Dragon Age: Origins. Thanks but no thanks.

Well once again I jumped on bandwagons and found that it just wasn't for me after all. Got hyped up with all the Dragon Age stuff and I decided I had to give it a shot. Played for several hours last night and a few this morning and I was pretty much done. Biowares has done an exceptional job with the voice acting, story telling, characters and atmosphere, I can't gripe about those, wonderfully done from what i've seen and played. I loved KOTOR and Mass Effect to death but this...this is to hardcore RPG for me.

Unfortuantly, i've been spoiled by Fallout 3, Oblivion and others that let me free roam and let me do whatever, whenver and however I feel like. I don't like being "trapped" in a RPG rail system, no matter how big its. It was so annoying to be in the forest and I wanted to go explore a ruin or an area only to find the "invisible wall of denied" to stop me. Lame lame lame is all I have to say to that. What the hell is the point of a huge world if your following a farking trail the entire time? Cmon....

The combat system is definently different then im used to. Never played Baldurs gate, but I assume this is how the hardcore RPG fanantics like to control their attacks, parties and what not. Thanks but no thanks, give me oblivions and fallout 3 control scheme any day of the week, including the ability to just simply click a hot key and fire the damn spell or arrow instead of this left click, right click back and forth crap

I can see why so many people were looking forward to this game, it definentely has its merits, but it aint for me. My 1 day old collectors edition will be up for sale today so someone else can enjoy it. http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1466225

Have fun with Dragon Age you hardcore RPGer's, i'll go back to my more "modest" and "consoled" down RPG's that I prefer. Gonna go buy the expansion packs to Fallout 3 and have a blast *literally*

You do realize that Fallout 3 isn't truely open world like Oblivion right?
This is the first RPG I have enjoyed since the last Old Republic game, or freedom force, Fall Out 3 was just missing something I don't know what it was missing, but I got to Megaton and I was bored, I played every other RPG consistently every day, for maybe 6-8 hours straight on some occasions (mainly weekends, or holidays), through to the end, DAO is not going to be an exception to that, can't be that bad, the wife bought it so she can play on the laptop while I'm on the main system, and she is real picky about games.
This is the first RPG I have enjoyed since the last Old Republic game, or freedom force, Fall Out 3 was just missing something I don't know what it was missing, but I got to Megaton and I was bored, I played every other RPG consistently every day, for maybe 6-8 hours straight on some occasions (mainly weekends, or holidays), through to the end, DAO is not going to be an exception to that, can't be that bad, the wife bought it so she can play on the laptop while I'm on the main system, and she is real picky about games.

i hear you. fallout 3 and oblivion, games like that, give me enough rope for me to hang myself on and i never finish. but regarding fallout 3, megaton is way early in the game... u should try going a bit further if u feel like giving it another go.
Then I started to get tired of endlessly useless dialogue...I mean do I really need to hear a fifteen minute rambling diatribe from a blacksmith rambling on about all his problems? His wife left him, his dog is dead, he can't find his aunt, and everyone in the village hates him...and then walk away with a quest to find a guy, who may or may not be his sister's younger brother's nephew? I learned the escape key was my friend, and that was the end of paying attention to the story, which was a huge part of the intrigue the game started with. It all just got too long, too predictable, and generally monotone to care about.

Items...ahhh my favorite part of RPGs. Clear a zone, kill a boss, go to his corpse, here comes the good loot....WTF? I get a freaking standard shield? a set of plate with 5 armor less than what I'm already carrying and no stat bonus? Bogus. Oh, but if I find some dragon skin off some white mobs, and turn one in during a side quest, I get a piece of medium chain armor (on a warrior no less) that has better stats than anything I've seen from main quests....wonderful.

I'm still playing it, but if they had focused more on content (areas to explore, things to collect, places to go) than on dialogue, this game could have been much, much more.

exactly how i feel about it! my time is important to me...
exactly how i feel about it! my time is important to me...

