DOOM 3 BFG Edition Screws PC Users?

I imagine this is due to the fact that nobody is going to touch Doom2 source code to add in TCPIP play. Xbox multiplayer operates over P2P so it was probably pretty easy to emulate an IPX style environment to allow network play without even touching the source code. But an entirely new network model would have to be written for Doom2 to operate over traditional client/server mode which aint gonna happen.

Do yourself a favor and grab a copy of zdoom or CSdoom if you want to play mass multiplayer.
Does any self respecting PC gamer not already own Doom 1 & 2 in some sort of capacity?

I still have the box set from a hundred years ago and got them all again when the ID catalogue went on sale through Steam.
IPX/SPX is stupid just like NETBIOS, WINS servers, and the microwave oven were all dumb ideas.
I think I understand this to a degree. A lot of console gamers don't have a clue as to what a good game is, especially the classics. Id has taken some older PC games to the console and said "Here ya go, this is what's good. Put that MW3 down and see how we did it back in the day". All the PC gamers already have Doom 1 and Doom 2, and are using Skulltag or Zdaemon, etc, for multiplayer, or over Steam, etc. I imagine these clients will work with the Doom 1 and Doom 2 installs included with BFG edition. So long as the .wad files are the same it doesn't matter. There's really no need to code in a bunch of multiplayer support for Doom 1 and Doom 2 since it's already been done. I think Id is quite aware of the Doom mod community and the effort they've put into their respective source ports. Why slap them in the face?

As for console multiplayer, they stated from the beginning that the BFG edition was primarily aimed at bringing the original Doom games to consoles and making Doom 3 console-friendly while tweaking the graphics and adding an extra mission. I don't see understand why everyone's acting surprised about this.
Does any self respecting PC gamer not already own Doom 1 & 2 in some sort of capacity?

I still have the box set from a hundred years ago and got them all again when the ID catalogue went on sale through Steam.

I lost my diskettes. So sue me.
I find it hard to believe that id is doing anything more with the PC versions of Doom and Doom II than simply including them as Steam versions along with the purchase of BFG. The Steam versions aren't any different than the versions released years ago, and they include multiplayer support.

Assuming this is the case, and assuming that id hasn't for some reason decided to strip out the networking components in the original games, for reasons I can't even begin to guess at, you can chalk this one up to a mis-informed Bethesda community manager.

Want to bet that somebody at Bethesda read that there's no "Xbox Live" or "PSN" on PC and there came your statement? :D
I know that Doom 1 and Doom 2 were released on XBLA with multiplayer functionality at one point in time.

So it wouldn't surprise me if they made no changes, and just slapped those already done ports onto the package.
"Why doesn't the PC generate sales?! I don't get it!" - game companies everywhere, as they continue to release PC versions a year late with crappy options for multiplayer and ridiculous DRM.
Didn't buy the previous two, can't care now (played the first one as shareware, which was fun...back in 1998).
Why would you want to play it like that anyway?

You'll have the .wad so go get a source port like Skulltag, Zdoom, or whatever, and go hog wild.
No, no. It's time for id Software bashing.

After all the good memories, [H] is blindly hating on id for whatever reason. They don't let do stuff at QuakeCon or what? Can't be that crappy "id turned their backs on pc gaming" line.
Speaking of doom i was just playing Holyhell.wad on ultra violence.... Get the .wad for holyhell for doom 2 and play it.

I know this has no real importance but anyone who thinks they are good needs to play this on ultraviolence. 20000+ demons on one map.

Oh yeah Doom 3 BFG... Uh something...
After all the good memories, [H] is blindly hating on id for whatever reason.

It's really just people posting on the forum getting on the "I hate Carmack" bandwagon. When it came to Rage, Kyle just wanted his $60 back because he had issues with the game and did not think it was release-worthy with the bugs and texture issues. Steve's just posting about the BFG edition of Doom 3 not having multiplayer support for Doom 1 and Doom 2. The [H] staff has been pretty specific about what they dislike, so while there may be some hating on their part it's certainly not blind.
Please remind me what feelings did Kyle express when Epic released UT3 - the latest game they released on PC. There is love for Epic despite their everything.

Maybe you're right, but I feel there's more to it.
I don't get how there is no love for the platforms that these companies owe all their success to.
Yeah, why these devs don't take care of us choose-your-own-adventure book fans... those BASTARDS, they OWE us!