Diablo 4's Release Date...


[H]F Junkie
Dec 19, 2005
...Blizzard Shares the Bad News, how unfortunate!

""In Diablo IV, players will attempt to bring hope back to the world by vanquishing evil in all its vile incarnations—from cannibalistic demon-worshipping cultists to the all-new drowned undead that emerge from the coastlines to drag their victims to a watery grave," reads an official pitch of the game. "For the first time in the series, Sanctuary will be a contiguous, seamless landmass comprising diverse regions ranging from the burning desert of Kejhistan, to the verdant werewolf-infested forests of Scosglen, to the harsh and rugged wilderness of the Dry Steppes.""

To be expected. I would say this is actually good news. I hope they don’t rush it and push out a mediocre game. Despite Blizzard not being the same company it once was, I still want good titles.
Whether or not we’ll get that is another story altogether.
Not even remotely surprised. Same thing happened when D3 was announced.
I have a lot of good memories of Diablo 1 and 2 (and to a lesser extent 3), but I have to believe this is going to be a microtransaction bonanza, and I don't want any part of that.
That's my (hopefully unfounded) fear as well. I have to assume there will be cosmetic DLC. I'm not super keen on that, but can at least ignore it.

I actually did grow to like D3 a fair bit after the expansion and overall reworking they did. At launch, decidedly meh.
late 2022 at the earliest...another Elder Scrolls 6 early announcement
With the way Blizzard has been going last 10 years, I'm not holding my breath over this one. I was a diehard fan of both Diablo 1 and 2 so I want this to be good.....but with their track record now I'm doubtful. I hope they can prove me wrong!
I skimmed that article, where is this bad news? I'm so confused.
I skimmed that article, where is this bad news? I'm so confused.

I'm not sure there is any, other than that you shouldn't expect the game in the next year or so. It's a big project, and I'd want Blizzard to take its time fleshing out the story and fine-tuning the gameplay.

(Also, folks: the Diablo Immortal jokes were funny in 2018, you're two years late!)
late 2022 at the earliest...another Elder Scrolls 6 early announcement
Thanks for throwing some date out.

OP trolls us all with the thread title "Diablo 4's release date" yet there is no date in the OP, or even year. Shouldn't expect much else though.
This is most likely a pass for me since they will gimp single player to be online only and then make it so that it hitches every few minutes as it checks the server. I didn't buy D3 PC because of that "lag" and if the same holds (and I am sure it does) I won't buy D4. I am pretty much done with Blizzard already.

Yeah a landline. ;)
This is most likely a pass for me since they will gimp single player to be online only and then make it so that it hitches every few minutes as it checks the server. I didn't buy D3 PC because of that "lag" and if the same holds (and I am sure it does) I won't buy D4. I am pretty much done with Blizzard already.

Yeah a landline. ;)

Yeah I played wow a long time ago but Blizzard made devastating changes to the game over the years that completely ruined it. Im sure they will ruin this game too because all the original talent always gets old and moves on to retirement and the vision changes with each generation. Also I believe that games used to be aboit the dream, the art, the story, the fantasy, now theyre just about money and fast profits and moving on. Modern kids wil never experience classic masterpieces like we did. Games like Asherons Call haha as one example.
Yeah I played wow a long time ago but Blizzard made devastating changes to the game over the years that completely ruined it. Im sure they will ruin this game too because all the original talent always gets old and moves on to retirement and the vision changes with each generation. Also I believe that games used to be aboit the dream, the art, the story, the fantasy, now theyre just about money and fast profits and moving on. Modern kids wil never experience classic masterpieces like we did. Games like Asherons Call haha as one example.

Speaking of classic masterpieces...

Take as much time as you need to not fuck up the launch as badly as Diablo III was fucked up at launch.

