Distracted Driving Laws Don’t Deter, Study Finds

Terry Olaes

I Used to be the [H] News Guy
Nov 27, 2006
The insurance industry recently conducted a study and found that laws that are supposed to stop distracted driving are not having the desired results. Insurance claims data from states that banned mobile device use while driving (CA, NY, CT, Washington DC) indicate that claims did not go down after such laws were put into place.

Jonathan Adkins, a spokesman for the governors association, said the new study "raises as many questions as it answers." The group is concerned that bans on handheld devices simply encourage more drivers to use handsfree devices, which, it says, are just as risky.
Yea here in NY I still see so many people on cell phones including State Troopers. It is just to hard to enforce that law. I only know of one person who got a ticket from using a cell phone and they still did not get a hands free system.
That's because those laws were not based on a need to deter distracted driving but on a need for more revenue. Distracted driving was just the excuse.
They didn't deter me, and I've been caught using a cell phone driving. My solution, hook up cell phone's 3.5 mm head phone jack to my cars stereo. Problem solved.

It's just another way for them to make money with tickets.
PsyKo[H];1035262263 said:
That's because those laws were not based on a need to deter distracted driving but on a need for more revenue. Distracted driving was just the excuse.

Exactly what I was going to post.

I bet if we had access to the revenue numbers from fines for the violations, we would see that its working just as planned
They didn't deter me, and I've been caught using a cell phone driving. My solution, hook up cell phone's 3.5 mm head phone jack to my cars stereo. Problem solved.

It's just another way for them to make money with tickets.

If you don't want to give them money, quit using your cell while your driving. It's a simple concept. Of course they get revenue from these tickets, if we didn't have a problem with the usage of cell phones behind the wheel we would not need to have these types of laws.

To deter people from using them they have to make the fines alot higher or tack jail time/license suspension onto it. And enforce for their own officers who use them as well.
Simple solution, really - either get a car stereo that supports bluetooth (and let me tell you, it's awesome when you have a good sound system and you get a call) or stop using the cell while on the road altogether.

I got my stereo relatively cheap (Jensen vm9512) and it works like a charm.
Do the insurance companies have to pay out for the damages for an accident caused by distracted driving? (in the states that have laws banned the use of mobile devices during driving)
Do the insurance companies have to pay out for the damages for an accident caused by distracted driving? (in the states that have laws banned the use of mobile devices during driving)

My brother totaled his car drunk driving and his insurance paid out to replace the car. I assume this wouldn't be and different.
The problem is proving that the idiot was yapping on the cell phone. An insurance company can't just call up ATT and ask if someone was using their phone at the time of the crash. The police can, but unless it's a major accident have no reason to make themselves work work just so the insurers can change who gets blamed and has their rates go up.

Country wide BAN on the use of ANY portable electrical appliance whilst driving. This will include headsets also. If you are caught doing this, you will be fined several thousand dollars and have your licence temporarily suspended pending an investigation for the first offence. You will then be randomly monitored for several months thereafter to ensure compliance. A further offence will lead to your licence being revoked.

Businesses will also be fined SEVERELY for encouraging the use of portable electronic devices whilst driving. Considering just how bad the average driver is, anything which distracts the attention of drivers away from what they're doing should not be encouraged. It can literally take less than a 2 second lapse of judgement to cause a major road pile-up. The reality is no laughing matter and people cannot be trusted to do the right thing without their bosses knowing their role too.

For anyone who thinks this is over the top, I recommend you check out traffic accident statistics. This isn't something to jest about.
I passed three people on the highway yesterday, one was talking on her cell and the other two were texting. This was all in a row. Sad.
"study finds distracted driving bans dont work. hardocp members call for stronger bans" :rolleyes: some of you guys need a serious gut check. its called individual responsibility, and to enforce that you need to give out education. "its a simple concept really" :rolleyes:
I really can't see that true hands-free (which doesn't really include using speaker phone, but holding it in your hand) can be much worse than talking to someone in the car with you. You still have both hands on the steering wheel and full head mobility.
Of course, from what I've seen, less than 10% actually use headsets. Or maybe it's just because their driving is good enough to not attract attention like all the road-weaving idiots I see each day.
I never understood in the first place, how they are to track or catch someone, unless a passing cop glances over. As much as its unsafe, the laws are fruitless and only serve as something good on paper for the public to feel good about.
PsyKo[H];1035262263 said:
That's because those laws were not based on a need to deter distracted driving but on a need for more revenue. Distracted driving was just the excuse.