The game is what it is, so why even continue playing it when you know there is going to be "endless" dialogue that will take up your time?
The game is what it is, so why even continue playing it when you know there is going to be "endless" dialogue that will take up your time?

i don't know why people have a problem with anything other than praise... i don't get it. parts of the game i like and parts i don't... and when i heal up, and should i get bored, might load it up again.
I don't care whether you like the game or not, but I'm wondering why you feel an aspect of the game is taking up your time when you are the only one controlling how you spend it. The game would be the same length no matter if you spent an hour (or seven) today and the rest of your time doing something else. It's up to you what you do?
I completely understand why people wouldn't like this game. The combat involves a lot of micro-managing and pausing. It's not a loot-fest diablo type game. There is a lot of dialog.

I am a more old-school rpg enthusiast in that I play for the story first and loot second. To me an rpg should be like an interactive novel. I like the majority of the dialog, but I do admit that I have skipped some of the side-quest dialog. Also, I actually like the combat micro-management. I want to be in total control at all times. That is one thing that I don't like about more recent RPGs--they're increasingly limiting your control over your party, if you have a party at all.

I have put maybe 20 hours into the game, and so far it's the best RPG I've played on the PC since Baldur's Gate 2 (which is my favorite computer RPG of all time).
I still stand behind my statement...

Dragon Age FUCK YEAH!!!

for real peeps... this is one of the most epic games in a long time... I have over 100 hours logged thus far and I am just near the end now
Oblivion was so boring beyond belief. And someone tell me that the city area of Fallout was 'open world'. It was the furthest thing from open world I've ever seen, with it's impassable buildings and their invisible walls and the subway system you could only go through in one way.
Oblivion was so boring beyond belief. And someone tell me that the city area of Fallout was 'open world'. It was the furthest thing from open world I've ever seen, with it's impassable buildings and their invisible walls and the subway system you could only go through in one way.

Disagree on the Oblivion but strongly agree on the Fallout comment.
Well once again I jumped on bandwagons and found that it just wasn't for me after all. Got hyped up with all the Dragon Age stuff and I decided I had to give it a shot. Played for several hours last night and a few this morning and I was pretty much done. Biowares has done an exceptional job with the voice acting, story telling, characters and atmosphere, I can't gripe about those, wonderfully done from what i've seen and played. I loved KOTOR and Mass Effect to death but this...this is to hardcore RPG for me.

Unfortuantly, i've been spoiled by Fallout 3, Oblivion and others that let me free roam and let me do whatever, whenver and however I feel like. I don't like being "trapped" in a RPG rail system, no matter how big its. It was so annoying to be in the forest and I wanted to go explore a ruin or an area only to find the "invisible wall of denied" to stop me. Lame lame lame is all I have to say to that. What the hell is the point of a huge world if your following a farking trail the entire time? Cmon....

The combat system is definently different then im used to. Never played Baldurs gate, but I assume this is how the hardcore RPG fanantics like to control their attacks, parties and what not. Thanks but no thanks, give me oblivions and fallout 3 control scheme any day of the week, including the ability to just simply click a hot key and fire the damn spell or arrow instead of this left click, right click back and forth crap

I can see why so many people were looking forward to this game, it definentely has its merits, but it aint for me. My 1 day old collectors edition will be up for sale today so someone else can enjoy it. http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1466225

Have fun with Dragon Age you hardcore RPGer's, i'll go back to my more "modest" and "consoled" down RPG's that I prefer. Gonna go buy the expansion packs to Fallout 3 and have a blast *literally*

I am completely shocked that I'm about to write this, because I was one of the biggest proponents of this game before its release - but yeah, I agree with you about the open world thing.

After Fallout 3, this game just feels confined.

People are saying, well okay but that's how Bioware games are.