I love what Diablo III became after RoS, but holy fuck was it a terrible,terrible game at launch.
The biggest memory I have of D3 launch night is sitting on vent with my wow guildies trying to log into the game and getting nothing but errors. Most gave up after an hour, I kept trying to log in for four hours, finally got tired of trying and went to bed.
The biggest memory I have of D3 launch night is sitting on vent with my wow guildies trying to log into the game and getting nothing but errors. Most gave up after an hour, I kept trying to log in for four hours, finally got tired of trying and went to bed.
My biggest memory spans a couple weeks, I was in Maui with the wife at a Walmart to pick up cheap souvenirs (but at a cheap price), and I noticed a box that said "all PC games $7.99" or something like that, and in the box I saw D3 and the expansion, now I largely gave up on the game and had no desire to play with the always connected requirement, the real money auctions, etc, although I think by then the later no longer was implemented, and was thinking "well shit for $16 I'll get both... and then a cool baseball cap with a Humuhumnukanukaapu'a'a fish on it" and then when I got home from vacation, was like "Yeah!, <pop in DVD> <needs to update> ... <sooooo man hours later 25 gigs of stuff downloaded> WTF do you have the DVD if you need to basically download the whole game plus a ton of crap!?" but I digress, those were my 6Mbps ADSL days.
...Blizzard Shares the Bad News, how unfortunate!

""In Diablo IV, players will attempt to bring hope back to the world by vanquishing evil in all its vile incarnations—from cannibalistic demon-worshipping cultists to the all-new drowned undead that emerge from the coastlines to drag their victims to a watery grave," reads an official pitch of the game. "For the first time in the series, Sanctuary will be a contiguous, seamless landmass comprising diverse regions ranging from the burning desert of Kejhistan, to the verdant werewolf-infested forests of Scosglen, to the harsh and rugged wilderness of the Dry Steppes.""

And come on man... don't start with a "and the release date is" and then not even quote anything relevant to answer the damn title. Don't make me click to an external site to get the information you wrote a topic about!
Blizzard only announced Diablo 4 when they did because of the visceral reaction by their fan base towards their Diablo mobile game. It’s announcement was little more than a ploy to calm the masses and I doubt they had much more than a basic story board at that time. It’s going to be interesting how they do this with a 3’rd person view. But it’s a Blizzard title, 2022 is optimistic at best, they announced Immortal back in 2018 and still don’t even have a set release date. Unless they took the reaction as a sign and Ghosted it, to shift resources to D4’s. Hell for all I know there was no D4 at that stage and some Activision exec said “Well, call it Diablo 4 and release it on PC instead of mobile!” Then went on a rant about how it’s not fair that he has to come up with all the good ideas as he drove off in his Porsche.
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10 years after Diablo 3.
They are fucking crazy.
Fortunately PoE 2 is around the corner I think. Even though I'm not a big fan of PoE, but yeah.... any other cool looking ARPGs coming out this year or early next year?
Blizzard only announced Diablo 4 when they did because of the visceral reaction by their fan base towards their Diablo mobile game. It’s announcement was little more than a ploy to calm the masses and I doubt they had much more than a basic story board at that time. It’s going to be interesting how they do this with a 3’rd person view. But it’s a Blizzard title, 2022 is optimistic at best, they announced Immortal back in 2018 and still don’t even have a set release date. Unless they took the reaction as a sign and Ghosted it, to shift resources to D4’s. Hell for all I know there was no D4 at that stage and some Activision exec said “Well, call it Diablo 4 and release it on PC instead of mobile!” Then went on a rant about how it’s not fair that he has to come up with all the good ideas as he drove off in his Porsche.
They didn't shelf immortal. Too much money to give up in the Chinese market. They will probably stealth release it here to avoid the huge backlash.
...Blizzard Shares the Bad News, how unfortunate!

""In Diablo IV, players will attempt to bring hope back to the world by vanquishing evil in all its vile incarnations—from cannibalistic demon-worshipping cultists to the all-new drowned undead that emerge from the coastlines to drag their victims to a watery grave," reads an official pitch of the game. "For the first time in the series, Sanctuary will be a contiguous, seamless landmass comprising diverse regions ranging from the burning desert of Kejhistan, to the verdant werewolf-infested forests of Scosglen, to the harsh and rugged wilderness of the Dry Steppes.""

You know, the quote you chose doesn't mesh well with the bad news title, unless you dislike the seamless landmass thing.
You know, the quote you chose doesn't mesh well with the bad news title, unless you dislike the seamless landmass thing.
Haha, I am glad I am not the only one that was puzzled by that.

Diablo 3 has become a mainstay title for me this generation, pumping in hundreds of hours into it. It's in such a great spot, compared to when it launched, and the console ports are simply sublime. I do wish devs would stop this premature announcement for titles that are still many years away from release. Bethesda's recent approach of announcing a title ~6 months before release has won me over tremendously.

