Does Microsoft still sell MS Office? or does everyone has to rent indefinitely w/ Office 365?

Happy Hopping

Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 1, 2004
from where I come from, rental of anything (say a house) is for people who can't afford to buy that very something (such as a house)

So seriously I don't want to keep renting and pay year after year. Just now, went to Microsoft website, there is no more MS office. There is only Office 365 rental. Is every co. going thru that route ONLY?

I mean, this should be illegal for all these s/w co. such as Adobe, Microsoft to force you to rent as you can't no longer have the option to buy that very software

Adobe, same thing, you can rent photoshop CS xx, but you can't buy it

If more and more co. going this route, we are finish

Imagine you are no longer allow to own a house, and you have to keep renting a house forever. How would you feel?
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You can still buy it for now, I googled it and 2nd link was to buy it direct from Ms site for

Office Home & Student 2021​

Other sites might have it cheaper but could be questionable some say.

companies are drooling over selling everything as a 'service' to get that sweet recurring income.
Imagine you are no longer allow to own a house, and you have to keep renting a house forever. How would you feel?
It was like this in soviet land. And if this Davos gang gets what they want then whole western world will have it this way. You own nothing and rent everything. It is in UN plans for 2030, in case you didn't know, NWO.

I do not know what high demands you have for office, I use Libreoffice and it does everything I need. Open source and free, like my OS.
Another Libre Office user. Nothing but good things to say. Be sure to donate a few bucks when you download it.....
Oracle makes Open Office, who makes Libre? and can Libre read :

word processing: WPD, DOCX , DOC files
Spreadsheet: Quattro pro files, XLS, XLSX files?
Just now, went to Microsoft website, there is no more MS office.
they push the 365 version hard, but at the right you should still see the one time purchasse for the home&student version of 2021:

Same for the pro or entreprise.

From my understanding the nuance between both product is not simply renting vs buying, there is a littlre more than that with 365 (teams and other online related affair).
Not sure if you are aware, but Microsoft actually offers a free version of Office now. Just open the "Office" app, which I believe is already pre-installed on all Windows 10 and Windows 11 computers. That offers all of the normal Office functionality that you would expect, so unless you are doing something advanced then you should consider just using that.

The only "downside" is that you have to use your Microsoft Account, and you have some forced OneDrive integration (also using your Microsoft Account), but none of that involves spending money.
Oracle makes Open Office, who makes Libre? and can Libre read :

word processing: WPD, DOCX , DOC files
Spreadsheet: Quattro pro files, XLS, XLSX files?
LibreOffice is a fork of OpenOffice, and much better it is. LibreOffice is an active project with frequent new releases. Yes it can open and import/export a wide range of formats.
The only "downside" is that you have to use your Microsoft Account, and you have some forced OneDrive integration (also using your Microsoft Account), but none of that involves spending money.
I just canceled my MS account, they made me wait 90 days before final cancellation, but now it's gone. I feel much better, working on shutting down my Google account. Still some emails come there, but I'm getting close. See, I am used to free world we had before and can't stand this endless supervision. The last straw was when GMail did not deliver me emails from certain source. I am not kidding! I was totally flabbergasted, but we tested and it is true. These emails did not go to spam, they never came in, although gmail server accepted them for delivery. This new Google AI is damn powerful, did you see the news about their AI having personality now? Understanding jokes and able to learn all by itself? And this AI apparently reads all incoming and outgoing emails and decides what to deliver and what not. Nono, I still have some human integrity left in me and I refuse to be a serf.
I just canceled my MS account, they made me wait 90 days before final cancellation, but now it's gone. I feel much better, working on shutting down my Google account. Still some emails come there, but I'm getting close. See, I am used to free world we had before and can't stand this endless supervision. The last straw was when GMail did not deliver me emails from certain source. I am not kidding! I was totally flabbergasted, but we tested and it is true. These emails did not go to spam, they never came in, although gmail server accepted them for delivery. This new Google AI is damn powerful, did you see the news about their AI having personality now? Understanding jokes and able to learn all by itself? And this AI apparently reads all incoming and outgoing emails and decides what to deliver and what not. Nono, I still have some human integrity left in me and I refuse to be a serf.

This isn't the Soapbox, take that conspiracy bullshit somewhere else instead of de-railing the OP's thread. BTW, none of those companies care that you cancelled your account, but keep up the good fight! :rolleyes:
Actually I did not derail anything. Privacy is a huge issue with MS and Google. Read their privacy statements, I did. The world is changing around us, much faster than you would think. I replying only because you decided to accuse me in lying. What I wrote is my personal experience, thus cannot be "conspiracy theory". I don't care what those companies think of me, why should I? Sorry if I insulted your idols, I have no respect for them. I am out from here now, will no longer respond.
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Yes, they do.

But also what you are asking for is what's called a perpetual license. That means you buy the program, put in the key, and that's it - it's not tied to an email.

That type of licensing is still available for business customers.

For home users, what you are going to buy at Wal Mart, is going to require buying Office and tying it to an email address. Once that email is deleted, expires, password is lost, etc the software is lost.
Not sure if you are aware, but Microsoft actually offers a free version of Office now. Just open the "Office" app, which I believe is already pre-installed on all Windows 10 and Windows 11 computers. That offers all of the normal Office functionality that you would expect, so unless you are doing something advanced then you should consider just using that.

