Dragon Age: Origins. Thanks but no thanks.

By definition any game with Story, Combat and Progression is an RPG so there's no point in trying to figure out if fallout is and dragon age isn't or vice-versa. They're both RPGs. They're different.

BioWare is MUCH more interested in presenting a story to you, and Bethesda is totally focused on an open world for you to explore and fall asleep in. Really it's that simple. They're both great games but BioWare wins on story. If you don't care about story then skip Dragon Age. If you do then it's a must buy.
Bethesda has the worst animations of any games in history.
You couldn't be more wrong. The Oblivion animation in which characters repeatedly attempt to sip air from pewter mugs for hours on end but never succeed in getting the mug within four inches of their lips is superb.

How dare you, sir. How dare you.
You couldn't be more wrong. The Oblivion animation in which characters repeatedly attempt to sip air from pewter mugs for hours on end but never succeed in getting the mug within four inches of their lips is superb.

How dare you, sir. How dare you.

I stand corrected, sir. You're right, it's a masterpiece. I must be getting cynical.
You couldn't be more wrong. The Oblivion animation in which characters repeatedly attempt to sip air from pewter mugs for hours on end but never succeed in getting the mug within four inches of their lips is superb.

How dare you, sir. How dare you.

Oblivion animations.... great stuff. Almost as good as indy game animations.
Oblivion animations.... great stuff. Almost as good as indy game animations.

As much as I agree, I am still a little disappointed with the quality of the animations in Dragon Age...they're fairly stiff, and things like head turning is very animatronic and not smooth.

It seems like something that wouldn't have been difficult to remedy...but it's a small quibble with a game that I so far have been having a fantastic time with.
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[in a snickering southern accent] ...takes all kinds, I guess, takes all kinds.

It's a great game. I was of a similar opinion as the OP after the first 1-2 hours of play, but am absolutely hooked now. The story is pretty run-of-the-mill, but the characters are great and the voice-acting and writing is bar-none the best I've heard in any game. As a couple posts have stated, there are a lot of laugh-out-loud and goosebumps. I also thought the graphics were pretty dull, but after a while, they really grow on you. The UI is rather standard, but it gets the job done and the are nice touches here and there (e.g., the filters in your inventory)

Only problem is I chuckle each time they say "taint" -- and they say it a lot...
I had an animation problem last night in DA. Just after killing the rats in the pantry, my guy started walking around like he dropped a load in his drawers. After reloading, he was ok again.

Other than that, I love the intro story for the humans. I was like "something is going to go south for my brother"... it always happens like that in a Baldur's Gate game, something always goes bad fast. He is too happy. Oh, wow, didn't expect that!
How about how youre wearing a helmet, but when you go into conversation, the helmet is clearly gone. heheh :rolleyes:
The more I play of Dragon Age, the less I think of those who do not like it. It is like rejecting perfection.
I had an animation problem last night in DA. Just after killing the rats in the pantry, my guy started walking around like he dropped a load in his drawers.

Maybe that's exactly what happened... the new age of videogame realism :rolleyes:
Taint? That spot between your Go-gurt slinger and your bag of boiled salted nuts?

How are the graphics dull? I think someone played too much Crysis that their spoiled? (I won't lie, for a good month after playing it everything looked like crap.)
The more I play of Dragon Age, the less I think of those who do not like it. It is like rejecting perfection.

Oh please, it was anything but perfection in my book. I'm just not a die hard RPG nor do I wanna play those type of games. I think Halo was perfection and theirs shit loads of FPS snobs who hated it....
I think it is very fun, looks great. Haven't played a RPG since Oblivion. Refreshingly difficult.
Oh please, it was anything but perfection in my book. I'm just not a die hard RPG nor do I wanna play those type of games. I think Halo was perfection and theirs shit loads of FPS snobs who hated it....

Play what you like, everyone likes their own type of game.

I can tell you, though, as far as hardcore RPG goes, this game has most of its ducks in a row. I am very much a hardcore RPG dude, and I like this, alot. I also enjoy the not-so-hardcore RPG's too sometimes.

Now that they have a spiritual succesor to BG2, someone should take the Wizardry IP and do something with it, preferrably SirTech gets back together and makes Wizardry 9.
Didnt you make this exact same post word for word in another thread?

I have a 10 year old daughter that doest scream "look at me! Pay attention to me!" as much as you do.
I would actually prefer this game to be more linear, like the NwN games. I enjoy both linear and the open-world games, but I don't find a happy medium between them.

When it's an open-world game, you know that the really important stuff will be highlighted along your journey through sidequests, so I just travel in a straight line to whatever sidequest I've currently selected. In a linear game you know that you really can't miss anything because you're automatically directed across everything important, so i just travel in a straight line to whatever quest I'm currently on.

If they try to land somewhere in the middle, I'm left paranoid. I run through every area in DA:O in circles while checking the map constantly to make sure nothing is left uncovered. I don't move in straight lines at all. I need to hear everything and do everything, because I'm afraid I'm going to miss something! I would actually prefer even more linearity so I can just focus on enjoying the game instead of worrying that I might miss out on part of the game.

Still having a great time with the game, but it's harder to enjoy an adventure while running in circles. A sense of purpose in my quest is diluted by my constant search for every distraction.
I had an animation problem last night in DA. Just after killing the rats in the pantry, my guy started walking around like he dropped a load in his drawers. After reloading, he was ok again.

