Dragon Age II; Coming March 2011

Nice... I need to play the first one still, just installed it ;). Good to know there's a sequel coming from what I've heard about this game :D.
Sweet, just in time to keep me occupied in the final weeks before SWTOR.
Sweet, so hopefully when I pick up the original with all the DLCs during the crazy Christmas deals on steam I will have plenty of time to play through it before this comes out. For now I must play through my back log....
The PC version of the original plays like a love letter to the PC gaming community and demonstrated how you do a multi-platform title well when half-arsed console ports are par for the course. Hopefully the second maintains the very high standard.
I can't wait. The first was a great game. I do however wish they'd give PC gamers the option to use a gamepad if they want. Yes, yes, I know it dumbs some things down, but it should still be an option if we want to be lazy here and there.
Sweet, so hopefully when I pick up the original with all the DLCs during the crazy Christmas deals on steam I will have plenty of time to play through it before this comes out. For now I must play through my back log....

This is my plan as well. :p
They said it was going to be far more action oriented, less hardcore rpg, no deep character customization....

I hope it turns out ok.
They said it was going to be far more action oriented, less hardcore rpg, no deep character customization....

I hope it turns out ok.

This is coming from a mouth of someone who plays RPG's 90% of the time.... but that could be a good thing..... Many people define RPG to be the equivalent of: dice rolling, point and clicking, simplified stat to math calculations, and challenge = "increase the enemy hitpoints while reducing your hit damage". I don't care about that sort of "hardcore".

If Bioware does the same thing as the ME1 -> ME2 changes, where RPG is just the Role Play (choice and consequences, etc...) then I'll be as happy. If they introduce some Mount&Blade style combat mechanics, I'd be elated.

I do like to have a variety of skills though.... ME2 had too few at a time.
Seriously Dragon Age was the best 'core' RPG in the last 10 years. Any RPG fan owes it to themselves to play DA:O.

edit. I'm a little concerned the sequel is going to be stripped down like Mass Effect was... turning DA:O into a cult classic I suppose.
This is coming from a mouth of someone who plays RPG's 90% of the time.... but that could be a good thing..... Many people define RPG to be the equivalent of: dice rolling, point and clicking, simplified stat to math calculations, and challenge = "increase the enemy hitpoints while reducing your hit damage". I don't care about that sort of "hardcore".

If Bioware does the same thing as the ME1 -> ME2 changes, where RPG is just the Role Play (choice and consequences, etc...) then I'll be as happy. If they introduce some Mount&Blade style combat mechanics, I'd be elated.

I do like to have a variety of skills though.... ME2 had too few at a time.

I'd rather it be pretty close to how DA:O did it. It's hard to find RPG's like it anymore, and I NEED hardcore SP RPG's to keep me from going back to MMO's.
I have one gripe about it, yes I know it's not out yet, but..... Bioware said in a press release that you will be playing as a pre chosen Hero this time. You won't get to be whomever you want. That does NOT make me happy , but the game will likley still be awesome.
I'm afraid the next one is going to get mainstream'd. They expected console sales to be higher the first go round, and I'm afraid to see how they think they can fix that.
I'm afraid the next one is going to get mainstream'd. They expected console sales to be higher the first go round, and I'm afraid to see how they think they can fix that.

Yeah, I'm a bit worried too. But I'm still excited nonetheless.

Maybe this one will be less linear

That would be nice.... but I have a feeling it will go the other way.

I'd rather it be pretty close to how DA:O did it. It's hard to find RPG's like it anymore, and I NEED hardcore SP RPG's to keep me from going back to MMO's.

I understand and agree about having a hardcore RPG. But "hardcore" can be many things. There is a plentiful variety of opinions on what an RPG is defined as. "Hardcore" (as in hardcore RPG) could be defined by many as being like Baldur's Gate. Though back then, Baldur's Gate probably wasn't considered "hardcore" per se.

..... then there is hardcore mode in Diablo2. :p I had so much fun playing my character, I think the name was "Hardcore Holly." It's fun worrying about getting my character killed. But I digress.
Been looking at this a little more. I don't see any indication that it will be less hardcore yet, just that combat will be more dynamic and that you have to pick a male/female human with a single last name. I guess that's the tradeoff you get when you allow for the PC to have a voice actor.

I hope they will continue in the tradition of being mod friendly. If so, a lot of the other less favorable details matter less.
I have one gripe about it, yes I know it's not out yet, but..... Bioware said in a press release that you will be playing as a pre chosen Hero this time. You won't get to be whomever you want. That does NOT make me happy , but the game will likley still be awesome.

This allows for deeper character development and a better story. DAO got around this by limiting you to 7 origin stories. Nameless One and Shepard (espeically TNO) are two examples of these limits at their best.
This allows for deeper character development and a better story. DAO got around this by limiting you to 7 origin stories. Nameless One and Shepard (espeically TNO) are two examples of these limits at their best.

