people bitching about about the childishness and misogyny should never have played the game in the first place. After I got through the remote control car and associated platforming sections I thought back to the IGN preview video of the dude non-stop whinging about it and just thought "wtf? Seriously? It was like a 10 minute section of gameplay that wasn't nearly that bad and that dude bitched about it like it was the end of the world".

I think people just went into this game with way too high expectations and were disappointed, or went in wanting to hate it and ended up hating it :p

Compared to other recent games I'd probably rate it a 7/10 (by the standards of most reviews sites).


Ironically two of the places people complain about the most (underwater sections, tiny duke in the gears) are the few places where turning on Duke Vision actually improved visibility and looked good. Once I did that they were pretty staright forward and easy.

I found the RC and monster truck sections to be about the right length and felt the *three* (yes only threee) times you ran out of gas were actually natural breaks that allowed for gunplay and well thought out escalating ambushes.
I think most of us have gotten to old to enjoy the earlier days of Duke humor, let alone a delayed "15 years later" remake/sequel however you call DNF.

Personally I didn't think it was too shabby, just delayed too long, hell 3DRealms would've been more successful if this had been released around Doom 3's time about 7 years ago.
i will buy this game when i see it for 5$ on steam , not before.
i will buy this game when i see it for 5$ on steam , not before.

I wouldn't argue with that. I got it as part of the 2K pack so it didn't bother me too much, its a bargain bin title more than anything... but most games are simply because these days there's so many games going so cheap that you can't help feel ripped off if a game is $50 and offers only a short single player experience. Most the games on my steam list whether they be good games or not I got for less than $10.
I played through the first few levels for an hour or two. It was pretty painful, and I was growing up when the first came out so not even nostalgia was enough for me to finish it.

Just very, very bad.

FYI, played on PC.
I wouldn't argue with that. I got it as part of the 2K pack so it didn't bother me too much, its a bargain bin title more than anything... but most games are simply because these days there's so many games going so cheap that you can't help feel ripped off if a game is $50 and offers only a short single player experience. Most the games on my steam list whether they be good games or not I got for less than $10.

Ha...DNF is about 60% of the entire cost for the 2K game pack....I think they found a new way to screw their customers! :D
DNF is bad based upon the demo I played

It would have been good if

you could actually explore levels and find secrets like the old game
you could actually carry more than 2 weapons

compare level design of the original to the current one and you immediately know why the current game sucks furry donkey nuts