Doom 3 Has Gone Gold

21" SGI Trinitron Tube *check*
Radeon 9800XT *check*
AMD 3500+ Socket 939 @ 2.5Ghz *check*
1GB PC3500 RAM *check*
20 GB spare HDD space *check*

PCGamer Doom3 recommended "Midrange System" RAM and vid card specs: *check*.

I'm not trying to be harsh, please- just hoping to lower a few expectations, to help avoid disappointments.
word is to the effect that the game will run beautifully at 1600x1200, everything on, when it's out..
unfortunately the SYSTEM that will run it those settings isn't out yet. remember how Quake 3 used to chug on your high-end stuff at release? Hell i can remember the thrill of seeing Quake 2 at glorious, be-all-end-all 800x600, about a year after its release and several hundred in SLI'd Voodoo's later. 12 months from now, SLI'd PCI Xpress 32X 6800+ OC XT SE BFG 666's, maybe. but that's what software driving the hardware is all about, isn't it?

Go Carmack Go
Something dark is stirring, the sleeping giant awakes, a monstrous behemoth lurches clumsily through the rift in time and space, it balefully casts a single bloodshot eye toward august, its time has come, it must feed, it must kill, its.................. DOOMTIME
Wriggo said:
PCGamer Doom3 recommended "Midrange System" RAM and vid card specs: *check*.

I'm not trying to be harsh, please- just hoping to lower a few expectations, to help avoid disappointments.
word is to the effect that the game will run beautifully at 1600x1200, everything on, when it's out..
unfortunately the SYSTEM that will run it those settings isn't out yet. remember how Quake 3 used to chug on your high-end stuff at release? Hell i can remember the thrill of seeing Quake 2 at glorious, be-all-end-all 800x600, about a year after its release and several hundred in SLI'd Voodoo's later. 12 months from now, SLI'd PCI Xpress 32X 6800+ OC XT SE BFG 666's, maybe. but that's what software driving the hardware is all about, isn't it?

Go Carmack Go

What do you mean with that the game runs flawlessly at 1600x1200 however there is no system to run it at that res?

`That is the same with Thief 3 too you know? There will ev be a system out that lets you max everything out at 1600x1200 ;)

I will bet the NV50 and R500 will be able to do it with 150 fps coupled with the CPU:s and mem of that era ;)
oqvist said:
What do you mean with that the game runs flawlessly at 1600x1200 however there is no system to run it at that res?

`That is the same with Thief 3 too you know? There will ev be a system out that lets you max everything out at 1600x1200 ;)

I will bet the NV50 and R500 will be able to do it with 150 fps coupled with the CPU:s and mem of that era ;)

Don't try to compare speed problems with Thief 3 to speed problems with Doom 3. Carmack and his team make great code that scales well for years into the future. Ion Storm, on the other hand, while being very creative people (who are now mostly unemployed btw) leave a lot to be desired in the coding of graphics engine department. Deus Ex 2 and Thief 3 suffer from poor graphic coding.

And also, no graphics card will ever run Doom 3 at 150fps without some modification to the game. It is frame-capped.
I'm sorry, why was Doom 3 capped with 60 FPS? It could've been a great benchmarking program.

Yogi said:
Don't try to compare speed problems with Thief 3 to speed problems with Doom 3. Carmack and his team make great code that scales well for years into the future. Ion Storm, on the other hand, while being very creative people (who are now mostly unemployed btw) leave a lot to be desired in the coding of graphics engine department. Deus Ex 2 and Thief 3 suffer from poor graphic coding.

And also, no graphics card will ever run Doom 3 at 150fps without some modification to the game. It is frame-capped.

Somehow I have a feeling there is people out there that will fix that eventually ;)
isn't about time publishing companies distribute in DVD-ROM ONLY? i mean for crying out loud 4 CDs?!?!!??!?!?! that's ridiculously insane. games used to come on 1 and at most 2 CDs. now 4 is norm? wtf is going on? it's so stupid playing the chicken+egg game.

why not put doom3 out in DVD-ROM ONLY! so that people will upgrade their computers with DVD-ROMS and all games after that won't need to upgrade anymore... they can already read DVD games.
GeForceX said:
I'm sorry, why was Doom 3 capped with 60 FPS? It could've been a great benchmarking program.

My understanding is that the engine is capped at 60Hz to prevent the wackiness that could happen when people were running some of the old id engines at insanely high speeds. Jumps that could only be made at 100 or 150 and so they gave an advantage to users who bought the highest of the high end and kept being able to outplay everyone even if they didn't have the 'best' skills.

Now the game CAN display more the 60fps, but if you get 61fps then you'll get 2 of the exact same frame, 90fps would mean about half of the frames will be shown twice and 120fps means that all the frames are shown twice...

