Diablo 3 Discussion Thread

Only reason I mentioned it is because Zepher was saying he's running out of mats. Just trying to help!

I appreciate the help and criticism from all the members here. Everyone has been very helpful and now I have a couple of T6 capable DH's to use when I play with the Clan members. Before the help, I would join the T6 group but not be doing anything helpful since I was so weak, I was basically just picking up loot behind the other guys as they annihilated the demons. Now I can actually contribute to the group killing demons.
Snowman and PitViper have been very very helpful getting my DH's T6 capable.

Now I am working on doing up a Sader, but I am so used to playing the DH, last night I was spamming 1 trying to vault out of the way with my Sader, and wondering why I wasn't jumping away. lol
That's what it's all about for me Zep... I got help as I was building my first T6 toon's, just paying it forward. D3 is basically a party centric game for me, if the team members aren't performing the best they are capable of then the party as a whole is going to suffer.
Ever since I've gotten my character geared, I've had more fun power leveling others than actually progressing my own. Greater rifts just aren't really worth it for me, especially when there are people spamming 24/7 to get the right rifts just to get to the top of the leaderboards. I think Diablo 3 has gotten to the "meh" stage for me again.
Finally got an SMK, after not playing for a month, and just dicking around in a single T3 rift, on my laptop :eek:


Only thing I really need now is a tall mans finger. I already have a Uhkapian Serpant that I haven't been able to use but now that my fetishes will have almost no cooldown i don't need the Zuni set anymore.

Finally got an SMK, after not playing for a month, and just dicking around in a single T3 rift, on my laptop :eek:


Only thing I really need now is a tall mans finger. I already have a Uhkapian Serpant that I haven't been able to use but now that my fetishes will have almost no cooldown i don't need the Zuni set anymore.


I'm so jealous. That SMK would be perfect for my TikTank doc. (I run JH normally).
So my Wiz struggles a bit in T3, but for the most part does alright. I can survive T6 if carried by a DH than can solo T6 by themself.

Is there anything I can do right now to better my build?

Yeah, get some legendary gems for your jewelry.
Replace the Untold Secrets ring with a RORG.

For your other ring and ammy, roll the Vit to a socket.
For your new rorg, roll life per hit to a socket (or CHD if it comes with a socket).

Bane of the powerful, Zei's, and Trapped for wiz. But that's for full firebird.
So my Wiz struggles a bit in T3, but for the most part does alright. I can survive T6 if carried by a DH than can solo T6 by themself.

Is there anything I can do right now to better my build?


if you want to get into T6, start focusing solely on fire damage. fire attacks, skills, and + dmg %.
get the RROG
ditch the worthless ray of frost for... anything. sparkflint would be fine.
get atleast 1 leg gem.
any legendary/set pants.

get rid of audacity for unstable anom. +15% damage for 15 yards may sound huge, but unless your standing on top of the enemy, 15 yards is nothing. from the feet to the head of your character is about 11 yards. http://i.stack.imgur.com/IKkOB.jpg

start running whatever rift you comfortably can and start farming.

I was just playing with my Lightning Ball Demon Hunter which has very low sheet dps 764K, and a very low crit damage, 225% , but I can walk through T6 with no issue.
I caught two gob vaults, for the first time, within 30 minutes of each other on T3....yesterday was a good day.

What is everyone doing to get the gf%? all the gear I loot is gf% from Monsters. I do have the goldwrap belt ready in my arsenal. Do I just need to reroll stats to get the gf%?

Now if I could roll some good gear...now we talkin.
I put GF% on most of my gear and got 11,000+ GF in T6, ran Halls of Agony 3,2,1 a bunch of times and gathered up a billion gold in no time.
I used the Gold Skin armor, helm with large Emerald in it, and Amulet with wtih 72+ GF. I just found an Amulet yesterday with 91% GF so I may put that on and see how high GF goes.
I have a couple of pics above showing my GF at the time and how much gold drops from a small mob.
here is the profile for my GF DH,
Just wear the boon gem while you run rifts, bounties, etc.
You don't really need to go out of your way to farm gold.
Talk about hitting the RNG lottery. Even that secondary is pretty good.
100% Gold and XP this weekend. Might play a bit just for some levels.
they could have add 50% gold and magic find instead, not like gold is a problem today if playing at T6 and most have some gold extra from items i see this pointless...
So the bonuses don't seem to be adding multiplicatively.
I had 5000% Gold Find before the event, and now I have 6700%. Not rounding, those are the exact numbers.

My XP% went from 1600% to 3300%.

It looks like they just added a flat 1700% to both numbers.
I found someone else who went from 9000% gold find to 10700%.

I dug my Custerians out of storage and everything, what a waste.
they could have add 50% gold and magic find instead, not like gold is a problem today if playing at T6 and most have some gold extra from items i see this pointless...

You greatly overestimate the percentage of the player base paying at that level.
I believe the gold find and XP add multiplicatively to the difficulty/players not your gear. So T6 should be base 3200 gold and 3200 XP. I assume paragon points are also added in hence the 1700/1700 increase for some. It doesn't stack on top of all your gear though.
I believe the gold find and XP add multiplicatively to the difficulty/players not your gear. So T6 should be base 3200 gold and 3200 XP. I assume paragon points are also added in hence the 1700/1700 increase for some. It doesn't stack on top of all your gear though.
Yeah, so it's useless for anyone with gold find sets.
1700% is nothing when you're already at 10,000%+.

And the sad thing is the last gold event when 2.1 launched multipled your sheet gold find.
I guess Blizz figures too many people have Boon's now.
I still cannot get in a fucking vault.

Took me forever to find one in normal, but once you get it gold won't be an issue.
I happened to find one last week and just spent a few hours gathering up some gold,
Yeah, so it's useless for anyone with gold find sets.
1700% is nothing when you're already at 10,000%+.

And the sad thing is the last gold event when 2.1 launched multipled your sheet gold find.
I guess Blizz figures too many people have Boon's now.

If you have a gold find set with over 10,000% you won't need this buff anyways. Heck no one really needs gold anymore. I have over 600 million and I only specifically farmed for it for maybe 2 hours if even. This is for those newbies who either waste their gold on useless stuff, never found a vault or are just starting out. The XP boost is the useful buff for most of us.
I dream about finding a goblin realm and a boon legendary gem lol. One day I'll find it.

Core of Arreat->Towers->Royal Crypt->Spider Cave (up to first hallway).

Rinse & Repeat. This full run is about 5 minutes max, and you should find a goblin realm within an hour.
Spec sheet Attack Speed * (1 + (tasker speed /100)).

So mine would be 1.93 * 1.48 = about 2.85
When he has frenzy like in the above picture it works. Other than that though, nope. Maybe with the Swiftness gem, not sure.
Thanks, I will def have to try this run out.

I can recommend:

  • Northern Highlands
  • Southern Highlands
  • Cave of the Moon Clan (found within Southern Highlands)

The waypoint for Northern Highlands generally spawns right at the border to Leoric's Manor, so you can work south through that area, to the zig-zag path connecting North and South, and then clear out the Southern Highlands looking for the cave. There's a good chance of a cursed chest in either area too.
Played my WD for the first time in 2 months today and got an SMK halfway into my first rift.
This game sometimes...