I find it a bit stupid that it's ok for me to drive down the street holding my hands free headset in my ear but not the phone that is sitting in my cup holder. I've not done a whole lot of talking on the phone since Jan 1st (when the Oregon law went into effect), but I still find the whole thing completely stupid.

Noshing on a cheeseburger while driving? Totally ok apparently.

Country wide BAN on the use of ANY portable electrical appliance whilst driving. This will include headsets also. If you are caught doing this, you will be fined several thousand dollars and have your licence temporarily suspended pending an investigation for the first offence. You will then be randomly monitored for several months thereafter to ensure compliance. A further offence will lead to your licence being revoked.

Businesses will also be fined SEVERELY for encouraging the use of portable electronic devices whilst driving. Considering just how bad the average driver is, anything which distracts the attention of drivers away from what they're doing should not be encouraged. It can literally take less than a 2 second lapse of judgement to cause a major road pile-up. The reality is no laughing matter and people cannot be trusted to do the right thing without their bosses knowing their role too.

For anyone who thinks this is over the top, I recommend you check out traffic accident statistics. This isn't something to jest about.

Thats a freaking crazy plan. The REAL solution is being responsible. Simple.
The REAL solution is being responsible
In an idealistic world you are correct. Will not work in reality.

Country wide BAN on the use of ANY portable electrical appliance whilst driving. This will include headsets also. If you are caught doing this, you will be fined several thousand dollars and have your licence temporarily suspended pending an investigation for the first offence. You will then be randomly monitored for several months thereafter to ensure compliance. A further offence will lead to your licence being revoked.

Businesses will also be fined SEVERELY for encouraging the use of portable electronic devices whilst driving. Considering just how bad the average driver is, anything which distracts the attention of drivers away from what they're doing should not be encouraged. It can literally take less than a 2 second lapse of judgement to cause a major road pile-up. The reality is no laughing matter and people cannot be trusted to do the right thing without their bosses knowing their role too.

For anyone who thinks this is over the top, I recommend you check out traffic accident statistics. This isn't something to jest about.

Same problem - laws do not modify behavior unless the penalties are significant. Even then it does not stop it for all people. Notice that overflowing jail system we happen to have all over.

The only way to actually prevent things like texting it is what I have said before. Cell carriers would have to prevent the phone from sending/receiving texts while the phone is moving. People flamed me like hell but it is the only surefire solution. As to phone conversations I think it should be mandatory that all cars have a bluetooth connection and work over the car stereo system. It is one of the best features of my car and calls sound great. I don't even have to take my hands off the wheel to answer just hit hte phone button on my wheel.
I passed three people on the highway yesterday, one was talking on her cell and the other two were texting. This was all in a row. Sad.

See it every day. I drive a truck for a living.

Ignorant/self-absorbed/self-important people do ignorant things behind the wheel of their automobiles. Texting or talking on the phone without the assistance of a hands free set is an indirect way of saying "fuk you/I don't care" to the rest of the people you're sharing the road with.

Country wide BAN on the use of ANY portable electrical appliance whilst driving. This will include headsets also. If you are caught doing this, you will be fined several thousand dollars and have your licence temporarily suspended pending an investigation for the first offence. You will then be randomly monitored for several months thereafter to ensure compliance. A further offence will lead to your licence being revoked.

Businesses will also be fined SEVERELY for encouraging the use of portable electronic devices whilst driving. Considering just how bad the average driver is, anything which distracts the attention of drivers away from what they're doing should not be encouraged. It can literally take less than a 2 second lapse of judgement to cause a major road pile-up. The reality is no laughing matter and people cannot be trusted to do the right thing without their bosses knowing their role too.

For anyone who thinks this is over the top, I recommend you check out traffic accident statistics. This isn't something to jest about.