I don't think that will be a problem for most people though. The PC Gamer review said the 6800 Ultra machine they had was able to show the game at 1024x768 but that was at high detail (not the max detail from the way it was described) and without (from my read on it) AF and AA set very high / on at all...
JediFonger said:
isn't about time publishing companies distribute in DVD-ROM ONLY? i mean for crying out loud 4 CDs?!?!!??!?!?! that's ridiculously insane. games used to come on 1 and at most 2 CDs. now 4 is norm? wtf is going on? it's so stupid playing the chicken+egg game.

Games have been using lots of CD's for a while...

Hell...back in '98, FFVII came out on 4 CD's...
Yogi said:
Ion Storm, on the other hand, while being very creative people (who are now mostly unemployed btw) leave a lot to be desired in the coding of graphics engine department.
Diakatana used a Quake engine for the graphics. "The coding of the graphics engine" wasn't the problem. And actually, most of the people who worked at Ion Storm Dallas have found jobs.
Xrave said:
Games have been using lots of CD's for a while...

Hell...back in '98, FFVII came out on 4 CD's...
Bah, back in my day Phantasmagoria came on 7 CD's in 1995. And we liked it!
hi guys, i just registered and a little birdy has given me some pictures of a certain review. only reason i havn't posted the links is because i don't know if it would be okay. if it is i will post the links.
Morley said:
Doom3 = available in 18 days

HL2 = available...when?

I couldnt have agreed more,

i was looking foward to hl2 more than doom 3 but now is just the other way around,
Torgo said:
Diakatana used a Quake engine for the graphics. "The coding of the graphics engine" wasn't the problem. And actually, most of the people who worked at Ion Storm Dallas have found jobs.

Sorry, I was talking about Ion Storm Austin. Probably should have specified that. Ion Storm was formed as two almost seperate parts, a Dallas office run by John Romero (that made Dikatana and promptly went under), and an Austin office run by Warren Spector. The Austin office is the one that still exists, and that released Deus Ex 1&2, and Thief 3. The company still exists, but almost all of the staff left or were let go a short while ago. I think they are being re-designed as a maker of cheap PS2 games. :(
Is there really anyone here that preferrs 7 CD.s instead of 1 DVD??? seeing that DVD-drives is faster and don´t cost anything really and is impossible to fail to install.?
Here's the original quote from Carmack:
"The game tic simulation, including player movement, runs at 60hz, so if it rendered any faster, it would just be rendering identical frames. A fixed tic rate removes issues like Quake 3 had, where some jumps could only be made at certain framerates. In Doom, the same player inputs will produce the same motions, no matter what the framerate is."
Not only does this state exactly what umop apisdn said, it also implies higher framerates will be possible, they just won't make a difference.
i was talking waaay back in the myst days. either way we need to ditch multiple disks and get DVDs. i wonder if there'll be a way to put all 4 CDs on DVD ourselves...

Xrave said:
Games have been using lots of CD's for a while...

Hell...back in '98, FFVII came out on 4 CD's...
JediFonger said:
i was talking waaay back in the myst days. either way we need to ditch multiple disks and get DVDs. i wonder if there'll be a way to put all 4 CDs on DVD ourselves...
You have just violated the DMCA, citizen. Please report to the nearest termination booth. Thank you and have a nice day!
Harkamus said:
Apparently my 20 inch Dell 2001FP LCD that I ordered yesterday will have DOOM 3 looking like shit at 1024 x 768.

Uh...I have a headache now.

I have this same monitor and the scaling is excellent on it. The only resolution that looks like crap is 640x480 and I know you don't have anything that runs that res, hehe. I am very happy with gaming on this monitor at 1024x168, 1280x960, or the native 1600x1200.

Hardee17 said:
< deleted >

I'd give that story a, hmm.... 94%! :p

EDIT: That story was so good it earned Hardee17 a week's free vacation at the [H]otel Bannsville. - Lethal
oqvist said:
5.1 speakers>5.1 headphones>stereo headphones


5.1 speakers>stereo headphones>5.1 headphones.

Good stereo headphones will outclass any of the "5.1" headphones.
I don't have 5.1 speakers, but hopefully my headphone will help scare the crap out of me
Not for games where surround is of out most importance ;). Yes a similarly priced stereo headphone is generally has better sound quality than those 5.1 but you get worse surround and thus for games like Far Cry and Doom 3 you are better off with the 5.1.

But as for music there is a non brainer what to choose :)
You shouldn't even be playing Doom 3 with headphones.
Morley said:
Hah! I remember Kings Quest VI on NINE floppy discs!

Was it Windows for Workgroups 3.11 that had like 31 floppy disks? :p
I think disk 29 was always a bad one too.