Duke Nukem Forever - I hated it more than Homefront

I'm trying to finish the game but I'm finding it so difficult in wake of the recent Steam summer sales event. So many other games that are cheaper and so much more entertaining

I played so much original Duke and Duke3D back in the day its not even funny. I love the guy, in a totally heterosexual way... but if I finish DNF it will be a miracle.
Ha...DNF is about 60% of the entire cost for the 2K game pack....I think they found a new way to screw their customers! :D

2k has regional pricing in Australia so the 2k pack wasn't terrible value, DNF is $80 on steam and the pack was also $80, Mafia 2 is $80 retail and $54 at 33% off at the moment (though I do remember in previous sales being able to get it for much less than that), borderlands was $30 retail and $20 after 33% off, and Bioshock 2 is $50 normally, $33 during the sale.

So getting them all + civilization + xcom + a few other random games for $80 wasn't bad value in Australia... the land of shitty regional pricing.
DNF is bad based upon the demo I played

It would have been good if

you could actually explore levels and find secrets like the old game
you could actually carry more than 2 weapons

compare level design of the original to the current one and you immediately know why the current game sucks furry donkey nuts

I played some Duke3d lately and the level design after 14 years isn't as impressive as it was back then. Yeah, it would have been cool to have some secrets and stuff, but DNF isn't a huge step back in level design IMO, just not really a step forward, which is should be after 14 years.

The 2 weapon limit is kinda gay, but it isn't bothering me in the full game as much as it did in the demo. As I guessed when playing the demo, they picked an area with heaps of different weapons, making the 2 weapon limit very noticable. Duke3D was quite harsh with ammo, so even though you could carry all guns you couldn't just randomly use them, often you'd pick up ripper ammo but before you reached the next batch or ripper ammo you'd be forced to use the shotty because you'd run out of ammo.

The demo is definitely a bad representation of the full game, they picked far from the most enjoyable parts of the game. That said I dont know if I'd recommend buying it for anything more than bargain bin prices, the game isn't great by any means, but there's certainly fun to be had if you want to have it instead of just looking for the flaws.
Homefront is not a bad game. DNF is terrible game I agree it sucks major ball sack.
lol holy shit, great writing OP. Thanks for the laughs.

Totally agree with you on DNF - a complete waste of time and money.
Just finished DNF on PC yesterday. I enjoyed it. I was a little disappointed that I couldn't offer money to the strippers as often as I liked, which would have taken play time from ~10 hrs to 15.

The only frustrating part I ever hit was the octobabies underwater. Other than that, I had a good time with it! I hope that sales are strong enough that they do a true this- or next-gen sequel.

Maybe it's because I rented Homefront on 360 but I only got about a third of the way through the game and gave up on it. AI had perfect aim, I couldn't leave cover for more than half a second to try to get a clean shot. It's really too bad, because the premise of Homefront had me pretty interested.
DNF is ok. Not great, but ok. My complaints are: two weapon limit - they should have done it like the original game where you could carry all the guns, but as an earlier poster said, couldn't always find ammo for them. In the original game, I had to search out for ammo. Also, ditch the regenerating health. Go back to the health packs - that way you have to search for those too. Lastly, fix the load times, mouse control, and framerates... I've got a 3.0 ghz Core 2 with a GTX 460 and the framerate blows - Serious Sam HD at the same resolution on the same box is almost always at 60 fps. Granted my machine isn't top of the line but come on.

One thing about regenerating health - it makes the level designers jobs easier - they don't have to worry about pacing or where to put items. They can just thow shit willy nilly around the level and not have to think about what they are doing. Regenerating health is a game mechanic that is used (IMHO) to cover up other deficiencies in the game design.