So you've gone ahead and removed the stereo from your car?
Im starting to think all cars should come with a cellphone jammer that activates while the car is in gear. Though this would effect the passenger as well.

So if this is all about the vaunted "personal responsibility" then the law should just enhance the police and insurance company's ability to verify you were being responsible.

It is irrelevent if you drive around all day on the phone, it is only relevent if you are in an accident. So make the punishment upon being caught onerous enough and it will cut back on the behavior. Say make it a felony, with lose of license forever nationally, and 1yr in prison and a $100,000 fine if you are in an accident with bodily injury to another, 10 yrs in prison and a $250,000 fine if you are in an accident involving a death (other than your own). No insurance companies have to pay out to YOU for anything, but still have to cover the costs to your innocent victims.

I think a revisit to drunk driving in the same light makes sense. Caught drunk driving, loss of license for life, 30 days, $10,000 fine. If in an accident with injury make that 1 yr, $100,000 fine. And if there is a death, 10 yrs and $250,000 fine. Second offense... life.

Lets take personal responsibility to the 2nd amendment. Engage in a crime using a firearm, 10 yrs and $100,000 fine. Anyone injured by it, 25yrs and $1million fine, anyone killed by it, life without parole.

Punish the crime and the criminal, not everyone else.

Meantime, I'm a former SCCA liicensed racer, graduated 3 professional driving schools, and with all my training and years of driving...cough, spiritedly, cough... there is no way I can fumble with the phone let alone text without it seriously impairing my driving ability. So I simply DON'T. Pull over, yap, then be on your way. It really ain't that big a deal. If the minor inconvenience is of more value to you than the lives of the people around you.... you are a serious fucktard. :eek::rolleyes::p
I've had three close calls on the freeway-- two for me, one for my parents.

91 Westbound coming from my sister's place in Huntington Beach, CA. A woman on my left in her Mercedes Benz nearly sideswiped me while we were going at approximately 75 to 80 mph on the freeway. She had a cellphone in her left hand.

91 Westbound going home from work, and this is about a few weeks ago, a man on my right in an SUV nearly swiped my right side until he slowed down a bit and nearly swerved into the far right lane. I passed by his SUV, he gave me an odd look, and was holding a cellphone in his right hand.

My parents a few months ago almost got into a serious car accident. They were stopped at a stop light on an off ramp, and just got off the freeway. A woman in a white Civic was still going at about 65 to 70 mph, didn't see my parents car quick enough, slammed on the brakes and rear-ended my parent's car. If she continued speeding down the off-ramp, she may have had enough force to push my parents into oncoming traffic. Police who investigated the accident found out she was texting on her cellphone when coming down the freeway. She has no car insurance, and instead of paying a fine and paying my parents for the damages to the car, she chose to go to jail. If you don't know, it's illegal to text-and-drive in CA plus drive without any form of car insurance.

It gets worse if you are driving in Los Angeles County, particularly the 110, 405, 5, and 101 freeways, especially the 10 freeway in the LA area.

Laws aren't helping to tell you the truth. Harder and larger fines will probably not help either, but could be enough to instill fear into drivers who use the cellphone while driving.

Education will help but that's several million drivers on the road who would need to be educated.

So, what do you do?

I suggest:
- Voluntary manslaughter or second degree murder charges if a driver kills another driver or person while texting or talking on the cellphone, plus compensation to the victim's family

- Attempted murder charges if the driver causes significant injuries to another person while distracted texting or talking on the cellphone, plus compensation to the victim and a fine of no less than $250,000 USD.

- Car companies to work with cellphone makers and cellphone carrier to have an auto-disable sensor to disable a cellphone if the phone is in use while driving, as one suggested above.

- Change driver's training courses in the US to include dangers of not only drinking while driving intoxicated, but driving and talking/texting on the cellphone.

- Drivers who were convicted or found to have been using a cellphone while driving and causing an accident have their license immediately suspended, and retake a driver's training course with a revamped course, as suggested previously. The can't get a new license until they pass the course.​
See it every day. I drive a truck for a living.