I'm going to want Diablo 4 just as much if it were announced 6 months before release or 3 years before. It's just 6 months is a much easier timeframe to endure. 'Cause Baby Yoda knows how hyped I am for Diablo 4!
Haha, I am glad I am not the only one that was puzzled by that.

Diablo 3 has become a mainstay title for me this generation, pumping in hundreds of hours into it. It's in such a great spot, compared to when it launched, and the console ports are simply sublime. I do wish devs would stop this premature announcement for titles that are still many years away from release. Bethesda's recent approach of announcing a title ~6 months before release has won me over tremendously.

I'm going to want Diablo 4 just as much if it were announced 6 months before release or 3 years before. It's just 6 months is a much easier timeframe to endure. 'Cause Baby Yoda knows how hyped I am for Diablo 4!

I actually miss the randomness of the original drops and the marketplace. Dang it was nice to make actual money. I do not miss the bots and economy fubaring due to it. Now you can just tank your way through the seasons and higher levels, then rinse and repeat.
The biggest memory I have of D3 launch night is sitting on vent with my wow guildies trying to log into the game and getting nothing but errors. Most gave up after an hour, I kept trying to log in for four hours, finally got tired of trying and went to bed.
Same. Stayed up all night for the morning launch with a bunch of gaming buddies then no one could get in!
Blizzard gets a lot of hate online, and I hate contributing to that chatter, but I have to say...

A decade (or more) ago, Blizzard took forever releasing games because they wanted to deliver a high quality game. Usually the wait was worth it. These days? They still take just as long to release games, but the games seem to be an incomplete and buggy mess going out the door.

I hope Diablo 4 isn't another late and buggy release, but I'm feeling pretty cynical at this point...
Blizzard gets a lot of hate online, and I hate contributing to that chatter, but I have to say...

A decade (or more) ago, Blizzard took forever releasing games because they wanted to deliver a high quality game. Usually the wait was worth it. These days? They still take just as long to release games, but the games seem to be an incomplete and buggy mess going out the door.

I hope Diablo 4 isn't another late and buggy release, but I'm feeling pretty cynical at this point...
It won't be. I don't blame you and personally Blizzard is on my do not buy list.
Fortunately PoE 2 is around the corner I think. Even though I'm not a big fan of PoE, but yeah.... any other cool looking ARPGs coming out this year or early next year?

Curious what you didn't like about path of the exile? I found it to be pretty impressive for a free game, and more enjoyable than D3. D3 wasn't bad, it was just kind of meh to me.
Curious what you didn't like about path of the exile? I found it to be pretty impressive for a free game, and more enjoyable than D3. D3 wasn't bad, it was just kind of meh to me.
The complexity. I'm deep into it. I've been playing for several years now and I get about 40% of the game. The need for third party programs, the Atlas is a freaking annoyance, and the trading sucks. If I were just starting to play now, I wouldn't last a day with how deep it is. Too much going on.
The complexity. I'm deep into it. I've been playing for several years now and I get about 40% of the game. The need for third party programs, the Atlas is a freaking annoyance, and the trading sucks. If I were just starting to play now, I wouldn't last a day with how deep it is. Too much going on.
"Need" for third-party programs? I've never used any. What do you think is needed to play the game?
"Need" for third-party programs? I've never used any. What do you think is needed to play the game?
POE TradeCompanion
POE ItemInfo
POE Overlay
Path of Building

I mean, can you play without them? Sure. I can see skipping the trade programs if you stick with SSF. Path of Building is necessary if you really want to get anywhere in the game. Compare passive skills, weapons, and gear. To see how things stack up. I guess you could just go without, but best of luck if you want to get anywhere serious with the game.
Curious what you didn't like about path of the exile? I found it to be pretty impressive for a free game, and more enjoyable than D3. D3 wasn't bad, it was just kind of meh to me.

I didn't like the store.
The game was kinda ugly. And the gear that dropped was very ugly. The best looking gear was in the store.
You couldn't hover over a monster to attack, you actually had to click on it. And on every single monster.
Thanks for throwing some date out.

OP trolls us all with the thread title "Diablo 4's release date" yet there is no date in the OP, or even year. Shouldn't expect much else though.
Yeah, wtf OP? Why is any of this news worthy?