Yeah, okay, then maybe they shouldn't be. Or maybe Bioware just doesn't know how to do an open world game. Either way, this feels like a step in the wrong direction to me.
Bioware, welcome the "f" back. dragon age is awesome, 100 pc centric. An amazing game and a worthe follow up to baldur's gate. as for oblivion and fallout 3 both games are shallow and trite, and fallout 3 in particular is just an to what one of the best RPG's ever.
I liked this game more than BG2. Aside from being more technically advanced (in terms of graphics technology and character control -- BG2 felt like you were moving sticks on a screen), I'm enjoying the combat system more. One thing that helps its replayability is the amount of different origins. For BG2, I never ended up finishing the game because I'd play the start so often, that all the parts upto and including Athkatla bored me. I have yet to give the Dalish elf origin and dwarf origin a try. Seems neat.
I hate Oblivion with a passion, i bought the game, tried to like it more than 3 times and failed. The open world was stupid to me, i felt lost all the time, distracted.

Im wondering if i'll like this game more? Something im worried about in this game is how damage works. For example in NwN, something i hated was that it seemed you could never do more than 20 damage because of the stupid DnD rule set.

In trailers for this game i noticed people doing some low damage numbers? Do they ever go up maybe to even 1,000?

How difficult is it to manage the other party members in this game. For example i consider Dungeon Siege II one of the easier versions to control.
game looks like ass and the intro dialogue was boring as hell, I couldn't wait the half hour of talking to get the game rolling when I had a couple of other games waiting for me. I'll come back to it, but it doesn't look like my kind of game.
I hate Oblivion with a passion, i bought the game, tried to like it more than 3 times and failed. The open world was stupid to me, i felt lost all the time, distracted.

Im wondering if i'll like this game more? Something im worried about in this game is how damage works. For example in NwN, something i hated was that it seemed you could never do more than 20 damage because of the stupid DnD rule set.

In trailers for this game i noticed people doing some low damage numbers? Do they ever go up maybe to even 1,000?

How difficult is it to manage the other party members in this game. For example i consider Dungeon Siege II one of the easier versions to control.

My stats show the highest hit I have dealt in one strike so far was 24, and I have hardly started on this game compared to most.
no idea why people have to compare FO3 and DAO

they're RPGs but completely different in how they go about it. for the record, I like both games and appreciate them for what they are.

it's not like there wasn't plenty of media showcasing the gameplay of DAO
Okay let's compare it to Knights of the old republic (number one) that was a brilliant game at the time...oh wait Bioware made that one, erm...WoW, oh no I can't, never played that cause I refuse to pay $15 a month on something that could suddenly discontinue.

Uhhhmmmm...City of Heroes, yep definitely better than CoH because you have a perfectly good reason to continue playing the game, great story, battles are involving (I hate sitting back and letting the group do what they want).

Let's see Freedom Force, nope no one has heard of that one (shame really damn good couple of games you can pick up for a tenner now). I didn't play BG or BG2, I'll have to look into those, didn't play the Neverwinter series either.

Beats the crap out of the Kingdom hearts FF nonsense that my wife loves for some reason though.
I recommended multiple people play fallout 1/2 because of how epic they were, after they told me they enjoyed fallout 3. I was like well if you liked fallout 3, if you have patience and really like an entangling story you will LOVE fallout 1/2.

Then I realized many newer gamers only really care about being spoon fed shit. Hence the progression of games into massive tutorials on how to do crap.

Maybe I'm weird but I enjoy the anxiousness I get from reading a manual while installing a game, or discovering something after an hour or two that I never would've thought to try initially.

DA:O is definitely not what I was expecting, in an excellent way. Reiterating what others have said, Bioware games bring excellent story. Story makes a game, period. If the story is shit, nothing separates a new game from an old other than graphics. Which will only wow you for so long...
I can't keep up with you crazy kids and your hip, cool phrases.

Trust me, they're neither hip, nor cool :).

Maybe I'm weird but I enjoy the anxiousness I get from reading a manual while installing a game, or discovering something after an hour or two that I never would've thought to try initially.

Definitely, on my third playthrough in DA atm and still trying out different party combinations / spell combinations and exploring different battle tactics. Upping the difficultly a notch each playthrough helps keep it interesting.