The only "downside" is that you have to use your Microsoft Account, and you have some forced OneDrive integration (also using your Microsoft Account), but none of that involves spending money.
are you sure about this? I thought the lic. c/w your newly purchase PC is 90 day trial
they push the 365 version hard, but at the right you should still see the one time purchasse for the home&student version of 2021:

Same for the pro or entreprise.

From my understanding the nuance between both product is not simply renting vs buying, there is a littlre more than that with 365 (teams and other online related affair).

I =========>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FINALLY <============= see it.

well at least they still sell it. Imagine you are using Photoshop and have to pay infinite rent. And just now, I find out Nero is doing the same thing. Soon, everyone is buying old ver. of S/W at ebay
Yes, they do.

But also what you are asking for is what's called a perpetual license. That means you buy the program, put in the key, and that's it - it's not tied to an email.

That type of licensing is still available for business customers.

For home users, what you are going to buy at Wal Mart, is going to require buying Office and tying it to an email address. Once that email is deleted, expires, password is lost, etc the software is lost.
is Perpetual lic. an OEM lic.? i.e., if you upgrade your motherboard, you need to buy it again?
OEM on hardware or software means the reseller is taking responsibility for support. Perpetual means it's just a license that you can keep reusing and doesn't require paying for ongoing support.
Adobe, same thing, you can rent photoshop CS xx, but you can't buy it

Imagine you are no longer allow to own a house, and you have to keep renting a house forever. How would you feel?
Sounds like property tax already, but it can get worse!

LibreOffice is a fork of OpenOffice, and much better it is. LibreOffice is an active project with frequent new releases. Yes it can open and import/export a wide range of formats.
Both are good!

I =========>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FINALLY <============= see it.

well at least they still sell it. Imagine you are using Photoshop and have to pay infinite rent. And just now, I find out Nero is doing the same thing. Soon, everyone is buying old ver. of S/W at ebay
Adobe/Photoshop already has a subscription service too.
I have a few related quick questions:
1) what on earth is Windows 365? is Microsoft wants to milk us w/ windows rental indefinitely? as they are already trillion dollar co., how greedy can they get

2) how do you convince a friend that rental Office 365 is bad news, that he should buy a copy

3) how many of you think among us in the IT circle, that ALL of us around the world, or at least in North America, should start a petition, saying that every S/W co. has to give the options to buy a software and send this petition to some senator that cares about price rigging?
you know you can type those qs into google...
W365 is vms.
you dont. just explain the difference and let them decide.
When I get a new laptop or machine and I happen to need office on that machine, I get a key from SCDKey. Never had an issue. Installation is simple following their instructions and I only pay once. I've purchased multiple times from them. Greg Salazar on youtube always has a code.
Hard to predict "the future", but right now the relatively cheap annual subscriptions isn't horrible ($99 for you and 5 others). Keeps you from having very stale static versions of Office hanging around. So, today, I rent. But used to pay through the nose for temporal versions in the past.
When I get a new laptop or machine and I happen to need office on that machine, I get a key from SCDKey. Never had an issue. Installation is simple following their instructions and I only pay once. I've purchased multiple times from them. Greg Salazar on youtube always has a code.
these are legitimate code that we pay ? or hack code? I never heard of SCDKey
On this end, a lot of cases of people hack into home PC, lift serial no. and re-sell them at ebay. After a while, it blow back, and those people cancel their ebay acct. and start another acct.
Hard to predict "the future", but right now the relatively cheap annual subscriptions isn't horrible ($99 for you and 5 others). Keeps you from having very stale static versions of Office hanging around. So, today, I rent. But used to pay through the nose for temporal versions in the past.
$99 for 6 lic. of what exactly? MS Office Professional? or Windows
these are legitimate code that we pay ? or hack code? I never heard of SCDKey
On this end, a lot of cases of people hack into home PC, lift serial no. and re-sell them at ebay. After a while, it blow back, and those people cancel their ebay acct. and start another acct.
Legitimate retail codes. You have to activate at
Question as it applies. We still have full Windows Office 2007 that works just fine. Do I really need to buy/upgrade for my new build that's getting OS Windows 11 Pro?
Question as it applies. We still have full Windows Office 2007 that works just fine. Do I really need to buy/upgrade for my new build that's getting OS Windows 11 Pro?
Office 2007 works just fine on Win 10. Haven't try on Win 11. Over here, I 'm still using Office 2010. The truth, I switch from Office 2000 to Office 2010 but there is very little benefit. They fix 1 row copy bug and introduce another. There is major improvement on charts if you use charts. But I haven't use charts for a long time, I used to. If you only use spreadsheet, you can't tell a difference, unless you are using hundreds x thousands of cell matrix, like Electrical engg. grid calculation. Office 2010 does support multi-thread, I don't think Office 2000 does.
The real downside is that people think that logging into "Big Data / Big Tech" company accounts to use free software doesn't actually cost those people anything, but in reality, "Big Data / Big Tech" companies make more money from such people than they do from selling non-cloud offline software packages. The cost is basically being a target of data mining.
make more money from such people than they do from selling non-cloud offline software packages.
I really doubt that the case, I feel many overrate by a good amount of much that type of data worth, I would guess many would go back in the pre internet days of selling CD in store versus having to compete with free software.

Imo, they are forced to have a free option to compete with google cloud and other free options, to try to help to what it come time to pay for business that they choose the option they are familiar with.