Ignorant/self-absorbed/self-important people do ignorant things behind the wheel of their automobiles. Texting or talking on the phone without the assistance of a hands free set is an indirect way of saying "fuk you/I don't care" to the rest of the people you're sharing the road with.

It baffles me how people can think that looking down at a cellphone to text is a good idea while driving. Eyes completely off the road while on a freeway packed with cars...:confused:

Country wide BAN on the use of ANY portable electrical appliance whilst driving. This will include headsets also. If you are caught doing this, you will be fined several thousand dollars and have your licence temporarily suspended pending an investigation for the first offence. You will then be randomly monitored for several months thereafter to ensure compliance. A further offence will lead to your licence being revoked.

Businesses will also be fined SEVERELY for encouraging the use of portable electronic devices whilst driving. Considering just how bad the average driver is, anything which distracts the attention of drivers away from what they're doing should not be encouraged. It can literally take less than a 2 second lapse of judgement to cause a major road pile-up. The reality is no laughing matter and people cannot be trusted to do the right thing without their bosses knowing their role too.

For anyone who thinks this is over the top, I recommend you check out traffic accident statistics. This isn't something to jest about.

Regardless of whether or not it would help, it is not good to try to rule by fear. That's what this would be and it wouldn't stand. Randomly monitored for the next couple months? How would this be done? People have a right to privacy.

I find it a bit stupid that it's ok for me to drive down the street holding my hands free headset in my ear but not the phone that is sitting in my cup holder. I've not done a whole lot of talking on the phone since Jan 1st (when the Oregon law went into effect), but I still find the whole thing completely stupid.

Noshing on a cheeseburger while driving? Totally ok apparently.

You don't have to think to eat a cheeseburger, kinda like sex, you do it once you never forget.:D
Regardless of whether or not it would help, it is not good to try to rule by fear. That's what this would be and it wouldn't stand. Randomly monitored for the next couple months? How would this be done? People have a right to privacy.

" People have a right to privacy" Sure and you have the right to kill some one on the highway until your caught. It must work,"That's what this would be and it wouldn't stand" they monitor everyone at the airport since 9/11 and planes are landing safely.
If the possibility of dying in a horrible car crash isn't enough to keep people from talking on the phone or texting while driving, why does anyone think a fine would do it?
I don't think it's just hand held cell phones.. some people out there do not have the mental capacity to multi-task. So just talking while driving alone could be enough to distract them.
I never understood in the first place, how they are to track or catch someone, unless a passing cop glances over. As much as its unsafe, the laws are fruitless and only serve as something good on paper for the public to feel good about.

they stand on the side of the road with binnocular photographing cameras. they look down the road inside everyones car, and those who they think are doing something wrong they flagg them for another squad that sitting further down the road to pull them over. its complete and utter invasion of privacy, but people dont care because laws make them feel safe.
until they sadd smoking, applying makeup and eating breakfast to the distracted list, the cell phone portion is a waste of time
It like the redlight cameras in Charlotte and Wilmington NC. When they went up it was all about the safety. Well NC State passed a law that any money from the cameras will be deducted from the money the state sends to the cities. Within 2 days in the Charlotte Observer they reported that the cameras had to be taken down because they cost to much to maintain.

Funny how that was the case. :confused:
If the possibility of dying in a horrible car crash isn't enough to keep people from talking on the phone or texting while driving, why does anyone think a fine would do it?

Because laws are scarier than dying. They're printed. On paper!
The problem isn't the device - it's that conversation, whether written or spoken, consumes our attention. It's been shown that people are worse drivers when speaking to someone remotely - even on a hands-free device - than drunk drivers.

Local jammers might be good. As could mandatory sentencing for accidents caused while texting/talking remotely. Just like drunk driving.
" People have a right to privacy" Sure and you have the right to kill some one on the highway until your caught. It must work,"That's what this would be and it wouldn't stand" they monitor everyone at the airport since 9/11 and planes are landing safely.

I own the car, I dont own the airports or the planes. There's a big difference. It would not stand because, at least in the united states which is what we are talking about, laws as such would not stand. If it were a state bill, it would be crushed via referendum if the state supports it, or deemed unconstitutional by the supreme court. Congress would never create such a law. If by some chance they did, the president would vito it. If the president didn't vito the bill, again, the supreme court would find it unconstitutional.