Other than that, I love the intro story for the humans. I was like "something is going to go south for my brother"... it always happens like that in a Baldur's Gate game, something always goes bad fast. He is too happy. Oh, wow, didn't expect that!

Speaking of rats, I loved the remark your friend states like it's a begining of one of those adventures that he heard or read. Don't remember the exact quote. Also reminds me of D&D Online where the original advertisement made fun of those MMOs that made you kill rats.

I got two of my four characters that I created with the Character Creation program set-up, so I've experience the Human Noble Warrior and City Elf Rogue, still got the Dwarf Warrior and the fourth character is a mage.

I was worried that the save games would all intersect but I notice DA only shows the save games of the character you are playing unless you switch them. Good job!

I am really enjoying DA, hopefully for years to come.
Fallout 3 is mediocre at best compared to this game. Shit is so cash.

*shrugs* Thats why there are different strokes for different folks, have fun with hardcore RPG land, for me I need to fire some .44 slugs in some raiders heads and watch their entire body explode into fucking giblets and bits across the wasteland.
If they try to land somewhere in the middle, I'm left paranoid. I run through every area in DA:O in circles while checking the map constantly to make sure nothing is left uncovered. I don't move in straight lines at all. I need to hear everything and do everything, because I'm afraid I'm going to miss something! I would actually prefer even more linearity so I can just focus on enjoying the game instead of worrying that I might miss out on part of the game.

I hear your concern, but think you're too paranoid. I bet you agonize over the chat lines too?

The point of the midway open gaming is that if you're an explorer type you have some cool stuff to find(Which on your first playthrough you need not find it all.) If your not, you just go A-B and don't concern yourself with the side stuff.

Your best bet would be some old school Megaman or Sonic for guranteed point A to B playing. ^_^
I do not like open world RPGs, I had to fight to get through Fallout 3. Dragon Age is exactly what I was looking for. Should I make a thread to let everyone know how I feel as well?
Oh please, it was anything but perfection in my book. I'm just not a die hard RPG nor do I wanna play those type of games. I think Halo was perfection and theirs shit loads of FPS snobs who hated it....

I was going to say you had some merit until you posted this.
If I buy, it will be for PC, since it's got overhead view.

I'm skeptical. I loved BG and liked IWD, but didn't like NWN as much and didn't like Mass Effect at all.
If I buy, it will be for PC, since it's got overhead view.

I'm skeptical. I loved BG and liked IWD, but didn't like NWN as much and didn't like Mass Effect at all.

The best thing about DAO is the best thing about all of those games, absolutely the same thing. It's the focus on story. You are going to love it because Baldur's Gate and Icewind and Neverwinter and Mass Effect were all about presenting you with a gripping story you care about, even though they had *mostly* slightly different mechanics. BioWare has taken good parts of them all and put it into DAO. Baldur's Gate / Icewind three-quarter perspective camera, neverwinter's focus on progression and more camera choices, and Mass Effect's totally cinematic style and even more focus on good camera.
Is anyone else disappointed in the isometric view? I really wish you could zoom out just a tad bit further...

Also, I'd LOVE for there to be tab targeting.
I'm playing this game on "normal" and it feels exactly like NWN2 only much better. My party NPCs use there abilities without babysitting. Granted the combat isn't as easy and its definitely possible to get killed if you don't look at your health bars. I'm doing the Human Noble origin story first and once I left the castle it felt pretty open, definitely no barrier issues in the map. The only graphical gripe I had is that this game needs AF badly.
I hear your concern, but think you're too paranoid. I bet you agonize over the chat lines too?

The point of the midway open gaming is that if you're an explorer type you have some cool stuff to find(Which on your first playthrough you need not find it all.) If your not, you just go A-B and don't concern yourself with the side stuff.

Your best bet would be some old school Megaman or Sonic for guranteed point A to B playing. ^_^

The chat lines don't bother me as much since I have a solid concept of who I want my character to be. I have a straight path to follow in my chat decisions at least.

I'm also a packrat, No chest will go unopened, no crate will go unsmashed. I will use the absolute bare minimum of items and gold "just in case", and as a result, I am fated to complete the game before ever unclenching enough to use the abundant items the game throws at me. All the paranoia about potentially missing something is made even more ridiculous by the fact that I probably wouldn't even use whatever reward it gives me. I'll just keep saving it "just in case".
The chat lines don't bother me as much since I have a solid concept of who I want my character to be. I have a straight path to follow in my chat decisions at least.

I'm also a packrat, No chest will go unopened, no crate will go unsmashed. I will use the absolute bare minimum of items and gold "just in case", and as a result, I am fated to complete the game before ever unclenching enough to use the abundant items the game throws at me. All the paranoia about potentially missing something is made even more ridiculous by the fact that I probably wouldn't even use whatever reward it gives me. I'll just keep saving it "just in case".

I totally understand what you are saying for I feel nearly the same as you... but I am loving DA:O nonetheless!
I've read 4 pages of posts - this is a summary.

OP doesn't like the game felt the need to tell us firmly.

Some people think he is an idiot.

Some people think the people that think the OP is an idiot are idiots.

Some people think the game is amazing.

Some people think the game is great, but really had wanted it to be more like Mass Effect.

Some people think the game is great, but wished it had been more like Fallout.

Some people didn't think it was fair to compare to the two companies.

Some people interjected other games and those games were ignored.

Some people probably raged.