Dragon Age: Origins. Thanks but no thanks.

Is anyone else disappointed in the isometric view? I really wish you could zoom out just a tad bit further...

Also, I'd LOVE for there to be tab targeting.

Not sure about tab targetting, but the zoom issue could probably be fixed easily. At least in NWN2 you could just edit a single file and zoom out much farther(just had to edit hotkey distance keys). Maybe look into solutions like that. I remember solutions to key things like that and rotating the camera with a right click were found pretty quickly.
I'm playing this game on "normal" and it feels exactly like NWN2 only much better. My party NPCs use there abilities without babysitting. Granted the combat isn't as easy and its definitely possible to get killed if you don't look at your health bars.

i agree with you 100% except i think the story is better in dragon age... aside from that the combat etc isn't blowing my mind.
Is anyone else disappointed in the isometric view? I really wish you could zoom out just a tad bit further...

Also, I'd LOVE for there to be tab targeting.

Tab targeting? Dude, just press spacebar and select the enemy you want. You can take your time. :)
The only bad thing about this game is I can't find enough time to play it.

I'm out of work atm and I still don't have enough time to play this game.

Been a very long time since any game has sucked me in this much. There's just so much to do and so much story to take in it's amazing.

The only thing I can't stand is the way the game handles the inventory. I don't know why but I find it highly annoying.

I can't wait to play through again and make some different choices!
Liked Oblivion
Hated Fallout 3
Dragon Age knocks my socks off
Bioware could turn shit into solid gold
People comment on how they don't like some of the linear paths/invisible walls in DA. BG, especially BG2, featured a lot of area's where there was one path in and one path out, even in wilderness zones. Is this any different than in DA? (I haven't installed it yet)
Well once again I jumped on bandwagons and found that it just wasn't for me after all. Got hyped up with all the Dragon Age stuff and I decided I had to give it a shot. Played for several hours last night and a few this morning and I was pretty much done. Biowares has done an exceptional job with the voice acting, story telling, characters and atmosphere, I can't gripe about those, wonderfully done from what i've seen and played. I loved KOTOR and Mass Effect to death but this...this is to hardcore RPG for me.

Unfortuantly, i've been spoiled by Fallout 3, Oblivion and others that let me free rome and let me do whatever, whenver and however I feel like. I don't like being "trapped" in a RPG rail system, no matter how big its. It was so annoying to be in the forest and I wanted to go explore a ruin or an area only to find the "invisible wall of denied" to stop me. Lame lame lame is all I have to say to that. What the hell is the point of a huge world if your following a farking trail the entire time? Cmon....

The combat system is definently different then im used to. Never played Baldurs gate, but I assume this is how the hardcore RPG fanantics like to control their attacks, parties and what not. Thanks but no thanks, give me oblivions and fallout 3 control scheme any day of the week, including the ability to just simply click a hot key and fire the damn spell or arrow instead of this left click, right click back and forth crap

I can see why so many people were looking forward to this game, it definently has its merits, but it aint for me. My 1 day old collectors edition will be up for sale today so someone else can enjoy it. http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1466225

Have fun with Dragon Age you hardcore RPGer's, i'll go back to my more "modest" and "consoled" down RPG's that I prefer. Gonna go buy the expansion packs to Fallout 3 and have a blast *literally*

Thanks, I actually want this game after reading that! That is encouraging news! I cant stand oblivion/FO3's open ended style. You can get too far off track. I've had enough of the sandbox BS. Dev's need to focus more on solid storyline rather than coming up with a bunch of side quests and leaving it up to the player to piece them together.
Over time I have come to agree with the negative feelings about open ended games. I have yet to finish any of them, I know this is my own issue and as technical achievements those games are amazing. GTA4, FO3, Oblivion etc. I just couldn't handle not having a driving force, I play for the story not to muck about in a new world. Different games for different people, I'm happy this one falls into the storyline with OPTIONAL sidequests.
Ehh this thread is great proof for my theory that:
"people don't want to play RPG games, they want to belive they are playing RPG"

which is why various RPG lite or pseudo RPG games like Oblivion, Fallout3 and Mass Effect get so succesfull, hell i have even seen some people claiming Bioshock has RPG elements.
This is my game of the year thus far, it's pretty much consumed my life since I started playing it.
This game is absolutely incredible
There are invisible walls, doesn't bother at all.