No, it is not good. People get hurt, people die, because others were driving while distracted and not paying enough attention. However, there are many people who drive just fine while using a cell phone. I wonder how many times people talk on a cell phone vs crashing while talking on a cell phone. Then, how many of those crashes harmed someone? I dont know these numbers but I would guess it's relatively small. While I'm not trying to say it's a problem, I think there are bigger problems out there.

Washington state passed a law a while back that made talking on a cell phone a secondary offense. That means you cant be pulled over only for talking on a cell phone, you have to give probable cause, show that you are not in proper control of the vehicle. I think this is a great solution personally.
Minor edit - I meant all new cars should come with the bluetooth.

Nah... that's a horrible solution because what might cost $50 to install, would end up costing $500 to the consumer when they get a new car, look at GPS systems, why the fuck can I buy a good one for $200 or less in the store but to have one integrated into the car cost $2000?

Anyways, there are people who can drive while "distracted" unfortunately a vast majority can not, people have their mindsets that they need to be fucking talking at every waking moment, pisses me off to no end. Hell watching someone in a big SUV boat trying to make a turn with a phone held up against her ear... man that's a scary thought.
I own the car, I dont own the airports or the planes. There's a big difference. It would not stand because, at least in the united states which is what we are talking about, laws as such would not stand. If it were a state bill, it would be crushed via referendum if the state supports it, or deemed unconstitutional by the supreme court. Congress would never create such a law. If by some chance they did, the president would vito it. If the president didn't vito the bill, again, the supreme court would find it unconstitutional.

No, it is not good. People get hurt, people die, because others were driving while distracted and not paying enough attention. However, there are many people who drive just fine while using a cell phone. I wonder how many times people talk on a cell phone vs crashing while talking on a cell phone. Then, how many of those crashes harmed someone? I dont know these numbers but I would guess it's relatively small. While I'm not trying to say it's a problem, I think there are bigger problems out there.

Washington state passed a law a while back that made talking on a cell phone a secondary offense. That means you cant be pulled over only for talking on a cell phone, you have to give probable cause, show that you are not in proper control of the vehicle. I think this is a great solution personally.

No I disagree. I liked your first statement better. If lawmakers(polititions) were so concerned about your health while driving, then ban booze. More people are killed by drunk drivers on the highway, We know prohibition doesn't work, its outside the governments control. Anyone can make booze in the comfort of their home. Same with certain drugs, I'm referring to the leafy kind. Lawmakers (politicians) get on a make me feel good bandwagon knowing full well its not going to work, but it sure does look good for reelection purposes. BUT since people can't create a cell phone AND if they were that concerned about our lives they could just shut the whole cell phone industry down with a push of a few key strokes and really go around and brag about how many lives they saved. AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN. The value of dead people on a highway is not worth as much money as the cell phone industry.
In an idealistic world you are correct. Will not work in reality.

Same problem - laws do not modify behavior unless the penalties are significant. Even then it does not stop it for all people. Notice that overflowing jail system we happen to have all over.

The only way to actually prevent things like texting it is what I have said before. Cell carriers would have to prevent the phone from sending/receiving texts while the phone is moving. People flamed me like hell but it is the only surefire solution. As to phone conversations I think it should be mandatory that all cars have a bluetooth connection and work over the car stereo system. It is one of the best features of my car and calls sound great. I don't even have to take my hands off the wheel to answer just hit hte phone button on my wheel.

Sounds like a plan on preventing texts during movement, EXCEPT this would screw up busses, trains etc. I think the penalty of HUGE fines and losing your licence should be pretty damn effective if you advertise it. Putting the impetus on businesses too to enforce this (as otherwise they will be fined too) will also help.

Imagine if the law I suggested were extended. If an employee of yours is caught using a phone whilst driving, in their own or business time, your business will also be fined. If that were to happen, you bet your behind every business in the US would have a meeting first thing to ensure that ALL employees follow the law or risk their jobs being axed.