Doom III: Project Mars City (Comments Thread)

CrimsonSky said:
Thanks for the far as the plastic, you should have tried something we call Google :p High Impact Styrene Plastic Sheets

Thanks for the link crimson. I has hoping to find the plasic at a retail store like HomeDepo or Lowe's so I don't have to spend on shipping and get it right away. It looks like I have no other chose. :(
IdiotBoy said:
I'm just playing that video over and over and over again. That is the coolest damn thing I've ever seen!! :D I can't wait for the next update!!

Also, a comment on the plastic that you use. What thicknesses do you use? Obviously you want a thinner sheet if you're going to shape curves and such, but the thinner is again obviously less strong. I'm just curious as I'd really like to start playing around with it to see what I can come up with. Thanks!

hehehe...glad you like it---some mods should be just plain fun and eye candy sometimes methinks--

I use .20 all the way to .80 in thickness with the styrene--like you said depending on the application. I've been using that range of thickness' (except the .20, which is excellent for very tight radii) with this project so far.
spidy said:
Thanks for the link crimson. I has hoping to find the plasic at a retail store like HomeDepo or Lowe's so I don't have to spend on shipping and get it right away. It looks like I have no other chose. :(

It's really a specialty material, mostly for industrial designers and modelmakers---best thing to do is buy a bunch of sheets at once and save on shipping. I always keep about a dozen sheets in stock. Keep the sheets OUT of Sunlight--they will yellow. The sheets are also available in black, (non photo sensitive) although harder to find.
CrimsonSky you really need to put some guides on to ur site about some of ur very cool ways of making all these mods..
I mean some paint tips or plastic molding.
Just like the alien mouse thingy which btw. is awesome :p

Cant wait to see the rest of the mod..

Ps. i know ur skills with making miniature models so maybe you should put a Pinky on top of the case when done :D
M@D_M@X said:
CrimsonSky you really need to put some guides on to ur site about some of ur very cool ways of making all these mods..
I mean some paint tips or plastic molding.
Just like the alien mouse thingy which btw. is awesome :p

Cant wait to see the rest of the mod..

Ps. i know ur skills with making miniature models so maybe you should put a Pinky on top of the case when done :D

I actually have an instructional Case Modding Book coming out in the next couple months--published by Que & MaximumPC magazine ;) I'll keep you posted with details soon.
CrimsonSky said:
I actually have an instructional Case Modding Book coming out in the next couple months--published by Que & MaximumPC magazine ;) I'll keep you posted with details soon.

Cool!!! cant wait to see it.. Now i now what my next reading stuff will be :p
M@D_M@X said:
Cool!!! cant wait to see it.. Now i now what my next reading stuff will be :p

Yeah it will be a gorgeous full color book..8x10 format...TONS of inside tips + projects
This... this case is amazing... I want to have its manbabies.
I joined [H] just so I could poast about how great this case is... and to post other stuff too, but this was the immediate reason to join.

Unfreakinbelievable. The world needs moar mods like this. Please keep up the amazing werk!! :D

That book sounds awesome too, and published by MaxPC... that's :cool: You deserve all the publicity you can get, tho!
wood said:
This... this case is amazing... I want to have its manbabies.
I joined [H] just so I could poast about how great this case is... and to post other stuff too, but this was the immediate reason to join.

Unfreakinbelievable. The world needs moar mods like this. Please keep up the amazing werk!! :D

That book sounds awesome too, and published by MaxPC... that's :cool: You deserve all the publicity you can get, tho!

LoL...hey glad to have you here! get [H]ard and have fun---thanks for the props :D
Case Modding book?!? :eek:
So it's officially mainstream now?
So what do we do to get autographed copies?!
And how many sites will use that as a prize giveaway...
A case modding book...:eek:
Whats next? Case Modding 101 @ your local community college?
taught by an authentic award winning modder?

Great job with the mod.
And maybe you could list some online shops to get supplies?
gigglebyte said:
Crimson...updates...need updates....getting DTs due to lack of fix..... :eek: too man...hang in there --I'm still on a project with a very strict deadline..I'll have pics by week's end-promise ;)
CrimsonSky said: too man...hang in there --I'm still on a project with a very strict deadline..I'll have pics by week's end-promise ;)
Yay! I'm excited. :D
Case mod book? Dont get me wrong, its a good idea to make money from n00bs, but I think the general idea of case modding is to be original... not to look in a book like lots of people do when they carve a pumpkin. I for one wont buy one, although I might pick it up and browse through it if I get a chance. Shame on the rest of us for not finding this "gold mine" sooner.
Tengis said:
Case mod book? Dont get me wrong, its a good idea to make money from n00bs, but I think the general idea of case modding is to be original... not to look in a book like lots of people do when they carve a pumpkin. I for one wont buy one, although I might pick it up and browse through it if I get a chance. Shame on the rest of us for not finding this "gold mine" sooner.
I assume it's going to be more of a guide to technique, rather than an idea book.