I can't say this bothers me, the only time in the last 20 hours I can recall them being used is to stop me from dropping to my death off the side of ledges. It does feel a bit console like, but it's use is really minor.

The mappers did a great job of designing set sized areas with mostly landscape blocking your movement and not just invisible walls everywhere.
I can't say this bothers me, the only time in the last 20 hours I can recall them being used is to stop me from dropping to my death off the side of ledges. It does feel a bit console like, but it's use is really minor.

The mappers did a great job of designing set sized areas with mostly landscape blocking your movement and not just invisible walls everywhere.

How are invisible walls 'console like'.

I don't understand why people attribute everything they don't like about the game to being 'console like'.

Oblivion and Fallout 3 didn't have 'invisible walls' (save for the edge of the map) and they were definitely 'console like'.
I personally attribute invisible walls, AIDs, and certain forms of cancer to consoles.
I personally attribute invisible walls, AIDs, and certain forms of cancer to consoles.
That's a pretty stupid comment. Are people saying 'Console like' is like 'arcade' ie, not similation? Or that consoles are technically inferior, thus things like falling off a cliff is not possible, so if it's that way on PC it 'must be' console like?

DA is a traditional RPG but it's still a game. If they decide they don't want people falling off a cliff, thus ending the game, since in some area's it may be impossible to access the bottom of the cliff to retrieve the body, I see no issues with blocking people from falling off. Anyways, the save/load/character death system is not designed in a way that would allow a character to fall off a cliff in an area where you can't retrieve the body, since they are only temporarily unconscious. What would you want to happen, just the screen go black and force you reload? Have you considered that the characters while moving/pathing are AI controlled, and how much people would bitch if the AI walks off the cliff?

Besides the game is a PC game all the way. The console experience looks worse and plays waaaaay easier. You really get that PC-only RPG feeling out of the micromanagement on the PC version, and the console version feels much more arcade-y. IMO This is a PC game all the way.
Over time I have come to agree with the negative feelings about open ended games. I have yet to finish any of them, I know this is my own issue and as technical achievements those games are amazing. GTA4, FO3, Oblivion etc. I just couldn't handle not having a driving force, I play for the story not to muck about in a new world. Different games for different people, I'm happy this one falls into the storyline with OPTIONAL sidequests.

Never looked at it like that before, I loved Oblivion and the last save I had was at about 55 Hours and had closed 1 gate and never completed it.

Fallout3 I loved, massive fan of the fallout series, specifically Fallout 2, but got about 20-30 hours into Fallout 3 and never completed that either.

GTA 4 I never completed either, although I lost my save which was right near the end after a PC rebuild, so probably would have gone on to finish had I not lost my progress.

Most of the hardcore RPG fans (I'm not really one of them) snarl at people calling games like Oblivion and Fallout 3 "RPG games", they are only in a really lose sense of the term. I got too sidetracked in both Fallout3 and Oblivion to finish the main story.

There wasn't enough plot in either for it to be compelling and drag you in, both were based around action and not story/plot. Dragon Age draws you in, with its deep plot and epic cut scenes, and twists and turns it keeps you interested.

How are invisible walls 'console like'.

I don't understand why people attribute everything they don't like about the game to being 'console like'.

Oblivion and Fallout 3 didn't have 'invisible walls' (save for the edge of the map) and they were definitely 'console like'.

In my experience console games have made heavy use of invisible walls, PC's games were much less so. It's just what I've noticed over my years as a gamer, maybe I'm way off base, I doubt it though.
That's a pretty stupid comment. Are people saying 'Console like' is like 'arcade' ie, not similation? Or that consoles are technically inferior, thus things like falling off a cliff is not possible, so if it's that way on PC it 'must be' console like?

Wow. Anyways, moving on.
"to each their own"

If you were looking to spark a discussion you could have done without the ranting and gave a simple non whiny personal view of the game.

I agree. Was starting to a thread to complain about how detailed and "hardcore" a game is truly necessary? No one here needs to know that you found the game too hard and that it was too complicated for you to hang.

