DOOM 3 BFG Edition Screws PC Users?

I don't get how there is no love for the platforms that these companies owe all their success to.
I don't recall if it supported IP. I do remember setting it up for IPX/SPX to play multiplayer (had serial first, though!). Couldn't be too difficult to port, though.

Kinda retarded they won't allow multiplayer on PC. That's where it was born and got big - before consoles. Of course PC gaming is dying (so they say), the developers won't do anything good for PC gaming.
They probably don't support it because PC's lack a "standard" online play environment like Xbox Live or way to keep track of them achievements!

"Congratulations! You just won the 'I will never escape this game' Trophy for playing Doom for 1,000,000 time!"
I don't get how there is no love for the platforms that these companies owe all their success to.

Yep. Or the platform they develop the software for the consoles on. Or the platform that is arguably easiest to develop for.
I don't recall if it supported IP. I do remember setting it up for IPX/SPX to play multiplayer (had serial first, though!). Couldn't be too difficult to port, though.

Kinda retarded they won't allow multiplayer on PC. That's where it was born and got big - before consoles. Of course PC gaming is dying (so they say), the developers won't do anything good for PC gaming.

It supported IPX/SPX and TCP/IP I believe. It also supported connections via a null-modem cable.
95% of PC gamers pirate all their games, which roughly correlates to the number of game company CEO's heads firmly entrenched in their own rectums

And no nothing back then supported IP it was all IPX, for consoles they had to recode a lot anyway to do the ports I'm sure so why not add IP support, as far as PCs go well, just release what you got.
Who really cares? I'm not trying to be facetious... but how many people were really going to play Doom I or Doom II MP for more than a try or two? 2,000? Probably less than that.
I can't imagine too many people are excited about a rehashed game from 2004. It's sad they are even spending time on this. Doom 1 and 2 MP, graphics that are barely improved over the original, plenty of actual HD texture mods out there for free...

Yep, not going to be purchasing this one. Sorry, Carmack.
Not sure I'd put much effort into PC re-releases of Doom or Doom II either...

I already have the WAD files loaded into Doomsday Engine with a pile of mods and additions (and netplay)...
As long as there single player or story mode is good i don't care about online on those games.
Wasn't going to buy it before, so I don't really care. While it's a slap to PC gamers...let's be honest, people weren't going to really play those anyway.
The bigger offense is the fact that they feel Doom 3 was worthy of a re-release. I'd rather play Rage than that trash.
Not sure I'd put much effort into PC re-releases of Doom or Doom II either...

I already have the WAD files loaded into Doomsday Engine with a pile of mods and additions (and netplay)...

Wad files? Flashback to 28.8K modems, DOS, Wing Commander, dial-in Bulletin Boards, and WAD file editors, trying to make a level that DIDN'T suck...
You guys have to realize that the community for these games has their own multiplayer clients that are going to be much better than whatever id can provide.

I don't know how it is for doom/doom 2, but for quake we have ezquake, which you don't get when you "buy" quake on steam or whatever, but is the absolute best way to play online.
"Congratulations! You just won the 'I will never escape this game' Trophy for playing Doom for 1,000,000 time!"
Sadly, plenty of PC games have already implemented this.

I won the "You Have Regained your Virginity" award for playing Civilization 5 for 400 hours.
And btw, cmon now, we all know the reason that there is a big hesitation... A mouse is a far more precise tool than a thumb controller for the average person.

Tests have shown time and time again, that PC gamers absolutely obliterate consolers due to superior peripherals.
Sadly, plenty of PC games have already implemented this.

I won the "You Have Regained your Virginity" award for playing Civilization 5 for 400 hours.

The fact that they assume anyone has lost it to begin with and is no regaining it is outrageous. :mad: Let's start a petition to have the wording changed to something politically correct like, "You Have Very Infrequent Sexual Encounters"
I think it sucks more on principal than anything. There are workarounds, of course, but why deny the PC market something that the consoles are getting? I'm not going to buy it (like mentioned above: it's already been done, and better than iD is doing).
Don't Doom 1 and 2 on Steam already have MP support? I'd check, but I'm not at home.
I don't give a rats ass about doom 3 or ID software in general. they lost me at quake 4. doom 3 was already pretty bad.
Yep. Or the platform they develop the software for the consoles on. Or the platform that is arguably easiest to develop for.

Where do you think the blame for this is? The developers or the 'bean counters'? I am sure that once any game company loses it's sight and sells out, it becomes about the cash cow...and that is console games with subscriptions.
They also probably figured it wasn't worth their time since anyone who cares already owns Doom and Doom 2 :p

This is a non issue as far as I'm concerned, the Steam versions of those games already work fine.
I find it hard to believe that id is doing anything more with the PC versions of Doom and Doom II than simply including them as Steam versions along with the purchase of BFG. The Steam versions aren't any different than the versions released years ago, and they include multiplayer support.

Assuming this is the case, and assuming that id hasn't for some reason decided to strip out the networking components in the original games, for reasons I can't even begin to guess at, you can chalk this one up to a mis-informed Bethesda community manager.
I'm not really surprised...carmack sold out pc users years ago. I will be surprised if we even get a port of doom4/quake5.

I like to think Carmack held a key role in gaming history, despite whether or not he's at the top anymore. His FPS's paved the way for a host of things like competitive gaming, speed runs, and likely the entire FPS genre itself. Great guy, hasn't made a great game in years but still should get credit where it's due. His games have a place in every 20+ something PC gamer's heart.
DOOM3 MP was dead long ago, it's not like it would suddenly revive itself. I dont think it's worth their effort or money to release it, I'd rather have a incredibly polished and "fixed" SP campaign. They are adding other cool shit like Oculus suppport, I'd rather have that then MP that would be DOA.
DOOM3 MP was dead long ago, it's not like it would suddenly revive itself. I dont think it's worth their effort or money to release it, I'd rather have a incredibly polished and "fixed" SP campaign. They are adding other cool shit like Oculus suppport, I'd rather have that then MP that would be DOA.

Nevermind, I misread but I'm sure most of us have our original copies with MP.
You guys have to realize that the community for these games has their own multiplayer clients that are going to be much better than whatever id can provide.
Exactly. id released the source code awhile back, so not much point in them spending money on the PC version when a way to play multiplayer already exists.

Doom3 was a let down anyway. Not like I am going to buy this.
Guys, doom 1 and 2 do support tcp/ip... I actually went through doom 1 and 2 with a couple of friends in coop like 5 years ago.. It's a lot of fun.

What they mean by no multiplayer support is probably no matchmaking or lobby systems... But I have my doom 1/2 collectors edition box right here, which is just a repack of doom 1 and 2 and it says tcp/ip in the box.

I don't remember installing anything special, just opened some ports and direct connected.
Carmack is just trying to drain every last dollar out of the doom games. So far his latest creations have sucked. Some day later on before his death or maybe a second generation Carmack we will possibly see something worthy lol. I wouldn't hold my breath though.
got this preordered FDoom is what got me started gaming that and Meridian 95, can't wait to relive the game.
Doesn't surprise me. iD pretty much abandoned PC gamers long ago. But they also abandoned making good games as well,so I could care less.