Doom: The Dark Ages is launching in 2025 / A different take on hell


[H]F Junkie
Dec 19, 2005
(RUMOR) DOOM: The Dark Ages
Relatively reliable industry insider Tom Henderson has said that the next game in the DOOM...

“The game is launching in 2025, and will be coming to Xbox (including Game Pass), PC, and PS5.
The franchise has taken a few years off, at least when it comes to mainline entries. id Software rebooted Doom in 2016 with a fast-paced return to form that was followed by an equally metal sequel called Doom Eternal in 2020. In fact, this will be the studio’s first game since Quake Champions launched in 2022.”


I think Doom Eternal was suppose to have the giant mechs as you saw them all over the game. Probably a cut feature due to limited time/budget.
I can't really tell if I'm gonna like this or not. Once thing I didn't like about Eternal is how spongy almost everything was. This shows the hero absolutely eradicating giant waves in 1-2 shots, which feels more like the style of game I'd prefer. Hopefully that isn't just to make the trailer look snazzy.
I can't really tell if I'm gonna like this or not. Once thing I didn't like about Eternal is how spongy almost everything was. This shows the hero absolutely eradicating giant waves in 1-2 shots, which feels more like the style of game I'd prefer. Hopefully that isn't just to make the trailer look snazzy.

Yeah. DooM games should have hordes.
Yeah. DooM games should have hordes.

Sure, but there's a threshold. Like some of the old games throw a fuckload at you, at points. But you don't just click your mouse once and just screen wipe everything (for the most part).

I think this trailer just kinda sucked because it makes it look like they fodderize literally everything. At which point it turns into Doomnasty Warriors.
Sure, but there's a threshold. Like some of the old games throw a fuckload at you, at points. But you don't just click your mouse once and just screen wipe everything (for the most part).

I think this trailer just kinda sucked because it makes it look like they fodderize literally everything. At which point it turns into Doomnasty Warriors.
I thought it has more of a serious sam vibe, although not as insane. Could be a fun Co-op.
Large meaningless hordes just feel empty. Maybe if they add enough physics its okay, like bodies piling up so they are climbing over or big things exploding through!
Large meaningless hordes just feel empty. Maybe if they add enough physics its okay, like bodies piling up so they are climbing over or big things exploding through!
Having enemies and gore pile up and litter the stages would be totally gratuitous but awesome.

I liked the last two DOOM games, but I'll admit the gameplay can get a bit hollow after a while of blasting hordes. Having mountains of felled monsters would push the series to another level - especially with the physics you described.
I had a great time playing 2016 and Eternal, I'm hoping for more of the same gameplay-wise. In Eternal, most enemies only felt spongey if you didn't use the optimal weapon/tactic against them. They "forced" this mechanic on you pretty darn early, especially with the ammo shortages in the first few levels. Once you got the hang of that, you were golden.

Overall combat-wise, I do prefer 2016's feel, but at the same time there were a few fights in Eternal where the FLOW of combat was just so perfect, the platforming was lining up with the music and adrenaline was pumping, movement was on point... idk, felt like I needed a cig after the last wave was finally defeated lol.

It's going to be interesting to see how the music pans out with this title since Mick Gordon won't be involved... :( I'd love to be wrong, but it's going to be near impossible to match what we did.
I had a great time playing 2016 and Eternal, I'm hoping for more of the same gameplay-wise. In Eternal, most enemies only felt spongey if you didn't use the optimal weapon/tactic against them. They "forced" this mechanic on you pretty darn early, especially with the ammo shortages in the first few levels. Once you got the hang of that, you were golden.

Overall combat-wise, I do prefer 2016's feel, but at the same time there were a few fights in Eternal where the FLOW of combat was just so perfect, the platforming was lining up with the music and adrenaline was pumping, movement was on point... idk, felt like I needed a cig after the last wave was finally defeated lol.

It's going to be interesting to see how the music pans out with this title since Mick Gordon won't be involved... :( I'd love to be wrong, but it's going to be near impossible to match what we did.
I feel 2016 is a waste, but Eternal felt like a proper evolution of Doom. Doom Eternal feels like a proper modern Boomer Shooter. Doom Dark Ages seems to move that slightly more in that direction. Getting God of War vibes with this game, which is good.
(RUMOR) DOOM: The Dark Ages
Relatively reliable industry insider Tom Henderson has said that the next game in the DOOM...

“The game is launching in 2025, and will be coming to Xbox (including Game Pass), PC, and PS5.
The franchise has taken a few years off, at least when it comes to mainline entries. id Software rebooted Doom in 2016 with a fast-paced return to form that was followed by an equally metal sequel called Doom Eternal in 2020. In fact, this will be the studio’s first game since Quake Champions launched in 2022.”



Me im still going to stick to snes one.
I feel 2016 is a waste, but Eternal felt like a proper evolution of Doom. Doom Eternal feels like a proper modern Boomer Shooter. Doom Dark Ages seems to move that slightly more in that direction. Getting God of War vibes with this game, which is good.
It still feels like Doom for me due to the 1st person nature of it and the enemies. Their might be some aesthetic choices that seem like God of War, but the first person vs third person playstyle is completely different. For me though, the medieval setting is giving me more of a Painkiller (2004, all DLC's, and 2012 remake) vibe from it. A couple of the new DOOM weapons seem very inspired by it too. The chain shield in particular has fire modes very similar to the Painkiller weapon, while being a new evolution of the idea by making it a useable shield that you can still use to block with. Having an actual shield is a much needed addition in my opinion. It seemed that without one sometimes the swarm of enemies in certain spots of the map would always force you to fire while retreating but the shield will allow you to continue the charge forward assuming you have enough HP. At 1:20 in you get a shot of the Doom version of an age old FPS weapon that is often copied, the stake gun/bolt gun. I like that they went straight for the crucifixion nail look instead of vampire wood stakes. I wonder if DOOM's variation will have a grenade launcher like Painkiller's stake gun alt-fire mode? I'd also like to see them up the ante a bit with combos using it. You could nail one or multiple enemies to a wall the charge in for a finisher move like a shield chop to the face or neck.
I pray they've limited the parkour/spiderman BS. Also for supplies and ammo ups, I hope they don't burst out of the monsters with bright purple and blue items on screen. Eliminate those things and I think we're headed back to a proper Doom game.

Side note Eternal played ridiculously well on my prior 5800x/3080 rig at 165Hz with RT on. Hopefully this new version is as optimized for newer gen hardware. That would be nice.
I had a great time playing 2016 and Eternal, I'm hoping for more of the same gameplay-wise. In Eternal, most enemies only felt spongey if you didn't use the optimal weapon/tactic against them. They "forced" this mechanic on you pretty darn early, especially with the ammo shortages in the first few levels. Once you got the hang of that, you were golden.

Overall combat-wise, I do prefer 2016's feel, but at the same time there were a few fights in Eternal where the FLOW of combat was just so perfect, the platforming was lining up with the music and adrenaline was pumping, movement was on point... idk, felt like I needed a cig after the last wave was finally defeated lol.

It's going to be interesting to see how the music pans out with this title since Mick Gordon won't be involved... :( I'd love to be wrong, but it's going to be near impossible to match what we did.

So far the song in the trailer felt good. The stuff Mick Gordon produced was amazing but he tended to rely a bit too much on chugging the low 8th string in djent patterns. In comparison there is an actual, proper riff in the trailer song, not just chugging. *edit* And I have to add, that is a one amazing, tasty riff that I cannot stop rewinding and listening nonstop. If the other songs are anything like this the OST cannot come sood enough. 🤘
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