I think i'll start an entire thread exclaiming how much I dislike olives. That would definitely spark a productive conversation
I appreciate posts like the OP made, because although I was a little curious about the game since it seems to have made such a big splash here on [H], I wasn't sure it was the right type of game for me. I loved FO3, but I can tell from reading his post that this game is very different.

Why does everyone have to bitch about everything that gets posted on here. I didn't realize there were so many girls on this forum.
I appreciate posts like the OP made, because although I was a little curious about the game since it seems to have made such a big splash here on [H], I wasn't sure it was the right type of game for me. I loved FO3, but I can tell from reading his post that this game is very different.

Why does everyone have to bitch about everything that gets posted on here. I didn't realize there were so many girls on this forum.

First rule when discussing taste. MY preferences are better than all others.

But the truth is that is completely wrong, unless I am the one expressing the taste. :D

Dragon Age is the best pc rpg in many many years. But for those that see otherwise, just go back and spray bullets into roving targets for hours on end. :D
Combat isn't HARD, it just takes getting used to the way things work in DA, much like the combat isn't HARD is STALKER once you realize run n' gun doesn't work. Take your time, plan, retreat if needed, and create a group that compliments itself internally. You aren't a bullet sponge in STALKER, and you aren't a god in Dragon Age.

At first I wasn't particularly drawn into either the story or the combat. After about 6 hours though both are giving me that "I want to play more" urge. Just like STALKER did (which I hated at first).
Yeah, after loading up Fallout 3 and playing it again, its definetely more my type of RPG. I'm on my 3rd time playing the game and im STILL finding new places, missions and people and I haven't even started expansions yet! Now THAT's an RPG to me!
I was pondering buying Dragon Age, but I went and looked at in game footage, screenshots, and some reviews and thought "wow, way too classic RPG for me." I'm in the same boat as others here as I love FPS/RPG's (STALKER, Fallout3, Borderlands, etc.), but this top-down view, point-and-click linear stuff is not for me. To each his own :).
ok, ive never played a bioware RPG before and I liked it a lot. I'm on my 3rd playthrough.

You can play it like you would an MMO, using a 3rd person camera, instead of the top down view which I don't like either.

I didn't like STALKER FAllout 3 or borderlands, but I liked this.

The characters alone are worth playing it for. You'll love them.
I didn't like the game at first but it quickly grew on me. It reminds me of KOTOR. But the reason why I didn't like it was at first I thought it was just like NWN2 which I couldnt even finish that game since it was to much D&D for me.
Any consensus as to which version of this game is best in terms of PS3 vs XBOX360 vs PC? I have all 3 but really can't decide which platform I should buy it for.
I was pondering buying Dragon Age, but I went and looked at in game footage, screenshots, and some reviews and thought "wow, way too classic RPG for me." I'm in the same boat as others here as I love FPS/RPG's (STALKER, Fallout3, Borderlands, etc.), but this top-down view, point-and-click linear stuff is not for me. To each his own :).

I'm totally with you on the FPS feel. I don't really like the point and click either. But the pointing and clicking is tolerable, and the other parts of the game make up for that shortcoming. You get used to it after a while. I don't think as much about the inferiority of point and click much anymore. The story and and all NPCs seem very real, and the combat still has it's great moments. The feeling of a well executed fight can be thrilling.

Any consensus as to which version of this game is best in terms of PS3 vs XBOX360 vs PC? I have all 3 but really can't decide which platform I should buy it for.

In this forum, most people will go for PC. Mods for one reason. Unless you just like to sit on the couch instead of at your desk, go with the PC.
I was pondering buying Dragon Age, but I went and looked at in game footage, screenshots, and some reviews and thought "wow, way too classic RPG for me." I'm in the same boat as others here as I love FPS/RPG's (STALKER, Fallout3, Borderlands, etc.), but this top-down view, point-and-click linear stuff is not for me. To each his own :).

It's Fallout 3 in third person sort of, plus a megaton of additional game play. But to each his own as you said.
I was pondering buying Dragon Age, but I went and looked at in game footage, screenshots, and some reviews and thought "wow, way too classic RPG for me." I'm in the same boat as others here as I love FPS/RPG's (STALKER, Fallout3, Borderlands, etc.), but this top-down view, point-and-click linear stuff is not for me. To each his own :).