Remember, even this mod isn't really a true original. It's based on Doom 3. :D
Ya, maybe a guide on how to correctly use a dremel and accomplish some of the harder cuts, etc, would be nice for people just starting out. Air brushing tips...

Tips would be good, but if its just like:

Use a dremel
Always wear glasses!
OMGBBQ look at this case I made
Kit bash for detail
Use airbrushing for further detail
BBQOMG look at this case I made.

Then Im sure alot of people would be dissapointed.
Slightly off topic,
But I was compelled to contribute to this project.

To install simply double click on doom3.exe and the files are copied to the
C:\Windows\Sytem32 folder.

You can remove this saver from the Add\Remove in control panel.

I Put together this screensaver after seeing the awesome work that CrimsonSky is
doing to the Project Doom3 Mod.

I just thought I would contribute a small amount to his project.

Any questions or suggetions on the Doom3 screensaver is welcomed.
Please keep in mind that this is a WIP screensaver so some things will change
(Hopefully sound coordination with the demons and such).

I also put in the spinning UAC logo after following the guys in the Neowin forum
I liked the idea, but I went a step further and added some noise like from a
lost T.V. signal. I think you'll like the saver.

I put in approximately ten hours for building the saver and changing what I liked and

Razors Edge Technology

All images and artwork are Copyright of thier respectful owner.
Razors Edge Technology takes no claim to the Doom3 Logo or artwork thereof
This screensaver is free to all and should be maintained as such.
Feel free to distribute at will.
is it really necesarry to speak in the third person...
I am the first to use it! Let me say, it really nice...

I dont like the flying skulls, and I dont like how the text on the UAC logo doesnt spin... as well as the circle in the middle of the UAC logo.

Nice though. =)
Also, I just made a weird pentagram background if anyone would host it for me.
Been gone for a few days - but that video is awesome - at first I thought the sounds were just added into the video - but then I shoulda known better than that huh =)

Just toooo sexy =)
Tengis said:
Ya, maybe a guide on how to correctly use a dremel and accomplish some of the harder cuts, etc, would be nice for people just starting out. Air brushing tips...

Tips would be good, but if its just like:

Use a dremel
Always wear glasses!
OMGBBQ look at this case I made
Kit bash for detail
Use airbrushing for further detail
BBQOMG look at this case I made.

Then Im sure alot of people would be dissapointed.

I think we should stay on the topic of a Doom3 case mod here.. Should probably hold off on other comments until the appropriate time, and in another thread, eh? Thanks! ;)
i recently dl'd the D3 demo since purchaseing the game was not in my options due to a sub par vid card. Now that i have first hand seen the airlock and the game it'self i have a new appreciation for this mod as i feel you have captured both the grand scale and grit of the game while remaining not overdone so i say to you great work man !
TMOA said:
i recently dl'd the D3 demo since purchaseing the game was not in my options due to a sub par vid card. Now that i have first hand seen the airlock and the game it'self i have a new appreciation for this mod as i feel you have captured both the grand scale and grit of the game while remaining not overdone so i say to you great work man !

Hey thanks TMOA--you're exactly right, it's the grit and feel of the graphics I want to capture--I could have went into super detailing for this piece, but I want it to have a 'hand-made' feel--so far the details are a little heavier and chunkier than their digital counterparts--paint effects are more exaggerated, etc.
CrimsonSky said:
I think we should stay on the topic of a Doom3 case mod here..

i agree, lets stay on topic people :D
Just registered so that I could also post my praise. The project is coming along amazingly. I would also like to ask a quick question. It's back from the beginning of your worklog. You mentioned you found a place that sells "make your own decal" stock. What's the name of the product?
crimson will you post some pics of what it looks like currently? and describe what you need to finish.
James. said:
Just registered so that I could also post my praise. The project is coming along amazingly. I would also like to ask a quick question. It's back from the beginning of your worklog. You mentioned you found a place that sells "make your own decal" stock. What's the name of the product?

Welcome to [H]!

The product is caled Supercal Decals:
elite.mafia said:
crimson will you post some pics of what it looks like currently? and describe what you need to finish.

As soon as i get some free time over the weekend I'll take a few shots--It's been on semi-hold for a while until i complete another obligation--very soon!
Checked out the video last night. I thought just the logo was going to slide out - still looks cool though.