That too as well as voice acting. After playing both sides (and enjoying both PC philosophies), the advantages of a distinct narrow person seem to outweigh the disadvantages, so long as you can still pick and choose a few things like skills/gender/class/evil-good etc... Never played Planescape though. I'll get around to it at some point before I die if I can pick up a good deal.
just wish they imported old save and continued the story based on how you ended the first one. but having a decade time span sounds cool.
Makes me even more sad that I lost my 2 completed games in preparation for the coming of the sequel. :(

Hopefully they step the graphics up, the textures were a bit old skool looking, but the game was super fun.
Hmm... I can probably guess whom the core hero "Hawke" is going to be in relation to the first game... ;)
I don't buy pc games at full price now (thanks steam!), but I will make an exception for the sequel.
Dragon Age was much better than I expected, mages were way overpowered but if they expand the system a bit and add some more complication/strategy elements I will be happy.

The part where they mention it may be more like the console versions is not reassuring. I give Bioware the benefit of the doubt, hope they don't make me regret it!

If you're talking about this:

The website paints a clearer picture of what could be a much more action-focused Dragon Age similar to what console owners of the game experienced.

It reads more to me like speculation from a blog than facts from Bioware.
DA:O was one of my favorite and most played games of all time. I think that the only games I probably put more hours into would be Oblivion and Morrowind. I cannot wait for this to be released.
LOL, no.

DA:O was good but Baldurs Gate I & II were superior in every way other than graphics.

BG1...hrmmm idk if it was superior to Dragon Age, a lot of random wandering and fetch quests.

BG2, yes, by far that was the better game. I remember a while after it came out they made a comment that the game went way way way over budget and over schedule and they would never ever make a game as long/sweeping as Baldurs Gate 2. I guess its just one of those gems in time we can all be thankful for.
If you're talking about this:

It reads more to me like speculation from a blog than facts from Bioware.

Yea, I'm hoping that is the case. I have over 270 hours played in DA:O over 5 different characters, if I can get that much enjoyment out of a sequel, I will be very pleased.
One thing I'm not too keen on in current RPG's like Dragon age is the automatic scaling. In BG et.al. you'd get crushed if you went somewhere over your head. I was never a big fan of crafting either, but it's easy to ignore if you want.
The PC version of the original plays like a love letter to the PC gaming community and demonstrated how you do a multi-platform title well when half-arsed console ports are par for the course. Hopefully the second maintains the very high standard.

Why was it so loved? I havent played it, but i know its a RPG and that soon im sure i'll be able to get it cheap (or fairly cheap with all DLC).
So the platform to get this on is definitely PC?

Does anyone have any examples of "you'll love Dragon Age if you loved _____" ?

Cause i love bioware, i loved ME:1&2 , i loved the KOTOR games and for the price this game is going at, or soon will be (and RPG's known for having MANY hours of playtime), this game interests me.

EDIT: Watching IGN review, wow seems PC is really way to go, graphics look way better and fighting is better, and wow 150+ hours before DLC? DAMN
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One thing I'm not too keen on in current RPG's like Dragon age is the automatic scaling. In BG et.al. you'd get crushed if you went somewhere over your head. I was never a big fan of crafting either, but it's easy to ignore if you want.

Yeah, scaling is the plague. The worst example being Oblivion. Ugg.... Make the game a little unforgiving please. Having said that, I'm not sure if I remember DA:O being all that bad. They seemed to only scale to a negligible degree, or am I forgetting things?

Why was it so loved? I havent played it, but i know its a RPG and that soon im sure i'll be able to get it cheap (or fairly cheap with all DLC).
So the platform to get this on is definitely PC?

Does anyone have any examples of "you'll love Dragon Age if you loved _____" ?

Cause i love bioware, i loved ME:1&2 , i loved the KOTOR games and for the price this game is going at, or soon will be (and RPG's known for having MANY hours of playtime), this game interests me.

PC for sure. Reasons are Mods and the game was actually made for the PC and ported to consoles. Out of all the threads about DA:O for PC vs. Console, everyone said PC, except one person as far as I recall.

If you liked ME1&2 and KOTOR I can't imagine you not liking it. Throw in some NWN2 and Baldur's Gate as games you liked, then this game is mandatory for you.

Word of advice. If you are only getting DA:O without the expansion, get patch 1.02 and not 1.03. The game with 1.02 is almost flawless. If you are going for a bundle, then maybe wait a bit for 1.04.
Yeah, scaling is the plague. The worst example being Oblivion. Ugg.... Make the game a little unforgiving please. Having said that, I'm not sure if I remember DA:O being all that bad. They seemed to only scale to a negligible degree, or am I forgetting things?

PC for sure. Reasons are Mods and the game was actually made for the PC and ported to consoles. Out of all the threads about DA:O for PC vs. Console, everyone said PC, except one person as far as I recall.

If you liked ME1&2 and KOTOR I can't imagine you not liking it. Throw in some NWN2 and Baldur's Gate as games you liked, then this game is mandatory for you.

Word of advice. If you are only getting DA:O without the expansion, get patch 1.02 and not 1.03. The game with 1.02 is almost flawless. If you are going for a bundle, then maybe wait a bit for 1.04.

Thank you, i havent played NWN2 or Baldurs Gate, but from watching gameplay its much better than i originally saw. Yes PC definitely seems the way to go for 100% sure, but i am not familiar with Mods, haven't ever deviated from how a game goes straight out of box (except updates and DLC). As for the bundling and when i'll buy it, do PC games have a GOTYEdition like consoles? Or a bundle that will have all the DLC? Assuming the DLC isnt free which im guessing it isnt. I have a backlog of games to get too (Bioshock 2 isnt even out of plastic) so i can wait until the ultimate version of DA:O arrives.