I didn't play the game in top down.

Linear simply means more plot oriented. In that respect, the plot was amazing for me personally. As far as in game decisions go, you see more impacts than say Fable where you just walk around the village and fart.
I was pondering buying Dragon Age, but I went and looked at in game footage, screenshots, and some reviews and thought "wow, way too classic RPG for me." I'm in the same boat as others here as I love FPS/RPG's (STALKER, Fallout3, Borderlands, etc.), but this top-down view, point-and-click linear stuff is not for me. To each his own :).

I played a great deal of the game zoomed in which makes it more of a 3rd person view, only zooming out when people are spread out and I need a tactical overview. I also used WASD for control and bound most of my important spells like heal to the 1-6 keys so could use them in real time. While I did use a lot of pausing and micromanagement for the harder fights I also play a fair bit of the combat in real time because I'm quite fast with the keys to case spells and keep up with healing etc.

The smaller story arcs are a bit linear, there overall story absolutely is not you can complete the smaller story arcs in basically any order you please or even swap between them at any point. There is a lot of choices that effect the future gameplay, how you deal with people might effect if you gain another potential party member or block off or even open future dialogue options which frequently lead to other side missions.

That's a pretty stupid comment. Are people saying 'Console like' is like 'arcade' ie, not similation? Or that consoles are technically inferior, thus things like falling off a cliff is not possible, so if it's that way on PC it 'must be' console like?

It's partially to do with technical limitations like not letting you wander into areas that you're not meant to go (to restrict the size of areas that aren't naturally restricted by the landscape), and partly to stop you from dropping to your death. Typically I have found console games are more dumbed down for casual players and stop them from dying due to inability to traverse the landscape. Conversely PC games tend to avoid this and in some cases encourage difficult navigation where you can drop to your death.

Back in the good old days of half life where you popped out of a pipe on the side of a cliff and had to navigate your way to the top with head crabs launching themselves at you. They even did a similar part in one of the episodes, I can't remember which now.

I suspect its a mix of clumbsy control systems and the large percentage of casusal players. It's a shame it spilled over to the PC version but it's not common and the rest of the game is truly brilliant so it pales into insignificance.
I was pondering buying Dragon Age, but I went and looked at in game footage, screenshots, and some reviews and thought "wow, way too classic RPG for me." I'm in the same boat as others here as I love FPS/RPG's (STALKER, Fallout3, Borderlands, etc.), but this top-down view, point-and-click linear stuff is not for me. To each his own :).

The story isn't any more linear than Fallout. In fallout you had to do the story quests in a specific order. In fact, in DAO it splits into several branches you can approach in whatever order you prefer. Some are definitely easier than others but you're not restricted after you do the 'Joining.'

Also, you can do the whole thing in WASD and not use click to move. The point is that you have options, the game isn't rigid.
Yeah, I almost never go in top down view. 3rd person all the way. Btw, you get more responsive turning while going forward if you click both mouse buttons rather than the 'W' key. I think 'W' and right click does the same.
I can't believe some people think the OP was ranting and raving about how bad the game was.

He wasn't.

He actually praised the game to an extent, but criticized a point that warrants legitimate complaints. I too, hate the forced gameplay and imaginary boundaries. Almost better off just watching a movie.
He actually praised the game to an extent, but criticized a point that warrants legitimate complaints. I too, hate the forced gameplay and imaginary boundaries. Almost better off just watching a movie.

I hate forced gameplay as well. Fallout 3's forced gameplay that I had to go around exploring places to find my dad sucked. The way I wanted to find him was to take over Moira's shop in a curt legal maneuver and build profits from customers to fund an army of scavengers to find my father for me. Then lead that army to destroy the Brotherhood of Steel once and for all.

Oddly enough, the rails in gameplay kept me from doing that. Every game has rails, just people see them in different places.

But yes, he made a point based on his tastes. Oddly enough, everyone has their own. For me, I was getting sick of watered down story lines and incomprehensible worlds. This game and Demon's Souls have been godsends in this current generation of gaming. Now all I need is a good Space Flight Combat Simulator and a decent Mech game and I'm a happy camper.